Georeferencing Satellite Image in ArcGIS

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good an idiom and let's not really here welcome to this RGS tutorial this is a series of click view and we see its fourth edition so 2 into this tutorial we'll be converting posited coordinate system to geographic coordinate system exporting arcmap where could KML file geo-reference satellite image okay at first let's see what is the projected coordinate system a projected formal system is when you have converted a three-dimensional position system into a tool lunar surface that means when you draw everything off over a bulb a round ball and then with place everything in onto a paper so that will convert your here to a paper and that is the projection which we have tungsten lipfird they have already known what these are just for further clarification check on google and you can see everything so uh basically it collected for the system is a two dimensional coordinate system and a geographic coordinate II is the three-dimensional coordinate order system as you can see the very first line it is defined ok so they're skittle work and we have opened our first RG s file so this is your art MIDI in our previous tutorial we have shown you how could you reference our image or map like this this is a very designate because being drawn by hand though some projection system was maintained when this map was drawn and better we have shown you how to digitize a map like we activate this layer and we can say this is a digital file though I have not completely done it okay what we'll be doing is we will be converting this polygon which is a shape file to wgs84 that means we will be converting this projected coordinate system based to override shapefile to geographic Corian system base ship file which will be W City for so just not waste of time and start converting first water to show you is go to data management tools and go to our position and transformation and now I have some astons yoga with thousands and defined in mind computer if you're from such countries like USA or UK then your custom Geographic transformation will be done is already added in ArcGIS but if you are not like in my case and from bounds and my whole system is not done really so harder to do I have to create a custom geographic transformation so double click on it and a new window will pop up okay give it any name the postcode I'm doing here is alder converting BTM to wgs84 this completely safe in here ok what only my input geographic coordinate system my team or geographic coordinates step will be BTM okay okay these are the strengths video transformation filed all the days that we have done earlier and my output geographic origin will be GPS WGS 1984 then your face okay now you have your custom yoga transformation and then what is to do we have to project this so make sure you have previously clicked on this polygon and then double click on project okay so what might input here will be my input layer layer of the seat should obey I'm just a polygon because within the shape one polygon will suffice and then as you can see input coordinate system is by default DTM why is that best because if we remember my data fit was my main map was in DTM so when we digitized on it that was also BTN so when I am trying to convert this it is follow this showing that this has BTM as its position system now what my output coordinate system will be so my output coding system will be WGS 1984 yes okay this is have successfully done this step then as you can see there is tension BTN to wgs84 okay now the thing in here my output soil if what do you want to do this if you want to if you need a temporary converted file that means you just need it for something and then you don't need it later then we don't need to change this you can see this thing you don't need to change this but support you need this foggy letter some for some other purpose game click on this and this is my folder here I will save this S on verdict:2 wgs84 then click Save and now you will get a file which only added in your layers but it will be saved in some in your desired location now this ok so as you can see this production is completed and then close it and save it now you have up a geographic coordinate system based this polygon Pig in your PC then go to add data and then you go to your folder where you saved it then this is my file converter to wgs84 dot fht and then just add this end it is showing that your data source dozen bar high you're importing doesn't match this layer you don't have to do anything in here because as you know my all my things and my layers are in BTM mode but i have saved it in lwith 84 so when i am trying to bring this this is showing there is a function between this foil projection system and your layers or your arcmap current production system so in this case i don't need to do anything but because i just need to convert this so keep it as it is and going to close it as you can see there is some change file we converted does not exactly match with our map or our ship soil why is that the there have seen a change of our coordinate system we have converted to little into 3d so there is some change in there and so the data will not be completely overlapping okay this is just for checking how close my data is as you can see this is pretty close if if this file is not shown in an ER and this file is very far from the inform your main map or the polygon then there you might understand that there is some problem with your fight with your foreign system and so when you take it to Google Earth there will be a possible of error so whatever do is now I have to export these layer 2 into KML file ok just go into our tool box go to [Music] conversion tools and what is get we have to go to KML so expand to KML and layer to KML so this will on both my layer into KML double-click on it to layer this is converted to wgs84 and defined a place where you want to take your output file which will be same as my folder give it a name like kml of on file you can the save it and layer out the scale we always keep it 1 so this will be there is no description or change in scale make sure to click check this on which is clamped switches to brown so it will make sure the project the projected file the layer you made the it will always on ground then this box this is executing and then close it and go to your folder and you can see there I have my fine KML of converted file ok now go to Google Earth I recommend using Google Apps Pro version then go to file open and just open your file now this is taking me to my sign now as you can see this has taken me to some place if you if you look carefully this is a match not 100% but this is pretty much a match as you can see there is a line going and my map is just beside there and there is some change the river and I met age is all along there might be some different but that's acceptable okay this is the first perk of all five of our ticket to the tutorial which is we have converted successfully a layer into a game of file and open with Google Earth and we have placed it on real world in before this polygon was over a map and now it is on real location now the next job we have to do we have to take a satellite image from here on this robot and we have to take it to arcmap and then we have to ensure a fan page so let's start doing I am temporarily hiding my polygon and what does it do at first is we have to get a map just on top of it so there won't be any angular distortion you know to do that click just in this place where I am doing that I have taken my mom click on it this will gradually start rotating at a time and when it has started rotating then just click on this in letters okay what it means is it has make this image fully vertical that means you have slowly seeing it from above now I have to take and take an image from here I have to take a set image actually if you are not using Google Xcode there will be some little problems with your setting which is you owned a able to save it in high resolution okay and again okay my map is fully vertical so this is my window from here we'll take a take this image actually of the thing and then we'll do reference it but I need to divert what is not what was my screen actually so I need to do something let's draw a polygon in here whoa at polygon and women like image area in its area nine fold in 2002 his just the state so that I don't mess up party okay drag it inside and then start doing your polygon so take of your first point at the corner then one in another phone run then take a corner in your left right down online and then take another point in the other corner okay you have taken a polygon or there is some problem ok so this is my image area but I don't want it to make eight Y so I will change it to just outlined with white cover okay so with this polygon I know where my image should be and what is the area within my area is I shall file it and then you will take some point to georeference your map now at this point you don't actually need this converted that will be pitiful sign so now within this box of this is within this box take some place mark in develop code we call it this month so from take any picnic at first and then put okay okay you can stick in if you click on this folder and then you take your place like this place mark will go into this folder so always be careful where you click before you add engagement okay or then we can actually create a folder called GCT g KP which is ground control point and then the pocket we have a folder called GCP under my temporary places and then clicking on GCP take your for listeners we mimic to one business first okay this is then press ok and I will now just copy it and paste it C time so I will have for conquer phone now click on right click on it and then go to properties when you go to properties you will have the Liberty to move it ok then we will be moving it into some place which is actually identifiable one letter one place and suppose here we have taken our first point in here but I should not be doing this because I need for control cause at four corner of my rectangle so this was taken here take it to this place in here but there is a question never ever take your control point beside the river or any place where it can be vanished after some days or after Samiha so always take a permanent location but in my case we I don't actually have that much permanent location so I'm just taking any point I can actually see okay then press ok then go to the next and click properties and rename it to cool so this is your second control point and this one I want to set it in here and there I can see a corner facing it in here and it's okay then stick it in this again then putting it in here then position look at the last one and and then take it to on this light this is a building is and over the building and then fit now you have a folder called DCP and what is to do now is I have to export these files so right click on it and go to space this is s go to your folder and this is olga named tcp just came back flip it like this and success okay now I have dealt with my VCC and now we get back to your image area be sure to make your map to be vertical again because if we let me move if this changes the direction so now I have to live make it truly vertical and to not then you go to save image option in New York please make sure you are leaving to blocked or otherwise is and be having any option like this okay now go to map of song and uncheck everything because I don't really need this thing scaling is of which 100% and now go to resolution and negate maximum and now click on set image and you let me go that's a light image and this will take a while to prepare because I have a kid in a high resolution so my net is saving and it will take oh because Bentham again just go to my folder and check how the image is okay I have a very large image almost five point five megabytes and as you can see this is a pretty much very clear image of our site okay now this is it and we have got our image now water to do is we have to do you reference this satellite image okay now what we'll do is we'll be doing will be to reference our satellite image so the steps now I will show you this is very complex I have a layer in here and these layers doesn't have actually any coordinate system so we will firstly import the data input our KML file by adding data go to Google and as you can see I can't add my file from here because when we need to input a kml kml database going to ask toolbox then you have to conversion tool and go to from camera and then kml to layer which way bring your KML into your layers okay my input KML file will be GPP because i just need the ground control points okay I'm going to GCP and what is to do is this out to plication on RJ do I need to use this one actually I don't need to use this file because what we'll be doing I will be converting this layer to wgs84 are to double could be TN actually so I don't actually need to save it in any place and you can do there is a error because I have all vegan doing something GDP okay so GCP April 9 are you happy now okay then don't get to click this inflows down over letters yes okay do can take away okay now whatever we have here is we have the GCP which is gun control points so let's do the point and right click on it and as you can see the geographic coordinate system with wgs84 and this is the geographic coordinate system so let me this is in 3d two-dimensional coordinate system because we have imported this from google art and back surfaces sound and so this is premature so just this okay and go to your layer and check the properties now and as you can see your current coordinates region is WGS 1984 why is that because in a fish data set you have bought our W suitable file so which turned your what is it your system in layers to W pitiful so we'll be dealing with two different data fem with now my first one is actually w8 84 so this is rename it to W get T for Doc are based on that essentially and then create a new data frame by going to insert and data same and rename this to be TM okay now let click on this and now we have created our different that of them and let's click on it and go to properties and select this be TM and this okay so now you have two different that of them so what I have to do is now I have to do doing this and take it here and there your warning which is saying there is a conflict because we wanted to make this conflict and because we got a wh 84 data into a BGM projected tough coordinate system so there is a conflict and go to transformation this transformation is called on-the-fly transformation and this is a very much tactical way to convert something into a different coordinate system because the failure in our previous video we have used a different method and which is a very cumbersome and very time-consuming and from now on will be easing this will create a different data frame and just will be the dragging it into it so we don't have to so the file will be converting form is GPA SWS 1984 into GCSE Everest Bangladesh which is shown by default because but on the other day of them in here is in GPS every salad dish and there is a choice option which is in my case I am doing wgs84 to be TM which we have created some moment ago if you remember that we used to be T n and then this ok and then click OK and then you can close this ok this chunky layer now now you can let click on it and go to properties and you can see this is actually not in b TM what to check my arrow so we have don't begin to begin that of them and if you go to properties it will be showing a little default but don't worry about this because because this is a wonderful transformation system people in show it's always expulsion it'll be beautiful but it will actually act like b TM so don't worry about that and now what else do is you have to convert this to a shift file which you go then go to data and then the data and it's both all features and there is a very important thing what you want to be the coordinate system this layer source data or the data camp if you took this layer source that are these there will be no point of using this method because you we'll be having a double 84 chef's file but we don't need that we actually need our BTN contour of the file so to just click the data frame and then define the place you want to be which is my folder and export output to in this curve shape okay let it be this this is the shape file okay if you got a file and then press save and then click OK we want to add the exported data to the map as a layer yes okay now we have our data export output and if now we'll be adding our Jill referencing image with the satellite image so go to add data and we set image and then edit there were unknown special differences and other than that just that's okay now we have water to do is where to georeference this to the native state no animals want click this and then go on we have to do the orifices oh you know how to build your fencing go to fit to displace I can see my image actually so now do is change the colors change it to something visible okay now you could do geographer so you need to go back to your act and see what the points were actually so my first point is this point so going back to this location and setting my first control point at here then this where is my second control point I will be going to my foot control pump because this is directly on the other side okay I can see okay this building in here top of it what is that building okay we're going to go again to see where the beam of this building was beside our decking plant is the back until I know where are you okay this point in here okay this is it and the point is if there is no problem then the other two point will be perfectly coincide and the rhythms in this point is in this one let's go back to line up where is my third point second point of tree my second point is just at the corner so this is actually very little error okay and now last one which I believe as perfectly coincide if you just beside a boat okay this one is complet of that match and then go to link cable the error is this this now you update durable I have finally updated my image with geo reference data okay maybe I have done it so we were completed our geo referencing and this is what my maps look like now why we did this is we actually wanted to see after geo referencing with our ships oil was actually equipped on not phone now we will be just adding our ship file into the data SEM so as you can see in our image we don't have to do anything we just got our polygon shapefile and it just overlapped on it just like this on the gullet then exactly same as Google Earth so this is how you can actually make your satellite image geo-referenced so that's all for today thank you
Channel: Nazmul Huda
Views: 26,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: georeferencing, arcgis, googleearth, coordinate system conversion, arcmap, arcmap to google earth, arcGIS layer to kml
Id: FokgkYlAIf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 27sec (2307 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2017
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