Testing cars vs the Deep Swamp in GTA 5

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all right we're checking out the only game we're putting cars against the swamp will end up feeding my sanity to the alligators it's GTA deep in the Heart of Florida it is now time to put different Vehicles up to the challenge and find out who is the best at navigating the swamp there's multiple cars there's multiple events after each event the winner car will get a point and the car at the end with the most points will be the lord of the swamp well this is horrifying which car is better at driving over crocodiles we got alligators where're I'm at but we'll we'll take it what is this what is this right here why is the roll cage made out of coat hangers okay what is this like a $2 roll oh my God this is the most unsafe vehicle I've ever driven I don't think it's any contest this is like the wish version of the Red Bull car it's like Mommy I want the Red Bull car we have the Red Bull car at home all right so just drive over the crocodiles no big deal kind of weird they're like little living speed bumps if you will uh they are oh uh I just realized too they didn't give me Hydraulics and this thing flooded out already I mean like 18 in of water this isn't really a swamp vehicle if it can't survive in water that's not even over the tires also say hello to the Beautiful dental work of this crocodile all right here's the plan since we flooded out almost immediately okay well there goes that plan I was going to say maybe I could just hug the mud and stay in the fight that way but no this thing can't go anywhere without drowning much like my happiness huh uhhuh I mean this looks legit I can't think of a vehicle that seems to be more suited to doing stupid things in the swamp I'm just kind of curious about something if you like can you just throw a oh he's got an invisible wall there oh God well that answered that question I'm going to get inside the Rust mobile and hope this does better listen I did oh my God you could have put this thing a little bit farther forward so it wasn't glitching inside of the wall oh yeah oh the steer horns on the front and the back really make this thing a true swamp warrior the other vehicle exploded oh my God that crocodile 100% just evaded gravity not sure how we did it going to have to ask him later on the other vehicle ended up blowing up uh but but I can say I okay the crocodile is like help me gr no okay so then you got the uh random Fallen palm tree that's been knocked over by the bulldozzer that's great grinding through crocodile carcasses is a lot harder than you think also the walls already down I'm not even close all right let's see if I can get a better start here oh well all right well if I position the vehicle a little bit farther forward on the script Circle it doesn't tell teleport me directly into the wall was that a human arm anyone see that just then could have been a crocodile arm I don't know all sort of Blends together for me sorry for just giving you brain damage crocodile felt kind of bad about that that one crocodile that was having fun just chilling out next to me doing push-ups next to the car is still there but yeah since the walls already down the rust bucket has no chance this seems like the definition of a bad idea uh okay you know what because oh my God I almost jumped over the wall because this thing is so Nimble and so fast maybe I can make it to the end it's all a matter of will it drown or not and it did not drown that is hilarious that the sad Red Bull mobile drowned and this this quad didn't still didn't make it to the end but this is probably our best run hey hey give me your wallet yeah yeah cough it up all right and I love crocodiles that don't know how to fight back these are like domestic crocodiles all right all right trust me on this I got a plan we're going to go and we're going to circumvent oh he did not put invisible walls over here oh really is there any way for me to cheat this and jump over this wall in case you're wondering I worked on it for a while the answer is no uh I can't get any height to jump over the wall so even though oh my God so even though there's no invisible wall stopping me from just going around the entire ch challenge I can't complete it the wall isn't up yet okay this is our best run pretty much ever however now because I'm strangling a crocodile's throat it ended up eating like 4 seconds oh this is the run this is it this is the Run of runs come on baby come on come on oh get so close I need something with even more speed YOLO time R you ready oh this thing was made to run over Wildlife that sounds terrible but to be fair that should be one of the selling points like when they make a commercial about this thing talking about the silky suspension and the power steering yeah also talk about how it just runs over animals without a care oh my God we almost got it on the first try I think this can make it all right Crocs you guys got to work with me here oh god well I guess I could do that too all right step one is stay inside of the challenge step two is run over crocodile step three is a bunch of question marks there 's no profit from this there's just sadness God they're so heavy what have you crocodiles been eating they're like your friends jokes on you crocodiles all my friends are already gone ah I'm not going to give up I don't care what it takes rounding the corner the palm tree is going to go down sweep past the palm tree over the crocodiles this is going to be it no no the one crocodile's had and backhanded me it like dudo chopped me across the entire challenge why you ruined everything you think that's funny is that what you think yeah laugh about that right there how's that taste is it good crocodiles are like H it feels uh like the Jets from a sauna yeah it's like a nice like a nice our own personal wave pool people pay good money for this kind of treatment I definitely think I can get it I just have to you know SL them around crocodiles absolutely perfectly the problem too is some of them are okay and some of them just are dead I don't really know so they got their little crocodile arms chilling out in the air and I think it hold on come on oh my God yes oh there was no time left but that means that the YOLO mobile gets a point which car is better for swamp potholes invisible walls don't even try oh really okay so it looks like what he's got is all these donuts and then they're filled with water so I guess the idea is you have to go through the donuts or the water will try and drown you and then there's probably invisible walls trying to keep you from doing anything I wanted to get to use this last time but I ended up blowing it up well he was right about the invisible walls how about on this side I had to check all right can't fault me for checking it how far out do the invisible walls go you wouldn't put them like way out out here would you oh he absolutely did all right fair enough all right let's do this are we uh huh oh there it goes my God normally the start is like under 5 Seconds that one was 10 seconds I was not ready for that to go wow this thing can uh this thing submerges totally and it can survive it to the point where I'm going to drown as is this guy fishing in the swamp did he catch a Slowdown stick is that way is that the native species around here also weird enough I did eventually drown out huh well that's the really you kidding me you blew up with one sad grenade last time that was just remotely close to you and this time it took like two grenades hey what you fishing for out here buddy he's like pain yeah yeah me too all right who's ready to not disappoint me how about you drown oh my God I died from the wall I didn't realize it was going to be quite that violent okay uh note to S don't touch the wall okay so you can run into it it's not like an insta death how far down did you put these walls wow you have like the tiniest little thumbnail hole that you must drive through and and the quad just died all right no joke the swamp potholes are claiming everyone it's time for the wish Red Bull mobile the Red Bull mobile is like what's your wish I wish I wouldn't die immediately that'd be fantastic okay uh okay oh yeah oh yeah oh Red Bull is giving me wings right now oh that's what's happening oh it's fantastic the tires look like they're being held on by hopes and bubble gum and maybe some Gorilla Tape so I wasn't even close before the Wall came down at the end there but this thing legitimately made it through all the potholes like it can take it let me eat this swamp grass here high in vitamins and tetus delicious look at it roll look at it go look at this it's going to get to the last pothole and then the Wall comes up but it can make it through like legitimately make it through all the potholes without drowning now that's weird because before it drowned out like 8 in of water I need to give this thing another go I need to like going to try and do this as absolutely perfectly as possible I I still don't think it can make it I think I need to shave off like another four or five seconds but I just want to see if it's a fluke getting through oh random bird landed there if it's a fluke getting through all of this super deep water or not well now I'm stuck on this boat yep that was a human body right there being eaten I kind of fig figured it was okay so it does eventually drown it just takes a long time we're going to need a different car though all right it has a point already I got to know this thing has a little bit of everything it's kind of fast it's kind of good at going through water got pretty good suspension everything's very strong it doesn't go through the water fast I will say it can get through it but it loses a ton of speed I'm better off trying to I hit the slow down stick I'm better off trying to jump over as much water as human oh my God this is way deeper than I thought it was when you're inside of this thing uh uh oh well that right there's a problem cuz it only got about halfway through before it died and I mean straight up died come on baby come on I don't know how far apart he put the invisible walls at the last pothole but maybe if I don't go straight through the center let's try go over to the left a little bit come on come on get out of the way stop it stop it is that why you're here are you here to ruin my life so I can't go off to the side guys like maybe all right then I'll go over to the right how about that is that okay I think it's deeper over here yeah I it's okay now I understand why he's on the left over there by like the lily pads or whatever it's because that side is less deep than this side one more run just one more get out of the way glitchy reads nobody loves you out of the way bass fisherman well it's not really bass it's more like a I don't know like lethargy or something around the guy in the boat yeah we're not close I need to figure something else out uh well did okay last time it's kind of bouncy uh and you know you got to make sure that you have your shots up today but it's got some power in it all right it's got a little meat uh yeah okay all right I just heard someone screaming over on my right that sounded somewhat concerning uh okay I got to see the uh the Slowdown stick there hey oh oh okay that's our closest we're maybe 1 second behind I feel like the eyess teddy bear on the front of this thing is the true good luck charm although sometimes climbing up out of the water it does lose a lot of speed you also kind have to get lucky and make sure that the fisherman isn't in the way yeah I still need to get another second second and a half down okay we I I've been trying with that other vehicle for a while I can't get it this is the last one I don't really have a lot of oh there we go I don't really have a lot of experience oh my God using this thing in the water so I didn't really know how it would do it uh huh let's see it's got some uh theyve got some pickup coming out of the water oh my god oh it floats really well too well doesn't it hold on Legit I think I could get this on the second try it's hard to describe this thing doesn't float it almost wheelies out of the water hold on let me let me and remember there's no hydraulic so it just pulls itself up on its own just through the sheer power of the vehicle that probably shaved off some time well didn't shave off tacked it on look at the full wheelie out of the water okay I just need to make sure I don't hit the that other car all right blood poisoning mobile the license plate says dirt I don't know if that's supposed to be an adjective to describe the vehicle or maybe just telling me what specifically good at I'm not so oh yeah hold on hold on hold on never mind or tell me what I what it's specifically good at Big wheelie we got it a point for the dirt mobile sorry I got to clean up after myself so we've got a tie so far between YOLO and dirt but now we must find out which car can defeat a crocodile can listen every once in a while I go to read what I'm supposed to be doing and I'm like that's the dumbest thing I think I've ever heard all right who's up for getting a mouth full of violent crocodile I want this thing to get a point all right you got 25 seconds looks like we got some slowdown sticks there in the distance I assume when this starts I will have crocodiles unceremoniously shov down my throat I can't wait to see how good of an idea this is yeah that was the that was the shorter timer there uh squeeze on through yeah that's not a problem it's no big deal oh my god oh hey all right H good to meet you there Crocodiles I love how they're almost like flotation devices oh God can I get back on here I totally can uh well it can get through the crocodiles it just can't get done in time to get past the wall I just wanted to see if there was any way for me to cheat this there is not all right let's try this again the oh my God what H what happened there the crocodiles have like an extra helping of steroids this morning uh ow okay apparently the crocodile they're heat seeking crocodiles okay they're very violent heat seeking crocodiles luckily I have this palm tree protecting me now that's right I'm Floridian me and the palm trees get along now it's time to go crocodile hunting O Okay the crocodile won crocodile is going to go home to its wife and be like hey I caught a gry still plays this morning honey you seem to forget crocodiles this vehicle has a grenade launcher uh H all are you kidding me right now did I get hit by a crocodile at the exact how did I get hit by a crocodile at the exact same time I shot the grenade whoa okay that's not how physics Works ow this got backhanded by a crocodile way down here in the middle of the marsh stop it okay we're going super small okay covert if you will look at the look at the agility watch this ow the agility didn't do anything I'm not going to lie the crocodile Cannon is a lot worse than I had thought it would be okay got to try and get that second Point YOLO okay oh yeah okay here we go ow luckily I have a roll cage on here unluckily it doesn't matter because you know I'm getting shot at by crocodile at like 180 mph hey dude you you got to leave man see what happens see what happens when you're trespassing in the Everglades yeah that's what happens that man is dead I want you all to know I had nothing to do with that the crocodiles did that okay I have to find a way to get through this oh no I can save this I was going to say without hitting a single slowdown stick say hi to the dock for me you basically need need an absolutely perfect run if the Run isn't perfect you'll never get there before the time Runs Out slip through the middle okay that really this was going to be my best time until I got RKO by a crocodile a pair of crocodiles like tag team crocodiles over here I'm still going to try and get to the end oh my God full spin no problem nice 360 oh God all right your Crow crocodile Cannon is pretty painful we're using the dirt car now this thing had power okay doesn't really have a ton of agility kind of rocks all over the place it makes me feel I'm about to do a full barrel roll and break my neck but speed wise this thing rolls the problem is the Turning too I can get a lot of speed but I can't turn well enough to stop and not hit the Slowdown circles I have Limitless speed yes oh my God ow oh no no no no no no no I'm right there I'm right there get inside stop it stop get inside the hole oh well even though you can get inside where this ramp is if you don't do it in one shot you'll never have the speed to make that jump that is evil all pain all the time ow that said I was getting decent at dodging the crocodiles but once you get slow down man the heat seeking nature of them is a real pain God trying to squeeze through this tiny little hole is bad too all right here's what I found right off the bat there we go you got to start slaloming oh no come on you got to start slaloming super hard to the left and the right kind of trying to Juke the uh the alligators got to kind of outsmart them here we go hold on hold on hold on hold on come on make that jump oh my God finally you have got to be kidding me but that's it that's the last challenge we've got two points for the Der mobile and that means that we have a winner yeah well I visited the swamp and now I understand why the plane tickets are so cheap anyway F hope you enjoy this episode of GTA till next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 332,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, and this happened, gta 5, gta 5 mods, jelly gta 5, gaming, challenge, gta, gta v, grand theft auto, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 mod, mods, best mod gta v, grand theft auto v, in gta 5, in gta, speirstheamazinghd gta 5, caylus gta 5, cars vs, cars vs gta 5, gta 5 but, testing cars gta 5, testing cars in gta 5, swamp cars, swamp cars gta 5, deepest swamp, deepest swamp gta 5, which car can survive the deepest swamp
Id: ZDOFuh6aPjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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