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how's it going everybody so today's video we're going to be hitting up some thrift stores it's a Sunday which typically not a lot of thrift stores are open on a Sunday in my area and uh the only ones that usually are open are Goodwills and then there's a couple maybe other ones that might be open so it's gonna be mostly Goodwills today and we are at in Oakland right now so the first one is going to be this one in Oakland it's a really cool uh looking shop but I'm not sure if I've ever been here but either way let's just head inside see if we can find anything that we buy for cheap that we flip back on eBay all right so I've already kind of walked through this thrift store and these are the two things that I found so far so I got this really cool Patagonia hat so it's World trout Patagonia and uh yeah it's six dollars which is a lot we can look it up real quick and then I also found this uh Lululemon hat which is cool I haven't checked the price on this one five dollars on that one so let's quickly look up this Patagonia one because sometimes like sometimes they could actually be pretty good so let me just pull up my phone real quick and we'll give it a quick peek uh let's see Patagonia World trout hat all right so we got pre-owned for 50 plus shipping that's a pizza and the other ones are a little bit different but they're also pretty high so we'll definitely be picking up that one and uh we'll get the Lululemon one as well I don't think it's gonna sell for 50 like this one but it'll be pretty good and it'll sell fast so yesterday I had to cut off the thrifting portion of this video a little bit early something came up uh but yeah I did list that Patagonia hat on eBay right when I got home and it's sold within eight minutes for 50 bucks plus shipping so that was a nice quick flip and then the following day I did go to the flea market and we found some cool stuff there so that's what you're going to be watching right now all right so these hats here are three for five I've already found three so we got this uh Vineyard Vines hat the USA flag got to clean this up a little bit here and then I like to pick up these like cycling running hats I don't even know which one this year is then we got this Sierra Nevada so far we're gonna see if we could find any more in here I'm sure there's going to be more this Fender always has really cool stuff so because the life is good these usually I mean they're selling for like 12 bucks now but for you know three for five it kind of makes sense and it should sell quick at that price so not huge profits but it'll be something it's a nice quilted Columbia with the the protection I don't know what that's called the heat stuff [Music] are the beanies part of it okay cool Sherpa that might be good all right let's see how many one two three four four five six so it'll be ten bucks there yeah all right so I'm gonna get uh six hats okay cool thank you so much thank you you too thank you all right pretty cool you guys know me and my hats I love buying hats so if these are Converse that might be worth a pickup if they're in decent condition usually uh these are pretty beat up let me see how much they uh how much are your shoes 10 bucks okay thank you I think for 10 I'll pass if these were in really nice condition they would sell for probably 80 or 90. eight bucks okay I'll do weight let me uh get you some cash gracias have a good day hey what's up man long time right yeah that's what I do right how about you same thing you know I'm trying to keep the ball rolling New Year you gotta it's a new year for me every day get it going yes sir you got anything you want to sell me uh we'll be over there with my with my cousin and my uncle over there you're here today yeah okay cool you got we're gonna start doing jewelry and stuff so okay are you set up today though we're gonna be set up I'll be over there all right man I'll see you in a minute all right so this is my normal like lady that saves me American Girl dolls and stuff and vintage Barbies uh I already asked her she doesn't know what he does but this is really cool this is a popcorn bucket so some of these popcorn buckets can sell really well this Mickey one I've never seen before it's got a little bit of a dent right here I think or maybe that's how it's designed but yeah this is pretty cool I'm gonna see what she wants for this and uh yeah I really like this lady and anytime I could buy something from her I will because she always hooks it up so let's see how much for the popcorn nuggets four okay thank you appreciate it all right so for four bucks we'll pick this thing up I'm assuming it's gonna go for 25 to 35. but yeah when you get a chance look into Disney park popcorn buckets and I'm pretty sure you're going to be surprised with some of the resale value on some of them there's people that go to Disneyland just to stand in line to get the buckets the new ones that come out the specialty ones and they will resell them right away almost the oldest because that he is probably aware but I like to block people thank you all right thank you so much all right have a good day I don't like to get everybody's face on camera unless I know for sure they would like to be on camera so yeah cool little bucket though all right so I haven't looked these up yet but she wants five dollars for both of these whole cans and I'm assuming they do something off to look in them and see exactly what they do but there's a battery operated portion of this so for five bucks for both we're gonna pick them up just on a hunch that they might be good so we'll grab those so when I went to list this thing earlier that night I actually found out that this is a play motion or playmation set and this is part of a thing where you need this little hook thing that you see on the table that I left behind so if I had the Hulk with this set you would be getting like 65 75 dollars for everything but with just the hands alone we're looking at closer to like 25 plus shipping so I'm hoping next time I'm there I'll see that lady again and I'll pick up that little Hulk guy for a buck or two and it's gonna be all good but yeah if you see something like that you definitely want to get the figure tip yeah grab some money out perfect there you go thank you so much thank you have a good day thank you full cans we'll see I believe you like a basic Odyssey oh excuse me excuse me basic Odyssey head cover like this probably sells for like 10 15 bucks on eBay so we'll we'll check this one out they have another head cover here but yeah I don't think that would be as desirable so we'll see what he wants for this one real quick how much is that one dollar okay thank you for work I don't think I have anyone so I do perfect yeah make sure you stay to the end of the video because that's when I show all the comps to everything on mine today that's how I normally do it at the flea market yeah it's all bad cool thank you sir have a good day all right cool little uh stroke lab Odyssey head cover still got a sticker on it all right let's go still has a dunks huh oh three I'm telling you I regretted not getting them last time right now checked it out a little bit more checked into a little bit more uh I mean I saw some comps yeah yeah you know there's a couple comps out there hey man a couple goes where'd you find that box with all that money in there oh that was a good setup huh oh my God oh my gosh what is that no way it's just a stack full of cash well you got a good family man I like I like all your your family here is that pops yeah all right cool yeah I'm Matt by the way nice to meet you nachos okay cool this is your jewelry stuff oh you make us wow look not this year and I do this to sell a little at a budget you know all these drinks are ten dollars fifteen dollars yeah those are cool some of the stuff that I'm making I have some more juice I just brought this here for us play you know then I also said I also sell uh yeah into the records too yeah yeah I've been collecting the album since I was uh 17 in 1967. okay cool yeah I like your stuff you make some cool stuff thank you if I wore it I'd buy one but all right let's see what we got for you today yeah yeah what's what's the best deal out here a little SanDisk okay Micro Machines how much are the micro machines 15 are they vintage yeah yeah okay and what are you asking on the SanDisk yeah 40 bucks one terabyte huh it's about 90. okay well I think I'll definitely do the the micro machines [Music] for the damn registration you got anything for me man from Matt today what's what's the best deal you got let me see you want a blunder you want a single one I could give you a bundle yeah let's do uh we don't got to do a high value Bono let's do like a 50 bundle 50 bucks huh hook me up it won't make it make sense real quick all right I'm gonna give you this tie a tie okay this tie yeah and all three of these watches tying watches for 50 bucks 60 bucks 60 bucks yes sir that'll be the bundle right there I got another one for you as well I'm leaving some meat on the bone for you guaranteed this is there's meat here there's me just on that tie right there you're gonna get it off that right there a Gucci yes sir all right what's the other bundle the other bundle I could uh because this is not I don't even know if I can uh all right then we can replace that tie and I can go in even 100 bucks with this shirt it's a Dolce Gabbana shirt sold out everywhere it's going for around 250 dollars right 250. yes sir I like to stay away from the high-end Brands man these things scare me on eBay all right then we'll go about go go ahead and grab this and I'll just go even 60 bucks 60 bucks for what so that one right there just straight up 60 for that straight up 60. all right let me look into it how about I even thought I'll even throw in the Hello Kitty ones just so we we can settle the deal right there you can't lose like that you're thinking too hard already man all right thank you sir thank you man appreciate you I appreciate you we'll go ahead and hook you up yeah I'll give you that time all right Gucci thank you man all right thank you sir we'll see you guys next Tuesday yeah all right cool I'll be here yes take care nice meeting you yeah take care are you sure man I'm sure do you this is nice this one's gonna fit yeah I'm not sure if this is like uh okay none of us wait it's just a straight up gift yeah yeah for helping me dude I appreciate that yeah yeah it's good to see you're posting more videos too I saw some coming out well yeah well just for the video's sake I'm with Ronnie right now and he just gifted me two items here so this Patagonia is really cool and then uh is this also a Patagonian oh wow all right it's your size well that's too nice man no that's cool I appreciate that no problem you want to sell these to me too which one do you buy this type of stuff uh I think I have some of this listed on eBay right now oh you do yeah yeah I got it for I bought it for 10 bucks okay I don't know how much you'll you wanna operator how have you saw them I haven't before I only have one listed just one listed okay it's what do you think what would your offer be for that I would say the they're probably you probably have the same amount that I do and I think I have mine listed for like 40 50. okay so yeah I know you got to make money so I just doubled my money bro like 20 bucks yeah okay cool yeah that'll work appreciate that there you go man cool thank you man it's nice uh quick flip for you huh oh yeah yeah I thought to be honest if I can do quick flips all day I would that'd be nice right that would be ideal I wanted to name my channel it's already taken oh really I think so well at this point there's like a thousand reseller YouTube channels and everything's taken so but I like picker's Fortune though it took me up it took me a while to actually come up with that it's good you thought about it yeah how you doing today good I'm hanging in there get into jewelry dude I know I know one day man one day I think what what's going to have to happen is the garage sale I just see a bunch of it for cheap I'll pick it up and then I'll come see you guys and I'll learn about it yeah if I'm not here dude he can tell you he'll be like oh that's silver nothing on that's not that's gold that's gold filled that's gold definitely nowhere to come when I find it though yeah all right Ronnie well thank you so much for that gift man and uh yeah keep growing your channel man posting videos and for sure yeah appreciate it man it's all good all right here we possibly might be an older Trapper Keeper see if there's a year on this thing foreign how much is that one dollar okay thank you all right one dollar on this is gonna be healed yeah if you find the Old Trapper Keepers and then like the Lisa Frank at least Frank's probably a little better but uh yeah these are usually pretty good there you go you keep the change it's okay thank you appreciate it let's give her five bucks on it because I believe at five bucks we're still gonna be probably 10xing our profits so not too bad all right so it's been a long time since I've found a Trapper Keeper and it looks like the market has gone down on them but I found the same exact one sold for 35 plus shipping on December 1st so is it there still not bad but I think the last time I found them they were like in the 50 to 80 range but 35 I'll take it all right so we're looking at these zigzag things here he wants 40 for both of them 40 right yeah okay one day all right I'll pick them up for 40. yeah yeah thank you thank you how you doing today I'm good I'm good you're hanging in there yeah looks like you got a good meal what are you eating pork yeah language tacos are one of my favorites yeah oh the meal is called Tabata okay in a different language yeah Philippines Philippines okay yeah awesome yeah that's a language okay oh yeah I tried once it didn't work out well all right well thanks for the deal have a good one all right here's another Disney popcorn bucket let's see which one this is the old school Minnie Mouse how much is that I don't know how much okay I was thinking like five that's okay all right cool five bucks on that I don't think this is gonna be as good as other one we just picked up but you know I don't really have a lot of time to be shopping good there you go thank you so much have a good day for anything good today not yet not still looking I like your zigzag site oh yeah yeah I'm good all right so that's probably the quickest I've ever been through the flea market on a Tuesday Tuesdays are the busiest day here and to go through it that fast is pretty crazy but uh yeah don't have a lot of time I have like 51 things that I need to ship out this morning so I just want to get a quick one in and we did I think we got some actually pretty cool stuff and that's probably gonna do it for me today I just want to say thank you again to Ronnie for hooking me up with those Patagonia items for the Personal Collection that was really cool and hopefully you guys enjoyed the video thank you so much for watching really do appreciate it and we'll see you soon with another video this really cool Patagonia hat so it's [Music] and then I also found this uh loop have some insights here at three four five I've already found three [Music] [Music] beat up guys [Music] two ones for this [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yep [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Part Time Pickers
Views: 56,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flea market, swap meet, reseller, treasure hunt
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2023
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