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welcome to this tutorial on our GS in order to this tutorial we will be creating topography rafters from coordinates and elation that is X Y Z value and from that value when we create a topographic layer we will use interpolation method and interpolation we will choose I'd ability formula and then from the digital elevation model and from our given flood level we will determine in a city which area will be flooded and which area will not clear you can see I have an excel file in where you can see the first column a is ID then point X point y and point set point x and y are saying the coordinates of the place and of that less point Z is telling us what is the elevation and that is in respect to mean sea level okay you can see there is a lot of data there is four hundred four thousand eight hundred and ten data in here so we have to export this into our yes but as you know in order to do so what you have to do is you have to select the portion of your excel file okay so when you have selected you give here a name like just your name and then press Enter and this area here will be called by this name you'll get okay then go to Earth map and then input this data okay I am going to my folder and then remember in arcmap you better work with Excel is file not the latest version which is Excel F a because in the in arcmap it works better with the previous generation of example double-click in it and then you can see there is my name and then end the filing so nothing will be shown in here because you have to right click in here and then you have to this display XY data and in xfield obviously point X in Y field or this point y and in red field obviously this is pointed and you can see in the description it's saying unknown coordinate system we have to define coordinate system in order to work smoothly so go to edit and as this is a data of my country and in my country the default projection system is BTM so I am selecting BTM and this data were also collected in BTM so when you are working with other file make sure you are giving this position system which was in the file ok then press ok and again ok then there is a lot of ID so there will be a pop-up the step okay so these are my data and what I have to do now is I have to create a Lester surface from this data ok then go to add pull box then go to 3d analyst tool then go through Esther interpolation and in hi DW so in a DW my input feature is obviously the events and remember there when Z value field give point vid as its said Bella field obviously point set and then determine a location for your output raster this is very important give a name like IDW and they saved and output sale side output cell size I just write it 300 and that is why because later we will deal with our ad m file which will be pre given and the rest'll sale size of that file is 300 so in here we will also give 300 okay then such address is variable number of points is 12 maximum distance you don't need to work with this there is input barrier polyline feature this is if there is a sometimes of some types of barrier then you have to do this if not then you don't need to do okay as you can see this is my topographical here we see in resto surface and now I don't actually need to see the point so as you can see this is my data this is the rough surfaces I won this is a raster image so now what we will do is we will do this analysis with the fault line a fault line what is the fault line if fault line is some type of barrier where a river or something cannot flow through okay then go to just being your file in Fault false windows SHP import this and there is unknown spatial reference click OK and then go to data management tools and then positional transformation and defend projection and the fault line the fault line is obviously 10 L my Reston that is BTM then press ok so there you can see now there is a some there are some fault lines in here ok then I have to do this map again so go to IDW everything is same as before ID is ID is point saved the output raster this time IDW fault ok and then the output raster cell size is 300 and now in input barrier polyline features which is the fault line then select the fault line ok so I'll press ok now and then this process will take quite a bit time so just wait for a while and let it finish so you can say my task is finished it's showing the completed icon it took almost 35 minutes so now what you need to see if we need to see the changes it has made so if we in some place if we you can see from the layer if we show it and if we hide it you can see the change and to see the change more perfectly go to Windows and then image analysis in image analysis we will given some options and select on the top one and then what we'll do select this icon in here so when you select this icon then you can see there you can you are given some types of cursor and when you drag this cursor over the image you can see the change it has made see there is a message change in the place you can see in the height so this is our image analysis so now let's come to the next part which is calculating the dam and determining the flood level so I will add my data which is in game as you can see I have two data which one of them is meter and one of them is millimeter so I will bring the millimeter one I will show you something which is conversion from meter two millimeter go to arc tool box so from the arc tool box you can go to spatial analyst tool and then there is map algebra and then there is the raster calculator in short come you can just such in arcmap then they will show you this but okay so i have dim BG DV y 1m layer in here so double clicking on this one and as we are converting it from meter to millimeter we will obviously multiply it with 1000 but there is a small problem which is in red circle filter if you just normally multiply it then he will lose position in a great amount so what we'll have to do is you have to choose float from here okay in math underneath you will find float and inside float double click on this one and then you multiply it with 1000 there then you will get it in millimeter version but I will need it right now so I'm not doing it okay cancelling it so as you can see my team of water height is this is just this area in here but the of the area is unnecessary really unnecessary to me so what if I just expect my raster image to be just of this size okay so in order to do that just before that you can see there is are too many float lining here and this much float line cause are really we get time to compute and so we'll keep just one fall time just to show you how I we do this okay go to forge nine and go to definition query and then go to query builder and then if ID get unique values and then just keep any one this are in here I'm just keeping only number 27 okay so where is my fault I'm in this area I shouldn't take this one you can changing it like mmm taking epic to okay where is the 32 in here so this is my only one for 10 so now if we want to do the work only one fault line will be counted okay let's go to the iw IDW tool which is under 3d analyst and rester interposition so click on ID w and the previous things are just like before the events is red value a point is set and output raster this one with fault line and also with compacted okay then save it and output raster cell size is 300 as my den Valu sale that is 300 I show you okay then my input polygon features is obviously fault line and now if we want to make our area common just on under the dim level then go to environment under environment you are given a lot of options and workspace your current workspace is just keep it default then output coordinates no processing extent so this is where I have to modify go to snap western and select the one you want to keep which is de m BG GD m and the extent extent is okay the snap Preston is extent is default and the snap roster is de M and just and then in raster analysis under rational analysis you will be given a option mask so go to mask and select again the de m BG 'tv so under left analysis the same size will be same as de M okay then test as you can see mine at UW width the must layer is now been creating so finally after a lot of struggle we have got our IDW of only the portion in de our game as you can see this is my game and this is my ID developed so now what I need I need to see the area where and the intersects or in which places the IDW is higher than DM or the demons have then added a blue so in order to do that we will use our restaurant later which is under special analysis tool and map algebra go to the store calculator so as we say two layers is give already given so what we need we will first select IDW then we will - the de m from it ok and our output raster this is suppose this is our flood level so this is flood level save it and then press ok something has been computed so this has been created and this is our flood level so I am hiding everything is everything if this is really the zero then to check it really bring our a River ship file with living ship and it is give a ship ok dinging my lib worship as you can see the river perfectly coincidence we can see the black spaces are now filled with the river and I will also change my color M this looks a bit ugly ok as you can see now from this image I can tell which area are what which area is from below the mean sea level and which area is of how much height now what we need to do is we need to reclassified I have zero two zero point three which is slightly area and up to zero point nine which is slide level one up to one point eight to three point six three and more than three point six meter is for flood level four so now let's go back to our arcmap and now what you need to do is we need to reclassify this data to reclassify our data we have to go to our toolbox and under special analysis tool now we need to go to reclass and there is a option reclassify okay what is my input raster my input sister is my flood level and the class field will be obviously value and then go to classify okay so the method we will keep it in not natural break I will change to pluses as we have seen we have how much software we have five classes so away with five plus and let's go to from top to bottom so this was more than 3.6 are so let's make it up to him and this one 3.6 this one is one point eight and this one is 0.9 and this one is to the point three okay then that's it then it is okay so this is our early classical we do reclassified data so let's also save it if slugged we plus okay then save it and nothing to do it from here so this okay so now you can see which area is in which John so this is actually very helpful for us to see which area is under which zone which area belongs to region which area is slug they are one the number one in here this area is completely flat fee and area five is very much flood risk is now we also have to rename this data so go to properties and symbology and I will change the label this is slug free zone so this is F F this is F cloud level one blood level two flood level three and not level four then this okay so our name is now also changed in below Z we can give it a a pretty color which is changing the color scheme so anything me too okay so this is our data and now you can see the only 3d version as this is our there is some high level and lower level elevation so if there is some three-dimensional beaming so this will be very helpful to in order to do that and go to arc seam which is under your arc GIS and then go to our scene and then go back to your arc map and what is what was the final addition or final one was flood this one so right click on it and copy it and return to our scene and under scene layers paste layers okay now we have pasted it in our arc scene as you can see you can rotate it like a 3d but it is not ready yet because we have not made it 3d right click on your slot and then go to properties and there will be an option which is base height but there is no elevation they look from a surface selected so select floating on a custom surface okay my custom surface is selected the gesture resolution is in default and then impressed okay so now there is some change but you can see because the change is very very low as you can see this is a very big area so in order to see the little change you will need to zoom in very much so to in order to see it visually go to thin layer and right click on it in property and in vertical exaggeration you enter any value like I am placing 300 300 and okay now you can see there is now some height you can see there are some height the dark blue ones are very high in area and the white one are the lowest in order to make it more more visible you can always increase the value so suppose I am giving 8 800 and then this book as you can see now it is very much visible the whole surface is now something this is something so suppose in - the darkest one are in fo which is high but if you mean the darkest one to be low so go to scene properties and just in case of 800 ad - 800 and then you can you can see now the darker places are below and the white levels are up so now you have an idea how this works so let's go back to our arcmap and then we will do our last thing today which is zone of statistics so to do so no statistic under spatial analysis tool go to zonal go to zonal and select zone of Statistics estable so my input feature will be flood and also my input value will be also flood and my output table will be drawn I think there is another file ok this ok so now we have got our table which is like this so now you can see we have something like in under group for which value what is the minimum and maximum value what we will do is we will also add another file which is Hana boundary and adding this panel boundary as my layer and we'll do the sumo statistics again and in this case our value will be flood RC and input raster will be tunnel bundle and the wrong field will be tunneling and my output feature will be zone power then this okay and now we will get a table like this so this one is efficient the previous one this one was not really good because there was no meaning of anything so as you can see for my tunnels here these are the tunnel for which tana what is the count and what is the area in which area belongs to which place so this is how you can improve flood calculation in ArcGIS thank you for today
Channel: Nazmul Huda
Views: 41,979
Rating: 4.8885794 out of 5
Id: rLzagJ8Hs4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 28sec (1648 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2017
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