How to speak fast and understand native speakers

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hey guys welcome to lingua marina today we're gonna have a longer class where we're gonna work on our pronunciation and speaking like a native is not just about the right pronunciation of words it's also about understanding native speakers who don't speak really fast who tend to swallow sounds and sometimes when you come to a new country or even if you travel to another part of an english-speaking country you encounter so many different people speaking in a weird way this video is for you to understand everyone now this is a compilation of my best classes so make sure you have a notebook make sure you're all ears let's do it let's learn to speak like a native the first trick sometimes we say i should have done this normally like at school they would teach us to contract things so they would teach us to say i should have done this but again when we're speaking english and when we try to sound like native speakers the rule of thumb here and rule of thumb is like what you normally would do is to sit down and relax and when you sit down relax you just don't want to speak like this shoot up is a little well it it sounds natural but still it could be done easier so what is an easy way i should have done this try just try pronouncing yourself maybe we should have done this online again another trick with english whenever you hear something try pronouncing it yourself because just because you hear it doesn't mean you're going to use it you're going to use it if you pronounce it and if your muscles are like oh this is the way it works and it's like exercise the more you exercise the better you are and what you're doing so pronounce with me i should have done this shoulda okay now we're talking about english that you can use in your daily life we're not talking about english that you're going to use in the classroom or when you're passing an interview to harvard when you're speaking academically you'll be like i should have done this but when you're like with your friends when you're in the environment i should have done this i should have done that this morning the same with could have and would have i could have done this i would have done this why show this like dance to you because again english is very optimized for like singing when i was doing a lot of singing classes my singing teacher would tell me that i sing a lot better in english just because you know the way people speak english it's it's like a song they connect words and it adds some rhythm so practice with me i should have done this i could have done this i would have done this the next word is a preposition of first of all it's not off it's uh we're gonna show some transcription here so it's not this it's not off cup of tea but if you want to sound like a native speaker if you listen to how they're saying this they're saying it kappa t and this is very british cup of tea okay american a lot of stuff kapati it's no longer of it's just a cup of tea cup of tea lot of stuff it's got a lot of stuff so whenever you have off in your phrase and the next word starts with a consonant there is a big big chance that a native speaker would replace of with ah a lot of stuff i did a lot of stuff here too a lot of water it's a lot of water a lot of trash a lot of trash a lot of clothes not a lot of clothes if you want to learn more english with me if you want more materials that you can use while watching my classes i have a huge kind of huge workbook it's over 180 pages and it has a lot of exercises that you can practice with it has a lot of tables that have idioms or other vocabulary that you can use it has a lot of grammatical explanations so i highly recommend you to go ahead and purchase this book it's less than eight dollars and it will really enhance your learning experience and this is something that i've done a year ago and the reviews about this workbook have been amazing so the link will be down below now let's talk about reductions there are words that sound with an age like him her he have and if they are unstressed in a sentence and remember in english when we're pronouncing something like a sentence we have a stress that goes on a particular word there is no like stress in every single word so when these words go unstressed people tend to just emit the letter h and the sound that it corresponds to example i tell her about that very kind of an artificial non-artificial way native speaker way i tell her about that so we don't even have two words here we don't have tell and we don't have her we have one word that is teller tell her i tell her that tell her tell her instead of i tell him i say i tell him again new word i tell him tell him i told her nah i told her let's look at more examples was he there just try yourself was he there say it in a native speaker way was he there was he was he there we went to a party yesterday was he there why was he there and once you see like now you understand like if i showed this race to myself maybe like seven years ago i would be like what is she saying just because i didn't know all the tricks and now you know them write them down don't forget about them at first he was surprised at first he was surprised thirsty instead of first heat at first he was angry what have we done what have we done i saw him yesterday i saw him yesterday saw him yesterday at the bank faster smoother more natural let's move further let's talk about intonation oh it is so difficult which means yeah it's difficult but when you say oh it's so difficult sarcasm it is not difficult at all again the way you stress words the way you phrase something is really really important now let's make a quick exercise what do i mean here yeah the movie was really scary it's number one number two yeah the movie was really scary what did i mean in both sentences first sentence that it was scary second sentence that it wasn't scary at all in one of my previous videos we talked about assimilation and if you haven't watched that video the link will be down below please don't forget to watch the whole series about how to speak english fast understand native speakers it's really important and the example of assimilation was don't you versus doncha or meet you versus micha that was assimilation today i'm going to talk about some other examples that are maybe not so obvious contraction of the phrase what are you sounds like watcha what you're doing instead of what are you doing you say what you're doing what are you talking about what you're talking about what are you saying what you're saying contraction of what have you sounds like watcha what you've been doing what you've been up to watcha is also a contraction of a phrase what do you what do you think what you think what do you want to do now what you want to do now and watcher is also a contraction of what you do what you got to do instead of do what you got to do do what you got to do again this is something that you learn as you go they all sound like watcha but uh you will guess the meaning from the context and you're gonna get there it's not that difficult but once you know the trick it makes it easier something that happened to me well i would say recently a couple years ago when i was babysitting my uh aunt's dog i started to talk to a lot of americans who had a dog as well because i was walking my dog and i walk with the dog and i hear people say who's a good boy good boy or another phrase who's a good girl so basically what i heard there i heard them saying not good boy who's a good boy nobody said that they took the word good and replaced d with the first letter of a word that followed who's a goop boy good boy who's a good girl and if you pronounce it the way they did it was like who's a good boy who's a good girl and i was like am i hearing something and i was like yes i'm hearing something and this is the way i learn accents i just listen to people and i'm like wow this sounds confusing this is not the way it's written sometimes i would just ask them to repeat because i want to understand what's going on and they go on and explain me the way they pronounce it and it's not a rule guys so whatever we're talking about in my videos about the pronunciation these are not rules this is just something that i notice when i walk around california and i hear people speak when i travel and these are just notes that i'm sharing with you again when we're talking about learning a language and understanding others it's all about you know first of all it's all about understanding because when you know these tricks you're able to understand them better but also like if you decide someday that you want to adopt some of the accents like i did when i first came to the us um i was ordering coffee and i said hot coffee and they gave me cold coffee because you pronounce hot this way not hot you say hot and uh you know i had to drink uh cold coffee uh in it was new york and it was kind of cold it was may and uh i was a little upset and i told myself you know i gotta learn i gotta learn american accent and i think my accent has changed uh completely since i moved to the us and it's changing every year it's changing because i encounter more and more people i encounter more and more situations where people would say something and i would be like wow this is weird like we need to stop here i need to analyze this so let's move into the video let's continue with whatever i just mentioned why do native speakers do this why do you say good boy good girl again the rule here is that they just want to speed up everything and english is this great language to sing in so whenever you're singing you just want to emit sounds you want to omit something that stops you that makes you kind of stop and take a breath you just want to connect everything so good boy it's a little like good girl but if you say good boy it's like one word goodbye easy right this is why people do that this is called assimilation or sound change in the english language and it is quite quite common another example of the sound change is a white paper why paper so i kind of say wipe paper but because i'm connecting it's even like one sound it's not white paper white paper is british so british is this formal kind of language where you pronounce where you try to pronounce more sounds than americans do and white paper is very british white paper white paper is very american another great example speed boat we don't well americans i guess don't say speed boat i don't say speed vote i say speed boat speed boat but then it's connected it's a speed boat the speed boat so you see what's happening here just you know i do not expect that you would use it i just want you to realize that it is happening because it would help you understand native speakers a lot better and because of the way the different sounds are made in our mouth sometimes we get a completely different situation let me give you an example i can go now and it sounds like kink go so we kind of add another g at the end of the word can i can go can't buy i can buy instead of saying can buy i say can buy i can buy this you can buy new ones again because can buy is just a lot of movement that has to happen in my mouth but if i say kim bye i'm already shedding my mouth in order to pronounce the sound b and it's cam bye so yeah i know they don't teach that at school because there is no formal rule on when you replace the sound and with m this is something you learn on this youtube channel so if you're not yet subscribe you know what to do green park it's green park so green park the way it's pronounced do you want to take a walk at green park on monday on monday are you joining me for a class on monday um on monday something like this some of the other thing we talked about in my previous videos about how to sound like a native speaker and speak english faster if you haven't watched them you totally have to watch them the links will be down below they're really important for i guess anyone who's learning english because if you don't want to speak fast at least you want to be able to understand other people so we talked about religion where sounds disappear and just wanted to remind you of a couple examples because sometimes when letters t and d appear between two consonants they tend to disappear let me give you some examples that was the worst job i've ever had but i will say that was the worst job i've ever had you see t disappeared where is job where is it i don't know just one person came to the potty just one person came to the party where is t i don't know just one and let me give you a couple last examples that would blow your mind handbag it's a hand bag but n and d are replaced by an m so d disappears right because of religion and then n is replaced by m because of sound change assimilation so handbag d disappears and is changed into m him back who taught you that i don't know same false cathedral again what happens here t disappears because of religion but then n is replaced with an m because of a simulation samples cathedral it's not saint paul's cathedral in great britain it's saint paul's cathedral but america simple as cathedral the next tip open your mouth when you try to speak english fast and you hear native speakers speak english fast you are tempted to just speak fast but the way it works with native speakers they've done it so many many times they pronounce so many so many sounds it comes naturally when you try to speak fast without enough practice we tend to eat sounds and i made this mistake again when i came to the u.s i wanted to sound more natural and i started just speaking as fast as i could i normally i'm a fast speaker even like when i'm speaking russian people complain on my russian channel that i speak too fast maybe you complain you don't complain you're you guys the nicest audience i've ever had you never complain you only thank me but i know i can be too fast sometimes the thing is in some cultures like russian well i would say some asian cultures you don't open your we don't open our mouth the way americans do so and sometimes it is crucial like pen and pan two completely different words and you see how i open my mouth when i say pan that makes a huge difference bad versus bad two completely different words again if you mess it up if you forget to open your mouth people probably guess the meaning of the word just from the context but you know sometimes the context is also confusing and you don't want to confuse people too much all the time so open your mouth bed versus bad bed bath pack versus peck and let's practice some listening skills i'm gonna say a word and you need a guess which word it is which one came first and and beg bag pat pet completely different words present perfect versus past simple another thing kind of differs from british english to american english but basically what happens in british english they tend to use present perfect more in great britain they say i've just arrived home which is kind of grammatically more correct than using past simple because when you say i've just arrived that means you're stating the fact that you're at home and present perfect would be the perfect tense here in america again people tend to simplify everything and americans will say i just arrived it's faster right in terms of like grammar i would say well it works but still when we use past simple we want to add more details we're telling a story but we're not stating our current state we stayed actions in the past with present perfect we kind of want to emphasize that we're at home so in this very case i would say present perfect is more correct but americans use past simple that doesn't mean that if you are learning american x and you don't have to learn a present perfect you have to oh and by the way guys if you're still confused about the tenses if you need more information on tenses if you need tables if you need explanations if you need additional videos from me i have the whole workbook the focus is on english language but we have the whole section on english tenses i try to explain them in the easiest way possible because i know how important they are and how confusing they are and we also have a lot of tables that would help you learn more idioms learn more vocabulary learn necessary grammar so the link will be down below it costs 7.95 and i think it's a great chance for you guys to have some materials while you go through my videos and learn english the link down below check it out my english language workbook and the last but not the least for today exaggerate americans exaggerate everything i guess while american culture is like everything is so bright here everything is so amazing and you know people just i don't even know when they're positive they're really positive when they they tend to be less negative and i kind of like it again coming from a culture where people are not like showing their emotions too much but the thing is when i came to the us when everyone is smiling when everyone is like oh my god your dress is amazing that just helps me get through the day i feel happier i don't know it depends on the kind of person you are but i personally like it and if you want to sound more american this salad is not good this salad is absolutely the best salad i've ever eaten my whole life this is the best thing i've ever tasted before this video is not just a good video oh my god this was the best video i've ever seen in the past few years oh my god marina you're amazing do this in the comments or another thing that's kind of confusing uh when you text someone on the phone and you've been texting each other for a couple months and they call you friend again in a culture where i come from this is unacceptable like friends are people who you hang out with for years who you trust you've seen many many times again it's just another cultural aspect that you have to understand have to learn not necessarily use it but just understand that this is the way it works most of the times in the us you know accents are beautiful you can speak with whichever accent you prefer british canadian your own maybe some russian accent for to make some difference on this channel maybe we should teach this but anyways you choose whatever you want to do it's up to you but i think it's really important to understand what native speakers do when they speak english because once you know what they're doing it's easier for you to understand them so switch on your ears write things down because some of them you'll be like oh my god really that's exactly what they're doing why haven't i noticed that before the exact same thing happened to me when i started kind of studying american accent when i started exploring what are those people doing out there what are they doing with their mouths and lips what is going on so today we're going to talk about that continue watching this video but before we get into the topic please hit subscribe and hit the like button okay did you hear a browse button button and this is the first thing that we're going to talk about today it is glottal stop so if you watched my previous videos on this topic and if you haven't watched them the links will be down below please watch them because they are really interesting really exciting and they're performing really well on this channel so glottal stop glottal sound i think tea is one of the most difficult sounds in english is because it has so many variations in different accents and different dialects and just the way people pronounce it in one of my last videos we talked about the word beautiful which actually is pronounced as beautiful it's almost d that is almost an r it's b beautiful you know i'm using this mic so you could hear all the nuances beautiful i think it's almost r not penny beautiful but beautiful and then what water it's water it's not water water it would be british water is what americans say water so again i would have been confused if i heard this word maybe 20 years ago when i was just starting learning english and if i learned water and then somebody says water i would be like what what does that mean and the same with letter and then americans say letter letter but this was t changing into d or r now we're going to talk about t kind of disappearing and evolving into this glo glottal sound glottal sound the glottal stop is not officially recognized by the english language rules and that it's just something that you learn from videos like this if you're wondering how do you actually pronounce what is this glottal stop if you say uh oh uh oh so something that comes in between those two sounds is this glottal stop this this kind of as if somebody uh somebody's uh holding you by the neck this is the glottal stop so for example let's say the word button here you go initially you would pronounce button with a t but native speakers would often use the glottal stop here so it's button [Music] button you know just try and mimic this that's the only way i can explain so first train with oh this glove stop and then you just add it into the word button todd hit the button what button there are some other examples this glottal stop is both used in american and british but i feel like the british people use it more if you are studying british accent correct me if i'm wrong but i feel that mountain is very british this is when i'm replacing uh tea with the glottal stop mountain elf curtain is very british cotton and where can we say curtain curtain the curtain rises it kind of disappears but it's still kind of there so when we pronounce the regular t my tongue would touch my teeth the back of my teeth when i'm kind of speeding everything up and trying to sound like a native speaker i would say curtain so my tongue kind of goes there but it stops before it hits my teeth it's curtain but if i want to sound more british i'll say curtain in the british version my ton doesn't even make an attempt to hit my teeth another example to sound very british forgotten europe place t for the glottal stop forgotten again there is no rule uh where you replace t with a glottal stop glottal even even in the word collateral you replace it you just listen to people around you like if you're in great britain you would just hear people using it more and more if you're in the us you will sometimes hear people using it but my advice would be learn that it exists and then once you're in the language speaking environment once you're in the us or great britain just you know depending on where you are listen to people around you and you would eventually i guess you will eventually just mimic people who around you that what happens to me all the time but in california i kind of speak like californians when i'm in great britain i adapt it depends on the way your brain works my brain works that i'm mimicking everything uh but yeah glow stuff here you go now you know what it is by the way guys if you want more explanations when like people talk about where your tongue goes or how your mouth opens or how your muscles should work i'm not a specialist in that i'm more especially like describing what's going on with the sound but my friend mania who's originally from russia but no one could ever tell that well i can't tell that he has mastered the skill of like explaining people how to open their mouth to sound like an american and he has the whole course on a platform called language rep which i co-founded and um if you want to check out this course highly highly recommended one of my friends recently took it he and he was at home with me one of the classes he listened for six minutes of the class and he said i now know more than i learned at school about like how to open his mouth and instantly his speech was a lot more natural so highly highly recommend this course the link will be down below the next trick can versus canned here we have a very unique situation so t in the word can't and wouldn't and shouldn't and couldn't this t is super super important because it changes the meaning of the whole sentence because i can't help you with this but the problem is americans don't really pronounce this t in the end they say i can't do this and the only way for you to understand whether they meant can't with a t or can without a t is to pay attention to which word they stress when they talk about something let's look at a couple of examples i can't help you so i say i can't help you but because i'm emphasizing kian that really means i can't help it i cannot help you i can't help you but on the other hand if i want to say i can help you meaning that i'm able to help you then i'm emphasizing the word help i can't help you versus i can help you i can't help you i can help you so again the rule here is when you emphasize that you're able to do something you emphasize the verb i can cook lasagna but if you want to emphasize that you can't do something you emphasize the work can't i can't cook lasagna never done that before let's just try another example so that you remember and understand correctly my husband can drive a car that means he's able to drive a car my husband can't drive a car he's unable to do that again i'm kind of doing this over the top so you could hear the difference but normally people just say i can't do that nah i'm unable to do that that's it another tip um it's not going to relate to the way you pronounce words it's just going to relate to the way you learn the language so basically what happens to me is that i know some words but then people start using them in a context that i do not understand so whenever you don't understand something google the whole phrase because sometimes the whole phrase has a completely different meaning from what you expected because you knew only one meaning of the word that it's used in the phrase and sometimes words have like 10 different meanings there are a couple of resources that i just wanted to recommend i would always always use urban dictionary because you know sometimes people are like swearing at you or saying inappropriate things or just saying things that mean completely different things that like a normal dictionary would tell you so whenever i'm confused and whenever i feel that we are something i'm reading online or just engaging with people on social media when i feel that this is an informal kind of speech i would go to urban dictionary first and check what that means and normally i would get the right definition because if i just google this word on its own i would get something really formal and it wouldn't make sense and another great website is called do on that website you also find words that people use in their everyday lives and they might use them in completely different meanings versus what the standard dictionary tells you the next you versus when i started on youtube in the us i would say youtube because british people say youtube and this is where i've heard about this platform for the first time and i continued saying youtube and then the underground in london is the tube and i just said tube all the time and people laughed at me and i was like why are they trolling me youtube is youtube and then i started watching more american bloggers and i realized it's actually youtube so the thing is in american english in words like student youtube duty new you would just say the sound oo instead of saying you so instead of saying student it's kind of british right kind of what we were taught at school student is what people say in the u.s a student a student the word ain't is he coming no he ain't coming max he ain't coming i ain't gonna do that just ain't gonna do that have you heard that before of course you have i've heard it many many times so first of all ain't is this word that kind of replaces a lot of different things am not is not has not so basically if you don't want to learn grammar you can just use ain all the time but it is super spoken like spoken english you can't really use it in an interview you can't really use it in an essay not all of the native speakers use it but it is pretty common to say he ain't doing that so when you hear it next time you know it's replacing either is not has not am not and you can also use it in your speech if you want the next word that you need to know and absolutely use it it's spoken but it's super useful appreciate it and please pay my attention to my mouth it's not appreciated it's appreciated so for example your server brings you food at a restaurant instead of saying thank you which is kind of basic and of course you can say that you say appreciate it appreciate it or somebody gives you a favor there is a long line and you're with a baby and somebody tells you oh get in front of the line and get your coffee faster than we do you like appreciate it appreciate it this is just the way to fasten your speech and to sound more that's american i know a lot of examples here by the way guys i'm not a native speaker i live in the us and a lot of things that i notice in my everyday life are very american because i live in california pretty sure if you travel to other countries you would notice other things but i think american english is the most popular version of english so we're learning it here prepare the next one is gonna blow your mind no yeah you have two words no ania which actually means yes do you want a coffee no yeah no yeah i don't know it exists in my native language russian it exists in american english in california a lot of people also say yeah no yeah no which is again two words and this phrase actually means no do you want to go out tonight yeah no i don't want to i'd rather stay home yeah no means no no yeah means yes i know super confusing just write it down but also you will notice based on the intonation based on visual signs you would understand whether it's a yes or no don't be sorry be afraid when you want to say i'm sorry but in reality you did nothing wrong you actually say i'm afraid like for example oh my god listen to this guys this is super crazy we're trying to buy a car right now this is this is the real thing that's happening right now we are trying to buy a car in the u.s we're trying to buy a new car a cadillac there are no cars and because there is a chip shortage and chips that are manufactured at a particular plant somewhere in china they had to stop due to coronavirus and now all the new cars require this chip that's why i've been waiting for my tesla for 10 months and now we're trying to get a catalog because we want a big family car and it's unavailable you have to wait for like four months if you're lucky so we come to this car dealership and i tell them i want to get a cadillac and instead of saying i'm sorry miss we don't have any cadillacs available they tell me i'm afraid we don't have anything available because like they haven't done anything wrong they don't need to apologize and say i'm sorry so they say i'm afraid we don't have any available or just to give you a couple more examples so you understand how the phrase is used um sometimes you talk to a person and they explain some concept and you're like i'm afraid i don't understand it because you're not making a mistake by not understanding what they mean but you say i'm afraid i don't get it or i'm afraid i don't understand it and i hear this phrase i'm afraid a lot normally when people don't have anything left like cadillac's or chocolate i'm afraid we don't have any chocolate left i'm afraid we don't have any apartments available i'm afraid we don't have any tables up till february 2023 like america is this crazy country where people i guess have a lot of money and you have to compete for basically everything we competed to get this house we're competing to buy a car i don't know just you know sharing some reality with you guys well this is probably particular to silicon valley uh probably different different places but silicon valley super competitive okay let's move on to the next tip on how to sound like a native speaker have you ever heard a phrase or something similar to this phrase they are a great doctor i'm glad i found them but they are a great doctor so we understand we're actually talking about a person but we are relating to that person as they or them why is this happening basically when you don't know the gender of the person you can relate to that person as they or them they are a great doctor they are a great teacher whatever um also like because of this thing especially in california again like for example people here can choose their gender and can change their gender and sometimes they don't want any gender at all and you might have noticed that sometimes on instagram you see that people ask them to refer to themselves as he or she or they so when they choose they that means they are gender neutral they don't want to be associated with male or female my pronouns are they them but no worries and uh yeah you refer to them as they so don't get confused it's actually a single person just the way we refer to that person and also again california there are a lot of gender neutral restrooms there are certain rules for example you don't have to have a gender on your birth certificate anymore because you might decide later when you grow up you know you can have different attitude to what's happening uh but i also see how it's beneficial for some people um again something that's happened in california again sounds really weird for me as a russian we don't have something like that in russia but this is a reality here thank you guys so much for watching this video up to the very end i hope it was useful and i hope you practiced your pronunciation all along and i hope that now whenever you listen to a song by an american you'll be like oh i know what she just said i know what he's just saying because marina taught me if you know you subscribed hit the red button down below and i will see you very soon in my next videos bye-bye
Channel: linguamarina
Views: 2,178,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english, english language, learn english, linguamarina, marina mogilko, linguatrip, english with linguatrip, speak english, speak fast english, how to speak english fast, american english, american english pronunciation, fast english, english pronunciation, how to understand natives, how to understand english, how to speak fast english, speak english like a native, speak english like an american
Id: _PWsV3WpJ20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 22sec (2242 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 09 2022
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