Model Rocket Battle 3 | Dude Perfect

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The pad is clear. We are a go for launch. [MUSIC - ZAYDE WOLF, "RENEGADE"] It keeps going, though, dude! Welcome to "Rocket Battle Three," perhaps the greatest prize on the line in Dude Perfect history. Our rockets are huge, and the winner goes to space. Let's go! Woo! (SINGING) I'm a renegade. That's right. Thanks to MoonDAO the dude with the highest launch wins a trip to space on a Blue Origin rocket in an upcoming video. Our rockets are a little bit heavier than "Rocket Battle One and Two" combined. Just making its way to the launch pad. (SINGING) I'm a renegade. SeƱor Tortuga locked, loaded, ready to launch. T, what's your confidence level? A two on a reverse scale. On a 10 to one, it's a two. Got it. You're crazy. I'm a little hesitant, though. "Rocket Battle Two" wasn't good to me. Oh! I think I was sabotaged. OK, boys, are you ready? [CHEERING] Oh, I'm just so excited. Here we go! 3, 2, 1! Fire! Woo! (SINGING) I'm a renegade. I'm a renegade. I'm a renegade. Oh! Oh! She's going sideways! Why is she going sideways? Oh! I don't know! (SINGING) You ain't seen nothing like this yet. Oh! Oh! There it is! Parachute! Parachute! Oh, Ben! It's not going to open. No! No! Oh! I don't think you're going to space, brother. I really wanted to go to space! Dude, it did this. I went [IMITATES ROCKET]. For no chute opening up, I mean, it's not terrible. Got a little cosmetic body damage. But don't we all? All right, she's coming back home. Boy, she's still a heavy little rocket. Oh, Ty, you pretty much went sideways, but somehow you got to 6,780 feet, which is over three times higher than the previous winner of "Rocket Battle Two." (SINGING) Power game, yeah. Black tie with a switchblade, yeah. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Rust Bucket. (SINGING) Boom, boom, I'm a renegade. As the reigning rocket champion, I am hoping two-pete, mainly because I want to go to space so bad. But in case I don't, I've got a little surprise for the guys. Inside this rocket, I have a skydiving panda. Let's two-pete. Let's go. Rust Bucket's about to fly to space. And, fun fact, I put a skydiving panda inside. Wait. What? Switching on. Arming. 3, 2, 1! Fire! [CHEERING] (SINGING) Boom, boom, I'm a renegade. Oh my! (SINGING) Boom, boom, I'm a renegade. Panda! (SINGING) You ain't seen nothing like this. Boom, boom. Oh! It's panda! He's fine! And he's floating down just like this right now. I cannot wait to go recover him. Hopefully, panda is fine and we have a good little bro hug moment. We'll see. We don't need to see any more of that. Two big pieces of information. Number one, panda is no longer with us. Oh. Carnival panda. He's not a real panda. OK. OK. He didn't make it. Hey, but how high did the rocket go? 1,812 feet. Oh! That's not very high. You would have lost it in the last video. So you're not going back to back. I'm not going to space. (SINGING) Heartbeat pumper. Never been the prey. Always been the hunter. This is the Purple Missile. The theme of this missile is really simple. I paid tribute to my last two launches. The bottom, I got gold first time we did this. Second time, I got silver. Third time, it's going to take me to space. Let's do it. (SINGING) Don't slow up. I'm going further than 6,000 feet. The missile is going high, boys. OK. By the way, guys, probably that last drone shot you saw, the one that you probably thought, wow, that was incredible, that was me flying it. I'm going to really flirt with this one. 3, 2, 1! Launch it! [CHEERING] (SINGING) Boom, boom, I'm a renegade. Oh! (SINGING) Boom, boom, I'm a renegade. Oh, she's gonzo dude! That's it! He's going to the moon! Thank you! It's now speeding down at a remarkable pace! That was the most insane thing I've ever seen! Boom! (SINGING) Stop. Hold up. Recovering the rockets has got to be the worst part of these battles. Oh, no. Bro, we can't get through this. Oh! Oh, that was a good one. My gosh, how much rain did they have, dude? An absolute crater. Oh, look at the GoPro. The screen is toast. That's my altimeter. Yeah, I think we found the altimeter, but it exploded because it went so high. The champ is here! How are we feeling? Look, I tried to go to space. You liar. We watched it here. I'm telling you right now-- You're winning. You definitely went over 7,000 feet, dude. You're going to space! Hey, whoa. All it needs is a new battery. No, brother. Is this what tells us how far it went? Yeah. Yeah. We need some help! I don't know if this is clear, guys. Garrett doesn't want to go to space. He doesn't want to go. He's nervous. And he just launched his rocket about five times higher than anyone else. But-- But we have no confirmation of that. --the altimeter is currently broken. Oh, hey. Hey. Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! What is it? Just say it. No data. Garrett, your voyage is truly dark. (SINGING) Let me manifest, need it off my chest. I have not yet won a rocket battle. In fact, I blew mine up in round one. Round two, it was a good launch, just not high enough. Today, I need altitude, I need good trajectory because I need to go to space. Hello, you good looking folks. Let me introduce you to the Tallboii! (SINGING) Yeah. Black tie with a switchblade, yeah. I just want to be clear here. Garrett, you are giving your seat away to space to the current second place leader, Ty. Look, even if I won the battle, I was going to give it up. I ain't going to space. I'm a gravity guy. Hey. Hey, currently in second place but still your first to space, Tyler Toney. Second place, first to space. OK. In 3, 2, 1! Ignition! (SINGING) Boom, boom, I'm a renegade. Oh! There we go! (SINGING) Boom, boom, I'm a renegade. It's not that high. Dude, no. It's still going! Go. Dude, that is high! Yo, I don't know! That's close! (SINGING) Hot all summer. Call your mother. I'm a renegade. Oh, baby! Way shorter run than Gar's. Oh, look how gorgeous she is laid out. Dude, that was so gnarly. I don't know if the altitude was high enough to send me to space for the trophy. I got bad news for Cody. [LAUGHTER] Yours went about 2,000 feet up in the air. She lived to tell about it. That's 2,000 more than she was on the ground. All right, no space for Jonesy. (SINGING) I got that thirst for the power game. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it all comes down to this, the final rocket. This Beanie Baby panda is going for a ride. I just want you to take this in. It's truly a ride of a lifetime. (SINGING) Need it off my chest. I've been on-- Ladies and gentlemen, I proudly present American Pandemonium! Let me just say it's going to be special. I think it has a real good chance of sending me to space. Fly high. Touch the sky. (SINGING) I'm a renegade. Gullag jumper. Heartbeat pumper. As you guys know, Cody's was a joke and a half. Ty, sorry about you, bud. I'm going to take this one from your hands in the last second. I'm going to space! 3, 2, 1! Take me to space! (SINGING) Boom, boom, I'm a renegade. Boom, boom, I'm a renegade. Go! Higher! Higher! Keep going! (SINGING) Boom, boom, I'm a renegade. Keep going! Dude, it looks far! Dude, it looks really far and high! I think he's going to space. I do too. It is so high! We got to shoot. We got to shoot out. (SINGING) I got that thirst for the power game. Beanie Baby panda, you did your job. Stay calm, buddy! We recovered panda! It came down to the last launch. We have the altimeter reading. The person going to space-- Coby Cotton. No way! Oh! No way! With a launch of 7,412 feet, Coby wins, and he's going to space. You get to launch Golden Boy to space. Let's go launch him. No! No! No! No! No! I got sabotaged two rocket battles in a row. "Rocket Battle Four," I'm in charge. Get him out of here. Want to say special shout out to MoonDAO for buying us the ticket to go to this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity on a Blue Origin rocket. Wow. Here we go. 3, 2, 1! Launch! (SINGING) Boom, boom, I'm a renegade. Boom, boom, I'm a renegade. Boom, boom, I'm a renegade. Guys, my drone just got demolished. It hit your drone? It hit the drone. (SINGING) You ain't seen nothing like this yet. I'm a renegade. Gullag jumper. I think that drone is legit gone forever. No. Oh. Oh. No! This is a worst video ever. You won. You're going to space, and now my drone's dead! Is that the camera? Yeah, it's the camera. Oh. Oh. It's repairable. We can fix it, right? The ants are stealing pieces. They are trying to steal pieces of my drone right now. I'm taking that back. Get away, you little ants! Get off! Get off! (SINGING) Boom, boom, I'm a renegade. You ain't seen nothing like this yet. I'm a renegade.
Channel: Dude Perfect
Views: 33,217,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dude perfect, dude perfect stereotypes, dude perfect water bottle flip, bottle flip, water bottle flip, dude perfect bottle flip, dude perfect basketball, dp, dude perfect world record, edition, nerf, trick shots, trick shot, family, ping pong, bowling, clean, family friendly, bubble wrap, soccer, football, spinner, spinners, fidget spinners, dude, rocket, space, rocket 3, model, battle, ship, launch, sky, coby, wins, goes, to, blue, origin, moondao, moon, outer, gravity, guy, huge, big, tall, fast
Id: venrE8gdz30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 02 2022
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