Unreal Engine 5 Fluid Flux Breaking Waves Initial Setup Tutorial

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hey hey hey what is up everyone just gonna go through the new fluid flux 2.0 release crashing waves I guess uh I mean on the beach we're gonna go through it this is gonna be a quick little video but go through a little bit of the stuff that kind of showcased before in slower detail a lot of people are like oh it's moving too fast and I apologize for that another thing I always want to bring up I am not the creator of this plug-in okay imaginary blend is and you can see they're Christian um you know Christian is is it I believe it's Christian um if I'm pronouncing that wrong sorry but essentially it's very easy you create a project right now it is released for 5.0 5.1 5.2 has been submitted to the epic game store or Epic Launcher as you would call it and essentially it is um you know waiting for approval process I'm just gonna quickly go through how to add this domain to your project and then then we're going to take a look at one of his cool demo maps all right and then if you guys want to see anything else please let me know in the comments definitely hit up I really thank everybody for watching that last video and here we go so here we are in unreal five I just created a quick little you know uh landscape mask brush here with a little bit of painting a little bit of texturing just something very quick I'm not going to go too much into detail for that um when you add it to your project you are going to have a fluid flux directory so the first thing we're going to do is type in coast and we are going to get a coast domain and I'm just going to go ahead and drag that in and as you can see there created a water level there um you can raise it up down that is up to you can see there kind of how the domain works you can see how it yeah I mean essentially you want it covering um a certain amount of height detail and you can raise that you also can change the world surface height I'll just change it to around like like 1400 is pretty good oh there we go very very cool excellent and you can see now we're getting a little bit of interaction there but it's not doing the ocean waves we're going to get to that in a second okay perfect then we're gonna go ahead and we are going to add the coastline in here so we'll go ahead and add the coastline so there it is right there but for the coastline actually to be active we got to go back to the domain and then under I believe it's under initial worlds State oh no sorry surface actor reference we're going to go ahead and grab the coastline that we just added there the BP surface coastline which one was it I believe it's this one right here there we go just add that right there okay perfect good good good good and then we are going to add if I'm not mistaken the ocean wave I believe that's the one we got to look for I believe it's the ocean wave so let's just type that in there ocean wave there it is and then that kind of gives us the wave thing I'm going to hide that right now we're going to go back to the coastline and we're going to search for ocean which is right here and then we're going to go ahead and add the ocean wave and there we go it's it's literally that simple and then now we have that right there and there we go so now we have oceans interacting with all this fun stuff here I think I'm moving a little too quick sorry there guys so you can see I created a kind of little patch of sand here which is pretty cool and you can see it also goes around that which is really really amazing check that out so there are things that you can do there is a wave generator profile but I have not got into that yet that is something I have not played around with yet um the night there is a Niagara particle system as well so we can go ahead and I believe it's right here this Niagara emitter which is right here there we go you can see it's starting to add interactions there let's uh do this all and let's add a splash let's just do a splash area and you can see it's starting to add a little bit of splashes there let's add a bit more let's go like crazy let's go like 500. and let's make this a bit bigger so let's go maybe like 5 000 there there we go by like five thousand and right now I am on scalability medium I'm going to turn it to Epic so we can just kind of get it hopefully that doesn't crash my machine there we go we're starting to get some splashes in there you can see there the only thing is is that you know the Niagara particles will only show within this actor um yeah I mean let's do two obviously just being in that area there so we can add more if we want or less and the other thing too is is the engine scalability settings um you know I mean if you have effects turned down then it's going to affect that we're gonna go here to the coastline and here in the color presets you can change things so for example you've got the color the base color which will be in the background here and as well if you have the short color presets we're going to go ahead and for example we can change it to a short green uh we can do here another different short green there there you go so you're just changing it up getting a little bit more clear colors there which is really really nice this is quite amazing um I'm just diving into this right now so there's so much more to learn but I wanted to get a quick little you know kind of demo out to just kind of showcase how easy it was to set up and now I'm going to go ahead and load his demo Maps let me just save that to show what you can actually do so go fluid flux here um I believe it's demo maps and here is the coastline demo here we go so this is showcasing pretty much all the stuff inside demo but more so here we go you can see we got the shores on the wave we got everything the one thing that I don't know if it's a limitation or I haven't figured out yet is if this only works with Landscapes right now so that's something I gotta contact the developer boat see is there a way of getting this to work with static meshes or is this just for landscapes um so one thing too which is pretty cool so I'm just gonna go over here and check out so you can see here how it's going up against the Rocks here but in reality there is actually oh let me just move that there is actually a if I'm not mistaken a landscape there so as you can see here the rocks are really not having any effect um so I want to play around with that a bit more I want to play around with getting this stuff here but here is a very very cool kind of part here guys and it's a it's a brush that you can like move around to change the colors and settings um to blend uh essentially the different systems together so you can see here here is a a fluid flux surface world and it's actually very very cool so you've got your mixing here with the ocean which is quite amazing and that's something yeah I mean that's very tough to do but you can see here we are definitely mixing the water here from that simulation which is going all the way down here right into the ocean and it's mixing like look at that that's pretty cool like that is very very very cool like I'm I'm very very impressed with that like how it's mixing there you're getting a little bit of interaction and then it you just have the beach waves here that is super super cool guys so let me know up in the comments if you guys want to see anything else I gotta dive deeper into this system to see how it works because a lot of these systems have so many features are so complex but this is you know what I mean this is this is pretty amazing and very very cool like I'm I'm super excited about it and can't wait to mess around with it more and have some fun with it thank you guys for watching I really appreciate all the love and you know I mean like comments I got just you know keep it coming thanks guys
Channel: AaronFhd
Views: 19,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine 5, unreal engine, unreal engine 5 tutorial, unreal engine 5 games, unreal engine 5 water, unreal engine tutorial, unreal engine 5 ocean, unreal engine 5 beginner, unreal engine 4, unreal engine water, how to to create waves on water in unreal engine 5, to create waves on water in unreal engine, how to to create waves on water in unreal engine, unreal, unreal engine 5 water tutorial, c+ in unreal engine 5, unreal engine beginner tutorial
Id: xjAT33x8FPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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