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take you away from this life why are everyone so obese with this game just some fluffy colorful mascots slowly chasing you around even my grandmother can run faster than that what is that sound [Music] hello director Wong oh hey bacon what makes you so scared nothing why are you here to make sure you are not kidnapped by that scary blue thing the blue mess got from that scary game I don't know if it is a mascot but yes [Music] silly bacon it's from a different game we are safe here in Brookhaven but there is some big fan of it they called themself Cult of the rainbow friends they summoned blue to the Brookhaven [Music] wow cut up the rainbow friends why don't they go outside and get some real friends instead touch some grasses bruh anyway don't let it see you it will send you away from the world we are in Brookhaven so this is just a family-friendly version of it would have sent me to it I touch it to Brazil Maybe you don't want to find out [Music] did you heard that hear what new sound I didn't heard anything are you scared of it you'd better be I must be hallucinating I'm gonna see a therapist [Music] did you hear there's a fat monster roaming around the city yeah what's its color I don't know but definitely fat evil monster got it sir is that the monster it's huge nothing to fear private we police are not afraid of anything [Music] oh my God it's so fat what goal Captain Luca tell him we have found the big fat monster hey I'm not fat it's just the R15 Roblox Avatar how did it get so fat body shaming people what does it want foreign I'm going to see a therapist because you guys hurt my feelings hello oh my God what an ugly fat monster I'm gonna commit unsee it did that guy just commit die how many more lives must this damn Beast claimed alright Elite officer here who is this black guy bruh no it's actually not black oh he must be innocent then nah can't be innocent it's ugly and fat hey gosh it's really hard to look at May I here you go stop doing that two officers are done request heavy vehicle backup bacon these guys are bullying me can you pick me up hello we got married oh man that was my favorite bacon I'm going home we can't let it go again if it runs away open fire or not die or we will kill you please don't don't it's raising its arm to attack no I'm not prepare to fire foreign [Music] had that been there the whole time how did I not notice that what a crazy misunderstanding oh my God a second monster [Music] come on fire you know now that the police in one touch I have to hide oh oh not good oh crap this is a dead end [Music] hide in the cardboard box wait what someone in there quite and get in now okay [Music] thank you dude you saved my life who are you the name is Solid Snake master of stealth like sneaky Timmy who the heck is sneaky Timmy never mind so you are good at hiding yes an assassinating two bring a cardboard box with you keep yourself hidden from Blue and you are safe they're roaming around like this any way to get rid of it for good even a tank can't take it down we need a better weapon a weapon to surpass Metal Gear try talking that Kingdom about the cultists I would wreck them on sight you go interrogate them I will make a weapon that can surpass Metal Gear okay but what is a metal gear by the way I don't even know where the cultists are [Music] so they don't want to keep in a secret High [Music] what do you want can I join the cult you must be a rainbow friends fan to join yes I'm a big fan then answer these three questions how many monsters are in Rainbow friends rainbow has seven colors so seven one is the best rainbow friend monster you are wearing blue helmet blue pretty smart alright last question what's nine plus ten you stupid get out of here [Music] can't negotiate with them time to use the Box [Music] who the heck is messing with us the cardboard box builds would break is an effective weapon noted [Music] it's undercover time foreign [Music] back ready who's at the door don't worry it's just some kids punching at the doorbell which I'm definitely not making up why did you get so fat suddenly oh I ate all of them kids huh got rid of them hi what you actually did that [Music] that was amazing yeah I expect nothing less from a faithful member of the Cults ready to summon green wait wait I have something to ask go ahead is there any way to kill blue why would you want to do that only red have that kind of power that's a pretty susque question it took a lot of effort to summon blue and you want to kill him yeah we even sacrificed a child for it you sacrificed what it was your idea and it worked okay okay so I have a new sacrifice idea for our next ritual let's go can't wait to summon green yeah we are ready come to the ritual room let the summoning ritual begin all right Fat Joe what will we sacrifice this time we hope the greatest tribute to any sacrifice ritual okay what the dog doing no no no no no no I love cake okay I hope it will work begin reading the summoned signs fusy gron house mid for shame [Music] oh I don't think those are the lines Joe we have to continue the ritual begin casting the summoning spells oh [Music] that guy is breaking the ritual no he is actually break dancing there's no turning back the ritual is completed I love cake huh foreign that's not our green that's a self-exploding green chef wow this ritual is even more broken than my parents marriage it's all the fact guy's fault hey I'm not fat the spell is on Cuda now we have to wait for a week to summon again Fat Joe you're fired for messing up our ritual wait how do you summon with only three members you think you are important our cult has more people than you think [Applause] [Music] before we sacrifice you instead [Music] filtration also didn't work I need to bring the whole place down can't let them summon more monsters what's on your mind's director oh hey bacon I'm gonna create a team of specialists to raid this place awesome what are you gonna call it the Rainbow Six Siege I can understand rainbow and Siege but why six gonna need six members for the team I think it's a good number now come let's start hiring we need four more members a few minutes later all right our first candidate get him in bacon show us what you got bro hello wait you looks just like bacon I'm Bacon's twin ham all right ham what's your special treat I can read mind awesome try to read my mind tell me what I'm thinking haha silly director I can only read my own mind [Music] anyone can do that really yeah it's called thinking oh man I just discovered I had this like two weeks ago huh wow I can't even do that stupid all right you [Music] are next one [Music] hello do you have any ability yes I do I can take someone's power oh did you took one yet no I can only take their power when they're dead so you are just basic human now not for long hey I'm here for the interview yeah [Music] see now I have his power pretty sure that's illegal by the way what's the dead guy's ability bacon let me check the list said his powers make the one who killed him explode well you reap what you sow next candidate top of the morning to you Lads look at those muscles anything to show us okay so I can block bullets damn that's Expo [Music] but it makes me bleed [Music] is there anyone that has an actual ability hello yeah I have an actual ability all right what is it check this out when I jump like this then it goes around me that's called a backflip also I can run super fast why don't you say that sooner but only when I carry a stack of cash what okay as long as it's useful [Music] debate super speed [Music] like a race I think he won't return silly bacon let's just wait for a little more [Music] we've lost all of our money any Kennedy left there are a few more okay hope they're not useless hello what is your power so my power is kind of complicated and what is it I can manipulate light waves sounds awesome even bacon can do that get out you picked the wrong house yeah boy how do you want someone with talents oh hey Luca are you here to join the team yes you know I got Tricks like making a bunch of Comedy skits using this game don't break the fourth wall look out welcome to the team I also brought these guys [Music] I should have thought of that sooner [Music] all right team we're the Rainbow Six get ready to Siege we have a cult to burn [Music] can't believe we don't have a toilet anyway newbie how was your first day working here I joined after seeing blow in the city it's amazing seeing him in this game you guys even sacrificed a shout right can't wait to do the same well you sound like a psychopath I like it welcome to the cult yeah so are we the bad guys now it's okay to be bad even the police can't do anything what's there to be afraid of some special forces gonna wreck us out of from nowhere ha ha you're right nobody can stop us wait a sec I have to pee be right back [Music] are you all right over there I'm fine just a mosquito ha ha what happened to your voice oh I lost my voice after I scream you know damn mosquitoes let's get back to the house so you are new here right yes sir you already asked that did you know about the green ship incident that happened today oh I didn't know that tell me about it oh it's terrible what happened to Poor Joe who is Joe Joe mama [Music] what is that noise let's go [Applause] [Music] hey isn't that Fat Joe the guy who ruined the ritual that's not our Joe he's the disguiser at me I will bring this whole place down alone this is our cult headquarters you know one alarm and the whole place will come and wreck you up Jenna right now turn off appearance swap wait you are not cultist Carl what happened to him whoa whoa whoa yeah you dumb cultist [Music] we got Intruders sound the alarm right now cut off their power bacon bacon six going dark fight [Music] put on your night vision director we got to break some boats okay look a report what is the situation upstairs as I was going in the cupboard there are still many more Target upstair we won't be able to fight them head on Mr Brookhaven any solution I have this device that can make rule to anything existing in Brookhaven let me show you anyone wearing night vision will get power Buffs wow I feel much stronger saw some wanna try sure anyone saying more than five letters in one sentence will die wait what what happened to the lot I'll go check the electricity [Music] guys I turned on the power generator will you be my partner for life [Music] [Music] doesn't our uniform makes us look like teddies they definitely bought this uniform from a Star Wars Custom Shop wait I can feel something coming maybe it's the force Awakening in you here it comes you know what this cult sucks I quit I'm the good guy now bacon what have you done but it's working though all the cultists are dead [Music] meanwhile when I die all of my mind [Music] fight wait does that mean all of his money is mine now fortnite battle pass here I come fortnite battle pass [Music] congratulations sir you're stage 10 but cancer has been cured yeah baby don't you think that's a bit too many letters for a yes [Music] I am the death I'm here to take you away from this life oh you are out of time now die [Music] everyone stands back I'm gonna defeat it in one punch [Music] and worlds hungar I want to die nothing happens wow luckily we turned up the device in time I hope not many people died because of it on the bright side all of the cultists are gone no more rainbow friend summons yeah but how are we gonna deal with blue fear not we got an admin on our side all right I figured that he's dead we still have the hackers right Jenna October's report what's your situation YouTubers is out because of the five letters thing nope he choked to death trying to eat a whole Burger [Applause] tuba choked on a burger sounds like some sick album any information about blue it knows what we did to its cult it's coming for us be ready Roger that regroup with us then we will eliminate it Jenna [Music] director we lost her too anywhere we can hide now who is this weapon is ready I have sent you the coordinates oh you are the sneaky cardboard box guy Drake isn't it it's snake anyway meet me at the location snake out new plan Luca we found a way to kill it let's go [Music] so where is that weapon of yours did it surpass the Metal Gear Well no I only have less than a day to develop the weapon it did not surpass metal gear but can it kill Ed all right behold [Music] weapon that is just Metal Gear a weapon that is just Metal Gear isn't it a bit small but it's packed with enough Firepower to bring down 10 tanks at once watch this [Music] foreign look at those missiles go but can it run faster We're not gonna run from Blue so it doesn't need to be fast all we need is a clear shot you guys need to create an opening and how are we supposed to do it I have an idea blue is after us we will lure it into the metal gear fire range normally I would use bacon as bait how do we escape after luring it [Music] do you know the way to know the way the cardboard box Luca embrace the power of cardboard box become one with it what bro what are you talking about man this is dumb are you sure this is going to work trust me now we wait for blue amazing plan when it approaches we run away how do you even run inside this cardboard box [Music] see who won a tech cardboard boxes now this is the part where we run away brilliant Target is in range attack immediately [Music] [Applause] [Music] you must have hurt after that one here comes another [Music] crap gotta Retreat what happened snake snake [Music] there is no other way director we will fight it ourselves what are you gonna do roasting it until it run away in shame that's exactly what I'm thinking or we could use the power buff we got from earlier well it's coming try it observe [Music] your mama so fat Thanos has to snap twice whoa hey hey [Music] he roasted it and took it like a champ laughs director is this Heaven why does God look like Luca wake up this is far worse okay this is not Brookhaven Creek yeah this is the back rooms great so we have to do backrooms funny moments now bruh the only funny things here is we are still alive they call this place the Maze of Terror or random horror entities goes here relax we we don't have each other stay close and we will find a way look director the entities are starting to appear I'm in Spain without BS I touch grass without the gore that's the rock reverse and the actual rock hey yo what the what color is your Bugatti it's Andrew taste and John Cena bro what are you talking about man Pizza Pizza hamburger hamburger [Music] this is getting out of hand at least they are not hostile let's get away from these entities first [Music] wow this place is such a maze of Terror come on it's just some weird stuff it's not that Terror what is that music I know this song it's from one of them experts thank you quick letter over there I got a pizza here oh this is getting terrifying you means terrorizing huh what the dog doing is that bacon bacon bacon how did he get here though [Music] he can blink [Music] this is so cursed a bacon run [Music] stick together now we could get lost easily here everywhere looks the same foreign did you see that director see what blue but fluffier oh crap it's blue no doubt we need to get out of here [Music] oh God it's even uglier up close stay away ugly blue suit on cool [Music] blue you can talk Ugg everyone seems to forgot about me that blue you guys are talking about it's just a cheap knockoff so you are the original Rainbow friends cringe name I'm from Poppy's playtime yeah that's also a Crane's name how'd you get here everything that is forgotten will go here banished from existence or you not clip in here after fall [Music] some kind of command that can make you go through walls so if we want to get out of here we must use not let remember that admin device we got from Mr Brookhaven oh and teleport you out let clip me [Music] oh yeah wrong command you just teleported all of the entities Out oopsie you found it the weapon to surpass Metal Gear this thing what happened with our text bubble maybe it's the influence of the back rooms Papa they're not now I have the admin device leave this to me I will deal with this cheap knockoff okay [Applause] yo mama's so fat she wasn't three back rooms levels at the same time dude I'm cool it can talk game time's over time to send them away [Music] oh now to deal with vacuums entities wait what [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] oh what are you talking about [Music]
Channel: Juan.
Views: 437,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i hacked, roblox brookhaven rp, roblox brookhaven, brookhaven lututu, brookhaven robber, roblox robber, lututu robber, brookhaven rp funny moments, brookhaven funny, brookhaven rp funny, juan, juan., lututu and juan, lututu mugger, mugger, the rise of rainbow friends, rainbow friends, rainbow friends chapter 2
Id: nLzd6twlp6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 12sec (2292 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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