Full Restoration, 1942 Butcher Block - Alaska

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[Music] [Music] well we got it home now we just need to figure out how to get it off here this butcher block came from an old mine here in alaska and supposedly it's been at the mine since the 50s they just flew it out he wants to restore this thing for his wife for a christmas present and this thing has seen a lot of abuse it's a little stinky it's grimy it's got a lot of patina a lot of character but it needs a lot of love [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so so here is about an hour with 80 grit and i put a little finish there in there because of the position and the way they must have been chopping on this thing for uh for a long time this whole section right here is just really hammered and you know it's really smashed any detail in the the end grain and the joints [Music] so well this is a pretty big difference i mean it's that is who knows how many years of stuff but it runs deep picked up uh these casters some vintage style replica casters they're aged they are called vintage style i went with six inch mainly because he has pine floors and they're soft and in the four and five inch they were only an inch inch and a quarter wide so these are two inches wide it's going to give it a lot more surface area these all came off they're all numbered you know they're they're all split and i'm not sure why they're split but i don't know i think this might be a double-sided dowel one into the bottom of the butcher block one into the [Music] leg you can see it runs deep in there [Music] hmm well that the bottom cleaned up way easier than the sides in the top and now seeing the numbers and thinking about it pretty sure i know what this is so this is december 1942. man that's pretty sweet is [Music] shhh [Music] [Music] [Music] well i wasn't super excited about doing that but the two the two nicest plugs uh were definitely the cleanest well it turns out it lost all the caps this one was pretty bad too a bunch of uh looks like worm or beetle and i don't know if that's original or if it was from being out in the field since 1942 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] second coat on here it's actually working pretty good thickened it up with some sawdust [Music] [Music] so when i fill the bottom of this thing it's going to go through these cracks and probably fill up the bolt holes where i need to not have epoxy in there so i can make the dowels [Music] [Music] quite a few shims my floor is not the straightest but we are nice and level ready for our first little pour mainly this pore is just going to be injecting into the you know the larger cracks here and start starting to fill some of these deeper areas it's not going to be any kind of surface pouring okay i put eight ounces down that 3 16 crack i was like well that's a lot where's it going there it is this whole thing is full well last night turned into a mess but i think i was able to get it we'll see when i unwrap it if i made a a whole huge pile of extra work for myself or not they get to sand down the legs but they came out actually really good i was able to to get them to fill into the cracks really well and those should hopefully last for another 50 or 70 years still much work there these are going to get epoxied in talking with the owner he's all for it making these permanent [Music] these will cut at some point to put that base on and they're just a wee bit off here [Music] [Music] [Music] so that last coat came out pretty good uh definitely more oil saturated spots here where it has these huge you know that's way bigger than the fish i uh the huge spots where the epoxy pulled away from the wood i didn't didn't realize with especially on on how dry it was i didn't uh didn't notice that the oil was all the way through and in some areas so i'm going to sand down the surface to scuff it sand this a little bit i'm going to try to suck some of the oil out with acetone or denatured alcohol and then i'm going to try spraying a clear clear coat paint acrylic uv resistant just do a light coat since it's super fast drying and hopefully if i can get it to dry fast enough to at least cover this then it won't fish eye when i do a flood layer [Music] [Music] well last coat on the bottom is on pretty happy with how it came out now we'll see how uh how much work i made for myself once i pull this mold off and unwrap it and see what cracks got filled what didn't and what got filled that i didn't want not too bad and you can still see the 12 42. sometimes you just got to get out and enjoy the sunset take a break from butcher blocks and cutting boards [Music] [Music] well it's cured for two days and it's plenty hard enough for me to flip and start working on and start sanding got the uh the base for it all glued up borrowed a buddy's domino that worked out pretty sweet got the creative board [Music] so nice and these cracks came all the way through all the way through oh this one came through on the bottom so some of these didn't i'll have to uh pour each side of those and then here was the first the first pour in this i kind of knew this was going to happen at some point but it shouldn't be too bad to sand i think mom so far not too chabby it's definitely going to hold together for a long time it's not going to be coming apart anytime soon character is still there [Music] the cracks really they really did get filled really well so [Music] [Music] this is where my mold came apart on me and she's a little thick but she should seem pretty good all the cracks were filled last side coming together pretty dang sweet all right alright [Music] [Music] so [Music] trying to match some of the aging maybe even kind of patina but trying to add to the age age at least and being beat up so i cleaned up this chain giving her some good wax and hopefully it won't look so nice and new so so what do you call that clogging the butcher block and we'll see what the end result is [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] uh [Music] do [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so [Music] pretty happy how those came out [Music] casters are on [Music] starting to look good coming together [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] so so [Music] oh it's midnight glad i'm finally here the moment i've been waiting for the moment we've been all waiting for so [Music] so so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Kris DeVo
Views: 467,085
Rating: 4.7950945 out of 5
Keywords: wood, working, woodworking, craft, cutting, board, endgrain, end, grain, carpenter, jointer, refinish, chopping, maple, kitchen, food, island
Id: GfQgfz7b86I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 39sec (2139 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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