Floating in the DEAD SEA! UNREAL Experience

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[Music] how crazy is that are you really going for it huh yeah so satisfying well it does burn [Music] good morning from Jordan it is day four and today we're at the lowest place on earth we're at the Dead Sea and it's actually warm after the last few days I didn't think there was any way that we would possibly be getting in the water today and I'm not complaining about it last night we stayed in this awesome hotel it's like a mini village and it has its own private beach on the Dead Sea so that's we're heading now we are devoting our entire day to floating in the Dead Sea doing the related activities and I'm so excited [Music] thank you very much the hotel we're staying is really really beautiful there at least 3 infinity pools overlooking the Dead Sea and all of the buildings are made of like sands they look really density there's palm trees everywhere I could stay here so much longer than tonight so before we get into the Dead Sea I thought it'd be fun just to show you what happens when I try to float in regular water my entire life I've never once been able to float as soon as I lay down I have to do my hands to stay floating and then my feet just immediately sink I'm gonna stop not even close how goes this for the Americans watching this video this is about 1,300 feet we're going the right way oh thanks Oh Pelly found ourselves hiking down to the Dead Sea dead sea by illuminators is probably one of our all-time favorite songs and we're considering just completely d monetizing this video so he can use it well think about it as we're floating not sure how he did that this is so nuts we found ourselves it's own little private part of the beach it's more like rocks it's not really a beach but like all the rocks as soon as you get up close to the water they're just completely coated in like an inch of salt they say the Dead Sea is actually 9 times saltier than the ocean so that's why you're supposed to be able to float I don't know like is that weird I can't believe this is happening okay [Applause] I'm excited about Wadi Rum I'm excited about petrol but for some reason this is probably what I was most excited about coming to Jordan and it's crazy like the water feels like completely normal water but if you actually look closely at it it looks like when water and oil mixes and you can kind of like see the wavy patterns in it I'm putting my complete trust in the Dead Sea cuz I've brought our nice camera out here with me thinking I'm gonna float hey Rocky that's crazy-looking from far away the water looks super clear I was actually really surprised at how clear it was but like it looks like olive oil when you get up close okay we're gonna lean back together and hope that the water catches this are you you look like you're gonna jump okay [Music] Wow Wow bloating for the first time in my life it takes no effort effortlessly none of my hair's gotten wet cuz my head is so far out of the water I cannot believe that this is incredible back out it's not even that cold I'm totally forgotten about it being cold how good is this it was awesome so we learned a bunch of fun facts that I'd like to share but I'll try not to bombard you with too much information I think it's fascinating the Jordan River ends in the Dead Sea and then just evaporates and so all the salt is left in this concentrated area that's about as much as I know when it comes to scientific reasoning but that doesn't exactly Bailey we're not allowed to swim the private beach that we felt royal deep or over somewhere else but the thing that doesn't make sense to me about the Jordan River running into the Dead Sea and it being super salty is that the Dead Sea is fresh water [Applause] [Music] oh my gosh I think this is a towel it weighs like 20 pounds and it's hard as a rock how crazy is that I don't know if that was a towel but this is definitely a burlap bag oh you can see it located just breaking oh just snapped in half that's crazy it's amazing what salt can do to things I hope this isn't what happens I can't look you can literally just tear this burlap bag into what our bathing suits are gonna look like okay so that was just our pre Stoke now that our pores are nice and open we are taking the dead sea mud and rubbing it all over our bodies it's supposed to be really good for your skin just so densely packed with minerals it's so so we're gonna rub this everywhere and then you lay out and let it dry and then you get back to the beach it feels like silk I don't know how I'm gonna get it off you're supposed to fit your face in so excited about this this is the highlight of my trip right now this is awesome okay and a leeway for it to dry it's already like getting so hard and crusty also I wash my hands also I could touch the camera and took about five minutes to get my hands clean so I have a good feeling there's gonna go for a long time I can't wait [Music] feels so crusty oh hey like I need a no hahaha this looks like super old like scaly skin like a lizard this has to be so good for my skin so there were two big tips that we were told before coming here first on being take off all your jewelry before you get in because I could mess it up so we did that well are you still silver and if you have any wounds do not get them in the water cause it burns like crazy I like cut the palm of my hand a little bit on that crusty towel earlier and it burns so bad and that includes shaving too so we strategically planned our shaving for the day before this has been so much fun I love that and we're sitting here and we're looking at another country right now we're sitting in Jordan we're looking across the Dead Sea at Palestine and it's sunny and warm and I just could not be happy right now here I almost did not let me plan this trip at this time of the year because she did not think she'd be able to get in the Dead Sea gross it feels so satisfying I can't wait to wash you know huh a wave came and I kinda lost my balance I don't even know how to describe it look Bert like my tongue was burning like it didn't even taste like salt just anyways it comes off so fast once it dried I haven't even like rubbed my skin and it's already off I still cannot get over the fact that I'm just floating with zero effort this is incredible but I really want this crusty stuff off my face this is like one of those things that I hyped up in my head to the point where like it can never be as good as it was in my head but this is one of the things that actually lived up to how excited I was I had a lot of people tell me don't try to go over on your stomach but I'm just really curious what's gonna happen oh it doesn't bad it's a neck workout okay this is so great you can totally swim in the Dead Sea people told me it was impossible it does take some balance like the hardest part about it it's just trying not to like turn back over like the water wants me to immediately turn back over on my back like a child this is great apparently since it's the lowest place on earth it's the least harmful UV rays I guess because the sunlight has to travel the furthest and apparently you're not supposed to need sunscreen it feels so good to be clean I cannot get over how soft everything feels it's amazing okay I think we're just gonna spend the rest afternoon just kind of hanging out there's a spot at the hotel we'll go sit in the hot tub and just enjoy ourselves [Music] they're actually pumping water from the Dead Sea into this pool so I can still blow it's more it's so funny when you're flooding and you have your ears underwater like you were just totally oblivious to what's going on in the rest the world kind of like your heads down [Music] it feels so good to be clean and today has been so much fun [Music] [Music] oh I hope the Dead Sea's warming that's cool oh it's so cold should I got my sunnies yeah you are we're floating here that's not going on okay you're right you're right so bright here I feel like I need to move faster look okay boy you have like clumps of dirt hanging from your feels like a Matti dog we could just swim to Palestine oh he's really good when you get tired to just stop and it slow okay we're gonna keep this video short and sweet and tomorrow we'll see you in Petra exactly yeah [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 1,881,228
Rating: 4.914618 out of 5
Keywords: dead sea, dead sea floating, swimming in the dead sea, middle east, dead sea vlog, dead sea lumineers, dead sea jordan, swimming in the dead sea israel, swimming in the dead sea jordan, swimming in the dead sea in february, dead sea hotel, dead sea spa, israel, jordan, conan, dead sea conan, what to do in jordan, jordan tourism, jordan tourist attractions, jordan tour guide, floating in the dead sea, couple vlog, husband and wife, travel, travel couple, dead sea hotel spa
Id: PJjUdPtNuPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2019
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