"Free" Diesel Roller Compactor is Costing Me A LOT of money! $$$

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[Music] so [Music] what's up everybody welcome back to diesel creek my name is matt this big bad boy right here is the counter shaft out of my pull behind vibratory roller but you guys haven't seen in a little bit this is the second video on this machine now if you haven't seen the first one the link is down in the description that'll probably make a whole lot more of this make sense so if you haven't seen that check that out first just in case you're stubborn and didn't listen to me and you have no idea what's going on here this big counter shaft right here was snapped in half the last time you guys saw it so this counter shaft is what makes the roller do the vibration and really compact the dirt so the last time you go i saw it it looked like this this is the old piece off of the shaft here they basically machined me a brand new one cut this thing down stubbed them together welded it up and re-machined the whole thing and uh 1200 later we have a good shaft for the roller here so today we're going to get started on putting this thing back together today for you guys probably not today for me also just in case you guys don't think i read the comments the last video as i drove away at the end of the video i had this shaft strapped down back here like this and there were some people that took issue with the way i had this strapped down they said it was going to come loose and roll all over the place this shaft probably weighs about 800 pounds i'm guessing it's pretty darn heavy shaking the whole truck that shaft doesn't move [Music] [Music] [Applause] so alrighty well i brought everything over here onto the pad so i have some nice dry area to work in the upcoming rain events that pennsylvania likes to keep throwing at me never to be deterred i'm going to put this thing back together here relatively quickly i hope the last thing i have to do is disassemble this clutch here and i don't know why i didn't do this sooner the bearings should be easy to source i should be able to get them next day so we'll have to get this thing apart now you can maybe you guys would be able to see some slop in this thing you guys see that bit of slop there that means those bearings are bad in the clutch this bit of slop means that the bearings are very very very bad in this bearing housing down here that this whole shaft spins in so this thing has been virtually run into the ground well literally it does get run into the ground it's a roller but yeah it's not good i hope that housing isn't messed up if that's messed up that's going to cause problems so [Music] well i'm going to try to pull this clutch off the shaft here now it does have two bolt holes specifically for a puller to pull that thing off of there but i don't have the right size bolts with me um so i'm gonna try it first with my homemade puller here so yep seen that coming boy i'm not loving that something's gonna happen here i don't want hit by a flying puller need a bigger hammer don't force it get a bigger hammer i don't think it moved though well i think we're about done here until we find proper bolts for this thing it's just bending the uh little ears on my puller here well i reckon i might as well just go to town later and buy myself some lottery tickets because uh trying to save myself a trip to town i went over that old service van that i bought a few videos back if you guys remember and there's a drawer in that that service van that just has random nuts and bolts in it and i thought the odds of me finding what i need there's absolutely zero lo and behold not only did i find the bolts that i needed there was three of them i have an extra crazy so count my lucky stars for that one and hopefully we can pull this thing off of here now farm isn't really that far away from town but man is it sure a pain in the butt every time you gotta need something stupid like a bolt and you gotta run to town for it it really kills your day what do you guys think is it actually going to come off of here this time i don't know i had quite a bit of pressure before and nothing happened you gotta take your time when you're using pullers like this and you gotta make sure you know because we're doing this all with washers and everything everything has to be lined up you know the things are off center right now with the puller so you just put a little bit of tension spend a couple minutes tapping things around really even them out that even pressure does a lot more for you than pulling a little crooked or something pulling crooked can actually make it a lot harder well i think i got everything about as even as i can get it go ahead and put some pressure on this thing that's some pressure nothing's happening things still looking pretty even though that's good oh man yeah once you once you get a lot of pressure on something like this you're going to want to go ahead and wrap that with a hammer a few times and what that does is drive a shock load into the shaft there and can help dislodge this thing oh something happened something happened [Music] oh yeah she's coming now so oh man i do not like that there is a lot of pressure on this thing right now a lot of pressure something jumped there we go i see i see shiny metal on the backside we're moving it [Music] oh now for those of you that have dove into my backstory a little bit i used to work in a machine shop and we did a lot of stuff like this every day and it's not too common when you see a bearing just disintegrate like that rather than slide off the shaft so we did something here i don't know if it's good or bad yet but we're doing something oh we also deformed the whole back of this clutch housing i hope we're not gutting this clutch as we go here uh we're gonna be in big trouble if that's what we did well we're already this far you might as well just finish the job [Music] [Music] right well good news the shaft seems to be okay bad news is i see why we broke this thing it's got this key way in here that would not let that bearing come with it and it appears as though we probably should have taken this back plate off of this clutch housing first i assumed it came off as a whole assembly and you know what they say about assuming we're not worried about the bearing the bearing needed replaced anyways i am however concerned about the damage we may have done to whatever is inside this clutch housing [Music] well really hope i didn't tear up anything in there if it's just this cover being bent i can uh just put it in the press and bend it back down hope that's all it is so this bearing is toasted obviously i actually even put so much pressure on that keyway trying to draw that off of there that it kind of bulged up the end of the keyway there it's kind of got a big knob on it now i'm gonna have to grind back flat and i think if i take this drive yoke off the other side this whole shaft is just going to slide right out of there that's uh good that it's not going to be a lot of work but it's bad because with that much slop in there yeah i can see it that means the fits inside of here are wallered out and they're not going to hold bearings tight anymore so it's not ideal but i have a trick for that but i'll show you guys oh there's that greasy mess now the worst news of all is the reason for the slop the bearing here has completely destroyed the shaft you'll be able to see it better once i take the bearing off of there but it's really oh there you go the whole thing's sliding apart it it ate that whole surface out it's supposed to be that size and it's now that size so that's a problem so there's our shaft obviously this is the bearing i destroyed and this one is the one that's spun bearings don't usually have that loose of a fit uh it was free for a reason folks be leery of free even oh man that's some good carnage looks to me like 100 of that is where like uh the shaft is supposed to be this diameter straight through now i have to confirm that when i check with the caliper but i'm 99 sure that's bad what happens and what causes that is a a bearing if it gets really dry and they'll heat up and they'll actually lock up and then whichever fit is looser whether it's the inner one or the outer one it'll start bringing the bringing the bearing along for the ride and spinning it in the housing or on the shaft and it looks like we might have a little bit of both on this project here [Music] so the cover being tweaked might be doing that as i pull them out i think it's rounding the threads i don't think the threaded whatever they're threaded into is the problem i have no idea what's inside of here or how this clutch works hopefully there's no springs that are going to come flying out it doesn't appear to be oh well the good news is yes i can press this plate back flat bad news is i did curve it up pretty good i'm not sure if you guys can tell i definitely didn't do it any favors so we've got a spider and some friction weights in here okay right so definitely needs cleaned up well i'm about ready to do the welding repair here now to this shaft actually after cleaning it up you can see the bearing for the clutch was also spinning at one point and has this shaft worn down here so it's worn down pretty darn bad there so it's going to take one or two passes of weld over that and then we'll probably take one more pass over from there clear over to here and then we'll come back through and clean that all up and it's all supposed to be one diameter so yeah fire up the welder and get to burning some rods here now i'm gonna try it just because we're already here and it would be super convenient if it worked out i've got the lathe in the slowest gear and hopefully i can get this thing to turn slow enough where i can just z and weld while this thing keeps spinning and i can just work my way right across i'm pretty sure it's not going to turn slow enough for us but we're going to give it a try you guys think it's going to work here we go so so that's working pretty good the great thing about having this rotate as i weld it rather than welding across rotate across rotate is that it reduces the risk of warping this shaft because we are putting a lot of heat in there and if we did it unevenly it could cause the shaft to work [Music] go [Music] so [Music] [Music] there we go now it's not real pretty but it doesn't really need to be the point is that it's built up higher than it needs to be turned down to so i think we should be good there and i can go ahead and set up and start cutting away at this thing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] just [Music] what do you guys think about that according to the caliper we're ready on the money so probably going to check it with the bearing first before i call it officially good but it should be like a 1 000th interference fit probably well i think we finally have all the pieces to the puzzle here so we can go ahead and start trying to put this thing together yesterday i went through and completely washed out all the important surfaces these are actually big bearing races here and uh the shaft runs through this hole obviously if you remember from the last video and had those big holders here with a single ball bearing that runs around in that race now what i think that's supposed to do is keep all the force from the shaft actually pushing into the drum uh rather than getting pushed onto the bearings that run the drum on the shaft anyway i think that's the thought behind it this side doesn't look too bad there is a teeny little bit of pitting here but for as massive as those ball bearings are that ride in there i don't think that's too much of an issue this side however is a far sight worse you can see this is very very pitted um there's very little of this nice smooth surface left to this side so yeah i'm not a fan of that but man the cost to replace that is going to be astronomical i didn't look it up but anytime you get into bearings remotely this big it's big money so yeah these actually have an skf number i do have the parts manual for this thing so these are just a regular old bearing race and a single ball that happens to go in them so these are the two balls that ride in those races over there this one here as you can see pretty well pitted up and has a one scarred up spot right here of course you can't see it this one here as you can see is pretty well pitted up and it actually has a scarring spot right there so that's not gonna ride real nice but uh yeah as i said i probably already have too much money into this unit more than it's worth so i'm not going to replace those i they just have to work this isn't going to be a unit that i run a ton and if it becomes something that i use a lot then maybe i'll replace them but until that time comes they're gonna go back together as it is i cleaned up all the parts real good yesterday the other thing i did off camera here is i went through and completely disassembled these roller bearings i took all the rollers out of them cleaned them up really good the cages and bearings and races were all filthy and had all kind of grit and stuff that had gotten worked into them since we took it apart out here in the dirt so i cleaned those up really good there was some pitting on these rollers as well but again prohibitively expensive bearings i bet you these are three four hundred dollars a piece and uh yeah i'm just not willing to put that money into it right now i think that these bearings will probably run for a fair amount of time before they ever have any catastrophic failures they probably won't be super quiet when they're running but uh that's okay if it ever comes to a time when we need to replace these things if this unit seems to be worth it if it has a good compaction rate if the shaft holds up and doesn't snap again then uh maybe we'll do it but right now this just has to work as you may recall from the last video it was kind of difficult to get this shaft pulled out of the drum the whole thing was covered in grease and uh trying to really just grab a hold of that thing and pull this top so i ended up having to clamp on it with a strap and pull it out so to pull it through i actually did a little bit of thinking before i came out here today i grabbed an eye bolt threaded it into the shaft here now i should be able to put a shackle and another strap on this thing and chase that through there first and uh i'll start the shaft in with the machine and then i can pull it the rest of the way through with the strap and the eye bolt there now you'd think i could have done a little bit better job throwing that strap in here huh ta-da oh yeah my poor strap what a mess what a mess there we go the struggle there we go that sucker is heavy i've talked about it before people always complimenting me in the comments of these videos about how it's amazing how you remember where everything goes back together well i'm here to tell you i don't necessarily live up to that all the time i am pretty good about it but in my haste to disassemble things sometimes i get pretty excited and i just remove stuff and toss them onto a skid or wherever and i don't think about marking things that are duplicates so there's two of these bearing plates here that go on the sides of the drums now without sitting here and studying and measuring and everything i'm not positive that they're both identical although they visibly appear to be but that is not always the case so i could sit here and measure these things for 20 minutes and make sure that both sides are the same and one isn't specific to one side or the other but luckily enough for me when the neighbor gave me this compactor he gave me a limited albeit very helpful packet of diagrams here and we can see clearly in the diagram that this bearing plate on the right side is number 429 and the bearing plate up here on the left side is also number 429 so that means that the part numbers are the same that means they are interchangeable and we don't have to worry about anything this diagram is also extremely helpful because these things right here these taper lock bearings they have like this taper lock that goes through the bearing the inner race of that bearing is actually tapered to match that threaded lock and uh i've done quite a bit of heavy industrial stuff with shafts and bearings and that kind of thing and i've never actually seen one of those so pretty neat and i'm glad i have a diagram to make sure i don't screw it up i'm also just realizing that if i'd have bothered to pay attention to this diagram before i took that clutch apart i would have saved myself the grief of bending up that bearing plate [Music] so [Music] times like this you got to step back and say why am i working so hard if i was smart i'd jam a screwdriver into this split spread that thing and it'll slide right on there you got to use your noodle this should make things just a bit easier [Music] [Applause] uh-huh [Music] a lot more like tapping it on now rather than driving it on [Music] [Music] all right tighten that down install the ball and do the other side oh [Music] there we go [Music] these things to get a lot of pressure on them so best to make sure they're gluten tight according to the german speck another reason i'm really glad that i have the drawings here today is that these pieces right here i'm installing now could go on either way they are capable of being reversed meaning that this side would be over here and vice versa i was not sure which way they should go until i looked at the print so i would have been either looking at the prints or in my case going back in the video and watching how i disassembled it hoping that whoever had it apart previous to me even had it correct so good to have prince so once i was able to see on the print that this is the way it went the orientation does make sense to me because this part drives that ball around and this part really just keeps it in between these things so this is the direction the shaft turns counterclockwise from where you guys are sitting but uh yeah makes sense can't forget to install your ball [Music] do somebody a favor if you're installing bearings always install them with the identification numbers out if possible because the next guy that you save could be you i always hate when i have to completely disassemble something just to get a bearing number uh um so there we go [Applause] here's another unique piece to this roller i've never seen anything quite like it it's a split flange here you put the flange on you put this locking ring over top of that that sticks them together and then we got a big c clip that goes on there and holds the whole thing in place and i forgot we had to put this part on here today so i did not bring any c-clip pliers got the one end started finally let's try to work it around with a screwdriver here there we go always give her a nice little tap make sure it's seated in there that's a good thing i did because it wasn't gluten tight shouldn't matter which way this cap goes on i'm just trying to get all the grease fittings near each other down here so that when you spin the drum and you can hit one fitting you see the other one at least now clearly this is supposed to be some sort of a seal right here and it's pretty well torn up so not much i can do about it right now unfortunately i couldn't find a replacement for it though i did look i did find out just recently that the company that made this fibro plus they were sold to dynapack i think i was told so i'm gonna try calling a dynapack dealer and uh you know like i've been saying all along here we're gonna put this thing back together and if it does what it's supposed to and it works good then i'll consider putting some more money into it but as it is right now i've already got more than this thing is worth into it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] one more you know that pity your stomach feeling you get when you find a part and you're like where does that little bugger go [Music] after studying the prints i've determined that this little bugger right here that i didn't see goes all the way in back behind the main bearing in this plate right here so now i have to take off the seal ring the snap ring the two-part flange the whole bearing plate again just to slide this little bugger on and stick it all right back together i'm not going to show you guys that because well it's repetitive a and b i'm going to be cursing it's all part of the game come on yeah all right well i got the spacer ring in there it wasn't too bad of a job it's just frustrating when you put something together and have to take it all back apart but anywho now that the bearing chalks are on the end of the shaft here you can see there's some wiggle room here we can there's a taper lock inside of this bearing and we're going to use this nut to cinch it down wherever we need to locate it at but i don't know the location for sure until i put it back in the frame so that's going to determine where we engage this thing at and lock it on so we're going to loosely put this thing together this is a a lock ring for the an nut i think i said in the last video too that i was always taught these are called an nuts and uh somebody didn't like that but that's what i was taught i even brought the proper spanner with me today to put the thing back on well i hung this thing on the shaft and about that time i looked up and the camera wasn't blinking so you guys missed it but it wasn't very eventful just like the other side also just like the other side this side does appear that we have a little bit of movement to it we can kind of adjust where the drum sits in the frame by adjusting where these bearings clamp on at so we're going to loosely put the nuts on this side as well and then we'll drop the frame back down over this thing and have to adjust from there well we got these bearing chalks cribbed up here so that they can't go anywhere on us when we uh set the frame down over it's gonna be a fun task to do by myself but uh i always find a way so let's uh let's fire up the excavator here and try and set this thing down on there i kind of set myself up for failure there maybe not a failure but at least a tougher time i should have had the machine set up where i could just pick this frame up and walk straight backwards with it instead of having to go on an angle like i did because now i'm running all the functions of the machine and every plane that we can versus i would have been all in one straight plane if i'd done it the other way but anything to test your skills a bit huh this side's looking good over here we're not too bad either there we go i think she's gonna drop right down well i think that went pretty darn good there one thing i didn't think about is cribbing up the bearing chalks like we did there i wasn't able to get this thing to drop all the way down because the frame actually started sitting on the cribbing as you can see so yeah i have to figure that out here same thing on this side it's a bit closer i wonder i think i can just stick the fork of the skid steer underneath the bearing chalk and lift it up and then throw the bolts in and do that on both sides and we're done well it's nice having the old cabelco around here this machine was definitely bigger than what i was looking for when i bought it but man it has come in super handy since i've had it [Music] hmm spring didn't go into the pocket on this side there we go [Music] [Music] there we go [Music] well now that the frame is set down on here we can see our gap between the frame and the drum over here we're probably about an inch and three quarter or something uh but then over on this side you can see our gap is like less than an eighth of an inch so that means we need to slide the frame this way kind of just get it centered up there with the bearing chalks now being clamped onto the frame rails that keeps them true and that should slide the bearings right out to where we need to go i'm going to bet that this guy just sits right about the end of the shaft there and that's about where it's happy and we split the difference uh well swallowed my pride got a tape measure out here and uh was able to just pry it around with the bar actually the cabelco might have been just a bit overkill we got 11 16 on each side of the drum and we're ready to clamp this thing down now that we got the bearings where we want them we just tighten this nut down and that'll clamp the bearing onto the shaft we'll bend over a locking tab and then we can put our bearing cover on here they make special sockets that run these nuts on and off that have little fingers that engage all these flat spots i don't have any of those sockets plus whoever had this apart last time didn't have those sockets either because they did it the same way i'm doing it which mangles up those flattened areas so even if i had the proper socket it wouldn't work hopefully you guys can see this there's that locking tab right there just bend that over and engage it in the slot there i know it's pretty greasy hopefully you can tell what i'm doing there there we go she's locked in can't go anywhere so so well i think with that on there i am done with the drum aspect of this build and i'm glad because this thing was a greasy disaster i don't think eve is going to be able to get these clothes clean [Music] so [Music] [Music] row did they not cut the threads deep enough it would appear they did not dang it well they made the shaft right except for that basically all i'm going to have to do is get some washers and shim this thing out because it's not or a shorter bolt would be ideal but this is the one i got so i could probably scrounge up some washers and make this thing happy [Music] there we go now that sucker's tight look at that too never been able to do that before you guys remember when we when we disassembled this thing because that shaft was broken this pulley was kicked on an angle and jammed right into our uh bearing chalks here that looks a lot better well guys i hate to uh leave you on a cliffhanger here but i'm gonna part the video off here i think it's probably getting pretty long and the videos as of late on the channel have been getting pretty darn long it takes me an awful long time to edit an hour long video i probably end up with seven or eight hours worth of editing involved so i gotta cut these things down it's killing me so anyway i hope you guys liked the video if you did smash the thumbs up button for me it really helps out the channel lets me know i'm on the right track and working on stuff that you guys like if you're not already be sure also subscribe so you can catch the next episode of this roller hopefully that'll be the last episode on this roller and we'll be putting it back into service and trying it out until the next time guys thanks for watching i'll catch you later [Music] you
Channel: Diesel Creek
Views: 529,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rammax, vibro plus, deutz, compactor, bomag, steam, roller, kobelco, heavy, equipment, construction, revival
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 45sec (3345 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 12 2022
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