Flooded Tractor sitting 10+ years, Will it Start and Drive??

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[Music] well how's you guys day going huh mine's really shaping up operation wheel horse rescue engaged well some of you guys have asked to see my horde of cub cadet garden tractors and uh i have a few wheel horses mixed in here too but anyway this isn't the way i wanted to show them to you our town is currently being flooded in the building that i have these in is got about a foot of water in it right now and unfortunately i have nowhere to go with them i can't get them out of here before the water comes up and overtakes them i'm hoping it just stops but i have yet to see any slow in the rain it's not looking good i did all i can do for these ones they're good runners we stood them up on end try to keep the water out of the engines at least hopefully it doesn't get that high three feet high and rising it's over my knees put my tractors that i can up on end try to keep water out of the engines ugh so i've been making pretty good progress here i've got actually most of the tractors already done got one last tractor that is really important to me that i want to make sure is okay and then the rest of them are parts tractors but i'm still going to drain the rear ends out of them and stuff but anyways i have had this tractor this is a cup cadet original or what is referred to as an original it was the very first cub cadet model ever produced and i've had this thing probably eight or ten years at least maybe longer and i've never touched it somebody actually gave me this tractor and i wheeled it down here and parked it the engine did turn over whenever i got it and i always thought it'd be fun to play around and get it running one day well today's that one day and the stakes have been upped quite a bit since it's been underwater now i have no idea how long it's been since this thing has run and when i got it eight or ten years ago it didn't look like it had run in quite a while then either so at least 10 years probably longer let's see if we can't drain all the fluids out of this thing and put some fresh stuff in it and try to get it going this is actually a prime candidate for a restoration project in the future i really really like these tractors the originals and then the next series that came after this the 70 and 100s those are my favorite cub cadet models fun fact this is what happens when you inflate tires with tubes after they've been in a flood it pushes all the water in between the tube and the tire out through the valve stem hole [Music] but hey it's holding air all right we got this thing pushed over into the light here and that was harder than i expected because the tires do not want to turn one of the spindles in the axle or maybe both of them are pretty well stuck so i had to just drag the front end around but anyway i got it over here let's lift the hood let's see if this baby is still free at least at this point these tractors have been sitting for four or five days since they were flooded it's taken me that long to get time to get down here and take care of him which i hate but yeah okay it it turns over it's a little crunchy but it turns over so you can tell this machine is extra full of water on a counter i just pushed it over here to this spot haven't done anything to it yet other than turn it over that little bit by hand and it's already dumping oil out of the breather so that means the water in there has floated the oil up to a level where it's just pouring out of there how many layers of house paint do you think you got to put on a tractor before it comes off in the sheets like that i can count at least three layers there and i'm talking like gob dawn with a gallon can players she is rough all right let's work on getting the fluids out of this thing there's our oil bath air cleaner not surprisingly it's full of water i'm actually going to go ahead and take the whole oil bath assembly off of there give us some room to access this carburetor next we'll get this fuel bowl out of here like i suspected it is also full of water but other than the water doesn't look really too bad i've seen plenty dirtier than that does appear that the main jet is stuck the float doesn't want to go up so we'll have to take that off figure that out there's a fuel settlement bowl here it could also have water in it in fact i'd be surprised if it didn't pull that off clean it out too maybe oh these glass bowls have a way of getting really stuck onto the gasket ah i think i just tore the gasket so that ain't gonna want to seal well nope we made it came off in one piece how about that actually it just smells like varnish gas doesn't actually appear to be water at all i'm gonna try to get all the oil and water out of this thing now and i suspect it's probably mostly water at this point i don't know if i've said it already or not but what happens when something like this gets completely submerged in water the oil is lighter than the water so the water actually floats the oil up and out of wherever it can some of it will get trapped in the motor around the cylinder and whatnot but a lot of it will end up going out the dipstick hole or something like that yep there we nothing go water this reminds me a lot of the transmission in the auto car whenever i went to drain it that was a sad time huh missing the pan i'm gonna jack the front of the tractor up so i can better position the pan all right i should have done that from the beginning that's way more gooder there we go there's some oil hey nice of you to join the party well we'll let that drain and i'm going to start unbolting the rear end because i'm sure it's also full of water there's so many layers of paint on that bolt that the socket doesn't want to go on it same thing happening there unreal i hate when people paint tractors with like house paint or something or just gob it on there like this but at the same time i gotta appreciate that they're taking an effort to keep it from rusting away so i guess it's uh six one half dozen the other usually you can pull all the bolts out of these rear ends and you'll still have to fight to get that cover off watch this be the one that doesn't though fun factoid for you if you're into these tractors the rear ends and this tractor here this exact rear end is the exact same one that they used in the larger farm all cubs they just put different axle housings on the same exact transmission that's how overbuilt the transmissions are in these little tractors all right let's see how much water awaits us behind this door there we go guys taking guesses what's the over under on more oil than water or more water than oil there we go first signs of water coming out the side there man this cover is really on here probably one of the hardest ones to get off i've ever played with there we go coming now what a sad sight that is gross look at all the yumminess we have in this rear end of flush out this is uh pretty bad looks like it might have had some water in it previous to the flood maybe i don't i can't tell the good news is all the gears everything looks really good in here no issues at all no no rust to speak of so that's really good news so i mentioned that the jet in the carburetor here was hung up but actually after looking at it the choke mechanism is also stuck the adjustable jet is stuck and so is the throttle plate so we're gonna go ahead and shoot it down with some good stuff some of the coil and uh let her soak for a little bit i'm sure we'll get that freed up in no time all right remove the float there out of the carb now i should be able to get that jet loose these things get stuck because this probably had some uh fuel in it when it was parked and the fuel come down here and turned into varnish from sitting so long which is basically like a glue after a certain point having problems getting that jet out of there so to get to the back side of it with uh some penetrating oil i'm gonna spray it through the fuel inlet here which leads directly to the top side of that jet so just load that up with some coil give it a few minutes to set and i bet you that thing falls right out of there yep there we go just a minute with that coil and it broke down the varnished fuel that was holding that in there and it slid right out you can see how thick and sticky this stuff gets and that's just fuel over time evaporates to that point well the last thing we have to do boy check out that that's an old plug wire that might be the original coil wire anyways last thing we have to do try and get this spark plug out of here so we can blow any water in the cylinder out of the said cylinder everything looks good you can tell a lot about the way an engine was running by looking at the spark plug and looking at this plug it looks like this engine was running almost perfect got a little bit of carbon buildup on the back side here but the front side looks absolutely beautiful it's not heavily carboned up or oily it's got that nice whitish gray color to it that means it wasn't running too rich or too lean looks good kind of hard to spin this engine over by hand with any kind of speed i think i'm gonna actually go ahead and hook some jumper cables to this thing and see if it'll crank over on its own see if we can't get this thing to spin over i might spray some water out the exhaust or out the plug hole here contact the starter might be pretty weak sometimes these starter generators get pretty pretty tired there we go well the starter is definitely weak i think it has a dead squad in it we got some compression though i'm going to go ahead and put a little bit of diesel fuel down in the crankcase and uh a little bit of oil in the cylinder here and we'll let that crank over for a bit and that'll flush out the crankcase and lube up our top end all right well i cranked it over with a little bit of diesel fuel in the crank case we'll drain that out now and put some fresh oil in it and go from there did i say fresh oil i meant fresh used motor oil actually i'm just dumping this in here right now to flush out any of the diesel leftover in the crankcase and i probably will try to get at the fire on this crappy oil all right now before we could even think about trying to get this uh thing to fire off we're gonna have to clean these points i'll guarantee it because anytime these machines sit for a long time the points always get corroded and no longer make contact and on top of that this one went through a flood so i'm sure there's moisture in there that needs blown out or just heavily corroded and cleaned all right these things here are your points breaker points now this little tab here rides on a little pin here which is inside of the engine riding on a cam lobe and that all that does is open and close this thing at a proper time what happens is the little contact points that you're opening and closing here become corroded as these ones clearly are all you need to do to fix that sometimes you can get away with just doing this like rubbing them together a little bit but more often than not they they make special files or i always just go uh steal an emery board from my wife and that gets in here real nice and you can clean those points up well i just had to run down to the parts door for an unrelated thing and while i was down there i decided i'll actually buy the proper ignition file never in my life have i had one of these things but we're going to go ahead and give it a shot i think i already like my nail file better all right well the point should be uh cleaned up and we're not going to mess with the adjustment at all because like the spark plug indicated this thing was running very nice last time it was run okay i'm going to try to turn it over hopefully you guys will be able to see it sparks just a little bit down there that means the points are good call me crazy but i think we're ready to see if this thing is going to pop off that's going to throw the spark plug back in and we'll just hit it with a little bit of ether and see if it wants to give us a little pop or a sputter or something okay here goes nothing the starter is pretty weak i'm having to help it get going yeah now the starter starter is actually too weak to even crank it over now that it has compression with the plug in i'm going to try cleaning up the ground that can possibly help and if that doesn't do it i have another starter sitting on the shelf here we could swap in well i cleaned the connections off and i have my uh jump start tractor over here idling i'm gonna shut it off before i try to start it but look how fast it spins over now okay attempt number two i think it's going to crank over quite a bit faster now open this choke up a little whiff contact you see that sputtered a little sounds kind of low on compression but the rings are probably stuck and after you run it for a while a lot of times they come back around give it another whiff that's been a long time coming this thing's been in my possession for over 10 years and uh that's the first time i've heard it run that gets me excited let's go ahead and throw the carburetor back together and put some gas in the tank and see if we can get it to run on its own now if we were trying to do this right of course we would take this carburetor completely off of there and disassemble it and go through it make sure everything was really clean before reassembling it um i mean i can tell you that this thing is not it's far from spotless but uh really that's not what i'm trying to do with this thing i just kind of thought it'd be cool to get it running since i had to go through it anyhow and it's gonna get parked in the row over there with the rest of the tractors and probably sit here for quite a while yet [Music] i thought you guys should get to see this i just tried to wipe out the sediment bowl from the fuel tank and that is the resin that we're dealing with there i mean it's like it's hard to describe but it is really sticky and really really thick and you bet your butt that'll gum up a carburetor in a hurry so we're gonna get this thing cleaned out and get it back together all right everything's back together here fuel bowl back together but i have the fuel line off just yet because i want to put a little bit of fuel in there and i'll let the first little bit dribble out clean out any dirt that's in this line and then i'll reassemble it for fuel when it comes to gasoline for something old like this that's been sitting i always run two cycle mixed gas through it first just you know the first tank maybe and something like this i'm barely putting anything in anyways but uh the extra oil in the two cycle fuel is just extra extra insurance that we're having good lubrication on the top end and everything and there's additives in that oil that might even help loosen up stuck rings i don't even know but it just always seemed like a smart thing to do to me it's filled up the fuel bowl they're not coming out the line yet oh there we go shut that back off and we'll hook that line up oh time to see if our float's going to work or if it's going to let fuel dump everywhere all right let's go ahead and see if we can't fire this thing up hopefully it runs under its own power you see how fast that thing popped off okay all right we'll give it a little shot of ether see if it'll help it out it wants to go doesn't seem like it's pulling fuel up through the main jet this is where we should have uh completely cleaned our carburetor and we wouldn't have this issue all right now i am having to run it with the choke partially on but uh good enough for what we were trying to do [Music] what a great looking old tractor ain't it shame about the five coats of house paint but that's what you get i can't drive it very far because i'm connected to the life support cables there i don't think that it's going to stay running if i disconnect those well the fact that it's still running means that it's charging the battery it's making its own power even though there is no battery in it it's making its own power to run the ignition system so the generator is good that's awesome [Music] well guys we managed to accomplish all i was shooting for i got the thing running and it'll even move under its own power so if you liked the video don't forget to give it a thumbs up it really helps the channel out doesn't cost you a thing and make sure you're subscribed so i can see you on the next one thanks for watching later [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Diesel Creek
Views: 407,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: international, harvester, IH, cub, cadet, original, farmall, case, john, deere, tractor, mower, lawn, garden, kohler, k161, k-161, k series, k241, flood, old, antique
Id: vjdMfy1X4qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 57sec (1857 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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