Fluid Flux 2.0 Coastline & Waves Tutorial in UE5.2 Unreal Engine

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greetings gentlemen and ladies this is the old school GameStop AKA developer werewolfing games in today's video I'm going to be showing you a tutorial on how to set up with the new fluid flux version 2 which just dropped the other day uh how to set up your Coastline for your wave simulation super duper simple let's get into it so for my lighting I will be using Ultra Dynamic sky in case any of you are wondering it's just a super nice easy way to add some lighting and clouds to your level let's go ahead and of course create a landscape just super duper quick okay so I'm basically just gonna sculpt out a little island really nothing to what I'm doing here just basically creating a little bit of land mass so you will of course need to make sure that you have added the fluid flux folder to your project from the epic games launcher and once you have done so you can go ahead to place actors and look for the fluid flux BP flux Coastline domain now when I first added this to mine it didn't show up here I actually had to start a new level and just give it a bit of time and even restart your editor if you don't see it show up here and it should pop up eventually okay so now I've got my uh fly my Coastline uh blueprint here so I'm going to go ahead and actually just change the now I've had this happen once before where I add the thing and I can't click the thing um I'm gonna actually just quickly re-add it to my project I don't know if that's a bug or an editor thing but uh yeah kind of odd okay there we go so what I did is I actually just clicked off and I clicked on anyway I'm not sure why that happened maybe it's an editor Quirk or something anyway now I have got my um my well I've got my some remnant of my landscape in there let me just get rid of that really quick okay there we go now we now we've just got the fluid flux um Coastline in there and as you can see it's already sort of simulating some water movement uh what you can do here is adjust the height and rather actually even the size of the of the of the volume so what we can actually go ahead here and do is adjust the volume of our Coastline and now what I'll actually like to do here is I like to go into left and right and wireframe and basically just kind of align that just a little bit over the top of my mountain um and basically just yeah something like that that looks pretty good so it just kind of covers up my my land mass that's all I was kind of aiming for there um you can do things like affect the water height level um let's see right down there we go water surface height so if I wanted to raise the height level I could do so just by putting it up a bit if I wanted to lower it I could do the same by entering a negative value I'll just leave it at zero for now okay what we're going to want to do now is go and look for the flux surfaced Coastline and just draw it drag and drop that into your into your scene what we're going to do is now select the flux closed Coastline domain bit of a tongue twister there and we're going to look for the actor reference and we're going to select our Flex surface Flex surface coastline like so and now let's go ahead and look for the wave flux ocean wave and drag and drop that into our scene what we will do here now is select the flux ocean surfaced coastline and we're going to get the reference actor ocean wave actor we're going to select that as our ocean wave like so now oh the magic just happened uh now you can see we've actually got waves isn't that nice that's well that was pretty easy right uh and it doesn't seem like to me the box size here the volume size matter it seems to affect waves everywhere is what it seems like to me I don't know if I'm right or wrong about that but that's certainly what it seems like now we can do interesting things like uh edit the flux ocean wave parameters for example if we wanted to make the waves much bigger now we got some bigger waves that's that's those look like some nice point breaks some long surfable rides right there uh what we've got uh is some additional things such as uh how fast we want the wave used to move a whole bunch of different configurations and settings that you can play around with in here I cannot honestly say I've tried all of them or even most of them so you're just gonna have to play around with them and uh figure them out for yourself but what I usually like to do is type in a big value see what happens right so it's nice and noticeable and then you can of course wow don't set it to zero that was not a good number okay for the fun of it right here I'm gonna load up a brushify map and what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna I'm just gonna drop in our our fluid Flex water right into the scene I'm just gonna actually copy and paste it over from the previous map yes and there we have it uh there's a thumbnail for the screenshot of this video isn't that nice oh yeah it's beautiful that's just so cool wow wow wow wow wow definitely look you guys have enjoyed today's video congratulations to imaginary blend developer behind the fluid Flex plug-in awesome work brother just looking fan freaking tastic you can check out a link to his Marketplace asset in the description of this video and I'll see you all in the next one all right right see you later
Channel: Werewolven
Views: 21,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game development, game dev diary, indie game, developer diary, indie game development, game dev log, unreal engine, ue5, ue5.1, ue4, daz3d
Id: 9hjKB3xZ5Qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 56sec (356 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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