March Free Marketplace Content Review - Unreal Engine 5.3

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Hello guys. Welcome back to another video today. We're going to be checking out the free assets for the month of March. Now, if you are new to unreal engine, basically Epic games gives away five free asset packs every single month. All you have to do is open up the Epic games launcher and claim them for free and you'll own them forever. They've been doing this for over a couple of years now. And if you collect them every single month, it'll amass a large library of free 3d assets you can use for your games or projects inside of unreal engine. So on this video, we'll be checking out the free assets. For this month, the month of March, there's quite a bit of exciting stuff this month. Also, let me know down in the comments, if I should try and make a game with these free assets, like I did a couple of months ago, and if so, what type of game I should create. Now, before we get into the video, I want to give a quick shout out to my website, smart poly dot teachable. com, where you can learn how to make different types of games inside of unreal engine. I currently have a survival game course. If you guys are interested, I'll leave a link to it in the description below. I'm actually working on remastering the course to unreligion 5. 4. So if you haven't purchased the course, I highly recommend you go ahead and pick it up as I will be fully remastering the course with a lot of additional content and futures. So without further ado, let's get right into the video. All right. So first up, we have this primitive characters pack. As you can see, we have a lot of high quality primitive characters. With different various outfits. So you can see we have different variations. We have the base male right here. And of course, all the different clothing pieces are fully modular. So you can attach them to your character, however you see fit. And then over here, we have many different weapons and tools that it comes with. So you can see, we have different primitive axe, sword. Different bone weapons, some spears, and two different types of staffs. Okay. So in the back here, we have more different outfits. You can see we have a female base character and all the different holding pieces, including the hair was all fully modular. And then over here, we have all the different types of characters. So these are all the preset characters with the different customizations. So we have this female character here. It reminds me of the Horizon Zero Dawn, like main antagonist, and we have this old guy here and you can see he has sort of like this wooden leg. Okay, so we have two different variations of him, and then in the back we have this other different type of design. You can see the primitive clothing types. I really love this antlers design over here. And we'll see. All of the different things that are dangling off of the antlers here simulate physics here in a second. In the back here we have these other different types of characters and they have face paint. I really like the ripped cloth texture on there. Looks really nice. And of course this guy has some different skeleton face paint there. Very detailed cloth hood and shirt. And then of course the base mesh. So yeah, all the different pieces, all the modular pieces you can see right here. So you can mix and match and really create some unique, uh, different types of characters. And then over here, again, we have all the different character variations. And then of course, in the back, I'll go ahead and hit play. And so we should see all the different animations that the pack comes with. So again, just the basic locomotion, we have idle, uh, falling, we have jumping, running, walking. This is all the basic locomotion animations that you would expect and some root motion and see walking and running in the back here. I wanted to show you guys the antlers here because they have a lot of dangly things and they're all simulating physics. So really cool character there. And even, uh, part of the cloth here you can see is also has some cloth simulations. So pretty cool primitive characters pack. Again, it has modular clothing, modular pieces, and everything you need to make some sort of primitive hunter game. All right, next up we have the ultimate farming pack. This pack is massive. It includes a ton of different crop models for creating any sort of farming game. So over here, we're going to start at the very left. So first we have some tea leaves. You can see the various different foliage meshes there. And we have this hemp plant. So you can see those meshes there have grape. And one neat thing is you can see the different stages. So you can see this is the earlier stages and then you can see the plant is slowly fruiting and growing. And then we have strawberry, you can see the tiny little strawberry plants down there, so you can get all the different stages and different variations for the crop, a parsley, see those, a mint and beet, really cool little additions here. And they have pretty much every single crop that you can think of. So even tomatoes, they're tiny little tomato plants. And here's some various different props, barrels, crates and stuff like that. We have pepper and I'm not going to say that mushroom, I guess. So yeah, you can see the different models there. And then we have these different cow trees. Not really sure what these are, but they look pretty cool. And we have eggplant, see the little eggplant. And then over here we have cucumber and beans. So you can see little beanstalks growing. And again, it's really nice that they have the different stages. So you can see it's slowly growing up and you can see the complete Fully grown plant right there. Okay. So you can add sort of like a growing over time mechanic for your game. If you're adding some sort of like farming or harvesting. So we have hazel and then we have the little spinach plants over here. We have coffee. So let's go over here. And so we have barley stage two wheat stage two, and then we have wheat slash barley stage one. So you can see it's green. Not yet ready for harvest. And then of course we're ready for harvest different materials on there. We have carrots, so you can see the little tiny carrots and we have the different sunflowers. So again, you can see, see the tiny little plant there and slowly grow to a nice big sunflower. So we have the different garlic down here and potatoes. And over here we have sugar cane, which is one of my favorites because How many survival games or farming games have sugarcane as an actual item that you can harvest? Pretty neat to have that model in there. We have zucchini and pumpkin. So you can see a little pumpkin growing right over there. And then we have corn, right? Sort of like this corn fields, really detailed or in model there. And the nice thing about all these meshes is they are vertex animated. So you can see that they have sort of the subtle movement in the wind. And then also another one of my favorites cabbage cauliflower. This looks really detailed for some reason, the texture on it. I really like that. And then we have onion, broccoli, see the different plants there. Then we have the tobacco plant. And lastly, we have over here. We have a couple of different more crops. So we'll go over these. We have things like blueberries, have different lettuce there. Not sure what plant. This is, and I'm not going to try and pronounce that. We can move on. We have different berries. You can see the different stages growing through here. I love this little frame that it comes in because it really sells a type that player is farming or harvesting this crop is so we have peas. Let's actually zoom up real close. You can see the little peas there, and then we have turnips, turnip plants, and a watermelon, pretty neat. Those are all the different crops. We have a couple of other things over here, different crates of vegetables and stuff like that. We have flax stage one, backstage two, and then we have rice. Okay. And there's a couple of things over here. We have things like common sprouts. So you can see a little sprouts. So you could use that as like the stage one for your crops. Then of course it comes with this nice little greenhouse. Add your little crops to grow in here. Maybe give it a little buff in your game. So it grow faster. If it's inside of the greenhouse, then we have all the different land plots. So you can see, we have different sizes, depending on what you want, large crop plots, extra large, this massive field, and basically you can plant the crops all along these mounds. And let's actually check out the second level, which is a complete demo level here. I just showcase all of the crops. So you can see, we have a little crop plot here with some. Tomatoes turnips there. We have some fields of wheat other different crops here. I have some plants growing over here I think grapes. Yep, and then we have this little greenhouse So if you go inside the greenhouse, it has some different crops growing inside of here Of course, if we go out again, you can see all the different fields of crops. So this would make for a really nice calm farming game, or maybe like a farming simulator where you have to harvest and tend to many different crops, depending on, you know, the various different requirements that you need to plant and harvest different types of crops. So yeah, that is the ultimate farming pack. Let's go ahead and move on. Next up, we have this modular medieval town. So if we go ahead and full screen this, and this also includes interiors, I'm going to show you guys the overview level as it comes with all the different assets. First of all, we have. This little barrel mesh and these aren't the highest quality assets, as you can see, I mean, they would work good for a PC game, but also, you know, these are not the highest resolution or quality. So as you can see, we have some wall meshes, modular pieces, we have stuff, the interiors, like a bed, things like a wagon, there are different shelves, tables, and we have all these different frames and covers, I guess you would say. And then over here, we have all the different. Walls, stone walls, and wooden walls there, of course some other different props, things like wooden floors, stone floors, and some of the interior props as well, so you can see things like chairs, uh, picture frames, stuff like that. So these, uh, buildings also come with interiors, so I'll show you that in a second. As you can see, we have stuff like the roof pieces. And it comes with these three different trees. Again, they're not super high quality, but the work fine for lightweight sort of game. So here are the different buildings. We have a couple of different, uh, presetted buildings. As you can see, they are already built and complete. You can start dragging and dropping them into your level. And again, they have interiors. So if I go inside of these, you can see it's very dark. So I'm gonna have to change this to unlit. Unfortunately, they didn't update the levels on Unreal Engine 5. So there's like no lighting inside. And let's go back down here. You can see the different interiors there. And again, you could decorate these with props. Some of them already have some props inside of them. So if we were to go into this larger tavern sort of building, you can see that it comes with all sorts of decorations and props inside of them already set up. So you have things like tables. It has a second level, see that it goes all the way up here, more different types of rooms that you can decorate bed in their different barrels and stuff, and you can go all the way up the stairs into the top level floors there. So again, there's a lot of stuff you can do with these just completely modular. And you can mess around with them, build out any sort of medieval type game. That kind of goes hand in hand with the other different packs that we saw, like the farming and primitive characters. And it includes these demo maps. I'm not really a fan of these maps because, because unfortunately they don't update them for unreal engine five. So it's all the old lighting. And so you can see it looks all right, but if you try and go into any of the interiors, I don't have the post process or anything set up for that. So really dark interiors. But it'll work fine if you just migrate the assets into any project and just use the default lighting. But yeah, as you can see, this is the level, so you can use some of the different buildings that they come with and create any sort of town with interiors and decorate it if you're liking. Alright, next up we have this renovation simulator. So as you can see here, This is basically sort of like a house renovation game simulator. If I go ahead and hit play here, I full screen it. It's a complete game. So you can see, I run around. I have this character, we have different UI on our screen, and basically you want to go ahead and repair, uh, I guess this house. So you can pick up different trash. So you can press F and we'll go ahead and pick up different items. You can see on the right, we have this objective. So we have a garbage removal or the more garbage that we pick up. It will complete that objective. So you can see it's 40 percent complete. Let's go ahead and pick up all the trash and get that quest done. So 83 percent complete leave. There's some more over here. So pick that up and you can see it's complete. So we have garbage removal. The next step is we need to clean up dirt. So I believe, so if you press tab, it brings up a tablet. And if you press the mouse middle button, that'll bring up a little wheel. We have different tools. So we have our hands, we have this little paintbrush, we have a hammer and this little brush. So I believe this is what we use to clean up the graffiti. And that says cleaning up the dirt. Okay. So that is taking care of that objective. So let's go ahead and clean up all the graffiti here and remove all that. So we're about 80 percent done, a hundred percent done. And then next up, we have to repair the fences. So let's go ahead and switch to our hammer. And over here, if we left click, we'll fix that and left click fix that. Okay. So we fixed all four of the fences. And then lastly, it wants us to sell the benches. Let's go to this. This is like a scanner item. Like what you see in the grocery store. If we scan that, that will go ahead and sell that and sell this bench. There's one more upstairs, but we'll leave that for later, but we can also do things like painting. If we go to our paint tab, if we open up our tablet. You know, to paint and we can choose different, uh, paint types. I'll say I want to paint red. Now that I have selected, I can go ahead and paint the walls. So you can paint the walls up here. Maybe that is actually too high. That's kind of strange. I can't actually paint high enough. You can change the different colors. You can see, I can select yellow and it's compiling shaders there because this is my first time selecting these different colors. You can see that it has a little checkered because it has a compile. As you can see, we can paint the walls different colors. We can actually change the floor as well. So if we go to floors, we can select the different floors. Right now, you only see there's wood. If I change the wood, it's kind of weird that you use the paintbrush tool to paint floors wood. They could have added, you know, a different tool that you use for the floor and even have things for ceilings, plaster going here. There's some ceilings, plaster, I guess the ceiling like so. You have to stand directly underneath it to get it. And what else we have? Things like walls, decorations, if you wanted to put up like a wallpaper, I guess, and yeah, that's pretty much the simulator. Now a basic pause menu, resume options. Doesn't look like any of this actually set up resume and let's go ahead and actually finish the last objective here. So I switch on my wheel, a little scanner, clean that up. You can see that we completed all the objectives. So I don't think there is anything that happens after you complete it all. But yeah, just a very basic renovation simulator game has a very basic game loop. So you can see you have to complete the objectives. Have a little tablet where you can select paint types, different wall types, floors, and all that stuff. And so it's just a very basic bare bones template. And obviously you could build upon it, add your own different types. And it looks like even has a little daytime simulator. Yeah, you can see all the different blueprints. So if up here, you'll see, we have things like BP wall. BP ceiling, uh, the different fences. So if you wanted to, you could go in and add your own different meshes or make your own different levels using some of these different assets. Okay. So pretty neat little blueprint game there. And that's pretty much all of the asset packs. Lastly, we have this plugin called DLC in blueprints. Basically this little plugin allows you to unlock certain content based on a If the player has purchased DLC, whether that be Steam DLC or Epic Game Store DLC. So basically it supports either or. It's just a very simple system to unlock certain content based on the DLCs that you have set up. It even includes stuff like opening up a store page if the player hasn't purchased the DLC. So it'll go ahead and open up in a web browser your game's store page so that the player can go ahead and purchase it. Unlock it and download the dlc. So i'm not going to really cover over this you guys can check it out But it's a very simple blueprint based plugin that you can use to add things like dlc to your game Now those are all five free asset packs that we get for this month Let me know which one is your guys's favorite down in the comments down below personally I like the ultimate farming pack because there was a lot of high quality crop Models and many different crop types. So there's a lot of variation with that and you can make a really nice farming game farming simulator with all that stuff. Let me know which one was your favorite down in the comments down below. Also, should I try and attempt to make a game with these five free asset packs? If so, let me know what type of game I should make. I'm thinking maybe sort of like a primitive farming simulator game where you have, you know, your primitive characters out of your medieval village. Buildings in the background, and then you have your farming plot where you have to follow the various different objectives to plant different crops and harvest them before the time runs out. Yeah, let me know what you guys think down in the comments down below. And of course, make sure you pick up these Fry Free Asset Packs before the month ends. Check out my courses on my website, smartpoly. teachable. com if you want to learn how to make different types of games. And as always, I'll see you guys in the next one.
Channel: Smart Poly
Views: 20,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unreal Engine 5, Unreal Engine 5 Release, Unreal Engine 5 New Features, Unreal Engine 5 Next-Gen, Unreal Engine 5 Nanite, Unreal Engine 5 Lumen, UE5 Release, UE5 Next Gen, UE5, Lyra Starter Game, Unreal Engine 5 Lyra Game Tutorial, UE5 Lyra Tutorial, Unreal Engine 5 Open World Tutorial, Unreal Engine 5 Open World GamesUnreal Engine 5, Unreal Engine 5 Open World Games
Id: PTdQctxweT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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