Flood Risk Analysis&Assessment using HEC RAS, ArcGIS & Excel.

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bismillah r-rahman r-rahim now we want to run our model have to calculate these parameters which is we need to develop the damage curve and a risk cars now distorting to be at the first we open or across model this is the simple across model you can download from us Omnicorp surfing Gena ecology engineering central we have already because we the first we discuss it that because it's time-consuming therefore deliver we have already have reduce our YouTube channels and on our page you can you can visit our YouTube videos there is many videos we open our model we have already did but the first we should know about all the women not in detail button like a summary I want to introduce all the steps at the first we should look in the crossfire this is the raw sniper it's work it as joists or for its use it for used for a geometric model to build the geometric model we have already calculate them all parameters like dipped of water for a tree term they have to have to see the return periods from this part will edit steady flow data can be cut up in our for each in four tiers 10 years 25 50 100 for number of profiles we have used for tears we opened our our frequency analysis this is Kabul River at Parma pokémon the Kabul River Soviet placenta and this is the historical data we have obtained it from minister of energy and water from year 1964 to 1982 this is the drainage area and all this is the frequency analysis from this we have obtained it from 400 years return period 1.5 to 150 cubic meter per second and also 459 3.1 cubic meters per second for 25 years of 1054 quemic meter per second for 10 years or 2 periods 25.8 cubic meters per second for tears it's normal oh sorry for tears it 5.17 cubic meter per second this is plotted in this row and we use this and therefore for each perform for TRS point 5 17 for 10 years 25.8 and also for 25 50 and then they reach boundary condition athlete or advance team and a stream we use the normal slopes how to cope with the normal slopes are the true I know I have already discussed this and have a video you can visit our own YouTube channel and also subscribe to our new videos to know about them inshallah this is the upstream this we have used the normal clicked and now not deeply depend on that smooth and damaged how to calculate this loop we can is very easy we come to Ross map all hope in the raw smoker for example this is our reach like I want to measure come to geometry forever edit oh sorry not come to measurement can't measure and this area in this location on to measure the slope but it is double-click or enter Lent and this is but that look should be entering positive movement yeah because it's to this is the now this is the result of our simulation or our model we can update them to our elevation model camp right click layer properties come to update her screen if we come here is show the deeper watch 2.2 which was like there 0.8 meters and here 0.3 meters and this is 0.3 I've come to here 0.4 for each our location if you if you want to measure the inundation but in details we use the archery shop this is the heteros model then to export an input across model for input and put the pole from heroes we use them a gym where 8 zeros we will share this extension it's free if we come to each return for each to Imperial the water profile we simulate them this is four tiers you can see I suppose speed you can see for half 200 years in return period and then we come to velocity this is the velocity this is for teams velocity and we can update them for tears an age for each location we can measure the velocity there is 0.7 there is 0.4 from this as de indications and if we run this and this area the velocities valina 0.3 0.3 0.2 but in the main channel it's very high 1.0 because it's for today shortened and then this area also - in this area tools and each part we can leave a velocity then for for that purpose to achieve ever good we should export this and post by or heck Jules we close them and then we come to come to that far open the foil minnow but then come to exhibit G instead where we want to water surface surface extent and then select the profiles like there is if they are is clear they are not selected if you want to only work for Taylor 400 years it should be you should select only 100 if we want to import or display all or compute all the written periods then select all and okay then we need the velocity or shear stress or stream power no no need for the only way for the flood risk analysis we only need for velocity and flood inundation of duty therefore only we select the velocity and water surface and water surface extent then we should define the folders desktop come to our project includes cancer jazz Hechinger Oz people see and hear [Music] and save export it's not exported and we also can see the water profiles for each certain periods there is the eg energy grid line W is water surface sometime it's created critical this is the critical ifs in the root cause for [Music] we can show that a river stationing awesome become from living ensemble to ground to smooth this is the water for order service and also we can see the cross-section [Music] yes this is the cross-section each cross-section why like this because this is the world or this the building this this is the street you know the Lord our major fish the heart of the buildings like to grocery but the graphic service cannot serve a the heart of buildings but the lawyer can date come to other cross sections for each cross section this is the buildings this is the streets between buildings maybe your student shop and come to that 3d perspective you can see in 3d prospective come to the right this is the 3d perspective of the river for each water surface now we closed the high cross because we have already prepared this model and the video of preparation is you can be today or visit our new teacher by than anna hazare educational counselor we use them yes then we come to open our art map this is the heart map window is spoken now this is the extinction of gene or hate zeros but for the first we should save this where desktop in our project inputs file and murder [Music] so then country Ross nothing because we do all the corporation or the statistics in across then we won't input them we use the mean of Harrah's mapping tools come to layer set up for the first what's the name of your analysis enter the name then can - OH first of all we should convert our form can work conversation project inputs [Music] this select an open-ended okay okay this is converted from converted from SDF to XML format then come to our Lassiter we enter the name come to our Ross yes export for desktop this open then come to our triangular the irregular network opening from where our training project input files there is a trying the tree iron model select them open then canter where should be stored then select our outfit location and model and then rasterization sir science in which roster ourselves as useful flat extent one meter assuming that very flexible then okay now we import our join and product this is that young model of our project it's very heavy what it's what the object is beautiful [Music] you can see this is the after got the full of copper AC and Kajol it's very dangerous because the river is very known about bacteria for the increase of structures nada channel or River it's very dangerous new this we antique more for speed-up of modern then come to import frosted poor foster then okay only because it's already defunded [Music] successfully imported the jurors now the bank points velocities water surface extent River to dirige stream alignment cross-sections bounding polygons mosques this is the most for the whole area is we have to studied it the holder and the training model then come to for the other steps in addition [Music] we can come to the water surface regeneration for that and because our time is so short we only select the one this is the minute you can select them one by one we use the hundred years return period that extends then okay it's then come to an understand mapping option then come to flat plane divination using roster we select the hour ten years of to infinity water surface profile then our key it will be imported to the innovation or water did for each a flood extent Oh [Music] you can never find this video and shall I give you the guarantee and you choose such engines like Google this is imported successfully this is the water's surface oh sorry this is the deep topwater hood inundation perhaps I am take not the the join model of water and then ignore the most holders bounding polygon exception reached water surface extends velocities and banks this is the tip for each I would I want to show it's very clearly or improved their roster model [Music] convert this to have to to bitterly [Music] no this is a zoomin I will full extent it or can you see the surface [Music] to be to better understand and better live we should generate the headship model of the train model that's really nice [Music] [Music] [Music] this is the exit for bit bitter interpolation this is the full extent of our study in this area because it's really you each then be yeah yeah maybe I oh yeah this is this is depending of the resolution of the screen is not very good because they cannot support this therefore this yes I'm sorry but it's Canton which envied you records include of these video records and you can see this better but the on screen is there for you but this areas in catch it from then we can become to import our velocities they become to velocity mapping select 400 years of template and put the velocity okay this is the then I want to okay this is also included successfully then I want to do the other steps for calculations from all them come to the algebra or months to convert their flat inundation to this is the roster this cannot be stilled it's the roster form and we cannot it's not geometry form we want to dis converted unit reform therefore we need to match for algebra we come to special analysts come to mat select them for the first I have select I have noted that now for the first I want to first of all I won't be reduce the flood intensity how to complete it it's very easy remote sensing technology or special in our choice is very good for reducing the risk analysis and risk assessment works then come to search or then came to roster calculator [Music] come to trust a computer specialist then velocity by the water condition here the products then we are with sister flood intensity if I save and cooperate for each other this is the risk analysis this is the stood for Erskine maybe from from symbology and we was fighting for each tips like four three four then come to Casa five years and three class or four or enclose I want to enter close hello medium thank you I then change the color for the velocities [Music] that means from 0 to 1 point for the water velocity and will in this area and yellow color it's from 1.4 or double for to 0.2 square meter per second this is the this is the medium risk area this is a little scary of this dispel of the green color and the red color is the media music and the red color is hard it is so hot from work from 4.2 to 13 square meter skate in shallow maybe you know about this is the risk analysis steeps camp for the age [Music] then then we have to know about it's very difficult to each words we measure manually for this we can't do the automatic so first of all we should import the ship file of routes cam to ship foil of roads and then important this is the ship father I will change the color to reach this is the roots you can see this is the rhythmic Network for holding that this is very difficult how to do for each flood intensity or for each gift of water having to reach it will be affected it's very necessary then for this we are the first we should convert our boss term of a fall and our inundation should you meet form of this purpose we go to these tips from map for the first listing one man term too much listing logical reason were listening selector inundation or dicta or estoppel or grateful then enter the one smaller or least in one so thank you you shall not we understood yes Navi this is new color the green color does the green colors what's the mean the watered it is smaller release the parameters and which areas in this and this green use for how to noon which were affected by the sleep then we come to intersect from search come to [Music] enter a closet come to intersect another system yes there would she fall and water dipped where is the water you're listening the recent arrest and then you select this so far I'll cancel this understand my work to calculate the back in Palestine from water dipped from one where should planning project [Music] planning project [Music] [Music] [Music] all to check this Oh I want to close them this is the common Sun even sometime it's the eye it's now it's intersected it's all we do I have but it's in progress it's huge for this is the lens but I want to open this remove this do this again yes but now I want to close them file save and close then open again [Music] this is the problem of crack software's some time from now to run both of it and cannot calculate the data you want [Music] sister special analyst Oh [Music] [Music] the intersections no food properly come on before I shoot you this is very good work but now it's not working this is that machine hormone is the software problem then release them this one and select the one no it's already covered over it intersect analysis it's not so no sorry Heather because it should be converted to the geometry and in important remember me the first I saw that the first we should convert a grid to that geometric fights roster roster is this cameras roster to poly deal we select this and ambition this selector listening first then tennouji yes now it's converted to roster form we can check and also not all so it's not then come to intersect option to intersect on Ava's slave route unless Dean one meters Allen Dacian and intersect all the all the fields okay then it will be cut the roots which is affected by listing one networking tips after a while antique mark the old this I will change the color too this is the roots which is affected by the water depletion in one winters you know how to know about the lenses of each of them in little then come to the open attribute tables come to the poets this avi videos available for de for that always Deena for the option of roster list in one be to open the attribute does the zero is no knowledge no no zero is not for this this is the tutor and me to spare from this how to calculate then come to the excel it's only for one for the hundred years later when we do this process for each written opinion these things the same procedure as procedure is the same but that annotation picture is different but if we calculate this for greater than I will give you an anon another example like poly glue greater than no no no to the mat I want them no know them then I won't convert the roster 400 years dipped or did they come to affinities sorry it's less than 1 its to return or what's the mean I the zero is not okay this color I want to change the color to here that means the read color at the the yellow color is the area which is a little group then one or is equal to two dipped of water in this area and this area and this area in this area then we want to obtain the geometric form then we should convert this or waterfall to victory of geometric form then come to roster to poly [Music] [Music] select our deep tan it's changed I will change the color this now interceded with route which routes affected for an inundated by drift of tinnitus yes dipped off three meters that mean the water dips then come to intersect which road is affected intercept analysis select return if then one sorry roots roots of fields yeah which would then change the color color to which to put and this you can so this is the the routes affected in two meters water depth we can open the attribute tables and we can see all the lengths of each way we will send me to I can select go to all these tips same thing for the return periods for generation of risk are and inundation or damaged car how to use this how to use at the first I want to generate my analysis map what's the analysis map risk analysis we come to layout select my own paper search like for a three landscape while us is also not good technical sets gave me some warning and arrows because this is an error it's not automatically it should be managed and then select I want to only cover this pose or bitterly then antic more which all the stairs I only show the flood intensity because the analysis maps related to the plaid intensity because our procedures they sit on that intensity or flap dipped from four flood intensity then we insert the legends which legends we need to be flood intensity and roads defined deeds velocity and helps a touch next this is the flat analysis and if I change this to two cross nice and the legend and two comments I want to preview spirit next the UPS 5 yes that means this is the glorious presence in this code this is the middle and this the read is the heart if we are I want to also classify the velocity and flood inundation velocity turn symbology can to classify us [Music] five plus for nothing hmm this is the velocity and didn't want to show that flag in addition can classify the flag did have 100 years to get income symbology classify them yes in five classes no no so it's unique plus five and five rolls of this in this color for Magnum to this I want to change the names the world in addition and I want to change the value all of you not intensity flood velocity this is the velocity and this is the flat intensity but our [Music] protection visit on two monitors that intensity to user flood risk analysis by different regions for zooms flags damaging hello medium high it's related to their colors reduce the high medium and green is no we can if we calculated this there isn't criteria let's use it in Arabic Emirates they divided in four courses ready blue medium and high you can also calculate them and then from here from where from double-click come to symbology and then change this to for bosses and then classify them listen for what very no no medium it's the color colors started from from green green is very low it's maybe light green it's light green that mean it's no and the orange color is mean that median and reduce again fractions in sha-1 I want something from us and then we come to give an example from youth from attributable to risk for development come to camp to the excess Richard it is Excel spreadsheet we assume that the width of each rate in meters but we can use the imagery update immediately we can use the reality of teach and under two routes with no new dimension so that it is calculated for my intersect process it's very the way the width of each routes can be a measure from using of imagery but we assumed that it's 10 meters 400 little period yeah we discuss it from habit but for the other return periods the process is same 400 how many of you sorry how many number of roots and hundred come to hear this for the area of flag folder listing leading 2 meters or equal to 2 meters okay every time or this this greater than 1 greater than 1 or theatrics army from objectivity we know about the number of hoods 407 expected around it and then come to here and Zappa 411 of automatically its changing then come to too tolerant of heads to tell interviews how measure from this we select them all and the first we should explore this export for - for export [Music] it's mtext safe then go to ship for whether the ship for then come to this open deck so sorry make sure [Music] the boss in this top for the again boots once taste and indeed multimeters dipped of flat open come a safari to the next this all the little bit you can use ready for complete cooperation then select them for kids I went to comm polish image [Music] how much this one then select them and in zip an hour [Music] so there's only the numbers the automatic change it but because it's depended all the other little period should be updated then the car will be smooth because then the width and the maximum dip and it's the maximum damage parameters of USD dollars four dollars per minute per square meter and its consequence how much its consequence this is name it flood rescue this is the assessment process the sixes speeches the assessment process a flood the risk analysis the jurors and jus ahead Jules and depend and related to them flood inundation for blood dripped and flat velocity and also this should be updated for all the situation like this this is the method and for the damage the damage factor we know about about the two meters inundation 0.85 the damage factor that means 85% of the structure is my tutors dipped up flat oh if we have survey according to this processes of our project then if we give this information to survey team they came they can calculate and collect some data from the Sultan the initial we can calculate them and and also for them and also we can use the imagery from immediately also they can do this the first area and the data sorry the area of roots affected from imagery we can very easily but its necessary to as the visual survey should be done and the engine and this is finished we knew about what's the learner ability for the damaged car what's the it's the you know the ribs which was 411 number of routes into little water deep inundation it's affected each fiber you know Nicola if you have any questions this is the I have did some notes the very children period of one is it is equal to nominal flu you know flat and also the damage function has value include between 0 and a high damage and we can calculate the vulnerability or damaged curve and percentage of damage as will base it on observe with data from and Phillip finish women a lot of it also for this I will sitting and also we can copy you generate them house and also we insert the name a toy - okay then come here change it sticks five six toys as we changed wrong for on-hold background because the mud production is very important if you cannot do this different and at the end of the project you will be firm the ones come to background and change the color [Music] this is the Toyota [Music] flood risk map and then come to this is the religion for each items and zalta Navarro yeah it's very important this this this is the note I want to change the car to to which to read it isn't really visible no yellow is visible good good and then insert the scalable metric and also we can change this also to me trickiness but I want to use the metric metric once we have this scale bar I want to leave the background because all the data is very noodles very humid that's affected our machine and other software are not and not good for me and good for this reason I have purchased it a very big machine from Dubai it's very Bacon's awareness 32 gigabytes and because the and in that machine I haven't reached for my software bring to my training this this is changing because you are going to expose a friend there in these two options but the resolution is depending on their expert I want to at the first I won't exploit this mode [Music] mmm and also what this is really cookin son because our value is based on the it's named low-risk very Louis Louis medium at heart I want to give the names for each for each flood risk systems sorry from here I want to change this to very good very long then to attend to [Music] just like this myth and and AD oh um thank you and [Music] now this is good this is divided the zoom our project criteria is good I want to exploit them this is my nature I want to share my knowledge with my colleague my partner's products therefore when I shall be this planning with you then I'm working at wounds he deeply deeply deeply in other factors inshallah keep contact with us for the next training issue like this fragrance changes and flapped in worship and also for that pavement and materials because then I want to export this I want to at the first I want to change the format to jpg image then select the DPI resolution velocity notice the pub skint but if you want to visible there we can insert like guest names and the value of and the units of inundation is emitted if you want to visible them you can insert like they're like similar to the flood intensity we have changed the numeric Moodle the numerix to takes it's now regenerating mystic time is very patent it's you know open this house that properties it's for joining me [Music] if his men would not get and this this is the flat [Music] and I want to print how to print [Music] but the first we should prepare the page and brain set up this is selected already then come to this landscape III come to properties of our rent of page as contested areas we should change okay French rent just the source on arrow double wind is but it's now no no I I have already saved it better again you know [Music] I know my my software's have some problems I'm sure and I want to point print again okay this top sir the first one is when it's complete we'll be at the other no no this is de rue this is there it's now printing at stake time it's really pitiful [Music] yeah this is this is an arrow because when the first I have service then this screen is appear again when it's completed its will close automatically that now it's printing it's easy yeah it's busy now but the problem is related to the our software because it's bracket and its ability is not good and there is no reach purchase license it's to time this is the process but I want to close them it's not able to print no need but it's this is that this is the procedure and also I want to change this names this is the largest modification because it is [Music] [Music] because we should know about its name changed [Music] changed so this one this is a finish and also you can insert your name like prepare it Bible and also insert some informations like some description or I want to like this is very it's not visible built I want usable be reviewed this is the way for insert data frame other nutritive them yeah this this is the flying system this name it flying system and come here and then put all the little hair [Music] and this this is good it's Jennifer also shaped coffee and her taste distillers and zooming then come here and acting them let's like this girl and come here and want to zoom this area to bitterly for this area like this area and then come to here I want to zoom in [Music] orbital and then give this part is smaller her and come to give the description have to use the circle this area and then Phil no sir this is only black and give the whip to come here the line from here to hell like that won't change that to Isabel properties flying with two three you can see this is the description and also I want to change this it's wrong choice back this is the flowing system that means it's me No and also can you table husband then for like harmony and like in two meters and hundred roots which depicted in two meters and I did an addition of water you can put the table because it's Center sexuality the quantity how many rows is affected and there is total length you can using this for more details mr. Bashir with it for the first time which you seem like this this will be appear I mean nothing this one this is the final if these remains will be nobody high-resolution this is the Lord of data and the mining roughness and all other all necessary books we have define it at the face using the heck crossmember this is the finish I will show and the other software this procedures if you want but its purchases very expensive software purchase it from yes United States of America it's because it's good it's the live in 3d we we do this task in an axiom as well but it's he can come in because we need more time but this is very logical then I want to open my this model just don't put my television okay I want to swim in some ports [Music] try because it's meters and it's different with its because in Ritalin up to five meter it's dipped and children models a division is actually one point eight thousand [Music] this is all the buildings this is the area 51 flat if we have internet connection I will see this really alone immediately do you have do you have a cleaner how do you have a blissful it's finished yes only it's the what was also extended in the rural region like it's the roots you can see this way no no this is that 3d wheel or 3d perspective not 3d analysis but 2d and one Canales is different it's as well for her trilogy can it difference that 2d analysis accuracy is really a damn one because it's it's it's regarding to the terrain model it detected all the sensitive locations but in 1d it's may be ignorant sometimes yeah yeah yeah I have already dudes and 2d model we have [Music] glut seem not 10 thank you what's the they stay i if and [Music] this Oh [Music] I want to act the base layer amazing thank you I want to offer cross-sections [Music] [Music] now it's okay oh don't worry yeah yes this area the damage funny [Music] but yes yes if we the flood is accurate and this much this area is affected yeah at the worst 2019 the water is rising yes this one we can see this blood quality that after now this is as per this water extensions extent is prone areas as per worker returning period 180 if you want to call to know about the each for it dips we should calculate like NGS and ambitions from zero to have to save and after six I have to nine of ten meters but it's automatically populated with a spur or regarding to them today and this is you can see it's good [Music] we can find from for wheatgrass part is you input to hit you yeah yes yes there we do preparation for modal yeah I have uploaded to my channel with you the YouTube channel you can download it
Channel: Hydrologic Engineering Counselor HEC
Views: 6,075
Rating: 4.8899083 out of 5
Id: rCmiHoio0Sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 7sec (5347 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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