No BAIT Needed! Deep Sea SLOW PITCH Jigging HOW TO! Catch, Clean, Cook

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good morning everybody darcizzle and puddin coming at you from south florida if you didn't know we are a florida fishing couple if you're new to the channel and today we are headed offshore deep sea fishing and we're headed out of the hillsborough inlet we're fishing with a good friend johnny jiggs captain johnny right behind us from johnnydiggstv on youtube check them out and today we're going to be doing a new fishing technique that we never have ever tried in our lives and really excited about it and it's called micro jigging you guys can be a lot of fun it's a again middle of summer here it's going to be about 2 million degrees more or less very hot very very good we're going slow pitch shaking slow pitch digging microchip okay yeah more slow pitch all kinds of good stuff yes see that's how little we know we're gonna so we don't do a lot of jigging so we're gonna go out an expert and uh learn all about it and hopefully catch a ton of fish this is weird we don't have any live bait on the boat yes we don't have anything no bait no dead bait no live bait so pretty new to us yeah again it's gonna be nice and hot beautiful morning nice and calm gotta come in before the storms and uh we'll see you at the first ticket spot let's go all right guys we have arrived at the first chicken spot we're out deep we're dropping right to the bottom right now so we're going to drop straight down you're going to want to put your uh pinky and ring finger right in between the trigger right there [Music] because it gets the jig to go straight up and down so it drops faster okay you let it go these jigs are designed to actually get horizontal and flutter wobble right and that's the difference between like a slow pitch and a high speed jig so ideally what we're doing is we're gonna imitate a wounded bait fish versus like a fleeing one in high speed jigging okay so as our lines go that way we're gonna go ahead and walk uh backwards towards the boat okay start walking return of the boat and do i want to hit the bottom as soon as you have bottom yep go ahead and engage it into the strike position okay and then this is going to get this is going to get a little bit where it gets a little bit awkward for for anglers strike position strike position okay and now you're going to put the rod across your forearm there okay and we're going to do a lift and let it fall and let it fall and here's the thing a lot of people will put it under their arm right here and you're only using your bicep muscle whenever you put it right here and jigging can be you know it can tire you out so you want to use as many muscle groups as you possibly can so putting it across your forearm will actually give you more movement on the jig as well as you see i'm kind of doing this shoving motion and it's actually using a lot more muscle groups in my arm and my body to where i can jig all day long you could do a quarter turn or do a half turn lift and let it fall or you can and then you can drop back down and tap bottom so that's that's basically the technique okay we're moving a little quick so i'm gonna i'm gonna go ahead and retrieve and get this on to get on the wheel so that way i can slow us down a little bit okay and then we got a better chance of hooking up very cool all right so you saw that ooh he's a very an expert over here on this jigging and i am not so i'm gonna look a little awkward jigging as i get familiar and comfortable with this and yeah we have a moving current today very fast current and you guys know where we live it just rips past us because it's so deep where we are right now it's almost 300 foot deep and we're right by land so it just drops off super steep in which case we just get that crazy north current so he will drive and keep us on the spot and let's see if i hook a fish all right so eddie back there i don't know if i mentioned him earlier but eddie works at johnny jake's shop good friends over there they just both landed a blackfin tuna johnny just got his blackfin tuna under the boat and now i'm dropping back down to see if i can hook up i do think i have a fish yay i think i think i hooked up yeah i'm hooked up all right i think i believe i'm hooked up on the first fish of the day for me uh eddie and johnny landed two nice what is that no way i got a trumpet fish nice job but i haven't caught one of those in years how cool is that thing well they caught two black bins earlier this is a trumpet fish you guys have never seen this on the channel in quite a while check out that guy watch out watch out hold on open it up there we go want to break the reel okay there we go nice that thing is huge all right really cool fish right there hold on let me fix my line right here real quick check out this wild looking thing they kind of they kind of float vertically in the water like almost like seaweed or something down there like straight up and down i've seen them snorkeling before and caught one many years ago this is the biggest trumpet fish yet but look at that wild looking creature look at that mouth pretty wild so that is really epic first trumpet fish for me and years on a micro jig how cool is that let's let him go drop it down drop it down drop it down hold on i'm going to pass forward big tuna oh eddie is hooked up on a stud nice all right so eddie hooked up over there he instantly said it's a big tuna it's not up to the boat yet but johnny told me to go ahead and drop on this side that's exactly what i did and i hooked up doubled up on the jigs baby always take some drag now nice fish straight up and down and with these with these rods you know i'm not going to be bringing them up real high to crank on them and basically you don't want to bring these rods up too high or you're going to break them because they're so light in there for slow pitch jigging this fish is coming up right here nice tuna nice tuna nice tuna heck yeah summertime blackfins baby nice work that's a stud right there johnny jakes baby johnny getting the job done yeah so basically don't want a high stick as you can see i'm just cranking on this fish i'm not pumping just steady cranking keeping the line tight and keeping the rod down exactly what johnny jigs told me to do and we're gonna link all his information down below if you're interested in checking out his store and his jigs and all these awesome rods that they make there he is i see him color fish color nice fish doing his tuna circle slowly coming up here we're close yes nice work all right so captain johnny jigs putting us on the fish today you can see that's a johnny jig right there in the corner of the mouth look at the color on him gorgeous fish the black fins are so cool looking and that's a nice one that's a nice football for this area especially this time of the year so now we've got a total of four tunas in the boat not bad nice work let's do it again all right guys we're gonna go over exactly how we just caught those two big black fantunas and johnny jigs he's been slow pitch digging for about six or seven years now correct around five or six yeah five or six years so now people are starting to get into it so we're gonna give you the best part of this video is how exactly we caught this fish and the tackle so i'm gonna have johnny jiggs tell you from start to finish what we're using in order to catch that fish awesome so we were you know we we picked a spot out here you know obviously we were targeting a little bit of reef out here and did a drift across it but we knew we were kind of on the ledge as well to where we were in the tuna area right and what we threw on for you was uh um this is a slow pitch jig this is a johnny jigs torpedo watermelon um you can see we put hooks on the bottom and the top as well as a ball bearing swivel there and what you are using is a um accurate valiant 500 n spj version so it's got the power handle that's the difference it's a little bit longer right match with the pro a slow pitch jigging rod and so we were looking to do like a little bit faster action um on the jig you know the the plagix seemed to like a little bit more movement right um then versus like the you know bottom dwellers will like a a little bit slower uh action i find um on the bottom and um and what's this spooled with this is a 30 pound test dia j braid and it's a multi-colored uh metered line so you actually can can count the line going down know what depth you're at and then we have a um a pr knot or you could use an fg knot spliced into fluorocarbon we use about 12 feet of fluorocarbon um that seems to be the magic number um and this is 100 knot too 100 not so it's stronger than the fg it's been proven to be to be the best knot yeah but um and then 50 pound floral correct 50 pound fluoro yeah you can go 40 50 even 60. um 50 seems to be the magic number for me i use it a lot yeah sometimes when i go in shallower i'll i'll bump it down to 40 even 30 but 50 seems to be really the magic number for me you could really put some heat on a fish with that pound fluorocarbon and then if like if anybody wanted like any of you guys watching wanted to get into slow pitch jigging like what would you recommend for a beginner like how would they start that process um a beginner setup so really the question is is what's your fishery and what depths are you fishing in so so you need to match the rod and you need to match the jigs to the the fishery you're in the depths that you're fishing so if you're only fishing in in you know 100 feet of water then you're going to want a lighter rod you're going to want a lighter setup of lighter jigs so you really need to match the the gram size to the fishery you're in and a good rule of thumb really guys is is that if is one gram per foot is a good starting rule of thumb right up until you get out to about 350 feet and then it changes a little bit but that's somewhere to start that's definitely like a great beginner tip to know what size jig to put on gotcha gotcha and then if anybody that lives down here in south florida how can they find you where's your yeah they can go to uh johnny jigs we have a um we have a nice tackle shop at 709 south federal highway in pompano beach or you can go onto our website at um also check out if you really want to dig into slow pitch jigging and really the nuances of it i have a whole youtube channel devoted to it it's pretty cool yeah so and then also he makes these custom johnny jig reels sorry rods and then as well as the jigs too so check him out if you're interested and i'll link all his information down below including his youtube channel he has some epic slow pitch digging action it's caught every species in the world on jigs it's insane out here crushing it with darth sizzle let's go all right guys we are back at the house and avoided those crazy thunderstorms that were out there it's just that time of the year with the crazy thunderstorms here's the biggest tuna that was put on the boat thanks to eddie who caught it and they let me take it home so we are going to go ahead and fillet up this beautiful fish it was really cool checking out johnny jigs store really clean nice looking store and plus slow pitch jigging was just super cool and it's actually the next day and i'm slightly sore from slow pitch digging which is wild and believe it or not brian literally just called johnny jakes and got a slow pitch digging rod so we're all set up and ready to go and we're super excited to start slow pitching so let's dive right into this beautiful blackfin tuna he was bled as you can see we caught his throat right there that's one way to to bleed them as well or rip their gill plates out but he was blood um because these fish are just full of blood but let's dive right into it using my seven inch blade today from smith and i have a promo code or coupon code that you guys can use dar sizzle 15 for 15 off plus free shipping link it down below for you guys but we're going to cut into his head as much as possible and you can feel right in here where the head meet goes up into so you go way up in there and then just turn that blade around right here when you get to this first pec fin there's like a really hard part of like really tough part of skin there and i kind of just bring my knife up and go around it that makes it best and that way i don't dull my knife as fast i can't wait to see these loins gonna be beautiful just go all the way down and then just like any other fish we're going to stay right on his bones we're going to get as much meat as possible this knife is so sharp i just cut through the other side oops no big deal right back you guys see these gorgeous loins super super hot out here so i'm going to try to do this fast because of course he's a sushi fish we want to keep them cold and a common misconception or a lot of people think that you need to freeze your sushi fish but that's not the case you don't need to do that at all at least we don't um because you know we just we know this fish is fresh we took care of them and i mean it's recommended that's what the sushi restaurants do and stuff but we are not going to freeze him we're just going to eat them now we're going down the bones right here he's just awkward shape when they get this size the bigger the fish the more awkward it is of course there we go cut a little bit into the innards there but that's not a big deal you can see that fish is full of row full of row they're spawning right now i'm going to put this in the shade you see we did a good job there see how they cut right through the other side by accident that knife was so sharp it just slid right through it no big deal all right now we got our beautiful tuna loin here and to just tell you guys a little bit about how tuna meat or sushi meat works is the top loin right here this is usually the best piece of meat for sashimi style pieces that you're going to eat the bottom portion or the belly meat is going to be best for sushi grade cuts so that's kind of how it works and what we're going to do here with this fish since he has really big loins i'm just going to cut right along this really big bloodline and we're going to stick it out and get it off the skin like this going down going underneath just working my way down this is another way to do it instead of going across they do have a very thin skin and this takes a little bit of practice but we just knocked off that top loin beautifully as you can see right there i still have bloodline on the beam which is not a big deal we can just edge that out it's a really thick bloodline even when you bleed the fish it's pretty wild how much blood they have in their system get that out that's pretty much all set a little bit more there we're going to do the same exact thing on the other side of the bottom the belly meat here and because i cut into the innards i just got to get rid of this bones here for the rib cage knock that out all right there you go so same exact thing this kind of edge where you see the blow line just like so i'm going to go down right to where the skin is and then turn your knife and slap it bring your knife slap it stop it so go ahead and try that on your own fish or some big fish that has big bloodline this is the best way to do it i've done this with wahoo with sharks tuna so it works great we left that bloodline right in the middle so we don't really have to mess with it that's a big old blow line put that to the side and we still have a little bit of blood right here i'm just going to knock out but this is pretty much all set ready to go so i'm going to finish up getting this prepared for sushi and then i'm going to meet you guys for the cooking with pudding portion of this video hold on sizzle oh i'm coming that was instant well you know i just just coincidence and luck of the jar i guess yes but guys we don't cook tuna around here all right we don't cook tuna no we don't cook wahoo we make sushi voila and i'm prepared what a quinceanera star sizzle table right here this was totally unplanned i don't know how one must really think i like all the time totally weird but guys you know tuna and and other dense fish like maybe wahoo um you know it's dense and if you cook it i don't know to me you're just losing it i mean so we like to have we just like to make sushi out of it and you can make a fancy roll very simple we've done that in many other videos but it's just nice to make some nice sushi rice you can make that in a rice cooker which we have in the amazon store and just put it right on some sticky rice i got fancy i got my own uh chopsticks yeah and just dive in so what i'm doing yeah sorry the interrupt so what i'm doing is i am practicing my sushi cuts here with the same knife and i'm using the bottom loin like we talked about for the sushi pieces so i'm just going at a 20 degree angle and cutting really thin slices of meat off and the trick to putting this these pieces of sushi on the golf ball golf ball size rice rolls he has here is you want to make it thin enough so it bends around your finger just like this one did so that's perfect so that's going to be a perfect piece for pudding to put onto the rice right there i don't even need rice i'm too fat for rice well i gotta cut you sushi pieces to eat separate like that yeah so we're just cutting beautiful pieces the people over at echelon fit told me i got to stop eating all that gosh darn rice i'm too fat for the bike yeah you want to show them yeah sorry i wasn't in a dream he was like yeah in my head sorry lou called me up he said get off the rice so you take that piece and then all you do for preparation purposes is just like fold it around and since my hands are a little dirty but you just kind of bend a little bend and turn and then it wraps around your roll and then you have your own homemade sushi roll taste it how cool is that dive there's wasabi in there no oh good she doesn't like spicy food i don't and i love i'll load up that wasabi so it's breathing fire up my nose and clean out my sinuses that's delicious mmm oh yeah mmm so good and yeah just getting back to it you know you can do other things you make a poke bowl it's a really great idea of a tuna that is a bomb we love pokeballs you know you don't really cook it and you can do uh you know whatever and all sorts of raw things and you can make a ton of sushi but it's just fine just to make rolls mix in some shimmy slices and throw it on to a little bit of rice you want to tell them about the rod you just bought i just bought i just called up johnny just this morning and i was like dude i am convinced on the jigging tell me what rod i need for all those beautiful jigs he gave us he gave us a bunch of jigs he did uh for between like 100 200 the common depths around here and uh so i need a rod and i'm going to put a shimano trance on it and we're going to kill it man yeah he's literally convinced it works that well it was awesome i like it's nice and lazy now you do you got to do the arm thing see this arm thing where i'm using my i'm using my back and not my bicep so much my arm is sore like i said it's like this yeah so you're jigging and you're using a course if you always tell you you got to use the tool so you got to use the right technique for the right tool and you're going to have a lot more stamina and and not be like oh i hate jigging it's so tiring all right so that's kind of how we felt speed like speed you know i usually speed jig and it's you know exhausting all right so as he was talking to you guys right there we just finished up half the bottom loin and got some really nice sushi pieces there so now he's all set to eat plenty of rice tonight and fit raw fish and uh yeah that's about it guys i gotta finish up the other side of this fish before it gets too hot and it's for the heat i'm gonna eat it i just do it and then uh yeah and then we're just gonna overdose on a ton of tuna yeah and uh the knives of course don't forget the smith knives darcy i mentioned it oh did you what the code and everything oh good i did all right i'm sorry yeah and this uh last but not least don't forget my at my website fishhook and anchor bracelets available as well as uh sterling silver pendants we're babbling on at this point so let's go ahead and wrap up this video thank you for staying with us till the end if you did comment down below and we'll respond to you we love each and every one of you and stay tuned until our next adventure i got a new thing until then thanks for your time they take time out of their day to watch our videos time is like the most expensive thing so i appreciate that yes that's it thank you so much until next time follow your dreams and keep on catching you know what's follow your dream not dreams sorry you're like you came to the tiger i'm a stupid person no why don't you get a little bag so we could put this stuff in it or you could put it on your plate now whatever those are all pieces for you right here let me put on here i'll point the bell i'll bring this up
Channel: Darcizzle Offshore
Views: 26,705
Rating: 4.9238844 out of 5
Keywords: no bait, no bait fishing, fishing, deep sea, slow pitch, slow pitch jigging, how to, slow jigging, slow pitch jigging florida, catch clean cook, offshore fishing, deep sea fishing, hillsboro inlet, florida, hillsboro inlet fishing, florida fishing, johnnyjigs, how to slow pitch jig, how to jig, slow pitch jig, slow pitch jigging tehnique, slow jigging rod, casting jig, how to jig for tuna, jigging for tuna, vertical jigging, fishing videos, saltwater fishing, johnnyjigstv
Id: aO62wm5q4gM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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