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foreign [Music] just another day in the life of the best movie director yeah boy [Music] good morning neighbor hello good morning oh and in case I don't see you good afternoon good evening and good night foreign time to make another banger let go [Music] oh man you should see your face just messing with you bruh how very fun working on a new movie you bet well I got some bad news for you this movie Set is under lockdown why because we've found a body here a body on my movie set maybe it's a problem see for yourself okay [Music] hang on this idiot ow don't hit me like that this is a crime scene step aside [Music] whoa that is a body but how we don't know just yet but we'll get to the bottom of this I'll ask some witnesses can you help me with moving the body why me I'm not even in the force trust me you're more qualified then whatever hell bacon is sure I can't work today anyway great get the body to the hospital we need a report from the doctor huh [Music] morning can I help you was that screaming I heard oh a yes that was definitely my screaming I get excited when I work with your ex right I heard an X too yes so you like X absolutely asking people too yes I mean though I fix axes so you're an ax fixer no I'm a doctor but you just said you're an ax fixer oh yes I am an ax doctor and I definitely didn't kill anyone I got a body here oh yes put it on the operation table that's a dead body right huh oh yes this one's been dead for quite a while now help gotta help me this guy's crazy ha sorry about that that's a living human no that's a body body how he looked pretty Lively to me technically all of us are dead bodies but alive I got this body to check so I'm not even going to question your strange work ethic excellent let me just throw this one out yeah so how can I help police want an analysis so you do that give me some time [Music] oh man what's wrong this guy's one tough fella gonna need better equipments for this oh no fetch me something big and sharp you're the duck you do it I don't exactly have a doctor degree well I only have a director degree bruh you work with the cops right so let me give you two magic words Police business hey just tell them this is Police business and you can get almost anything wow that is new I'll try it out well go body ain't analyzing itself I could use it right right now need to get to places faster [Music] yeah Jesus are you out of your mind man step out of the vehicle right now I need your car oh I see how this goes [Music] tryna Rod my car is that it hey hey chill chill nobody's robbing nobody I just need to borrow your car a bit is all oh yeah sounds like a car robbery to me say good night wait wait wait I'm with the police this is Police business Police business yes I just need to borrow your ride real quick well why didn't you say it sooner my rights or yours really yes it is a duty to help the police okay please take my gun too you need this more than I do why thank you good luck with the police business sir [Music] incredible why didn't I have this sooner I should do this more often [Music] oh sorry Police business [Music] money right now I needed to buy some equipment I'm calling the police you won't get away with this [Music] [Applause] all right you've made your point just give me a second [Music] Police business thank you for your cooperation [Music] give me your biggest sharpest too sorry sir no permit no sword Mister this is Police business I'm gonna need proof for that I see this is Police business well all right sir here you go this looks about right may I try it out sure I ain't got a few dummies in the back nice it's got the perfect sharpness why Police business [Music] hey Doc I got you something [Music] hey John how's it going with the body foreign oh my goodness do something you're the police oh right it's the ball the ball do not touch the ball hear what he said wish I understood that the body's gone this is getting complicated bacon get the poor doc out of here on it oh my God Ballers [Music] dude did you see that yes this is just so wrong the bull infects people turns people into this strange life form a man holding a ball a ball holder don't know what to call it it just doesn't sound cool who cares about its name you understand how serious this is definitely we better kill it before things get real ugly [Music] why are we back at your house there's something real important I see a little something for our situation no I left my stove on my God hurry up one [Music] eternity later [Music] finally we are good you bet huh [Music] evening one evening Mr neighbor working late we're chasing someone what are they called a man holding a ball or a ball holder that doesn't sound cool I know right how about baller hey that is actually a pretty cool name funny sound effect too do it again baller oh man that sounds too funny again baller again Ballers again Ballard [Music] foreign [Music] we have to warn everyone it's already spreading too much [Music] huh get off the street this place isn't safe anymore [Music] what he said go home my cat is stuck go home h-o-m-e homie you would go get him thank you damn this lady's got some bad hearing maybe I'll get her the cat that'll convince her to go home [Music] here kitty calm down my kitty come to me Madam step away from that thing it's my cat what are you talking about [Music] dude that's an old lady and her cat it was too late for them we can't hesitate any sign of the infection [Music] Hi how are you oh [Music] oh [Music] we need your help [Music] another baller Bites the Dust oh wait that's not a baller well we have to be sure agree you dumber the virus is spreading too fast we're always one step behind there must be another way I got it the TV station why we can broadcast an announcement everybody in Brookhaven will listen wow you Anchorman foreign yes no not you the other Anchorman huh yes put us on a broadcast now I'm sorry who the hell are you [Music] breaking news tonight we have just received reports of a new disease called the baller flu here we have two witnesses on our show officer Luca and director Juan we police are trying our best to contain the new ball of Iris but for the time being everyone must stay inside whatever you do do not make contact with them they may look like us they may walk like us but they are not us but where the ball well what do you think it will work everybody watches TV great news boys your announcement tonight it's truly a big hit I wouldn't call it a big hit it's more like a safety notice of course it's a big hit everybody's talking about baller tonight okay they're even trying to find the baller to see what their own eyes it's gonna be a fun that's not our point but the baller is famous now isn't that the point hey Anchorman we're going to find the baller you coming say no more no no no no no no they missed the entire point you know what we gotta stop them yeah good luck he's famous on the internet [Music] this is so wrong baller get your baller merch right here you stupid dude that's an innocent that's a ball of sympathizer we gotta stop them before they spread the words further you're right can I trust you You Can Count On Me a bottle convention this must go [Music] stop right there [Music] baller news get your baller news here [Music] you got it private footage of baller I got one million Bob bucks here let's make a trade foreign wait a second what about the people chasing the baller you're right we'll find them and convince them easy peasy let's do this hey man we're searching for the baller others are in the forest too wanna join us stop posting about baller I'm tired of seeing it my friends on Tick Tock send me on Discord it's baller I was in studio origami right and all the channels were just baller I saw my super scuffle art to my girlfriend hey babe when the baller is baller yo hold on what are you saying yeah you want bellerophobic it ain't like that it's just not my thing heresy we shall Purge every non-believer this will be some tough talking hey man what are you going to do when you meet the baller shake his hands perhaps but some say he's infectious you really believe that what if they're right then they'll have to convince me yeah how convinced you are right taller Ballard nice got another kid in a costume yeah boy oh wow that's a baller all right what do you mean what this is proof if we can convince that the baller is dangerous everyone will trust us you sure this will work of course we need a test dummy I got just the perfect candidate [Music] going on easy [Music] let's go [Music] [Laughter] have a great time what the dog doing here we go people of Brookhaven who only one show though [Applause] evening sir are you here to witness the truth the ad mentioned baller I wanted to see it worry not you shall see everything Jun start broadcasting yes sir people of Brookhaven you have misunderstood the message the baller is a threat it is a virus it spreads let us show you [Music] oh my God that poor man has turned into Ebola this is not a drill stay indoor oh my God oh my God yes this is amazing no it's not I can become a baller too I gotta try this out no that's not what we meant [Music] by God people can't be that stupid right [Music] a fully baller turn me into a baller baller my turn my turn [Music] embrace the ball [Music] s baller baller baller you stupid oh my God people really are that dumb that's a whole lot of Ballers you think that's all of them I think so yeah should we check you know what I'm too tired let's just go home fine by me [Music] breaking news our scientists have made some great breakthroughs regarding the baller please share with us your progress [Music] yes the bowler has been a problem for too long to do something about it finally someone's making a difference Yeah Boy everybody wishes to be a bowler and this is unacceptable looks like our problem is solved easy that's why we have developed an even stronger version of the virus hey yo what though and we have released it into the air if you breathe you're a baller huh [Music] what the dog Pizza baller Ina [Music] baller baller baller baller quick mess gone [Music] that was too close are you all right I think so dude what the heck baller baller help me help me a bad feeling about this oh this is real bad what should we do I say we should just wait the balers will get tired for sure are you sure about that [Music] dude food and water ran out what do we do oh Mark I don't know sneak out no reason to stay here to the backyard then [Music] where you going hey damn my ankle I think it's broken baller my legs might be broken but there's only two of them nice we'll take them down together right Jordan fast as boy wait a minute here I come oh thank God I thought you were going to left me actually I was Spike really of course not a racer lived nearby he's not using his car anymore so I took it bruh nice one man I'm dead this guy's blue what must be some kind of mutation more reasons to get out of here fast [Music] here we go [Music] oh no guests are out I can't believe you've done this damn what now we walk well this is just perfect cheer up dude what's the worst that can happen no that's a lot of damage oh yeah yes I got another bowler [Music] what the hell is wrong with you I've just bagged myself a bowler no that's my friend no he's square and yellow check this out he's gonna turn any second now [Music] any second now crazy old man oh whoops sorry about that let me fix you up real quick [Music] good as new sorry about that we're even now right it was at this moment that he knew now what even now that's out of the way come to my office I need your help we've just met yeah how can we trust you who's this this is the Army really contacting every citizen we're doing rescue operation come to the town outskirt you hear that the Army is coming to save us I wouldn't trust them who asked you farewell mister look at that they're here to rescue us yay safety at last okay time to get out of here Mister what's wrong with him daughter don't ask these brave Soldiers silly questions I bet these honest men don't know yeah boy gay rescue at last hey what are they doing oh they're sleeping they've been running a lot gosh why are you answering this guy just shoot him all right what help me HQ this is Cleanup Crew we got another four later on second thought we don't like the army that much let me guess the Army is actually evil and they're killing everyone yeah all right get in foreign what do you need a baller piercer slicer or Crusher anything will do but alive uh oh my god oh what I'm working at a formula it only works with a live special how can we capture one we can shoot its legs no guns to risky don't take chances also take my car outside all right fine later [Applause] [Music] there it is let's hit him and get him no wait dude what the hell we hit him right isn't it a bit too much no it's not you ran over him he's dead he's still alive just with some broken bones look foreign oh wow never mind 20 minutes later [Applause] stop posting about Crusher watch this I hammered to the head oh this trick in the book yes got him [Music] bruh how don't you think your Hammer's too big makes sense six hours later what did I tell you small Hammer does the trick looks like we got one time to bring it back to the dock uh we got the specimen what not good now let's hope for the best what is this my antidote to the bowler pandemic the anti-baller how does this work exactly doc anti-baller chosen slicer Crusher amazing it can even use other weapons but wait there's more I'll show you two hours later me help me no way it cures the baller virus too with this we can rebuild the town so that's it yeah give Andy bowler a few hours and everything's going back to normal if you need something done tell Andy baller now just one small thing damn it why are there more civilians maybe we killed all of them couldn't be something definitely happened what's up and Tad baller neutralize [Music] [Music] blah
Channel: Juan.
Views: 938,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i hacked, roblox brookhaven rp, roblox brookhaven, brookhaven lututu, brookhaven robber, roblox robber, lututu robber, brookhaven rp funny moments, brookhaven funny, brookhaven rp funny, juan, juan., lututu and juan, lututu mugger, mugger
Id: ntzUyAWpGy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 54sec (2034 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2023
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