ArcGIS Pro: Tips and Tricks

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I'm JD Overton this is ty Fitzpatrick he's on our desktop development team I have to start out by saying I'm kind of wondering about this crowd because everybody's on the side aisles ready to make a quick exit so we're gonna have to really be good at this so if you can just those coming in make room for everybody let them into the center aisle so we can all out the seat so as you know everything's digital this year as far as the surveys go fill out the survey on the line especially if you liked it so today's agenda I have listed here I'm not going to read off all of these things so just imagine that ty and I were sitting with you in your office and we're just covering some things about ArcGIS pro so we're gonna be sitting down most of the time we're gonna be showing stuff and not necessarily talking about it so this is probably a picture of us maybe in our younger days all right so we're gonna get started with a section on resources self-help so one of the first places that you can look for help is we have a lot of tutorials built into the help system I know I probably about half of you did an eye roll when I mentioned the help but I would encourage you to go through the help these tutorials if not anything else even if you're using it already just scan through some of these you don't have to do all the exercises there's a lot of things in there that you can pick up there's a 15 QuickStart tutorials in there also you can search out in the help for tips and tricks in there there's all the keyboard shortcuts are documented very similar the way it was an art map and then lastly when you are in the help I would encourage you to put double quotes around items you're searching because it will narrow your results a lot better so another place that you can go for help and learning about Pro is the learn ArcGIS doc and in there there's a bunch of built-in tutorials that you can refer people to get started on this you can learn from that as well and this is really easy to filter just pick our GIS pro from the list and it's only going to show you the things that apply to our GIS pro so another thing that may not be commonly known is that on our training website we have a lot of training seminars that have been recorded specifically about Pro and things related to arcgis pro and again you can filter that a number of ways to find free resources tutorials all of those live training seminars that have been out there are there if you actually have an online account or on maintenance there's a lot of two-hour like web courses that are free that you can go through as well there are three books one of them actually has just been released it's out in the the bookstore it's been updated for pro 1.4 some of you may be familiar with the ArcGIS blog you can sign up for that as a as an RSS feed you can also filter it to only show you the things that are related to Pro so just click on an ArcGIS pro tag or you can enter that URL right there one of the blog articles that was posted last week had a link to a PDF that lists out all of the sessions related to pro all of the demo theater presentations so you can get on the blog and actually just load that PDF up on your phone and you can go through that and find out all you want to know about Pro so what we're going to do now is pretty much kind of get into pretty much a demo so from this point on we're Bruce gonna kind of be sitting down and kind of having a conversation about software and kind of showing you things so before we get directly into the demos we know that a lot of our tech support calls initially with Pro we're related to licensing and a lot of that had to do with licensing your software through our is online so what was happening is people's email was getting sent to their primary maintenance contact and that wasn't somebody in the GIS department always that might have instantly in purchasing or somewhere else so this email was coming into their inbox and they didn't know what to do with it or they just ignored it and then when it came time to activate the licenses we had to have this email in order to activate the online subscription so just you know if you are gonna activate licensing to wrong line just you know be in touch with your primary maintenance contact so that you can do that so first up I'm gonna turn it over to Ty and he's going to talk about application tips and our GIS pro okay thanks JD so I'm gonna go through a few things that may be basic you probably saw them some of you may have seen these already but I could tell you that I've probably had about a dozen of these asked to me probably today alone so I've already got sorry thanks Judy so I've already got Pro uh one of the first things you can do and this is kind of just out of the box windows is if you start pro you can see all your recent projects up there that you can access right from windows I've got a doc down here so I like to just access them this way so let's just start up Pro and I'll just create a brand new project and show you a couple tricks that I like to do for creating new projects so one this starts up basic screen something that happens to me I get a lot of these recent projects stacked up over time I create a bunch of different projects for a variety of different things what I like to do is occasionally if I create something that I didn't really want in the list I can right-click over that project and remove that guy from the list and it just disappears a commonly asked question how do I change that list of recently added projects I made something how do I just get rid of it so that's nice and easy first real tip second thing is I'm on the Start screen how do I get to the backstage where I can configure my licenses or my portal or look at some of the options and it's not always obvious people say well I have to create a project for us to do that and that's not that's entirely true you can go down here to the bottom and click about arcgis pro and it flips you into the backstage tons of people ask me that so that's another key tip there and this is where you have access you can just go and create a new project if you want or you have access to your portals I have a portal that's on my machine or ArcGIS online I could look at my licenses tab look at any licenses I can go and configure my license if you have more questions about more detailed licensing questions we can go into that but simply open this guy up I'm configured for a single use license at this point and then we can get into some I'll get into some of these options after I create my project so all right let's just create get into it and create a blank project right now it's defaulting to old location this is not the default location that's on your system and I'll go into that and I don't want to create a folder just a preference that I have for demonstration purposes it defaults to another location in your user profile that we know we can write to you in this case we'll just create a new one okay so new project gets created I see my catalog view this is where I can do some basic data management the catalog pains also up for kind of map offering type workflow so you have a couple different options there but some of the defaults that I chose when I created this new project if you look here here's the name of my project here's the location my home folder I wanted to create all if I look at my application or I'm looking at my project settings so if I look at my default geodatabase right now I got asked this a couple times this morning sometimes I may want to create a default geodatabase for specific projects other times I just want to use the same one all the time it's a very common question and you can specify here I have an SD e connection on my laptop - sorry an enterprise geo database that I always want to use so I don't have to keep creating new and our default geodatabases and the reason why we do that is so that all GP output automatically can default to that location so that's really important to have that default geodatabase otherwise they'll come out of shapefiles also I want to create use the same toolbox and I want all my projects the default to a location that I typically put my projects in this particular case this week I'm putting them all in this location under UC 2017 so that's those are some really common things that people ask me all the time how can I change some of those default settings very easy of course you can change light to dark I always work in dark theme I work at home with all the lights off in the morning quite a bit so I like to work in the dark and dark themes so my eyes don't burn out so that's that's key for me I always for here we have two demo and light for maps maps and scenes you can use your default base mount based on your organization so if you have this is I'm signed in to ArcGIS online so it's going to pull my base maps from our ArcGIS online organization if you have a custom base map that you want to use or you don't want to have a basement you can change that right here here's another little tip down here adding new layers I had a lot of raw data to my map often that has a lot of points I don't want them to draw right away so when I add new layers to my map I like to add them with visibility off so this is a nice feature to have so I don't have to wait for them to draw it can also change the default space for spatial reference for all the right now it's always going to use the first layer this is the same as a map same as arcmap so some of the other things there's navigation you can go in here and change the mouse wheel how that operates if you have selection options you can go in and check out that geoprocessing here's one writing geoprocessing geoprocessing operations to your log file with the datasets metadata that is a common workflow for some of you in here I know some of you may not be I think this default is actually changing in the next release so that it's on all the time because that's so important to people so that's an option that's really important for some of you you need to track that stuff as you capture your metadata you also display settings anti-aliasing metadata you always everything has metadata no matter what and when we say metadata it's how its styled and by default it's styled as art art item description or item description but you can change the way you style your metadata depending upon how you how your organization likes that indexing options right now I'm choosing to not create an index but you could if you wanted to do that for searching I think I was just flipping these around usually this is the default to index for searching and so forth and then the last one that I think I forgot was the help system this defaults the online help system but you can change that if you install the help you flip that to the help on your computer so those are some of the key things that I always kind of focus in on the options that actually have a big kind of impact on the way you kind of build projects and work with the application ok oh and then I talked about portals a little bit you can add portals you can remove portals and so forth and we talked a little bit about licensing if we want to come back to that later on we certainly can I don't want to dive too much into that one other okay let's see adding maps so importing maps I get this question all the time how can I import multiple maps at the same time right just select multiple maps in the Browse dialog I I kind of tell you how many times I've had this asked to me and then you just import them and they both come in all right very simple add multiple maps at once so now those are just map X's that I had saved out to my file system they could have both been to MX these from arcmap the import too so that's that's another important workflow this one's probably the most the biggest one in - oh I've gotten this asked several times downstairs already this morning it's favorites so I know a lot of you for the first couple releases complained about having to create connections with every new project that you created that was frustrating for people templates we're hopefully going to solve some of that it didn't really solve it so favorites are similar to the way in the way that it's kind of a take on the way we did it in arcmap and our catalog but favorites are a way for you to create connections either folder server or database connections and you put them in a bucket list and they're saved kind of in your and your they're saved in your user profile and you can pull and use them in any project that you want or you can pin them like for example this one's pinned so that it's added to every new project so if I right click it says add the new project or it's added to any new project that I create so let me create a new folder I mean add a folder connection okay so now that I've added a folder connection to my favorites I'm gonna say add it to my new product to this project and add it to any new project that I create okay so now that's in here if I go and create a new project it's going to be added to that okay there it is right so any new project now from from here on n on this computer will have that folder added very helpful for those of you don't want to keep adding those folder connections and just for a little knowledge on where they are they're all saved all these connections are saved in your user profile on your roaming directory so as you move from computer to computer if you have roaming enabled for your user profile those favorites will always be available to you so that's a really that's probably the number one request we've gotten especially in the recent releases so we got that in pro 2.0 so if you download the new version of pro you'll get that another missile pretty close okay pretty close okay couple other things read-only projects many of you this is another common workflow where you put a project out on our read-only share and you want to have many many people access that so I have this project on a share and I'm gonna open it up and it's a you don't want people to write to it obviously and you don't want them to you want them to be aware that it's a read-only project so if you look up at the top it says read-only what that means is I can't make I can make changes to the project that the only thing I can do is save as the save is not enabled so I have to say that I would I could make changes to it but I have to save it as a new project locally where I am so you may have a project out on a network share that many people access and then I want to open it if I want to make changes I'd have to save it locally so I can make changes and save it locally to my drive just because it's read-only it that only means you you have to save that project locally that means you can continue to edit your features if they're in an enterprise geo database or feature service it it's you still have access to edit those features so it's only for the project settings that that means it's read-only so now another use of read-only could be that you could have a project with no Maps in it at all and use it like a catalog app right so in a little tip we have preview so if I go over to this map I can preview that map in preview and you'll see up here in this contextual tab you have preview where you can create thumbnails brows etc so that's a way for you to preview maps and datasets within the catalog view so it's kind of like that preview and we're gonna we're going to keep improving that and we know we need tables in there as well so this is an experience that we're gonna continue to evolve hit for okay thank you all right excellent so the next group of things that I'm going to talk about here are on map exploration so I were trying to put these together more of a workflow instead of just a bunch of rapid-fire things so one of the things we'll start out with is the the placement of windows so this particular map this 3d map I have in this upper right corner I save this project just like this so if many of you probably work in a multi-monitor setup you can take these windows and these maps and move them on to other monitors and then you can link these together so that they're tied together with their extent so if I go over to the View tab and I hit click on this link button I can specify a center in a scale and now we can see that these two are actually in sync with one another so as I move around this particular map they're they're perfectly in sync with one another if I go up to the actually back to the map tab and I go to the bookmarks if I have this map open it's in 2d any bookmarks in any project whether it's a 3d scene or if it's a 2d map I can use a bookmark from anyone but if I click on that bookmark in 2d it uses the center of the camera to get the orientation if I'm using the 3d view and I used the same bookmark I get a different extent that's based on the 3d extent so you can use these bookmarks across multiple views and maps throughout your project very easily so another thing about Pro is the explore tool as I hover over that you can get all the context about how to use this particular tool so this is actually our identify our pan and our zoom tool essentially in one tool and so when you use this tool you hold down the left mouse button it's a pan if I use the roller wheel it's a zoom in and then if I just left-click I get an identify and when I open up this identify we're commonly as well what actually how do you control what happens in this dialog well if I come over here one thing that's unique about pros design is that some of the controls are actually what we call split controls so it's going to default to the topmost I can change it to be visible or even the selectable layers so if I change it to selectable layers the layer has to be selectable in order to get a result so let's change the the view here I want to get to a location that actually has some point symbols in it and the reason is because the the symbology is actually used for the Explorer tool so in arcmap you had to get right on the XY location of the point but you can click anywhere on the symbol inside a pro and it's gonna grab that so that could be a 3d tree it could be a building your point symbol is fully used so another thing that's probably not commonly known as if I select that feature the attributes window that was only available for editing in arcmap is usable inside of arcgis pro outside of editing so you can use this to copy attributes etc another unique thing about this window is if your layer is editable it exposes the geometry so you can get the exact coordinates off of that feature if you wanted to copy and paste those into something so another thing about the about the Explorer tool is since I have selectable layers on I have this map and some of you may have a map that has a lot of layers in it one of my favorite things about Pro is the searching and filtering capabilities so I'm at a map scale it's near 72,000 so I have this base map authored so that I've got this layer that has 72 K so if I'm if my layer list is set this selectable I can filter this and just type 72 K and that filters it to only show me the list that has that string in it even better I can filter this again and say only show me that selectable layers so this can also help you find where your feature layers are where images are if you have broken layer in the map this can really help you filter and find that so this little search and filter is very handy for for navigating a large table of contents so the next thing I want to look at is one of the things that may not be commonly known is that with the locator this is going to go out it's gonna grab the world geo coder and if you're active portal has utility services established with geo coders it will load all of those locators in but I can go out to the settings once this access is my locators here I can go out to the settings and I can actually add a feature layer to the locator list so I can pick a layer from my map such as this facility site point layer and then in the locator it's going to allow me to configure this to look for the name of the facility equals something or contain something so now let's go back and we can go to the locate and we can test this out so we'll just try out Santa Rosa okay so there's from the world locator and here's from my feature layer a point that was returned out of there so you can add in layers to do searching and geocoding without having to open up the search by you know attributes dialog fill in the whole query string and all of that so this is very handy for navigation of than that so another thing that's real handy about using the search and filter I'm gonna go over to the labels tab and we're gonna zoom into a different area that has a lot of labeling classes that are actually turned on so I'm gonna type for K and I'm gonna filter this because we're at about that map scale and if I expand this we can see that we've got these all have labeling turned on that's what the check boxes mean in this case but there's a couple of these that actually have multiple labeling classes within them so let's say that I want to change the size of these symbols so if I use a multi select the ribbon won't respond to anything the head that can share those same properties so I step over to the labeling tab let's say that I want to just bump up the fonts across the board there so now I've increased the font size on every single layer that I had labeling selected so just think about how many different dialogues you would have had to have interacted with in arcmap in order to make that change but even better I don't like this change all the sudden think about the undo well you're probably just going to exit the file and not save the changes but in pro you simply just go to the undo and undo all of that in some one single step so even better with the fit with the undo you can actually filter the operations in the undo stack so if I turn layers on and off I can undo that if I'm editing I can filter just the undos for the edits etc so a very reliable undo stack there so lastly in this little section is that once I have this map authored to my liking I can actually save this as a map file so like you've saved that layer for example you could actually save this entire map that has all of the projection all the layer definitions share that with a colleague shared on the network Sherrod another project so that you don't have to re authors and time again so the next area that I'm going to show here I call this section WYSIWYG which is what you see is what you get and so we're gonna start out here with a map that has time and abled probably not anything you haven't seen before but in this particular one I can actually save time extents in the bookmarks in Pro so I have a time extend somewhere what we're looking at here is the the body composition of 5th graders and we can see over time that's changing in these schools but let's say that I really want to target this so in Pro I can actually enable a new thing called range so if I look in the properties on this layer and I go to this range tab any numeric field that I have I can actually enable the range slider on that so if I want to target just the upper 50% of that I can have the time and range respond together so I can really target those results so obviously you saw in you know the plenary they were opening up a chart so let's take a look at the chart the chart actually updates as well with not only the range and the time but the what-you-see-is-what-you-get if I click on the extent filter notice that as I change that my chart automatically changes the content in there as well I can also directly from the table and just because I'm working a very limited resolution most of you probably don't work at 1366 by 768 but we here I'm going to open up the attribute table I'm just gonna disconnect that for a second and I want to show you a couple of things on it I'm gonna get it close to the ribbon on purpose because down here in the lower right corner on this thing it's probably going to be hard to see but when you have a table open it opens another tab called view and I can filter the table so I've got a 814 so if I filter it on time I have 74 if I add the range I'm down to 22 and then if I filter it on extent as I change that it also changes as well so if I click on the chart that's going to select features on the map I change this to the selected and then I can highlight selected also here within the graphic so the tables probably covering up what's highlighted there we go so then if we're using a layout for example so we've got my data it's filtered by time by range and by extent I probably am going to want the legend on the map to look like that as well so I go down to my layout I opened up this layout and we can see that we've got layers a legend here so as I expand the legend I highlight my layer I go to properties and down here at the bottom under feature options I can click this show only visible features on the map and then I can actually put counts into the legend so if I come down here and I check this on I can say before and after visible so not only is it showing me exactly how many there are it's filtering it by stent by time and by range so just like with the with the map if I right-click on the layout I can save the layout and share the layout with others as well and then we can do that through project templates but you know these these are these files can actually be really handy my turn so back to tie for map authoring and sharing okay so I'll go through a couple more things here except math or engineering a couple things I forgot in the other four applications the application is the add data I often get these questions where are these other commands to add data like add data from path or at an X Y event query layer etc it's all in this drop-down just check out the pull downs on some of these just like bookmarks or base maps have a drop-down add data also has a drop-down right so you can add any one of these types this is basically people always look for that so a common area another thing add data if you wanted that say on your quick access toolbar so it's available regardless of where you're at or what you're doing you can just right-click over that you just right click with your mouse over any other commands if you notice I said add to quick access toolbar not just put that guy right up here on the top bar regardless of which tab am on it'll be always available for you to add data okay so there's a little tip there for I'm having business well one thing to add to that is just that just because it's on the quick access bar doesn't mean it's gonna always work because it has to enable the context good point good point okay so in terms of map authoring this is a 3d map because this property for this particular scenario it doesn't really matter whether it's 2d or 3d but these Street polls which are points for cars or people or trees are all points and they're symbolized and I need to get the attribute for rotation and size and a lot of times people don't know where that is so if you select the layer you go up here to appearance at the symbology tab you're gonna get the symbology pane a lot of people forget they don't notice the little we call it a little hamburger button but it's the options and you say very symbology by attribute you go in there and you can see symbolized mine what was a street furniture which are my lamp posts I want to use the rotation field and I want to use size the size field so now those are symbolized by height and by the size before the height and the rotation so they're orientated correctly and that could be in 2d or 3d so those are we call them visual variables but they those also transfer what I have set here if I share this up to ArcGIS online as a web map or a web see those carry-forward as well so let's take a little nap that's a little more complex that's going to require those visual variables to be a little more color very symbology by attribute value and I want to use an expression so this is when these are wind points across the world I'm just looking at the United States right now and if I want to symbolize these and I want to use the same attribute values I would say very symbology by attribute and this would be the result but what I'm using is arcade and arcades are scripting language for symbolizing by attribute so I've got a pretty simple expression here using arcade to calculate to to field values in there to get the right rotation value and then I also have I'm using arcade as 2 for the field right so I'm using the same expression for the field and that allows me using arcade to calculate that expression to get the right wind direction for these two field values for rotation and the for the class brakes renderer and then if I wanted to share that I can you show that as a web map up to ArcGIS online and I just you just go into the sharing the share tab click share web map I picked I think I picked exploratory copy data all exploratory and that'll create a feature layer and the result in ArcGIS online is the exact same thing so arcade is an expression language that can be used across the platform and symbolizes your content and it can be used in these visual variables or symbolizing by attribute or used in your class breaks renderer to visually represent your data and it works across the platform this can also be used with labeling as well so here's a map pretty simple Street map and you can see that I have if I click on one of the fields you can see that it's all in uppercase but the fields are actually our proper case so if I take a look at the label expression for this guy and I look at the expression here this is what it would be in VB script right it's quite a bit but if I use that same expression in using Arcade it's quite a bit simpler to change that proper case so with this with with a simple little arcade expression I can do the exact same thing and again because it's arcade it's going to travel across the platform right so that again that's changing this name value of the street that's all an uppercase to be proper case so just the first letter of each word is uppercase so that's another little tip there for arcades a pretty powerful way of using it to to author your maps for labeling symbology attributes for rotation transparency etc so I encourage you to look at that more obviously there's other sessions that have devoted a whole hour towards map authoring and arcade as well so I encourage you if you're interested in that to go look at those one thing another important one is okay so SVG symbols if you wanted to import them another easy way to do that would be to right-click sorry I select the symbol then I go into my symbology pane and I go into the layer tab and I go see it's a shape marker and I want to go import my SVG symbol my vector marker symbol I bring that in it's gray and there is importing SVG's SVG marker symbols into pro so that's nice and easy one last tip here in a map authoring if let's go back to that wind map so if I right click a lot of times color is you want to use if you generate a color and you want to use it in several places whether it be for labels or your title or your symbology you want to figure out how to get that transferred around so this yellow for example I want to use this for my labels and I want to use it for a title I want to use it in various other places so if I right-click on that and go under color properties I can save this color to a style and if I name it demo just call it demo and I'll say save now when I right-click over you'll see that yellow color called demo and now I can use it in multiple places so under my labels you can see that that it's available over here so now that color is available wherever that color palette is used in Pro so that's a great way to transfer your color across multiple on aspects of whatever you're doing so those are a few tricks with map authoring and sharing and I encourage you to investigate more if you have more questions about mouth mouth mouth at law 3 go to that specific tips and trick session as well so the a great place to learn about arcade developers ArcGIS comm board / arcade it's got a great reference in there it's got all kinds of samples so and it's even got a place where you can type the expressions in yourself and try them out so it's a great place to learn about arcade is there so the next section I'm going to talk about briefly is data management and editing tips so I have a Perl open here in the catalog view and I have my databases expanded so we're gonna first see that I have an enterprise database connection and then just double clicking on it I start to see feature datasets feature classes tables as you would normally start to see and then as you further drill down I actually have a preview option and if I click on preview I get a view of the data and one of the decisions that was made is that we're gonna give you a reference map in the background I can't tell you how many times I opened up a preview at an art catalog and had no idea where I was where the data set lived or anything so we now we give you a base map that you can look at so if you're one of those people that are really annoyed by a base map just come over to the preview tab and simply turn that off and you're back to being lost once again like it were before you head back so if I do like other base maps as an option I can compare that so I want to just quickly view this in comparison to some imagery that my image base map or compared to other so just that's a very easy way to to navigate that so when I want to start changing the schema of this or I want to manage the schema of this I simply right-click on this and go to my design tab and here I can work with the domains the fields or the subtypes and I'm just going to go to fields and one of the things if you mentioned I mentioned earlier I liked about searching so if I'm looking for a particular group of fields or a field I can easily filter that and not have to you know scroll and scroll and scroll if it's a large feature class so my goal here is I want to add a couple of new fields to this feature class so I'm gonna highlight a couple of existing ones that have almost the exact same structure notice I have two selected it could be more than two and I do copy and I simply do paste and not only did it keep the structure it also gave me the domain that was attached to the previous one and I simply can come in and just make a couple of simple changes so this is going to be a County route versus a federal route and so that quick I could add these two fields to this feature class so another common question is about renaming I'll just leave that whatever I can come into an existing field and I can rename a field as well if I own that feature class and I save these changes the two fields would be added the field that I just renamed would physically be renamed in the database so those are some just simple things with with data management inside of Pro so now let's move on to some editing things so some of you may work in built environments and we introduced this thing called the editing grid which is actually pretty cool so I turn on this grid and you immediately start to see this gray pattern over the the screen so if I needed to start updating some data so let's say that I had some some data that was captured at one time frame I got new imagery that's better I need to realign some of these features so I can use the editing grid to actually specify exactly where I want that I can just place that right on the corner that building I can come to the other side and I can rotate that and so now when I want to start editing I can select the feature just right-click on this feature let's make sure I got the right tool select and let's say vertices and so now I can just take this and snap this right to that grid and get an accurate placement of that feature so that it's orthogonal so I can also use this grid that construct new features it can be part of the snapping environment etc so take a look at the the grid so the next thing I want to show is some some things with topology so in order to edit something it has to be visible so I just turned on this layer and we can see that we've got some some topology issues so I'm gonna turn on a map topology and I'm gonna go to my editing tab and make sure that that layer I just turned on is editable if I go to my tools palette I don't have any tools here that I can work with so I can go to more tools and then if this becomes my favorite tool I'll just add it to the tools gallery so anytime I want to use that tool it's there so now I'm editing this map topology and I don't know how well you're seeing that let me turn the imagery off just so so what you should be able to see is that I've got a solid line and a dashed line how many are with me here dashed line okay perfect just making sure you're still out there so the dashed line isn't gonna move or that's where the result is going to be so if I hover on this side it would move that that direction so the dashed line won't move so I'm going to click on that and that simply closes that but I get down here and this doesn't have an adjacent feature but I have other editable features in the map I just come down I click the parcels on and it becomes part of this topology I click on that and actually fix that side using an existing feature as well so I know it probably got some doubters out there you didn't show me what happens with an overlap okay well create an overlap for you so that we can show how that works so we've got our topology edge so the same function so notice the dashed line it's gonna be where the placement is going to be so that easily I can fix that or I could have basically just used the align tool and actually just digitized or trace the feature I wanted to update so very powerful new topology tools of very interactive ways of showing how you can you can make edits another powerful thing that probably isn't being leveraged enough with pro is this idea of what we call group feature templates so I want to sketch out one geometry but I want to create multiple features with that geometry so this is an example of an apartment complex so I'll turn my image back on so we can start there see what we're we're doing here so we'll turn this on we'll go back to my editable layers I don't need to be editing any of these so what we have here is a apartment building and it's going to have a whole bunch of addresses that are associated with it so with 911 for example they're going to want to know where the entrances are to get into the building and they're also going to know where the driveway entrance is so I can create a simple feature template that's going to create a site address building entrances and a driveway entrance in a single template so the first thing I'm going to do is give it a relationship ID that I'm going to share across these three features so you would control when you're designing the feature template how many attributes you want them to digitize ahead of time and notice the active tool is a line so the the first point in the line sketch is going to be the address point and everywhere I snap to is going to become a building entrance and then the last feature when I close or the end of the sketch is actually going to be the driveway entrance so let's clear that up and I'll just select this one feature if we open up the attribute window we can see that we've got all of these related features there together okay so I probably didn't get the ID right but the geometries actually are all are all there so if you have a case where your digitizing maybe municipal boundaries I want to digitize a line for cartographic reasons and then store the polygons for the physical feature you could use these group feature templates so how you construct these is you start with a constructor so what kind of geometry and then you add the builders so add a site address point at beginning of line building entrance at every vertex except the start and end and then a driveway entrance at the end of the line so those are some things about editing so I'm sure there's many sessions on editing that are probably going to cover a lot lot more topics there so the last area I want to talk about before we open it up for some questions is automation and analysis so just like with the with the editing toolbar we have this analysis gallery and it comes with a preset set of tools so any tool that I want to add into that I simply just locate it and then add that to the gallery and then if I come in here I can customize this gallery so let's say that I don't want to use any of these or these I've now customized the dialog so then three days later you're gonna be like crap I lost all those tools and I wish I had those back again so I just come down here to customize I hit reset to default and we're back to where we started so anytime you reorganize that and you want to get back to the start you can do that so how many guys use model builder okay excellent so I'm going to open up a model that has been created and show you a couple of new things that you may not be aware of that you can do in pro so you might see these little yellow boxes around these things and these are groups that you can use to create logical you know sections of of your model together so once that's grouped together I can minimize this so that it condenses down to a simple little thing also if I highlight these guys I have locks on them so when these are locked and I use auto layout those don't get affected by auto layout and then if I make a change that I don't like we're always back to our undo and then I can get my model back exactly the way it was when I started so using these groups you may find very useful to start making your models easier to read and construct a little bit better in a more usable fashion so just look for the locks and the grouping mechanisms when you're authoring models so another common area is you know what happened to my geoprocessing results well we have a geoprocessing history so I can use this for a couple of things one just to find the processing that I have done I can also lays in this open this back up and see what the inputs were I can also use this in a number of different places so for example if I want to start building a model I can go into this geoprocessing history and simply just drag and drop that onto the canvas and then connect back the processes together so you can manually run through a few tools then drag the results onto your model and then build it that way so I'm an old command-line guy any guys do ok command-line arc info excellent so I would encourage you to check out the Python window and in the Python window from the geoprocessing results if I you notice I've got inner code here if I take that result and I drag and drop that there I get the entire syntax of that command and what the inputs were so if my model is my map is active I can also after I drop that I can change the result just hit enter and boom there is that command it's executed and you can actually behind it see the results that were we're updated so some other things that we can do besides just running geoprocessing stuff in the arc pie window is we have this whole series of art mapping functions anybody done mapping functions in art map okay it's a very few of you so I would encourage you to check out this this whole section on art pie there's some really cool things that you can do from a mapping perspective I'm gonna open up this one section of the mapping module and show you how we can use some of these samples so I'm gonna open up this class and one of the classes I want to take a look at is the I want to take a look at the graduated color renderer so you start to look at this you see what the properties are but yeah that looks complicated I'm just gonna go straight to the code sample so I'm gonna zoom this in so we can see what this is doing so it's gonna get the project it's gonna get the map it's gonna find a layer it's gonna get the symbology and then it's gonna set a custom color renderer on a particular field so let's just copy that sample directly out of the help and let's paste it in here okay so I'm gonna switch maps so we can actually see what's going to happen with this okay so I'm going to come over here and so the map name is assessment analytics so I'm gonna change the name of the map and simply just copy and pasting directly out of the table of contents I want to update this layer right here so instead of opening a project which I can do from this I'm just gonna open the current project that we're working on so I'm just gonna literally spell out the word current here and double quotes it's gonna get the current project it's gonna check this layer does it have a simple render yes then change it to be a graduated color ramp so I'm gonna change this here to be a different value and then I'm going to change the classes to be five and then I'm just going to take the cyan to color purple the the colons with the zero just means the first instance of that so if I had five layers and the map with the same name it would just get the first one so all this is gonna do it's gonna find the parcel layer set a renderer and apply it to the map so there it is that quick so then if oh I didn't like that I want more classes or and I'm going to make some changes I just hit the up arrow so if you've used DOS or you know you have the up arrow command I can come back in here and change a couple of things so this is no longer a simple renderer so I'm just going to remove that line no reason to check for that and let's add to this so I'm gonna say this is I don't want a J over there work so I got all the syntax here so I'm going to normalize this by a field called residential for area so basically I'm going to show you a graduated color based on price per square foot okay so we've got five values so I don't really don't like this color scheme I want to try a different one so where do we get the names for these I'm gonna go to the symbology tab and I'm gonna hover over this and when I click on one of these I can click this show all and it'll show me the names of these when I hover over them so I hover over that one and that one's called condition number looks pretty good let's use that so I come down and hit enter and there's my new map symbolized based on the color renderer so if I wanted to continue to modify this and add to this it's very easy I could actually even take this and save this whole thing out as a Python script and then once I have this as a Python script I can add it to a tool in my toolbox so new script tool so let's browse and I've already kind of cooked a little bit of this so let's get this and load it in okay so i've load the script we'll just let it be called script and if I go to the parameters let's say that I want to add a parameter to this I could give it a name so this would be something that you would have the user supply when they ran the tool it's a category environment filter okay looks good hit okay so now that has been added and so if I wanted to add that to my analysis gallery so that it was always there I could do that so let's open this up and let's see what this does so this is going to find a specific value in the table so it's basically setting a definition query to get the current project do exactly everything I showed you but it's also going to find a few more layers in the map and applied the exact same definition query to those so let's run my GP tool and this may actually not work but what's not in it anyway it should just ignore that there we go so pretty easy to automate using the command-line test get your code filtered out you can add them to toolboxes and make them tools and then I could share this tool with others in the organization and then I could take this a third step and add a task but we don't really have time to get into tasks so I would encourage you to take you know go to one of the demo theaters or one of the sessions on adding tasks to pro and you can do some pretty cool things so I think we're pretty much right at time for to open it up for any questions that you guys have yes okay so the question was you can show me counts on the legend in the layout can you show me those in the table of contents we don't we don't have that option right now but I can bring we can bring it back to the team and see if it's see where it is on the list what do you mean the Builder the question is when would I use model builder versus a task I think a lot of that has to do with the amount of user input and require so a model you start it runs until it finishes but a task you can change the inputs as you go so there be a lot of variables in between yes though is there a way to copy and paste labeling parameters off the top of my head I don't know but we can get that answer than the I one for you yes can you infer topology from base map probably not because they're raster you know they're most of the base maps aren't the vector tiles I don't think so yeah I don't think so I don't think so no yes absolutely you can reconfigure the the editing grid all kinds of different ways it's like a spacing in there there we go yes yes that would work yes sir arcade work in collector I know they were expecting it if it doesn't are gonna it's obviously expected to I don't know if the current release does yeah but it should that's the goal it should work across in the back the question was does arcade working collector is there gonna be offline capabilities with dark TRO yeah good question yes we're working on that right now as we speak so yes the question was can we take a take basically take my map and take the extent and pull it offline so all the features and the base map come offline and the answer is yes we're working on that yes sir play nerd meaning rules eeeh exactly how do you define planar topology yes and create rules there's actually a new experience for the error inspector that has built in views and zoom to errors and you know different management experience but it's fully in there yes he's been riesling highlighted no okay I don't I'm not sure there might be a way to do it but I'm not sure so we can highlight selected but I think he's asking about going the next step right okay I don't think so just to go back on your offline question that's gonna come in 2.1 not 2.0 so it's gonna come out in the fall I think he asked if it was gonna keep DBMS connectivity DBMS connectivity is that what you asked if it works with an enterprise geo database just what let's just take this offline yeah how come it will come up afterwards yes in the Britain the question was gonna see the path of a file in the catalog view and yes if you look up in the breadcrumb you can see the path it's a it's up at the top and then we're also gonna have and 2.1 we'll be able to hopefully we don't won't be able to copy and paste the path of any particular item hopefully okay a couple more yes attribute assistant in development it's it's in development I think the first release so that's gonna be in the fall 2.1 with 10.6 enterprise one more yes sir well it honors all the snapping agents so it could be midpoint of the grid it could be the edge of the grid it could be the intersection of the grid alright well thank you guys [Applause] simple
Channel: Esri Events
Views: 43,080
Rating: 4.9848485 out of 5
Keywords: Esri, ArcGIS, GIS, Esri Events, Ty Fitzpatrick, J D Overton, ArcGIS Pro, Esri UC 2017, Esri UC, Esri UC Tech Sessions, Esri UC 2017 Tech Sessions, Tips and Tricks, ArcGIS Pro Tips and Tricks
Id: Y_o4D5Z4nB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 31sec (3931 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2017
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