Fluency practice - 15 expressions with a native speaker - DRAKE

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hi I'm Lisa it's time to take your English to the next level of fluency the final step to fluency is being able to understand and to use everyday Expressions that they don't teach you in English classes I believe that's the best way to become fluent and to feel more confident about your English [Music] these expressions are used by native speakers all the time your favorite native speaker is back again Drake he's very good at explaining English Expressions he will teach you the meaning of some of the expressions and then I will teach you some of the Expressions that he's using while he's teaching you if you haven't seen any of my videos with Drake make sure that you watch them on the Drake playlist on this channel most of these Expressions contain the words dollar or money let's listen to the way Drake explained the expression to be rolling in it how about if we say rolling in money or he's rolling in it he's rolling in money I hear this a lot people say rolling in dough okay that's very common for me to hear but yeah he's rolling in money he's rolling in dough it's just another way to say they have a lot of money they have so much money that you know metaphorically speaking or whatever they could throw money up in the air let it hit the ground and just roll around in it they have plenty of money he is so Rich he's rolling in it and that means he's rolling in money but we can also say he's rolling in dough and doe is a slang word for money and this is the actual meaning of do when you make bread you have to make the dough and you put the dough in the oven repeat after me he's rolling in dough he's very wealthy let's listen to the way Drake explained to get your money's worth to get my money's worth is a way to say that you got really good value on something you know you spent a certain amount of money and you feel really happy about it you got your money's worth like for example maybe if you went to a really fancy nice restaurant and they give you a portion about the size of a golf ball and you paid a hundred dollars for it and you ate it and you're still hungry you don't feel like you got your money's worth if you're paying a lot of money for a nice expensive plate and you know it didn't fill you up all the way you're not full you're not satisfied you definitely do not get your money's first we can say the expensive but the performance was amazing I feel that I got my money's worth or the opposite it was terrible I didn't get my money's worth let's learn the expression to look like a million dollars let's listen to Drake you look like a million dollars I've heard a lot of people say you look like a million bucks oh man I feel like a million bucks when I'm wearing this jacket it's another way to say you look great you look shiny you look like a star we can say do you like my new dress person can say it's gorgeous you look like a million dollars we can also say to look like a million bucks bucks is a slang word for dollars so we can say can I borrow ten dollars from you or can I borrow 10 bucks from you how much did it cost it cost a hundred bucks so we can say wow you look like a million bucks there is also an expression to feel like a million bucks let's listen to Drake explain it feel like a million bucks it's the same thing it's just another way to say you feel great you feel on top of the world you feel Unstoppable you feel healthy when do you feel like a million bucks what I feel like a million bucks maybe after I just got done working out and built up a good sweat a good appetite took a shower you know you get out of the shower nice and steamy you feel like a million bucks when I get a haircut I feel like a million bucks you look good right now did you just get a haircut yes just yesterday you look like a million bucks a million bucks exactly that's perfect to feel like a million bucks means to feel great to feel fantastic after my vacation I feel like a million bucks I feel amazing Drake used the expression to feel on top of the world let's listen you feel on top of the world you feel on top of the world to feel on top of the world means to feel very happy to feel wonderful to for example when I found out I got the job I felt on top of the world everything is going well and I feel on top of the world let's learn another common expression with the word dollar bet your bottom dollar let's listen to Drake explain it to bet your bottom dollar is like saying that you would bet your last dollar on it your bottom dollar your very last dollar you have you're so confident and that decision that you would bet your bottom dollar we use the Expression bet your bottom dollar when we want to emphasize that you're absolutely certain that something will happen or that something is true for example we can say you can bet your bottom dollar that it's true I'm sure that it's true you can bet your bottom dollar that this team will win I'm certain of it you can bet your bottom dollar let's listen to Drake explain the expression a million dollar smile a million dollar smile million dollar smile is just a beautiful smile it's a smile that uh you could picture on television or somewhere someone famous usually has a million dollar smile um just maybe like nice teeth Shiny Bright White smile is like a million dollar smile in your opinion which actor or actress has a million dollar smile a lot of people say that Julia Roberts has a million dollar smile let's learn some very common expressions with the word money the first expression is Money Talks let's listen to Drake explain it what does it mean if we say Money Talks Money Talks money has a big influence on people if there's a rule in place a lot of times someone can get over that rule with money they can pay their way into it or maybe they can pay someone to stay quiet about something people can break the rules or get where they want to get with money Money Talks so money has power money has power it has influence for example we can say how did he get that amazing job or why wasn't he punished and the other person can say Money Talks it means that people's decisions were influenced by money let's look at the next expression money to burn let's listen to Drake how about if we say money to burn he has money to burn he has money to burn he can he can spend a lot of money this person he or she they have all kinds of money they don't care what they do with it money to burn maybe they can buy cars they can buy clothes they can buy useless stuff because they have all the money in the world they're very wealthy they're very wealthy we can say you keep spending a lot of money you must have money to burn Drake used the expression all kinds of money let's listen this person uh he or she they have all kinds of money Drake said he's got all kinds of money and all kinds usually means different kinds but in this case it doesn't mean that it simply means a lot of money this person has all kinds of money they have a lot of money let's listen to how some other people used it where we don't have to overdraft and pay all kinds of money you could have all kinds of money but not actually be free and um we had a hat out and we were making all kinds of money let's learn the expression on the money let's listen to Drake if I say you're on the money you're on the money you're right on point you are correct you're on the money you you hit the nail on the head uh you you are correct you got it down to a t you got the perfect answer we can say on the money or right on the money and that means exactly accurately precisely it's correct it's on the money for example we can say everything you said Is Right on the money his prediction was right on the money let's listen to how some other people used it so the dancing was like on the money and and steps you've never seen before and his decisions we're right on the money incredible but her advice is always right on the money you know her support is genuine Drake used the expression to hit the nail on the head let's listen you hit the nail on the head you hit the nail on the head this is a nail is the head of or say something that is exactly right so you hit the nail on the head means that's correct that's accurate you're absolutely right you can say you hit the nail on the head when you said and then you finish the sentence your comment during the meeting hit the nail on the head or you selected the perfect candidate for the job you hit the nail on the head when you hire John Drake used another common expression he said you got it down to a t let's listen to him you are correct you got it down to a t this expression is sometimes spelled with the letter T and sometimes it's spelled with t-e-e down to a t means exactly exactly right perfectly or completely for example we can say this job suits you down to a t that means this job is a perfect fit for you or we can say you described John to a t that is a perfect description of John you described him to a t you got all the details correct down to a t or you can say you need to follow this recipe down to a tea let's listen to how some other people used it everything on that list described us to a t that describes my dad to a tea I promise if you follow those to a t they will work this diet that I followed and I followed it to a tea I didn't make any variations in it the next expression is to not be made of money maybe you have a similar expression or the same expression in your native language for example people say I'm not made of money let's listen to the way Drake explained it I'm not made of money you have to explain that to some people sometimes they don't understand they think that you can just spend you can pay for their food you can pay for their bills you can drive around and burn your gas up taking them places you're not made of money you know money is not unlimited here I only have a certain amount of money and I need it for myself I'm not made of money so you can't keep using my money it's my money my friend used to say all the time if someone wanted to ride somewhere in in the car he would say hey my my gas tank doesn't run on water you know I'm not made of money you know where's some gas money can you give me 20 bucks and I'll take you you know Drake used the noun a ride said if wanted a ride my friend used to say all the time if someone wanted to ride somewhere if someone wanted to ride somewhere if if can you drive me you can say can you give me a ride you can also say he is my ride tonight and that means he's driving me tonight he's my ride you can also say I don't have a ride I need a ride can you give me a ride home Drake also said my gas tank doesn't run on water did you understand that let's listen my gas tank doesn't run on water you know I'm not made of money this is a gas tank So when you buy gasoline you put the gasoline in the gas tank and by the way in British English it's not called gasoline or gas it's called petrol and Drake said my gas tank doesn't run on water and that means I need to pay for gasoline because my car runs on gas it's not free it doesn't run on water to run on means that's how it works for example you can say it runs on electricity or it runs on gas or we can say how does it run to run means to work for example you can say this car is old but it still runs well it runs great or you can say I can't start the car I can't get it to run so if someone is always asking you to drive them someplace you can say my gas tank doesn't run on water I have to pay for the gas I'm not made of money congratulations you have learned a lot of different Expressions that you can use when you're speaking English and you will definitely sound more fluent and more like a native speaker I suggest that you watch this video again write down the phrasal verbs and then make your own sentences and say them out loud and keep listening to native speakers by watching films TV shows and YouTube in English and when you hear an expression that you're not familiar with look it up find out the meaning that will definitely increase your level of fluency and you will be able to understand native speakers thanks for watching and keep practicing your English to get the two courses the American accent course and the 400 Advanced words you must know for fluent English go to accurateenglish.com foreign [Music]
Channel: AccurateEnglish
Views: 167,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english with a native speaker, idioms, idiomatic expressions, fluency practice, Lisa Mojsin, Fluent english, real people in LA, american english, money, expressions about money, how to talk about money, common english expressions, drake, Drake and Lisa, learn fluent english, Accurate English
Id: HPy8afJS-Do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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