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freeze [Music] you are now banned for 9 000 years oh my god taste my banh hammer okay cut that's a wrap we're done here great job guys all right mr brookhaven your paycheck is ready my favorite cat actor good job [Music] my paycheck or i'll hack you well you have the least screen time then triple my paycheck or will hack you huh okay no need to get angry like that your cash is over there [Music] damn being a director is tiring these days director ah my superstar what is it why do i always get a bad ending but it's funny isn't it as a main character i want a good ending don't worry you will get it someday you know what director you are fired whoa no you can't do that see your director it was fun [Music] so that is how you lose a job nobody needs a movie director these days maybe i should start a youtube channel hello how are you we are looking for a movie director you've just found the right man get in the car here we go [Applause] [Music] welcome to our movie studio robin to bank production okay that's a weird name so what kind of movie are we making a heist movie we are going to rob the bank i mean we act like we are robbing the bank what do you use to shoot the movie i don't see any camera we're shooting stuffs with this device that's a lot of damage these are our movie props the cameras are already on the set don't worry what about the actors there are only three of you yeah our roles are the muggers the rest are on the set well let's go to the movie set then later well done looks like a real bang the actor costumes are very on point they look like actual guards so about the movie script how is the heist gonna go down okay so we're making an action movie right going sneaky would be boring i say the mother's going in as loud as possible front door the muggers go right in let's go there will be a chaotic gunfight [Music] oh i think one mugger should be injured for some dramatic effect no i'm not doing that why would i let myself get [Music] oh hurt can't believe you've done this the dialogue should be like i'm got shot man go finish the job no brother i'm not leaving you behind it hurts help me haha get good enough [Music] thanks to the sacrifice of his comrades the last mugger finally gets to the bank ball using a bomb would be generic i say we use something bigger like a rocket launcher how the heck do we have that stuff and that will be the script sounds good enough cut the cash boss you nailed it let's bounce wow you guys have done acting already where is the camera did you record everything hey that's my favorite actor he's a good manga too yeah i used to work with him we made tons of money together go ask him if he wants to join us all right then [Music] hey man want to join us join what robbing bank mugging peoples and stuffs you rob this bank yeah you might know this guy freeze oh cops are here get in the car now i thought we were done acting get in the car let's go [Music] you boy we successfully robbed the bank but we've just lost our leader oh my god lust is this some kind of method acting what is going on here i'll be honest with you we just robbed a real bank all thanks to your plan so you are our new leader now i'm just a movie director you means criminal mastermind oh hell no man three days later cut cut as a director i've always wanted to be a leader of a movie crew but somehow now i'm the leader of muggers i can't tell the cups i would end up in jail at least they give me tons of cash [Music] hey little fella who left you all alone here with a new there is nothing for you to eat here let's bring you home [Music] welcome to your new home hold on i will get you some food [Music] oh so cute i might keep you forever let's name you floppy [Music] [Applause] finally something nice happens to me [Music] wow you dress like the world is about to end is there a nuclear threat coming civilian one there is a dangerous creature lurking around the city please stay at home until father notices okay tell me more about this creature what does it look like it's small looks like a cat but cubic once the creature is fed it will multiply itself and begin to attack people even worse they then begin to fed on us human and multiply even faster if you see any of them just call us we are slayer of evil creatures core or s e c c s for short that's all you need to know for now stay safe there is no way you are that creature right i mean you are a cute cat cube no way would attack people right maybe i'm just overthinking i'm going to sleep now [Music] tomorrow [Music] there are two of you now didn't know you have a friend floppy empty okay okay i will go get more cat food hello director juan oh hey bacon what are you doing here i'm just wanna pay you a visit after you got fired you know i'm going out to buy some cat food right now just get in and watch the cats for me okay you have cats yeah i will be back in the flesh [Music] i'm back bacon where are you there are four floppits that means oh no they ate bacon bacon noodle called me sir oh thank god bacon you are still alive of course i'm still alive sir how would i be dead get eaten alive by cats haha by the way why are there four floppers now i just fed them some milk and left them there oh this is bad cats don't reproduce this fast i'll get some food and we'll talk okay what is that noise bacon hey director [Music] i got a new job for you oh hey employer patrick what's the rush [Music] well i didn't know you were a cat person [Music] they're so cute where did you get them i don't think you should get too close to them don't worry i love cats too [Music] i should go to sex headquarters for help meanwhile oh no evacuate the civilians now bring them to the sex headquarters [Music] hi guys welcome to the sex headquarter humanities last hope we are researching flappa's weakness and stop them from dominating the world have we found a way to stop them sadly we can't stop them from multiplying but the floppis have one weakness okay they're king all floppists seem to serve a king if we can eliminate the floppa king all floppers will lose their will to live only then may we have a chance to defeat them i'm a good planner give me a team of good soldiers and we will slay the king then follow me i got something to show you okay we got the alpha team a group of mankind's greatest soldiers they are currently on a mission here i will show you on the screen [Music] we lost the rest of our troops at the hospital sir well humanity is doomed wait i know a group of special individuals maybe they can help [Music] hello is this robin the bank production director i mean criminal mastermind so you guys are still alive yeah we are living a pretty good life in the basement with all these cash wanna go save the world some fun what's the reward become the greatest heroes saviors of humanity no we don't want to be famous maybe they will let you rob the bank legally it's a deal then we are coming i will bring my new trainee who is this new guy this is my trainee sneaky timmy he's good at sneaking trust me [Music] [Applause] what the dog doing what he's doing you all must have seen the situation by now humanity is in danger as team leader i say we go slay the flopper king okay and then we rob the bank right yeah anyway fcc's gave us the king's location i will come up with a plan when we get there just like when we rob the bank [Music] you guys rob the bank just acting ha ha alright your ride is ready we will bring you to the flapa king's location good luck you're our last hope okay listen up gang yes sir this operation will be more different than the last sneak in is our only option only one person is needed to slay the king this is their territory we don't want to get caught this is the perfect job for sneaky timmy i know this house is structure get in there and i will guide you through [Music] take my trusty hammer and slay the king let's go sneaky team okay okay timmy stay hidden and check every room [Music] if you see a big flopper with a crown on top then it is the king yes sir [Music] the king is just one big flopper and a flopper is just a cat one smack of hammer should kill it easy once the king is gone all the other floppers will be confused you can just run out of there and the world is saved strange he should be back by now according to the plan he disconnected we lost connection to him oh man he was the second sneakiest person i've ever met is there someone sneakier than him next leader the mugger oh the one cop by undercover cop liquor what do they call him he's known as major mugger with the punchline it's mugging time alright let's get him out of jail hope he's still alive he doesn't seem so alive to me sir the world is officially doomed i'm here guys oh [Music] it's mugging time [Music] maybe it's eating time first okay that wasn't me it's a trap we must run no wait what i'm not dead where am i i got captured at least i didn't get eaten is this flopper watching me looks different than the other ah you're finally awake you can talk yes i see that you can sue i'm the wise floppa the voice of the king now speak tell me location of the sex headquarters you'll never win incorrect we won't win we will eat all humans you're gonna kill all humans yes all the humans then what about that one over there oh meow that is a flopper that is definitely a human in a flopper costume what no i am not that meow meow bro yes you are you traitor why is flopping my friend you all say meow meow sounds like a flopper to me if you're a flopper do something only a flapper can do okay what was that that was me using my flopper arms it's true humans do not have flop arms so he must be a floppa but you don't have arms maybe he's evolved us flappers evolve all the time or he's lying he is not a flapper are you a floppa yes he says he's a flopper but what if he's lying about being a flapper then he is a human [Music] i'm a flopper well okay that's fine then so if i say i'm a flapper that makes me a flop right okay maybe i'm a flapper are you a flopper no i'm a human okay i'm a flopper you're a flopper quick release in nice thanks okay now tell me the sex location in your dream so if i go to sleep i could dream about the location well awesome i'm going to sleep now [Music] wow this white structure is not so wise is it and you what was that who are you oh i was just surviving sir where did you get that flopper costume this is the flop i hide out so i borrowed myself this nice costume already in the flopper hideout then the king must be here all right i'm going to put this mask back on call me emma gets flopped we still have to work together here it's not too late to save the world let's go yes sir [Music] this flopper can talk to are you the king i'm the king can you let us meet the king over my dead body oh do you see how big it is we're not gonna win yay let's go home wait it's just a cat let me try this [Music] here little flappa cat food i love cat food so that's why they eat humans let's go to the next room yes sir [Music] what's going on here this is the hallway of death the flopper is the keeper it will ask each of us three questions who answers correctly gets to pass safely what if you get one wrong then you get sent off the world by the keeper flopper i'm not doing this i don't want to die it's mugging time stop who wants to cross the hallway of death must answer three questions okay try me what do you call yourself major mugger the mugger what is your favorite color blue what are you here for to mug your king okay you can pass easy peas [Music] it let us mock his king as long as the answers are correct that's easy stop what do you call yourself no this next mr mugger are you a flopper oh yes you must be honest my friend let me show you what do you call yourself biggest guinness the mugger what is your favorite color blue white i think yellow is better [Music] stop what do you call yourself one movie director what equals m c squared the answer is who invented orange are you talking about the color or the fruit and if we're discussing this was the fruit named after the color or was the color named after the fruit i don't know that well luckily i often ask them questions [Music] that's definitely the king oh should have brought something bigger humans i'm the king of floppis congratulations on passing my free trials what do you see wow the king sounds so much different than i expected one you know my name you adopted me remember when i was in the garbage floppy but why are you doing this why are your flappers attacking humans oh i was just hungry low your cat food sucks that cat food was old i bought you new food but you decided to eat bacon did you bring me new food this time i'm not food okay you humans taste like sandpaper anyway so if i fed you quality cat food will you stop eating humans yes i will give you food on one condition send all of your flapper clones away from the city you don't need to find food anymore already done all right let's bring you to your new home [Applause] [Music] what a weird looking house you will stay here and people will come to feed you what makes people do that i don't know they've been playing raise a flop or two all the time they should do the same to you okay thanks juan you know where to find me i sure do are we still friends after this don't you worry we're buddies for life only death can do us a [Music] scc part it this is one target and confirmed send the payload to my coordinate roger that payload is on the way breaking news the number of kidnapped children have risen what we advise everyone to take precautions more statistics will be updated in the future lucy lucy where are you thank god you're here it's so good that you're here just stay inside [Music] [Applause] what are you doing huh stay here [Music] oh hell no why did it have to be dad [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] guys look anita head is being kidnapped we must tell mr evans come on let's go [Music] anita head has been kidnapped and served wait a minute who are you enough with the pranks no no don't touch me there this is the no square no no don't touch me there this is hello [Music] hey [Music] hello there mimi what bro what are you talking about man get over here [Music] the kids will be under my control i'll train them to become assassins oh my god it's time for school come on my stomach hurts i need to go to the bathroom me too something strange about mr evans he's not the same we should get out of here okay [Music] we need to find out what happened to mr evans maybe he's under penny spells that's from an investigation team great idea i agree me too this will be our password i am not being controlled we'll read it out loud when we group up okay the next day [Music] sorry i fell asleep say the password do you need to be that serious [Music] [Music] i got grounded same here no god please yet let our plan go to ruins i'll carry it out tonight many hours later [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello [Music] help me yes sir yes sir here we go don't let coca-melon's mom find out she's really grumpy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] let's do this guys [Laughter] [Applause] mr [Music] what should we do follow me we'll grab some weapons let everyone drink this it will make them normal again rest we'll strike tomorrow yes sir yes [Music] [Music] [Music] penny has taken everyone back to his lair rescuing everyone will be tricky i need someone to lure him out i don't feel so good [Music] i got called back for dinner here's the report card for this month your parents will receive them soon whoever volunteers will get an applause go go sir i'll go sir [Music] [Music] i'll handle him here [Music] ah [Music] let's split up and search [Music] hahaha [Music] huh [Laughter] [Music] help me [Music] luca help [Music] huh wait why are you suddenly here [Music] what's our code [Music] uh [Applause] what come on run let's see how far you can go come and get me [Music] luca this way [Applause] run what [Music] you tricked me [Music] let's get everyone out what about him sir oh he's going nowhere [Applause] [Music] what are you talking about
Channel: Juan.
Views: 1,555,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i hacked, roblox brookhaven rp, roblox brookhaven, brookhaven lututu, brookhaven robber, roblox robber, lututu robber, brookhaven rp funny moments, brookhaven funny, brookhaven rp funny, juan, juan., lututu and juan, lututu mugger, mugger, lututu, TOP 3 BEST ROBLOX Brookhaven 🏡RP - FUNNY MOMENTS SERIES
Id: ROFgTsxd3P0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 40sec (2380 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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