2D Flow Modeling Using HEC-RAS 5.0

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okay so I'm going to teach or make this tutorial for hey crest five which is two dimensional modeling or hydrant problems and in gratitude rs5 you can do two dimensional modeling you can get flood plain and other different parameters for hydraulic modeling I will start from creating a new project and saving for you click OK and ok here I will open wrasse mapper the whole new terrain I'll say no because my raster file has projection in it as you can see here the raster file has a projection I will say yes and create terrain I will wait for it so the terrain is created now I'll close this dialog and double click on it sometimes doesn't show so zoomed layer you can do like that so I will save my project go to geometry data now I can see my dummy there are many different tabs and options you can give many input file a geometric data or many coefficients you can give many coefficients like this from here and you can define many great bridges culverts and line structures lateral structures towards area like reservoirs and connections between storage area and to DRA for example a to the area of flow for example I will start by here I will start with just first of all do set your geometric extents you can Qin pan your map by using shift button okay if you shift it I will give cross section from here as a as a flow hydrograph there I will create the dummy by clicking into the points I'll follow the elevations here this is downstream of my study area okay you can create 2d flow area based on your computational resources compute the computer resources for example if you have a faster computer with a good processor you can you can give eager area also it depends on the flow rates that you want to give so if I double click here and say let's say but good okay if you connected today starting point I will remove this point and you can remove it by using these these tools and I remove these points to here so that it could be this string I will click here so I will disable editing then I have to give I have to find the computational points you see you go here and get Delta X and Delta Y makes me eat 20 feet and generate points now the point the cells are created completed actually now if I click ok if you create my mesh and you can see here okay so here we have before the me anything to save it we have some points that 5 face errors detected on the pyramids rubbish okay now I have to edit them and remove them first of all then I have to move my mesh a little bit more or be like this so now I can for some computation I have to remove these points if you get these points maybe you can remove them at first and don't do the computation again always okay so now we've created my mesh and there is no problem in - okay measure temptation that's go clean up okay so I lost my new empire DM at the background I have to bring it I have to go and export as image map let's say that okay I saved now I have to add matte layer go to images and selected now I have I can go to geometry paper and select map and see where what is what and very bare so no yeah I have to define 200 collisions at upstream or downstream if you don't define the Barbican you should at the downstream it will be a storage area and to store all the water that is flowing from upstream at the downstream bond we can be sure it'll double click at the second point and say click ok now i zoom out and go to downstream ok now I I could come boundary condition and actually you can if you have it if you have flow data at one cross-section so try to move these points until you make them propane McCullar to the to the cross-section that cross-section so you need I think it's faulty now so after that you have to take it ok so then you edit your mesh I mean edit your 2d flow area you have to again compute the mesh so I don't know it automatically use so there's upstream and now you can get it down dumb stream on attention I click here and talk with you and I will say that's it I will see much knowledge we did and you know ok okay you can remove your map from here background left or you can add it as you wish so say close now it's time to give the flow data unsteady I go to unsteady flow data we can see the boundary conditions here boundary lines and first of them first of all we have to I mean it depends on your preference my iterator it works I go to flow hydrograph I will keep hydrograph that I got from USGS it's for another string but I'll use and test how it works for this one hold shift and press arrow button to the down and control C I put here so it will be full of that column and completely I will click OK then go back again to see that the numbers of number of the ordinates are adopted updated so led the start of my day pad is from 29th of March interval of the data is one day okay now we have to you can give money minimum flow rate and multiply your multiplier as a minute so if you could multiply your alternate sub B ordinates of the flow to that number that you give here and here in the energy slope as you can see so I click OK you don't have anything to do without finish no that's all now we have to go 2001 condition and I would say it's normal that now we have to save our unsteady flow data I will say yes ok I could open that's why okay so initial conditions are optional as you can see here I don't keep anything to them we can view the the data but watching the data as you can see your more fluctuations and sometimes there is there is no flow actually I added 0.2 to this flow right when I got it from you seeis stream flow data so I can see the flow rate you can add any flow rate one so this is only for test I'm click on project C now we have tutorials on the tree and unsteady flow data now we have to have a plan for our own you will go since we have given the US and blue data and you have to do a steady flow analysis you go to run a steady flow analysis and click it now we first save a plan okay and we're going is short ID could be a digit or character so this is my first one so I will click bar and I will press one and then I didn't fire for the jiggling around simulation let say one and this is predominately proper preprocessor if you click it it will get the elevation data for each grid cell each cell located at D in the domain so it will be get get the data and post-processor plot lap plot with nothing so I will come here and start internal say knowledge 29mm today ties for one year as I said don't show your data just testin here I will select six hours as a output hydrograph interval and detailed output interval and computational table so I will save it so I'm a tree prop preprocessor but what it does is just coming here and right clicking on it compute 2d flow area hydro table that's what it what it does when we check it if you do this and assign the values and find it tables property tables for 2d cells ok now we have to save it and go to run and unstable on Alice I think I've already saved it see that now we have to press button compute but before then you have to go to options and calculation options and always go to 2d flow option from here you can select your equation sets for each of the flow 2d flow area you can select different but up these two equation cells sets full momentum and diffusion rate it depends on your preference so you can give more you can change them modify these values it's on your needs so I will keep 2048 others this is an average and this is called actually bottom-up for every modeling program and then you are doing simulation you have to give some time or for the model to warm up and give more dependable results actually if you have given initial conditions and from a previous previous one simulation on you don't need that so because I didn't give any initial conditions I have to do that now I have to click OK and save plan again now everything seems okay now I could compute and yeah option boundary condition says x 3 theta starts after the solution starts yes so I will say at 13 of March oh yeah I forgot to change the date okay I'm here also 2015 20 now see now cup please any time simulation is yet and let's check our data I forgot it okay so your simulation time you know time it is yeah I give it kaity Tong so let's go to 26 March okay now you're sure that that is right and the time dates are right you have to save the project again and comes oh yeah I forgot - I'm sorry so careful of these too I mean dates actually the Greek we could do something else it could make make easier just tell that you simulation time it would be very easier for us I just wanted to give you data as they are compute to start the competition there are different processes that it does so like in geometry to equal area mesh property tables are print if I didn't do at if I didn't go to grass mapper and compute property tables it will also compute it here and complete fighting geometry that's the geometry preprocessor you have to recheck it I think I recommend it so it finished and writing event conditions performing the flow simulation now and yeah I traced iterations of 20 and this cell 1863 it has some errors okay you can check it you can check that cell if you want you can change it maybe it's because of the a maybe it's because of cell size so here you can see the equation numbers for each of the date dates in Tula do some iterations so the process is complete and now you can close it and close this one for real results you have to go to rice paper open it and okay now also we can disable the Sun and generate three years okay so if you we can generate layers from the cross sections that you gave and use them here but since this is only 2d if you want to give one D River each River reaches and cross-sections flow passes you have to define all of them I will create another tutorial next future and to show you how to create cross-sections and flow passes and the other input geometry data for high crest using key G is so okay so we have the results here you can see the depth this is the maximum depth actually why because it says much over here that's really simple okay so if you want to animate we can click here we can give some animation delay or degree delaying the the frames each frame so you can click on play and and yeah as you can see the floodplain and flow rates flow flow is how it behaves and you can see the delegation by just pointing to the one point as I said and the data are so discrete the flow data I mean and there is the interval of the data our baby course so you can change it with a good hydrograph and define it at the upstream boundary condition also you can come here and see how that allows T changes highlight it first and go back and animate it you can animate and see where its maximum and minimum so velocity you I don't know maybe because it says with you so you can also find the water surface elevations to show you changes hmm so how's it so you can also export the data here to database and use that database and edit them post-process them in RC is that you have to delete these undermines my maximum and profiles you can create it and save it wherever you want and so this is the very brief tutorial and racing go on to show you how to use a crashed 2d and I hope that you enjoyed it and it would it could be useful for you like two times so thank you for watching thank you very much
Channel: Navid Jadidoleslam
Views: 179,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hec-ras, hec, ras, 5.0, 2d, flow, modeling
Id: R795eunWB_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 26sec (1766 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 26 2016
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