Flying Car Race in The Desert Leads to BIG Crashes in BeamNG Drive Mods!

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so guys oh well that answers the question I was going to say what are we doing then spieler took off flying um we got Neil here we've got con and Ash you guys ready yeah yes sir's in front of me now oh good luck I'm not I'm not happy about this front line to be honest do not take off until you get to the end of the bridge that way we don't have a massive cluster this is probably going to be bad I might actually set back a little bit oh this is going to be deadly please go on one octo please I'm going to I'm going to delay a second here oh also the smoke I flew over somebody at the very beginning we good just run into you yep that's what I forgotten to take off flying way over I'm in the river does anybody know sayya did not take off or am I just seeing yeah so that's what I'm saying he's driving like what oh that's tree no come on come on come on all right I forgot you have to really like drift the corners and I put it in the water on the first uh yeah you got to you got to sang it into the turns I've already used my my reset is that you behind me yeah yeah I flew into a tree oh lovely yeah that that one corner it just it didn't turn how are you faster what how is everybody faster than me how is oo well you're in front of me KH so wait Neil where you at uh I'm behind quite a bit oh no what you did you get octo or yeah I got octo 2 seconds in basically I'm telling you you can't start around you know the weird thing is the B throwing this off a little bit drifted too far oh I'm in a branch oh God there is a learning curve to this thing I yeah I d i you got to over steer very very early you got to like really you got to like reverse entry basically yeah it's it's also anticipating how far out it's going to like slide cuz I almost just hit a canyon piece like one of those big Cliffs oh I keep I keep hitting the dirt has anyone actually touched the ground when turning yet uh I touched it once it's not great no okay I need to get this thing higher up next round pretty sure all rosi was flying with three wheels for a while there I mean it'll fly it's not great when you don't have all Wheels but you know it'll sell pass the mod Creator oh wait where is I I I I seem to be having a glitch of some sort what's your glitch uh I'm pinned to the floor are you up down I'm driving oh maybe that's what was happening with sooya sooya I never saw them take off yeah no that was that was that was you I was just flying over I was literally flying over top you Ash for like 10 seconds there I was on top of your car if the antira fails can we resort to regular car mode uh maybe I feel like regular car mode actually might be FAS yeah I'm back in regular carbo until I can take off here yeah I'm pretty sure it's a lot faster actually I'm I'm still in flight mode but it's uh yeah dude you're like so low right now what is going on yeah he's stuck to the ground it's weird so was flying a mistake yes I'm going to fly off this corner oh my God this I'm going to reserve judgment until I don't get taken out on the first okay yeah we got to definitely do one more we can always do normal car racing but I just figured this was a good idea oh God I I love this this is so cool it's like drifting all the time it's great once it clicks it's so satisfying oh yeah yeah no it's it's fun to drive and maybe not necessarily race with your friends or watch Ash just fly off into the abys there where you going just just I'm just taking a little nap over here don't worry don't mind me oh I might be able to pass you here no no no no who won uh Shadow said he got second I don't know who actually finished I mean if seya never went out of car mode then they probably did okay somebody said maybe driving is over wait sooya never did go out of car mode he just said driving is overpowered wait why would you not be the point is the hover so Shadows won basically I I'm assuming so we'll actually have to give Shadows the win there oh no I'm coming across in like probably like eth or nth place okay hold on me landed on gas I think it's me and you competing for last place Neil oh hold on I got to see are y'all close together this wildly out of control I got to see Neil that's tree oh God I can't turn oh I can't turn I'm going so Neil on my screen you're half of half of a vehicle right now hold I'm like digging oh oh saved it I think some of my wheels are a little bad a vehicle for me I made it that was not a great race for Content creators was it yeah I'm going to finish the race at least maybe all right round two spieler Neil you still starting over there by uh yeah I don't know why I why are you doing that oh God someone got up right away I'm going to take the I got ramp took somebody out he took me out it's like a bad joke at this point it looks incredible like at least at the start of the race with all the flying cars someone's dragging me along I might have I might have taken a long time to get into car mode mode I went under Orosi there you flew over me actually somebody's above me right now why is everybody else seem higher oh I got wrecked I got I I am going to raise myself up a little I'm going to too cuz I feel like nobody else is actually using the terrain follow because this is much easier because of the the bank you bought him out pretty easily whoa no oh here we go all right I raised myself up too but like I kept terrain follow on so it should keep me at this height right no I turn I don't know how that works see I turned it off like cuz I'm I'm just manually putting myself up and down cuz I feel like that's what the leaders are doing up here this is actually working out really well now this is way better the first round I'm about 30 ft up it's actually a lot easier to fly higher up cuz like the drifting yeah you have more time to predict the turn oh yeah for sure this is actually really good you just got to kind of follow the track here I'm in second place actually now I'm flying above Ash right now what's up Ash see you I don't know how I'm faster but apparently I am oh I'm so much faster St going up now dude this works so much better oh I might hit the ground here oh sper hit it too sper I put myself on terrain follow but I'm probably 100t above the ground and it's fantastic I am now pinned to the ground Ash I think I have Ash's glitch but it is really fast yeah I've now gone glitched to the floor again I'm catching up to you Ash dude this is fast maybe maybe playing multiplayer in a single player game meant for driving cars and flying vehicles is probably not probably not advice you know probably not advised it's fun though it's awesome but like I think the devs maybe might be like uh guys so I've got the pin glitch but the Pinn glitch is making me faster and or rousi and I might be able to pass him on the ground oh God is just driving on the ground yeah like I've got my thrusters on but it's stuck and I don't want to reset cuz if I reset I think I'm going to get past well somebody just passed me and I'm not sper so I just on your right what do you mean on my right what you oh that's above me that's not all my right oh I had to reset dang it I was somewhat on oh sooya is up in the air now he's he's cutting the course though as I did as well oh did you cut the course car just just barely just a tad I accidentally hit hit a wall and my car is not flying so good oh I hit a tree oh now we're okay well actually oh oh that made me faster for a bit there is a such thing as drifting too hard because the momentum carried me backwards and I started flying backwards for a little bit yep I need to get down I broke something on my car but now I'm going so quick I don't want to change oh no now I'm really broken okay never mind I think I about to finish fourth there Maximum Overdrive yeah that would that worked out so much better flying up higher all right so uh round number three round number two was slightly better for everybody except for KH I mean one of us stat statistically should win now right you would think they're pretty fast up there oh Rossi's fast I know all right as long as ooto doesn't kill us in the beginning well see the the thing is start on the opposite side of octo on that's why I'm back here there we go yeah I'm avoiding him this time uh I'm ready I'm worried that everyone's just going to like they all jumped it so aggressively I jumped it a little bit I might have lifted like up in the air it was you who jumped it you're in like first by a mile way out oh yeah Nail's way up there all right I'm flying so high that I'm just going to be like oh a couple hit other I'm right underneath the arch height oh oh oh speer's pretty fast on me how did he go fast how you got like a speed boost there for a second boost button there's is not a boost button that I'm aware of I think it's just how the momentum carries you sometimes you got to play this like uh what's that old game f f-z yeah actually it somewhat is like that this is fun I above that Arch that's how high up I am oh I'm hoping I go just right below me oh no oh no why is it flying this way what's going on what's happening to my car take it having a good time dude I went to turn and it's it's it's like if you drift too much it B s too hard and then your car starts going backwards you know it doesn't like it's what happened to me I'm we in a massive pack up here Neil don't look behind you I'm not going to there's a lot of cars behind you right now do you think this thing needs guns I mean IM I don't know about guns in our group I don't know if we need that but I think I feel like I could I could aim dude Stefan is honking at me right now wait where's G what's gav doing why is gav so up here like he's oh he's oh he's coming this way that's a to someone yeah yeah he must be trying to hit up oh wait no who hit me uh that's Shadow right there okay J coming this way oh we can't let Shadows win here come on go go go go go go oo that was a good turn for me dude we are right watch it come on we're good we're good you good I'm good wait one of us has got to be able to to pass Shadows here or just go oh my goodness take out I think I'm about to fly over you again Ash yeah I'm just on the corner oh I never mind I just smashed into the wall uh pass him oh yeah Shadow he had some issues there might be able to get him oh hi con I need hi how's it going don't mind me I'm just I'm just no falling off the CL okay I'm I'm redoing this corner descends so slow yeah I'm like I'm I've been holding the down button and I can't get it to go down like really fast I just cut that turn so bad whoops it's fine I'm behind oh Shadow's cut it really bad too he's above you oh it's going to be close come on come on come on come on come on go no no no no don't don't spin don't spin okay it makes like no sound dude Shadow is above you Neil no I see what you're doing Ash what dang it he missed hit the bridge you know what we're going to count since he didn't hit the bridge we're going to say Neil you won I can't even second I landed on the bridge oh jeez also does anybody notice how bad this lineup is why is there like six empty grid spots or five like these empty grid Spots I'm going to just oh you're going to go up there with the well you know I kind of feel like filling one of those up too because oto's in a van for some reason so I'm going to go I don't want to be covered in dust I like the whole screen yeah the dust is going to be bad oh it's going to be awful to start with okay get up here kodo there you go yeah we're actually getting a line up in the front I mean it's still going to be bad regardless uh speer's trying to jump a position here also uh on the last round boys we're going to have Midway through you're going to be allowed to use your hover again so stay on the ground for this one though I like ash as a countdown person he's quick with it he's quick yeah here comes the dust my sound is so broken can't wait to see everyone Corner bomb this first Corner that's why I'm just backing out well gav attempted run me over but he failed miserably like he normally does yeah I'm just going to take this nice and wide initially oh gav's up on his roof gav is up on his oh my goodness the guy hit by octo of Van did I ever tell you guys that gavs sucks at driving you may have mentioned it once or twice yeah I mean I've experienced it I mean a this thing is slidey this thing is very oh the corner goes to the right not the left whoops rookie mistake I went left or yep yep went left and yeah that was bad there's no fences sper doesn't believe in guardrails so no apparently not yeah you don't get any of those I just watch gab fly off into a rock spieler did you get rid I haven't been racing with you guys in a few months can you tell is it obvious is it no no no you're you're good everything's going you can see on my screen do like 17 barrel rolls into a rock so it's perfect I actually caught back up with the FI there's some people in this server it's literally impossible to be worse there yeah yeah yeah like there's I mean there's I want to believe it's mostly it's his ping but sometimes I wonder I mean i' I've rid side by side with Oto before and I've get somehow he's ran me over so like I want to say it's probably half and half just he just me with a V okay so it's probably just Oto he's just not very good at driving just me with the B yeah his heart's in it though yeah we all love Oto even though we give him a very hard time I want to hit that jump so bad but I'm not going to dude these are so like they slide but it's actually really fun you just got to be careful on the throttle if you're like gradually with the throttle on this then it drives real well yeah I mean you have to be just really soft on it oh jeez yeah you got to like put it into a drift and then just like ease your throttle through the drift trying to catch old Rossy right now I actually have a good race going with shadows and spieler it would have been better if you know gav wouldn't have been gav on the start yep the start it's the most dangerous part of the race by far oh coolant overheating opto just took gav oh speeder just spun it or Rossy stuffed it let's go uh second oh I don't want to Loop in here Rings exploded yeah oh Rossy bend it back here do you need I I took one of those big jumps was in the middle of the course it might have been a bad idea but did it look cool it looked so cool dude all right that's all it matters pretty sure my car's on fire I'm still driving no you're not supposed to dve spinning out I can't handle this car just like treat it like a drift car so when it starts to slide you got to go back to like minimum throttle and counter steer right but it's like but not zero throttle cuz that's bad you got to be like just minimum throttle I think I got second place uh I'm coming you got second I think I'm going to get like fifth here stepan just annihilated me I just ran into seya oh said this config sucks sper just hit me uh while flying wait the config sucks I mean this is actually pretty fun all right final round so when you get to the arch at the bottom you are allowed to engage mode actually that's going to make us slower isn't it yeah it immediately slow you you have to do it though don't stay on the ground so if any if you see anybody that doesn't do it they're dced ooto sir go on the other side of the grid hold on the first Arch yes the first Arch yeah there we go an oock tocto forward jumping to start that was a massive jump the guy the one guy in front of me jumped I wasn't even p that was like two seconds ahead yeah he jumped it I was I was like I guess we're just going I don't know he G just used Ash up I saw that Roy left the server we all know what happened GPU just destroyed my front left or he just doesn't like the configuration one or the other KH uh that is not the way you take that turn is that you tumbling it is are you sure it's not the way I take this turn it looks like I'm ient way to take the turn but so you went left again con did you no I I sooya or who was it I think it was Shadows or some I don't know somebody bumped my front left tire and broke it so I couldn't turn right anymore so I was just I just went for it yeah you definitely went for it oh gab just went for it too my finger slipped and I accidentally activated the the hover I sent me into a death spiral immediately there is a strat there if you want to skip turn there have we passed AR yet I don't think we have have we no it's coming up it feels like we've gone by it I've been racing I haven't been paying attention here oh that was a nice move you sure I don't think you need to let me past Ash I think I I think you're just fine where you are oh I think we're coming up to the arch oh yeah here it is and switch oh my goodness this just flew over the water I'm going too fast so yeah if you're going full speed and you do the uh the transform into the hover it you get a huge speed boost okay it's pretty cool actually con andar about to hit the Y so I think so yeah I'm in second uh actually making a move for the lead right now oh God no no what happens if you what happens if you fly straight into the F literally the first rock that you could possibly see well you just see yeah like I full sent it into that first rock on the right side just cool though it did it's worth it yeah if it looks cool that's all it matters all my video everything has been looking cool man that's the way YouTube works if it look cool you're going to get views cool is when your car your car explodes and you come in last right that's yes 100% entertainment value my man just making sure we're all on the same page of what cool is 100% that's that's what cool is yeah okay cool that's how you do the YouTube thing if my audience wants to see people win they can go watch Jimmy Broadband how how am faster than Ash I don't understand I don't know we're both hovering and like I just passed you he's got that secret G boost ah to go around video has been selling in their cards now the the G boost hey hey boys guess what we got to win what you lost oh I won you won won freaking won go let's go dude that was a close race with Stefan I just got a huge part of the track oh Shadows was there too I had to go around a tree at one point not like that wall I looked I looked what shouldn't have looked what's going on back here boys um Ash was like look below you and then I instantly bottomed out by car lost the whole back Ash you're floating like two inches above the ground I'm still counts right yeah it's good enough yeah you're doing good Ash thanks it's the hoverboard it's the newer says accidentally cheated whoops how you accidentally cheat yeah he spawned in front of me while behind me okay I was just happy to win something today that's sabotage I think I got a win too nice nice here comes con yeah con Perfection half of con B it Con yeah there you go oh there we go perfect con Did we tell you how cool that looked it look it must have looked so cool dude awes must
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 75,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beamng flying car, beamng skyrider bolide, diesel trucks, beamng drive, beamng, slides, giant slide, beamng drive crashes, cars vs potholes, testing, testing cars, testing expensive cars, beamng crashes, beamng drive gameplay, beamng police crashes, beamng drive car crashes, beamng drive mods, beamng funny moments, car crash, video game, police chase, camodo gaming, random parts, police chases, beamng high speed, beamng police mods, beamng police chase camodo
Id: oxsEU9vsrwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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