Space Probe Taurus (1965) - FULL MOVIE

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beyond this and into infinity is man's last frontier over two billion light years of solar system reaching from the great clouds of Magellan to the galaxies of Andromeda and triangle through the years of time man has searched the heavens peering incessantly into the vast millions of miles of universe questioning every star every planet can life exist like time itself man's search for the answer never stops he moves closer and closer to his final destiny exploration of the heavens and so his probes have taken him deep into space past the planets of Mars and Jupiter Saturn and countless others relentlessly he will seek new worlds to land on and always he will wonder if the next will be like the one before you Oh face one lulling us control phase one lulling earth control faith one calling earth this is ice control command faith one request destruction of ship this search control clarify a situation over gases penetrated suits of this all dead please destruct malfunction can't do it myself tell him to put all systems on remote guidance we'll bring him in from here this is Earth control with all systems on remote guidance okay no too late [ __ ] maybe infectious radiation reading beyond renkin scale please destruct please destruct you with the destruction of spaceship faith one the United States proceeded to test new power sources capable of carrying a ship far beyond the Earth's universe soon a probe would be hurled into space beyond the stars man would again seek the answer to an ageless question and so on a day in the year 2000 the United States rocket ship hope one lifted from the sands of Cape Kennedy the world watched and listened as it plundered toward history back at earth control once again the activity here has settled down to its normal if you can call it that routine now that hope one has successfully been launched the crews are back to their tracking and recording work the ship is well on its way toward the space platform which is its final checkpoint I see General Mark Tillman head of the space agency and perhaps we can get a few words from him general general Tillman general could you tell our audience a little bit on how the developments are going so far well everything seems to be going according to pre-flight plan is this ship basically the same as faith one there have been some refinement but basically they are similar perhaps you could explain to our audience a little bit about the rather unique cabin design in the ship well as you know the entire ship is artificial gravity that eliminates weightlessness in addition each cabin is gyro-stabilized so that whatever position this ship is in each cabin can be individually rotated to an upright position there are doors that the crew uses this passageway when the ship is in horizontal flight once the ship is in the vertical or landing position the cabins can be rotated then the crew makes their way through the ship by a series of ladders now general what is the other Washington on the line sir excuse me thank you very much sir that ladies and gentlemen concludes our coverage here of the activities at earth control to the crew of hope one all of our best wishes for a safe and successful journey I can't Kevin you release pelts estimate check ready altitude 1,800 miles acceleration 7.3 per second of course 2 minutes 18 seconds vector alpha exhaust velocity 7 boy 3 2 1 cabin pressure check guidance system - Jake electrical system Jake elevate salvos systems report 30 second duration ready on green power constant check all systems check green light on all functions well call earth control I'll check the lab equipment this is us rocketship 97 of both one calling earth control this is Hulk one calling earth control this is Earth control qualified situation over this is hope one dr. Martin speaking all systems function green dr. Wayne is checking our lab equipment we should hear from her soon how do we look from there perfect launching from all right radar reports no corrections on a set speed and acceleration as per plan everything's fine no damage dr. Wayne reports no damage in lab no further information at this point both ones clear colonel now that we're underway I hope that you're still not bitter about me being a board I am NOT bitter but as I stated when I file my protest which was denied on a ship carrying only four crew there's no place for a woman that's not what NOAA said when he built the ark look this way dr. Wang dr. Wayne there's a couple of billion dollars tied up in this project so when Earth command gave me this mission they wanted someone who had a fair chance of getting this ship up there and back again I thought I might at least help select my crew but I'm an officer so I accept orders but that doesn't make me think they're right my colonel I'm beginning to think you don't like women by the way colonel I think I know where some of that billion dollars must have gone oh to build a special helmet for that fat head of yours but deadlier than the male don't judge me too quickly Hank she's an extremely able scientist it's not personal doc I just don't think that women belong in a job like this well what else could we do aside from her abilities wait was a very important issue in the decision the only other scientist is qualified as our doctor Wayne is dr. Martin Portman and he's a huge man makes a difference of rounder than 20 pounds and that we diverted into equipment and we need every ounce of equipment we can carry and she carries some pretty good equipment of her own I don't know what baulkman looks like but he can't be as pretty as she is let's just hope that the time doesn't arrive when we regret she isn't a man if I ever find myself regretting it it's gonna be too late anyway we're picking up the relay of the space station it looks pretty but it would look a hell of a lot better if we were coming home make radio contact check positions hope one calling space platform over this is space platform you're on coordinate G American speed okay you will pass him 30 seconds well it's too late to turn back now you read on approach skin identified after you let the clock Paul Lisa come up control I'd say it was some kind of spaceship John thinks we're approaching a spaceship we don't have any other ships as far out that's just what I was thinking try to establish communications with the trial all wavelengths give us a bearing this is their ship hope one on open call over this is 109 hope one United States spacecraft on open call for recognition do you read me call earth control both one calling earth control one calling earth control and then hope one and then up one we've made visual contact with a space ship bearing ten minutes 27 seconds coordinate G bearing 10 minutes 27 seconds coordinate G are there any other earth ships in this area there are no repeat no other Earth ships in your area see if the one on intercept do you wish us to intercept over this is general tilman this ship must be from another planet if you had radio contact negative general if intercept is possible board for further investigation keep us apprised of your situation this is earth control player lot of course for intercept again procedure exhaust philosophy 7.41 systems report esmad reading green electrical system jay change cores three degrees four minutes ji subordinate l4 degrease be these rockets off mere retros retros on acceleration moving to zero I can't spot any propulsion could be a refueling station but nothing like I've got the same how do you plan to make contact we'll bring our ship directly alongside we don't get any signal from them John I'll try to board it morning at a position retros office it's not one of ours that's for sure I wonder what that dome is seems to be some sort of crystal could be solar energy converters looks like an airlock under that light but it's wide open still no sign of life Paul try to make radio contact again John I'll get our suits on this is hope one standing by for recognition over desert ship hope one landing by the recognition over we'll keep in touch with you now if anything goes wrong contact earth control for procedure right be sure to keep a close check on the radiation ready let's go you Earthship hope one calling can you hear me you follow me in five seconds beyond the boarding step in a few seconds do you read me we read you loud and clear I'm in the airlock jeonse almost on the lock the apartment doesn't seem to have any airtight hatches everything's open we're starting up into the ship going through a hatch into a passageway this happiest limitation on both sides we're in the ship now Paul greatest thing I've ever seen radiation still low we're going into the main room I can hear as a solids well they could be coming from other parts of the ship ahead of us there's our rotating tower could be a power source this is stuff in here I can see a ship on it still no sign of life here this tower looks like it runs up through the length of the ship seems to be connected to the dead we're going to check the rest of the ship you got company nice and easy you're right seem to start we felt like there was some connection with having the machinery radiation rising faster oh we have to kill the alien all hell's breaking loose in here put a gradient bomb with a timer the airlock and leave the lock open we're coming back we're standing on is John just met the boarding step I'm moving on approaching the airlock beyond the boarding step in a few seconds we think you're doing I gotta destroy that ship look and go back there and they just drip the news out there with radiation building up you can follow them the gravitational pull of the earth no telling what might happen get up the controls and get things set for a quick blow out okay I never figured him for the hero type about the radiation please what the suit should protect him as long as he's not in there too I'm moving into the control thank me as fast as possible in that ship radiations riding alone for ten minutes hurry up Hank don't take a chance on that radiation my good buddy you you let's get out of here secure brackets you another level of bad memory ball contacts wrist control report hope one calling earth control this is hope one calling earth control this is earth control go ahead run over this is hope one dr. Martin speaking alien ship has been destroyed over let me talk to Colonel Stevens this is David's story what happened Hank Lawson we boarded the ship Don one crew member he attacked dr. Andros and in the fight we had to kill him have you any idea where this ship came from no sir except that I'm sure it wasn't from Earth the controls are unlike anything I've ever seen before the language seemed to be an assemble code at least I didn't recognize anything on any of the instruments all right Hank I wish we might have made peaceful contact with them yes sir so do I but the attack dr. Andrews before we had a chance to communicate that's all colonel keep us informed of your progress yes sir hope one clear finally to discover another race and have to destroy it what did he look like well he had arms and legs from the shoulder down he looked like anyone from Earth except the face was I got him a nightmare Oh Matt was he ugly you wouldn't make any small talk either when we try to be friendly but as soon as we got close enough he attacked John hey you know what that makes me the first man from Earth make contact with a with something for another planet you know what the force in the magazines would pay for that story that's what it means to you the fact that we discovered another life-form means nothing well I'll tell you the way I figure it we've got enough troubles on earth now I mean we're barely keep her from killing each other are so well suppose we had managed to make contact with him so we treated them nicely we became friendly you know what happens then well pretty soon someone on earth besides if we don't like the way they look well maybe they won't liked us well after all one of us is going to be a minority and the next thing you know oh ammo we're trying to blast each other out of existence so that's why I say you've got enough troubles now without trying to find someone else to bring us there and now if you'll pardon me I'm gonna change into something a little more comfortable John John wake up mmm check the gyro berry same as before you know go in much for beach parties you know warm summer's night a little fire friendly companionship should be flying one of these things you don't get to fly one of these things as you call them by roasting marshmallows around a fire roasting marshmallows isn't about I miss let's face it he can't got love to a spaceship on a goal when it's night I like fun as well as anyone else these ships are a 24 hour a day job especially training for a flight like this you tell him skipper but things might not be too dull I've seen a lot worse than a lady doctor bet you have I'm sure even you've noticed that she pulls out a spacesuit a lot better than any of us don't you think about anything else no I'm only kidding no one wants to see this flight succeed more than I do really that surprises me when we were in training I got the feeling that this was all just a big joke to you well just because it managed to have a few laughs that doesn't mean it isn't important to me I think the only thing important you was an unlimited supply woman a nice two but there are other things I'm aiming for well at least you're honest about it it doesn't matter to me why you're here as long as we understand each other you do your job and we'll get along yes how many times you gonna check that stuff you don't have to prove anything to me what's that supposed to mean well we're not all like thank you look you don't have to crusade for equality I'm more than happy to have your board take those long nights ahead Oh buster just don't start that well I mean we can keep each other company tank is gonna be much fun and every time you talk to Baal he starts waving that flag for humanity's salvation I thought it was just why we're here isn't it look Colonel Stevens may have some rather archaic views about women but I'm still sure that he's the best man for the job well well the gold bark is worse than your bite and I think you'd say something nice about him he's entitled to think anything he wants about me I just know that I'll make him change his mind to make me change my mind easily my doesn't need to be changed it needs to be dry-cleaned you know I think my child escapes you oh no no um you make sure that I'm completely aware of it just it's um well I don't think it's fair to take advantage of the fact that I'm the only woman available you may be the only woman but you're not making yourself available now look if you'll behave yourself I'll go and get us something to eat everything all right I suppose you know it it's funny doc the more we know about flight the less there is for people like me to do in the early days the men flew the ships now the ships fly them in well it's it's not quite that simple no and they have sections that the computers these feed them constant information automatically we correct course and speed these things can handle anything sure but they're still on the machines they can only analyze the information they receive they can't anticipate what might happen and in case they malfunction everything's in your hand yeah I suppose look I spent most of my life building these machines believe me I know their limitations yeah in a way I guess you're right million things can go wrong well nothing is for nothing Hank look at all the theories a week's periods putting this project together now Tyrus is what we think it is we can provide life for millions you know I think is fortune like Columbus setting out to find a new world and that's an opportunity not afforded many people in all history gentlemen dinner is served here you are fall Lobster Thermidor somewhat compressed cooks it's not mean lobster and be your friend a nice big juicy steak some bow caviar or perhaps you'd like our special deluxe are guaranteed non poisonous number two please and easy on the gravy why believe you're trying to be pleasant and for you one meatball put too much garlic and it gives me heartburn should have tasted this stuff before they made it in the pills this was something before they made in the bill right on approach swallow media likes that ahead 1.8 what's our speed 8.5 strapped in wait you I closed the meteorite's 40 seconds I'm setting up the force shield around the ship if there aren't too many we should be able to deflect you we're using a lot of power how long can we use this yield 25 second maximum for Sheila monster what's our speed 125,000 going faster all the time keep gaining speed we'll need to use up all our power burn the ship up our speed over the intercom right I'll check the computers come on Paul turn off Hank John switch to manual for turning off computers alright switching the manual m'angil angry pause our speed we're off the dial I think we're still gaming that reactor is liable to blow itself up try to check our position checking position about that position we should be nearing the Triangulum galaxy oh come on according to Hut I've got to turn off the reactor use a lot of power in the last few minutes has to take us at our Rosen back again we're closing fast our only chance is to try to land somewhere and repair our trouble Paul will the guidance system work with the computers off I don't think so but all you'll be able to get will be your speed and course and if you aren't change direction you'll have to use the retrorockets or your gyro conferences working negative on gyros I'll check for malfunctions air circulation okay cabin pressure okay emergency electrical system okay about all we can do is keep on going and hope we can find something to land on what's that corny phrase a needle in a haystack moving through a cluster standby getting a reading on magnetic whoa how's our course John get me a reading on the back post object reading rising a percent deviation from true course at this speed that's about a million miles so far reading scope dead ahead sixty Seconds maybe we're in luck meg pulse indicates a gravitational pull landmass indicator reading 40% solidity 60% water start closing procedure check 6:04 o3o thirty second duration all instruments check green start bar console are on ready on green and we're 20 seconds way I'm going to give it full reverse thrust about that much power we've got one shot at this landing that's it start your count now twenty five four three two one twenty reenter sir start lining seizure stabilize the to send out of you 4.5 understand retros on retros ready rocket rugged coming down on a plane something's wrong we're overshooting the landmass we got him water raisin leave hair off generator on rotate cabin try to research control this is hope one calling earth control activate the hatch this is hope once earth control over I'm going to check the ship with hope one calling earth control I'll hook the exhaust and start regeneration this is hope one calling earth control this is hope one calling earth control this is hope one calling earth control Hope one calling earth control this is hope one calling earth control no good dancing we get through must be metallic interference in the war what's it look like well it's pretty much of a guess with somewhere near the triangle of galaxies I figure that this is one of the moons that has escaped from its orbit closely we can figure from these charts or a couple of million miles from anyway well whatever it is we're stuck here well how we got enough power to make a drive for right we did I'll give it a shot well how do we use up so much of it I thought there was enough to last for months when the computer was damaged it threw the power to the limit so the reactor burns on its own heat parallel is like a gas combustion engine idling a cruising use less gas and driving at full speed the heat of the reactor varies inversely to the demand put on it so at the tremendous speed we were traveling and almost depleted itself well being stuck here at the bottom of the ocean who knows where isn't making me any money so how do we get out of here generators feeding electricity into the reactor which it converts into heat now we're stuck here till we can regenerate enough power to get us back well I want you to check the computers first thing right we all have a chance of getting back without well but all we can do is sit here to relax and enjoy better get some sleep we will start fresh later on come in hope one this is earth control calling hope one this is earth control calling hope one come in hope one and then hope one it's no use I can't raise them general tilman please general no sir no answer yet there now six hours overdue yes sir I'll enter it in the log right away hope one location unknown I wish we could get through to earth control now what do I have much to tell them I can't do a thing for us we're way out arrangement a rescue ship well we could have at least told them that we're safe if you go what we are safe what we seem to survive any median danger it's a question of fixing the computers time the power source will rebuild I don't think it'll ever get back to 100% of fists I think we will have enough to get a Spectre earth you warm it up for another dream mood just a little something to give me strength you can command my body but I insist that my own dreams everything about the good times back on earth assuming there are times that you will forget that your lady doctor well is someone like you around how could I think of anyone else do she like it back there I'm not going to let any female that's had more than a high school education get next to me you make it be too easy to read I thought you were miss fellow your time making speeches I'm not writing books but you may be happy to know that I'm going to go to some space to do my book about one line should do it oh I think I hit a nerve yeah I guess it is it's a shame our communications won't work we don't want anybody to forget us do each other let's see better think of the suspense stuck underwater how will we escape what will I be able to save the ship will the strength of my personality be strong enough to keep us all from cracking up I can see now this is going to be a love story it's a love story yes your own how's this for a title me and my mirror how about going on a let you tow with me when we get back I'll do the hero stuff and you can break up the audiences with their comedy routines if you really want to right how about a chapter on fixing computers I mean this has been very nice but I suggest we start repairs now if you'll come along I'll give you a little practical experience come a night please what I've been sitting here pretending that we're not where we are silly game for a lady scientist isn't it the ship's not in bad shape Paul and I can probably fix that computer and yes right that's just what I was wondering isn't everyone afraid well we all knew what could happen on a trip like this no one guaranteed we'll make it I wasn't looking for any guarantees it's just that back on earth it all seems so so noble everything everything was remote but here here it's different I'm still glad I was the one they chose what we're doing it's it's something important but what good is it if it all stops here look I've got too much of my life tied up in this ship to stop now even if we don't make it to Tyros at least we know the ship's capable of it maybe another crew and another ship will be able to succeed or we failed say I am in monetary I I should have popped off about having a woman along I'm glad you would that's quite a compliment coming from you I'm in it maybe we get back to earth you can take me out for real to do something you just name it is there anyone back home not really I've been so busy the last few months I don't think anyone even remembers me how about you or are you married to your job I guess I have been but I think I can arrange a separation temporarily anyway long enough for one dinner right it's been my life for a long time you know it's hard to teach old dogs new tricks and you're saying I'd make a good teacher stranger things have happened to me they haven't look you can go on and play Tom Swift and his flying machine forever as far as I'm concerned what brings this song all I said was we could have dinner can't teach old dogs new tricks what you act like you'd be some kind of a bargain don't do me any favors who would interpret that have been calmer in my life I'd hate to see when you were bad I never get mad it's just you are the most conceited Popish does it stop being so feisty and listen I've never been one for fancy speeches what I was trying to say is it I want to be with you when we get back that's a crime this season sure go bad in a funny way I accept your apology and I think it's very sweet of you to do it I like you Tom Swift I think we'd be very good together just get me back to earth and I'll show you what I mean that's tomorrow funny thing I woke up last night with the strangest feeling everyone had gone off and left me you must been restless doing those your bunk was happening you ought to take a sleeping pill cure your troubles for you blowin old pills make me dream you know satisfactory that it I imagine yours would be hand me that roll of wire please you ever think about the girl Lisa reminds me of now there was a real chump lived right up the beach from me in a little bunker and cootchie-coo almost convinced me to give up my simple way obviously you didn't well I got the faker and then why make one woman happy and rune hope to so many others it's a shame you have to waste all your charm on us well I make up lost time when I get back why don't you stop the talk get a little work done Oh another doctor from gentleman let me remind you I didn't say anonymous pleasure cruise to be a mechanic will you stop my tears are liable to short out something well I may just change the title of my book two ships I've crashed are not a personal line you better hope you're able to write anything at all unwritten books by dead heroes are in very short demand Lord knows after I have my best for all of us but it's not my fault we landed here instead of on Tyros what's that supposed to mean well like the prince said to Cinderella the shoe fits why you phony glory hound it sure as heck isn't my fault well I didn't turn off the force green and I didn't decide to land on the screwy planet alright now we know what you didn't do just what did you do now this is ridiculous just a minute Paul before that halo you're wearing slips down and choked you to death is something we better get straight I command this ship on the ground in the air or under water I make the decisions I give the orders I don't have to explain them to you and another thing I told you before I didn't care why you came along well I think I do care there is a room for guys like you all you ever think about is you number one you who you to judge me you so perfect you can't be criticized I do my job when the time comes I'll be right there what do you think I know the trouble we're in now look I could suggest that you to step outside to settle this but you might get a bit wet now maybe you know that it's a good idea to blow off a little steam but let's realize we all need each other let's stay out of my way with pleasure now can we get back to work hi our grows your garden later all the time look mighty perky well it he'd help me to talk to someone yeah me too what's that must be an underground tremor I think we'd better get up the drill room John up at the control room move the scope around see if you can pick anything up seems clear enough I'll change the angle nothing there seems active enough out there switch camera position what if it could be eruptions from under the ocean floor that's creating a noise it again John looks like something's moving out there switch to a close-up lens good floor what a horrible looking creature I don't know they're really tremendous take its first sign of life we've seen on this planet they don't seem to be bothering this ship they could be afraid of the exhaust from the generator but what are they I'm not sure but I think there are other species of crab but they're so huge well huge or not it means there's life here you think this life on the land well you see the legs on those things in the pattern of nature they wouldn't have legs just to live in the ocean what do you mean well many people believe that the first earth mammals were fish but crawled out of the water and evolved into animals it's happened before why can't it happen again the size of those things well remember the creatures that roam the earth dinosaurs other things have sacked well this planet may be in the same stage of development that earth was millions of years ago that's so there may be life even humans on the land may be I wonder what the people would be like oh it's hard to tell how far they've developed if their people there is a way we plan to search underwater on Tyros right right what's the stop us from taking advantage of our equipment and exploring the land crabs for wonderful I think I can handle them when the time comes now you mean leave the ship swim to shore pick up samples return the ship you say it fast does the sound line while we're fixing the computers one of the school ashore may be fine we can live or that life can sustain itself here as well as it can on Tyrol's only one problem you can't wear a pressure suit underwater and when you emerge in a scuba set you can't equalize the pressure on your body we need to check the atmosphere from down here how can we use the pneumatic release line under water yeah sure what do you plan to do well we're carrying these vacuum tubes if you were going to use for air analysis we could float one to the surface when it reaches the air it'll fill up and then reseal and we can bring back down here and see what the atmosphere is like hey great come on let's get it set once the tube emerges from the water the release of pressure will flip out this valve in the Aral Russian the capital expanding su itself behind the slime here we go well it's true I'll wait a few more seconds then I'll bring it down okay I'll bring it back now carbon-dioxide point three percent nitrogen 76 percent oxygen 23 percent density 5.2 mass point a - the air is almost the same as it is on earth the gravity's a little lighter but not much that means that you should be able to breathe once you get onshore and there shouldn't be any pressure problems well it's worth a try there's no doubt about who should go my baby okay let's break out a suit a land should live just past the bow of the ship not too far I don't think I'd stay close to the bottom all the way I don't want one of those crabs mistaken you for the Blue Plate special oh very funny just before you go I'll give him a little joke with four screens I can't leave it on too long long enough for you to have time to get clear I hope now on the trip back inside the airlock is a portable torture it'll give you a defense against anything underwater and once outside check your transmitter oh here's your sample kit all this junk I'm gonna look like a Christmas tree not take me to the airlock when you said call me I'll hit the power for five seconds right after that out you go he said well well I guess it's hero time now remember you spell the name Andros and dr OS for the ship's log good luck you they're bunching up powers building to activate you've all ready to go John I'll say I'm setting up the force shield around the ship if there aren't too many we should be able to scatter that should hold him for a while all clear go John I'll be back with dinner keep the girls warm water temperature no bears gone I'm on my way well nothing we can do for him now they can take a look at those computers how long should it take him Oh couple hours maybe more do you think he's gonna be all right Wes max thank him in the problem just had to wait you how long has it been gone Oh a couple hours it's hard to concentrate on this I keep worrying about yeah me too we'll never get back but don't fix it without we can't maneuver assuming we can get out all right we can find our way back to your family yeah the astral Gaia there's a recorder it fixes our position every inch of the way soon as Haley's back normal yeah power seems to be rebuilding okay I think we're gonna be in pretty good shape Hank our friend seemed to be stirring again that's all we need another visit for those things we break it back to the control room now maybe you're right you Thank You reaming come in we're easy John are you all right it seems to be traction something what happens anything I'll be in the water in a few second putting a mile on I'm on my way just be careful John it's kind of all of me you should torch John Burnham on what let loose when I think I'm trying to get back he's hurt we'll bring him out get the ATM good lord the land looks good I think we found it's what we've been looking for John Oh shut up and me it's my idea I'm talking nonsence hanky of what might happen what's it worth is life depends on your viewpoint well can't you see the fantastic parallel he discovered life on a planet that's like Earth reborn and surely some hand must have guided us here two must be more than an accident all the lifeless galaxies that we have to land on this planet but we were meant to find this place and to return to earth you want to believe in fate okay as far as I'm concerned it's just one lousy piece of real estate well there's one thing for sure we don't get to work on those computers we'll never get back to spread the word well that's it you said are you thinking about John yeah yeah I thought about him a lot he taught me something oh I can't judge people by your own standards but a whole business of his you know about the publicity I think was mostly a cover-up I mean it was like he was embarrassed because he really believed in what we were doing so we keep talking about writing a book I wish I could have known him better yeah now let's get Lisa activate that it's growing mmm but John must have planted it everything checks out the water can be drunk the air is thin but breathable earth people can live here they can live here strap in smell here we go Rosado all lights on close hatch I'm going to try to ease this up so that's all of us shippers bracket get that oh that's a biggest one we've seen he's not the problem he's nowhere near chip one of must have attached himself right through the ship famous way five tons are we gonna do wait I don't know if it'd work activate the force field try to shake him off let's go doc hit those switches arrogance dr. ten-second countdown now 10987 six years three hit your switches all systems green here we go rockets aah rotate Kevin setting the trolls for home one more thing to do hope one calling earth stroke one calling earth control this is hope one calling earth control this is a control go ahead Oakland this is hope one mission accomplished we a livable planet and we've named it and gross one be sure you spell it right that's a m-d-r-o s1
Channel: svettnisse666
Views: 2,346,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1965, Space, Probe, Taurus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 47sec (4847 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2013
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