Flying Out Of Oshkosh 2019

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in this episode of flying doodles we're gonna give you a taste of what it's like to fly out of Oshkosh thank you so much for our patrons to sponsoring this video in this video we are leaving Oshkosh we're gonna fly about an hour to Chicago Executive where we are being dropped off so we catch another flight down to st. Vincent for sailing duel so if you checked out Salem you'll do that there's Laura packing up now it's gonna be a bit of a mess trying to get out of here actually it's a tightly packed as these airplanes are so we'll do our best and then we'll try to get some good footage of the flight we are in this v-tail bonanza 1966 this one is for sale by the way we'll talk to the owner mark here in a little bit and if you're interested in it we'll get his email and there goes pretty nice airplane almost all the airplanes are parked on the grass and Oshkosh but it's important to have a good set of tie-downs with a good solid anchor [Music] so we have some marshallers helping us get out here cuz it's really tight through here they pair leave is a fruit for airplane to go so we got the cameras hooked up we are about ready to go so you may want to pull out our knodel book we're gonna need some frequencies for that okay where is that buckboard you got it in back there okay departure frequencies and anuses of 2175 be going punch all the end if you want and here at Utah a couple if we look for the tough kill don't me to get a clearance from them or anything first or no okay so ground it would be thirty two three and departure from runway two-seven would be monitored 2875 rule that it's a whole bottle okay stay on the ground portal via yeah it's pretty narrow in through your dog about yeah this guy's cooking his breakfast oh we're just gonna blow over zags hopefully i doesn't happen all right ready how am I supposed to make it out whether you're going down today got you all right he's gonna send us down this little tool already are you got another bar slow down there got him [Music] [Applause] it's a whole lot better ground shake them yeah coming into him to burn up quite a bit yeah couple days of Sun and heat all right so from one-eighth left it's a turn to heading 1 5 0 outbound and one ain't right you fly head runway heading yeah they're only gonna give us one here I think [Applause] temperature one Niner 2.15 altimeter three zero one four runway two-seven a runway 180 right news VFR departures follow the direction of the EAA fragment to the departure runway do not call ground control protecting the aircraft departing runway two-seven monitor FAA controllers on frequency one to eight point seven five instructions after playing runway one eight right monitor FAA controllers on one one eight point nine for departure instruction when they point that's with the departure reservation contact clearance delivery on frequency when you're able rate a lot of point as they don't have a stick it on to time let me like there's nothing out of line enough they go yeah I got one line up on the right side one line up on the left side then there's your staggering Tigard well good something I put on the nose of this one that's after waiting here if you're departing one-eighth right today on the left side of that we're gonna head one five zero please on the right side one eight zero out of a little thousand three hundred feet until you're clear of the five Delta and once you get put in the lineup and wait if you can just pull up to the north restriction to the right side of the dot so we get somebody behind you one five zero it so if you if they put you on the left side it's one five zero they put you on the right side is one eight zero as you line up on the left side of the net by hitting a150 please on the right side one eight zero added below 1,300 till you're clear in the class fill their face black affion highway 1300 Isaac Papa right side of that 180 right Lana bleah right clear for takeoff we'll be on the lift Oh Charlie left out of that one ain't right a lot of boy Oh I said stop run away wanting a right cleared for takeoff these Yankee rights out of that one a to write a lot of voice all right one five zero up to 1300 servitor surprising wondering one eight now we're gonna maintain a heading away zero please for the arrivals inbound maintain added below 1300 to see you a clue the class that felt there's a thing go Charlie one here it clear which they go oh heading one eight zero now yep hi weighing let's better that way right plot of away if I'm waking up yes if I the economic lipstick up [Music] every time the right side of that one ain't right line up away but the RV tend to be play no sir highway no.1 a curricular to go red RV left out of that when you write a lot of ways as we're departing it right here today we're gonna go heading a 1 a 0 now at or below 1,300 feet until you clear the clouds out there days wait RV on the right side will you raise everything up before I could line up away 20 right there's the traffic over there don't you love us though whatever yet it read mine RV you play with the gluon 1300 clear for takeoff publish caution obstacle obstacle right there see outside pick the outside the Class D oh yeah oh yeah yes we are okay now deciding that yep we can Club [Music] alright well that was easy getting out of there I want to write Clifford I got I mean it's amazing they were doing about to take off every 30 seconds or less and that's not including all the air parts is up runway two-seven you know right would be so fortunate to get the tail and going home of course not so you're thinking about selling this thing you know to get some kids to their consideration you know aircraft or tools they're not loved ones so yeah you pick them up you dress them up you look for something else yeah oh but uh no it's been a lot of fun yeah I spent a long time looking for this one yeah you know you've owned aircraft so I think as we talked about in another video it's a goulash where you get to looking in an aircraft yeah it's not like they just roll up off the factory board these days Oh like and so this one I found with the right amenities for Bayon has the IO 550 be heavy case so it's got 300 horsepower fairly low time engine yeah right now they come sitting around some 5,800 go back into logs tree blade prop on it so it is a climbing machine right but we went through memory did the panel pulled out some weight that sort of thing it's got really nice CGS I don't mean just like today we get three full-grown adults we can all for it here it's still a lot of luggage and stay well within the contract of the CG with full tanks so yeah well that's have been a bit of leg replacement Hispanics we were looking at the garments at the other day and like just there's something mean like we were talking about how it's probably used to be to have something similar this by 50 pounds of weight back there well that's yeah I hauled about 28 pounds out of the tail when we went to the do auto pilot yeah so still an aircraft now it means a lot especially the further back he goes well no so you know I've really enjoyed this set up but as a builder I like to build yeah and I think this would make an extremely nice IFR platform travelling machine for someone with the digital capabilities the backups that we've got in here yeah you get a lot of redundancies since we first be able to put in the backup Automator so it's got a very nice BNC [Music] five overs that's a nice thing about having the digital display yeah and so uh you know it's got a few other little tweaks in here I've just put in the new side whippers with the with the events so the only missing thing to me in the whole package you're not gonna find it very often is AC yeah but again with Calliope abilities you get up to 6,000 or above from really native and vortex generators on the wings and that gives you like another 100 pounds you still another hundred pounds you use belowed and it moves your stall speeds down if I'm remembering right about seven or eight not something like that so as you saw coming in I mean we were just barely off they would pull it back and go very slow yeah stall one barely bled off so not bad injuries a fairly nice shape duffel leather interior if the the carpet on them on the floor last year I've got all the side panels that'll go in later this year so no complaints on my part it just came out of annual Cleve Villa help and I'm not one to skimp on that if something looks like it needs to be redone be replaced fuel hoses brake lines you a rubber on the ground so and I don't know of another thing I would add on to it right now yeah of course you got these pockets there's a lot you can do yeah and how much you're going to get for it well you know uh bonanzas have increased in value and they're holding their value these days and I think that's one of the things that really drew me to this platform is that is I mentioned to some folks these things are built like tanks but they fly light sports cars they barely temple so with just the platform these days oh my goodness these are bringing with steam gauges and maybe an older autopilot 120-125 range something like that yeah and so with the increase up in the panel that sort of thing set that about 180 and I think that that's a fair price talk to somebody about that you know they want to get out look around [Music] so how do we get people back to be sure so I'll make it really easy it's done Texas at B dot conference B you in in the state of Texas TX a s at NIMH calm I be calm so shoot me a lot and I'll send you back logbooks specs pictures whatever you need okay I appreciate that Bob ain't no problem it's cool airplane I've enjoyed flying in it so I definitely if if Bonanza is especially this vintage or they fare high on my list of ones that I want so well you can you better peninsular so you could enjoy that yep definitely like this model better than I the 56 model that just put electric a prop on that thing I just killed him really but it was a little less than an hour flight from Oshkosh down the Chicago executive [Music] she's got going take a Charlie we're gonna start our descent yeah are you awake Laura big negative I don't actually do that drink a coffee and then go to sleep oh do talk abou the hurricane yeah well yeah even in the mornings go what's that my get up check the tower 55 a stick of Charlie if f-16 with there's a - 518 go Charlie executive tower runway one-six cool & Windus q10 at 7:00 and where's parking today I was gonna be over at the Atlanta Atlantic thank you a clearness tool and 13 miles out really busy day yeah right all right on the fab you to white to red Street Victor runway one-six quit Elena number two traffic is not about a dude hilarious to see one of your commenters better oh my gosh I was ready to go fly it whatever that Airport is of bourbon or whatever like really really alright that Airport air plane is off the ground [Music] so you normally cross the fence at what speed I'm coming in at about a hundred somewhere in there I'll get into out about 90 80 lead at all Pleasant white-box up turn it about 70 okay [Music] and semantics over there seventy and touching down there you go I don't centerline all right well the GoPro batteries lasted that's good awesome well thank you for taking me over you're dropping so smoothly and bingo Charlie turn right at Lima three and then northbound on Lima to Atlantic this frequency even three and Lima stay with you a tango Charlie and be sure to put so if Endres interests in it we'll put a link to your email in the show notes and know we're talk to you about buying the airplane all right all right all right mark thank you you bet it was a fun experience going to Akash my first time definitely maybe do it here next year alright alright so thank you for watching another episode of flying those we really appreciate it please click the like button and subscribe and right next to the scribe button there's a bell if you click that it notifies you when we make it a video so thanks again for watching and we'll see on the next video [Music]
Channel: Flying Doodles
Views: 150,455
Rating: 4.9311829 out of 5
Keywords: oshkosh 2019, oshkosh, flying, bonanza, flying to oshkosh 2019, flying to oshkosh, v tail bonanza, v tail, aviation, airventure, eaa, plane, airplane, pilot, airshow, aircraft, takeoff, flight, air show, landing, beechcraft, airventure 2019, planes, take off, busiest airport, vfr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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