Early Season Archery Hog Hunt on the Ranch! {Catch Clean Cook} Wild Boar Pulled Pork Sandwiches

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yo what's up happy people i'm austin crocker and you're watching dear meat for dinner if you're wondering where rob is i'm not gonna lie to you he ain't doing too well right now he messed up his lower back right here about two days ago and he's stuck in bed so i've been working out here on the ranch and i thought you know what i might as well show you guys what goes on behind the scenes a little bit what we do out here on the ranch right now this is what i'm literally dealing with coming here to show this real quick the rats out here have literally eaten everything they've eaten this it's bad uh they've eaten the cables they they ate the generator cable they ate the the pump hose so we've been gone a little while so we're kind of dealing with things i got to put this gas hose back on not wanting to stay on so i'm going to zip tie it on and if we can get this thing started we're going to go dig a bunch of fence posts build a food plot we've got i mean we're getting a lot of rain right now so it's time to start planting food plots filling feeders you guys are riding shotgun all right you guys we got enough corn to fill a couple feeders i got some seed for the food plot we're about to till i got some iron clay cow peas ash nominee japanese millet let's get to work [Music] [Applause] all right you guys so sebastian's helping me out today filling this feeder here and over here i'm working on the tractor plowing this up as soon as we get this done we're gonna plant it all right y'all [Applause] you all know the saying every job is one broken bolt away from becoming a three-day ordeal i'm in the middle of that right now last night i was almost done having everything plowed and this bolt right here snapped when it snapped this cross member or whatever you want to call it came flying down around and got stuck in the rototiller i didn't hear the bolt snap but i heard that because when it locked it up it broke my yoke of course i shut everything down but by the time that happened this whole assembly this uh i don't know what to call it it snapped so now this whole thing is loose but i could not get this yolk off of the clutch for the life of me i wanted to save the clutch so i took the clutch to my buddy's house last night we heated this thing cherry red couldn't get it off eventually cut the thing off i went to tractor supply this morning got a new assembly now all we got to do that we finally got this back together get these bolts back in lift it back up where it's supposed to go this here was so bad an hour ago i don't have a press with me i'm in the middle of nowhere so i put two ratchet straps together here clamped it together where almost it was fit the bolt back in we're almost there as soon as we finish this we'll finish the last two passes of the food plot put seed in the ground we're gonna build a drag she'll finally be done and then this afternoon we're gonna relax go sit in a tree stand try to kill a hog all right y'all now for the fun part put some seed out now this is some seed that i mixed back at camp let me show you what i'm working with here i got a these big ones here this is a iron clay cow peas i mixed some oats in there a bunch of ash nominee a little bit of brown top millet we're gonna put this in the spreader we're probably gonna need a lot more than that but that'll get me started for now [Music] all right joel sebastian's laughing behind the camera he's like what are you doing i'm just trying to make a drag to bury the seed by the time i go buy or rent a cul-de-packer i'm going to lose the rest of the day so found some pallets at camp found this old pipe actually and then got a fence i don't know if this is going to work or not but uh rigged it all up put some staples in it now we're going to drag it see if we can't cover this seed get ready for some rain this afternoon let's see what we got [Applause] [Music] now i know a couple of y'all probably wondering is this actually working i was wondering the same thing so i put a bunch of extra seed right here so you can see it i'm going to have sebastian back up stand right here and i'm going to make a pass over it right now see what happens and see how much it's covering the seed because i want to know this needs to work [Music] all right you guys i'm very interested in this look so it covered some of i put a lot of seat here so some of it it didn't completely cover on that it's going to be the back left side of it but the whole center and everything that are right this is all covered i mean if i dig down i'm finding them so it's just beneath the soil that'll keep it from getting baked from the sun and hopefully keep some of the turkeys and doves from eating it go ahead and finish the rest of this plot i'll see y'all in the woods i'm gonna go hog hunting [Music] here they come i can hear them walking through the water but i can't see them me all right you guys i reviewed the footage the shot looks a little bit back like i said he was walking and he wouldn't stop and i took the shot if i would have let him a little bit more whatever but i think we'll get this haul um we're gonna give him probably 45 minutes to an hour it's starting to rain a little bit gotta throw this frog dogs over top of the camera i've been getting videos of hogs coming in here as late as like nine o'clock so we're just gonna sit tight for a little bit all right you guys so it's been about 45 minutes since i shot that hog no more hogs came through but i just had a deer come through about 15 minutes to go into the food plot that was pretty cool to see that's why we're out here doing this this morning so i'm gonna get down check my arrow look for blood we're gonna see if we can't find this hog all right you guys i just got down thought i'd show you an update on this food plot that we planted about a month or so ago see it's coming up pretty good i mean about everywhere you look you can see the deer and the hogs are browsing up the off the tops that's what you want to see just a little hidey hole food plot tucked away here in the woods on the edge of the road tree stands right up there let's go check on the arrow so on video he came right in through here beside that cypress tree but i cannot find any blood in this water looking on the leaves any type of vegetation we're just gonna ease through here real slow i can see where he went through i just don't see much blood any blood actually i know he came past this pine tree because that's that's the last place i seen him oh there he is right there there he is look at that he didn't go far at all all right we're gonna drag him out to the road load him up in the truck i'll see you back at camp all right first thing i wanted to do was to clean them up as best i could i didn't want any of that mud or dirt nastiness getting in my meat now y'all have seen rob clean probably a hundred hogs i'm gonna take the back straps out of this thing quarter them out put them in the cooler i'm gonna salt them down a little bit because this is a bore hog i'm gonna run into publix marinate them for a little while probably a couple hours then we're gonna make some pulled pork sandwiches [Music] all right you guys welcome to the kitchen just got back from publix i got some drinks for working today and i marinated this in my little cooler for about an hour i just had that salt in there and a little bit of worchester sauce just trying to help you know a wild boar like that is a little gamey but we're about to do it's going to be really good we're just going to put a little bit of oil in this crock pot and we're going to lay each and every one of these pieces right in here like so then real simple just some cracked pepper salt and then now instead of doing pulled pork barbecue i'm going to try something new this is a crushed pineapples with some pineapple juice put that right in here and then i guarantee you you're not seeing this coming bam drop a comment below if you know about that polynesian sauce that is the best sauce ever and i've tried it on chicken but i've never tried it on a fork i'm gonna mix it with this pineapple sauce i'm saving some of this for the next chicken nugget i order i'm going to mix this all in with that pineapple very very very very sweet come here look at this all i'm going to do is i'm going to pour this right over all of that and as rob would say it's just gonna fall in love now we're gonna put that on there we're gonna let that slow cook for a couple hours we're gonna go back out continue working on the ranch but i guarantee you this might not be lunch but it will be dinner at some point today [Music] all right let's see what we got it smells good now i was only gonna do this for like a couple hours it's been probably it's probably been four or five hours actually still hot wow look at that smells real good pull a couple of these out oh look at that it's falling off look look at the trigger can you see it man that was one tough son of a gun earlier that pineapple it's not enough see what we got i am starving look at that yes sir all right moment of truth i promise y'all i am starving pork on there i have never tried this before i was thinking about it when i was walking through publix i said it before i'll say it again that is my favorite sauce and i was wondering is that good on pork i think i already know the answer a little bit of coleslaw some potato salad nothing better than a little home-cooked meal after a long day on the ranch let's say a quick prayer real quick lord i thank you for this day thank you for this opportunity thank you for this job thank you for good people like rob and sarah that you put into my life i pray that you would be with them and especially be with rob and touch him touch his back and help him in jesus name i pray amen all right dude you gotta try it but this is good man it's actually good when i was skinning this hog earlier for those of you that have shot hogs bore hogs they got a they got a bad smell to them and i was thinking man i don't know i want to make a sandwich out of this i promise you that is really good polynesian sausage not just for chicken all right y'all i hope you enjoyed this video if you would like to see more videos like that let me know i enjoy doing this if you have any suggestions of things you'd like to see or maybe things you'd like to see out here on the ranch or anything like that let me know and i'll do it but for now it's all i got take care god bless we are gone [Music]
Channel: deermeatfordinner
Views: 543,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TGBTG, Catch Clean Cook, catch & Cook, deer, deer meat, Robert Arrington, deermeatfordinner, deer meat for dinner
Id: vzDEmM3N0hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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