Flood mapping using GIS 1

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all right good day guys today I'm going to teach you guys how to predict and then detect clad in a district anyway after this tutorial you can choose to select any district of your choice and then also practice alright so first of all the first thing we have to do is to get our data and as you can see I have my data here in my table my documents which is G is 4 8 2 dealer the level 300 have it like G is a team three eight or three night something I'm not sure on that alright so after that I can close it and then you open your achma softly all right so I'm now going to add my data as you can see I can't find my jet data for that year so the next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to connect to folder but I'm going to know I'm going to now look for the Giles data which i think is in documents all right so this is here you click on it and click OK alright so I have my my data here so I'm going to add this trait elevation alright I might add rude and a river and town later but then I just want us to concentrate on just these two for the meter you can add them later all right so let me want check this and see because as you can see I have my patient if here I have my district 138 district layer here alright so now the last thing I'm going to do is I'm going to treat my district map so I'm gonna right click on this and then open attribute table all right so I was go here they look for their district I want to create my let me see anyway as you can see these are the discrete them if you want to create a district you just have to highlight on it and then to come but I'm not interested in any of this district all right then I'm going to use a fan so I can see municipal alright so after clicking on it I'll come back to my table of content right click on district layer go to selection and then create a layer from selected feature as you can see we did like written layer from selected guitar it has now created a new layer here named district selection alright so I want check this as you can see my mouth has come make this go back to full extent alright so as you can see I have my set released district here so the next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to remove this district's layer so that will confuse me later so I want to be keeping all my data in a folder so that next time if I want to work on it I'll just go to the folder then I don't need to pass through this process anymore but I'll just right click on this and then go to data alright so I want to now create a new folder and then name etc East District flat flat a bo-zone alright so as you can see you can click on new data new folder here so I'm going to name it flat double click inside ok double click inside the district alright so the name should be district and then you should check on CFR and they save all right so now I have my district here I can now remove this all right so the next thing I'm going to do is I'm now going to clip the elevation for this district anyway there are two ways you can do that is either you click on the search tool box which is here and then set for your to clip and then you click on clip which is data management without the third one here you see now you do that or all you can choose to or you can choose to open your actual box and then go to data management tools rhasta and then as you can see the clip that we saw dot and there is the same thing right here double click on it alright so over here your input raster will be the elevation tip and then output has seemed to be my district all right have you seen this small box you should make sure you have checked on it all right so I would want to now go and save my elevation into my etc is district folder anyway you can choose to leave it this way but then I would advise you and then put it inside the folder so I'll now go up to set for my food area as you can see I have cetera is flat here double click on it and then I'll just type in elevation let me save it ok so let's wait before in this clicking I think it's taking a while but let's wait for a little bit all right so as you can see we have my elevation here as you can see there is a difference between these two elevation this elevation check and then did the new elevation that I clip for this district alright so the lesson I'm going to do is either you uncheck this or you remove it our advice you move and visit it because it might confuse you later as we go on or as we move on so you right-click and then remove it some of you might be wondering why you can't see the elevation it because you always have to bring drag this district down and some of you obviously know you can't drag it it because you have not selected lid by drying order so you should make sure it's here all right alright so as you can see I have my district here so the next process or the next step in detecting and predicting the flood flood of a red in the district you know how to go to up to box as I have it down here you scroll down there and then you find special knowledge to double click on it and then as you can see reclass double click on a class and they reclassified so now we have our input raster our elevation now we have the values so we have old values and then new values all right so let me take anyways the map I'm going to create this I just want to find out area data most laudable and an area that are less palatable all right so I'll select one and then maybe then Basin between 193 to 243 as most laudable and then 243 268 to a smooth flat ammo and then 2 6 8 to 290 as less flat about our just input - so you just name the remaining no data all right
Channel: Sanda Mohammed
Views: 4,110
Rating: 4.3454547 out of 5
Id: BAP5qQ01Sc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 17 2018
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