FlashForge Creator Pro 2 IDEX 3D Printer Review and Test

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[Music] in this video you can find an unboxing an assembly exchanger adjustment firmware upgrade noise power thermal camera testing printing a menu walkthrough and finally my conclusion about the new flash watch creator pro 2 independent dual extruder equips 3d printer i know that it's a little bit longer video but i labeled all chapters so you can jump wherever you want so let's get started with the unboxing this video was sponsored by gsepcb order your custom-made pcbs for a very good price check out their homepage for more details so after the german border custom inspection it's all the show it's our turn to open the printer check what's inside we get this two filament guide quick start guide with an sd card surface for the build plate [Music] we can see that here is the powder cable some glue a scraper usb cable and something 3d printed red stuff i don't know yet what's this but we check it later the anti-using plate two of them and then some grease and unclogging pin tool allen wrenches screwdrivers leveling nut and extra teflon cubes and this nozzle change wrench these are the spool holders okay i can grab it from the sides [Music] so the peeling first i take off this part [Music] one extruder assembly so i just put it onto the table first later we have to assemble it and then this is the top cover and also two kilograms of pla filaments it has a blue one oh flash watch logo and white one some extra packaging material is also here in the sides if you look it at closer you have to take off these fixing clips which are here these yellow ones they are also 3d printing because this was just installed to fix the extruder position during shipping there's also one at the left here so these were the first two was for the two extruders and in the x-axis and this was for the y-axis and there's another one here also at the right so after we take it off [Music] we took off four of them and we are not finished yet because there are some zip ties also we have to cut them three but then the last part that we have to take off is this part under the build plate for this you have to raise the plate you can make it with your hand just turn it and then the last part coming off also i peel off this [Music] and we have to install the two extruder assemblies here's the left one and the right is the same just the mirror if we check we see here is the nozzle everything is pre-assembled this is the part cooling fan and this blows the air out in this hole and then it goes through this one and blows the air directly to the freshly printed filament and this fan cools down the heat break inside to not melt the filament up to the extruder gears okay so now we see that four holes for four screws with these four screws you can fix this assembly onto the x-axis like this and the other one is exactly the same just in a mirrored way so and you can see that it's moving independently from the other one that's why it's called idex system independent dual extruder system and also the anti-oozing plate has to be fixed and they are coming to the sides [Music] i just realized some issue with the x-axis because it's not parallel with the frame if you check you can see that it's standing like this and we have to fix it because if it's not perpendicular and parallel and so it's not good you cannot just easily slip it but you have to lose the belt first and then fix it and after that you have to re-tighten the belt to fix this issue we have to somehow slip the timing belt on this pulley we have to take off this pad tensioning spring and hopefully it will be enough to slip the bed over the pulley because here this is an open belt but it's glued here inside this plastic part and i don't want to take this off from here i don't see any screws here that i could lose to slip the pulley itself but the other side is the motor the stepper motor which removes the whole gantry on the y-axis and this rod is connected to both sides of the white gantry first taking off this [Music] spoons so i end up to take out all eight screws and hopefully this will let us [Music] enough play for the pulley now it's more loose i'm trying to hold this axis fixed and pull this like this okay it looks much better [Music] it's 81 and a half millimeters here okay it's 81.7 0.2 millimeter is the difference the gt2 has two millimeter distance between the thief that means if i shift one then i will got more error as it is now so i left it like this put back the tensioning spring like like this and after you reach this point put it over here and that's how it should be now we check if it's on the way or not but it's perfect so it won't collide with the pulleys [Music] back on track flash watch you make me extra work ah don't forget to put back the screws all of them [Music] there are two different lengths the short ones are for the anti-using plate and the long ones are meant to be for the extruder assembly so we take the long ones first so we have the two extruders installed and now the anti-using plates one at the left after i come here it blocks the nozzle so it won't lose the filament out when it's hot we have to repeat this process at the right side also [Music] okay it has perfect fit the other one is a little bit too high i think because it's already touching the part cooling fan exhaust you can bend it with your hand a little bit lower now it's touching but just a little bit not to reach the park cooling fan exhaust just an also after we fix the issue with the gantry and install the two extruders and using plate we can go further and install the two filament spool holder this [Music] there are these two tubes which are going to the extruders and you have to clip them here inside you have to take care that not installed like this but like this so the spools are going at the opposite side this pool holder works like so that you have to push two sides and then we'll slip inside the spools and then clip in [Music] this end i just cut off this part and then not here but here we feed the final end till it's coming out at the other side like this [Music] yes okay and feed the filament into the extruder you can do it like so that you hold the filament push down this knob this will release the pressure between the extruder motor and the other side gear so you can push this down and then push the filament down till you can after a while it's reaching the bottom of the nozzle and you can push this guide over it's here okay after this we finished loading i think it's time to put the cover the top cover on to it but you can just put it over like this the last part is the power cable the power slot now i turn it off plug it in and then turn it back turn it on hmm it's silent more silent than the creator three it says as the card fail wow because it was no sd cards okay this sound is also crazy it's it's okay i want to hear it again create a 3d life with full pleasure okay and now we have to level the bed first to make it i will raise a little bit more to reach the leveling nuts so with the tool menu z minus c plus i believe the z minus will go up yes so we go up a little bit i like the idea that the end switch for the bed is on the top and not at the bottom so it won't go down all the time when it goes home and it's it saves you a lot of time the creator three goes up and down i can grab these nuts and turn it all the way in to avoid the nose to crush into the build plate when we start the leveling process okay now we are all the way in and in the package you get the special sheet for build plate leveling so we go back and set the level option both extruders going to the home position to this parking position [Music] and now says that the screw the three nuts under the platform counterclockwise until they are tied and tapped next we just made it so we are going to the next [Music] as we see comes the right extruder first and stops and we have to adjust this front knob till the distance between the build plate and the nozzle are good so i'm just moving back and forth till i feel some resistance now i feel it so this is okay we are going to the next please adjust the left thumb screw under platform and stop so it goes to the back and we have to repeat the same process here also okay going to the next and you can guess we go to the right thumb screw at the back and with the three point it's fully defined this level okay next level adjustment finish continue to calibration z-axis [Music] after we adjusted the three knots we have to adjust the set position so i go up till it's reaching the point it depends how long do you hold the button so you have to be quick if you want to step a little bit [Music] well okay now i think it's okay [Music] okay that calibration complete continue to calibration x-axis why not yes now it's hitting the extruders it says please insert filament into both x both of the extruders we already made it so now we are waiting till the heat up process finishing first as i see it heats up the build platform the preset is 50 degree celsius now we are 31 and after it will reach i guess the 50 degree celsius it will heat up the left and right extruders 230 which i find a little bit high for pla but for this short time it's okay so now it springs one line with the blue one and another one with the white just reach the temperature and then we check closer if it's aligned or not it looks pretty good to me if you check it's aligned [Music] so now we can use the scraper and take it off we are going to say okay [Music] the x calibration complete continue to calibration y-axis yes it goes to the home position again and now the heat up process back to this fairly high 230 degree centis and after it's reached we print again it prints in the direction of the x-axis but it's calibrating the y-axis so let's check again after we fix the gantry issue it's aligned really well we do not have to adjust anything if you have to if the left extruder prints a line like this you have to push the y plus and then this line will go closer to the right extruder if you have the other case then you have plus the minus i think it's pretty understandable you can do it if you need now i won't verify because i'm not adjusted anything i know that it's okay i click on okay why calibration complete [Music] really good i think we calibrated the [Music] y and the x axis and it said that we calibrated the z-axis but for me it's interesting that we just calibrated the right extruder but not the left one i click on the set calibration again and then curious what's happening now because how does this printer knows the height difference between the right and the left extruder it's not clear for me it says that please randomly select extruder to calibration i know that we already calibrated the right extruder so now i randomly will select the left one [Music] okay please step set minus that loop so we have to repeat the same process but it seems that it's forgetting the original setup which was null point move five i'm a new point eleven it's better i left it there and i will be curious if the right extruder now it will be too high or not but we will see okay z axis calibration now comes the right extruder also that's interesting because at the beginning it was just one extruder now it makes good okay it's okay the left one was 11 and this one is nine we are good to go i think [Music] so checking the sd card we can see the flash print is here this is the slicer xy calibration tool [Music] okay now we know what are these red parts for i made it with the caliper we will check it later how good was our job [Music] quick start guide and user guide test files we will print these later and some videos on english and chinese [Music] and a very important thing that if you check here the quick start guide and go to this fixed page where the accessories are you can find here the xy calibration tool [Music] but on the printed one there's no xy calibration tool [Music] not good another interesting thing that if you go to the home page for flash watch and check the quick start guides you cannot find any creator pro 2 [Music] this one is the old version i think which has the two extruders in one assembly so they move together it's not an idex system so please flash watch put the newest user guides and quick start guides onto your home page thanks so now we know what are these for we check what we made before [Music] with the adjustment the instruction says that you have to install them onto the [Music] rods here one at the left and another one on the right push back and then check if the two sides are aligned and if you check now the distance between the plastic part and the red printed part it is zero distance here gap and the other side is also so we made a good job here [Music] so we know that the gantry now is perpendicular parallel so well aligned okay first before i print i check the femur version so we will know which finger do we use so this is a 1.3 version if it has a newer one we upgrading the finger first and then print the first prints now we can install the flash print software we i have a window so i will use this one after we install the flash print we launch it select type of machine we have the flash watch creator pro 2. how it knows i plug the usb cable into my pc and try to update the finger okay upgrading finger okay does not work from the homepage i cannot find the finger so i cannot install it through the sd card let's see if the flash print is the newest one help check for updates [Music] new version of it okay let's download it we have a 4.6 available and we just finished out a flash print 4.32 okay so now help about flashprint is now the new one tools machine information we can still connect to the printer and update finger let's try again [Music] there is this folder in the root directory in the sd card when updating the finger okay so it needs the sd card in the computer i checking i check the sd card there is no sys folder [Music] so we will make a c folder here not here on the sd card [Music] and put the sd card into the printer yes [Music] okay now it works firmware has been uploaded reboot your printer to complete the update i'm doing rebooting [Music] we have it tours machine information connect okay that was not easy version 1.7 now so let's get further and print something [Music] so now we can just start with our first prints so plugging it in and we go to the print here is the sd card test files and there are three prints y print okay it's homing [Music] heat up the platform to 40 degrees celsius right x through the 205 left extruder 200 i don't know why is it different the same material though and if we check what's here the extra options that we can make then we can adjust the print speed during printing the set offset which is for the first layer we can stop the left and right extruder okay left extruder reach the temperature right extruder also and it start with the left one [Music] okay the first layer looks okay as i see it prints first the raft under the model so this is not part of the wallet yet just the rift [Music] so [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so after we turn on the 3d printer you find this page with the three icons if we go through all of them you can see that there's a print menu where you can choose the files from your sd card and then print it [Music] or delete it there's a preheat option in the preheat you can set up the left and right extruder temperatures and also for the platform temperature here if you click on the numbers you can set up different temperatures [Music] and there's finally a tools option where you can load and unload the left and right extruder with the filament you can lever your bed go to the home position you manually can also move the extruders the right one and the left one you can move them in the x-axis like this that this is the right extruder to the right and left and there's the left extruder to the right and left and then the whole gantry moves to the back and forth with the y-axis and there is the z-axis up and down if you push it you can also see the actual position here under the settings you can calibrate your xy set axis there's also an expert mode if you have to fine-tune your x or y-axis offsets you can see here this picture which shows that if your printer prints a line with the right extruder like this and the left extruder prints in this so it's not aligned you can push the x minus and then you can bring this left extruder aligned with the right extruder the same with the y direction if your right extruder prints a nine like this and your left extruder prints over it you have to push the y minus [Music] if the left extruder prints under then you have to push the plus one [Music] and then there's also a language option you can choose these languages and if you have to whatever reason you can factory reset your printer there's also a status page where you can get a quick look about the temperatures and also the positions and here you also can turn on the led light inside the printer because there is also one as you can see and that's an rgb light so you can switch between the red green blue and also the three leds at the same time gives a white color and if you want to turn them off you just click on this grey icon [Music] and finally you can find the about page where you can see your machine name machine type the actual fema version the print volume if you forget it and you need it the usage counter shows you how many hours did you print with your printer and also here's the tool count is two because of the idex system the two independent dual extruder that's all i think it's pretty clean easy to understand you don't really need much pros independent dual extruder system which opens up new possibilities like mirror or duplicate mode printing with two colors or printing supports with water soluble materials like pva mostly pre-assembled you just need to screw the extruder assemblies and end using plates into their places hang on the spool holders instead the top cover and you're ready to go solid metal frame under the plastic cover a solid metal frame is hiding which provides a sturdy foundation for the extruders closed chamber which is optimal for filaments which tend to warp or shrink during printing compact design if you have to move your 3d printer you can just grab it and put it to its new place a touch screen control which helps you to operate your 3d printer the cons 240 degrees celsius maximum knows the temperature that means you cannot print high temperature filaments with this printer like asc pc or nylon small build volume 200 times 148 millimeters for the base plate and 150 millimeters for the height if you print with one extruder or with two extruders in dual color mode if you print in a mirror or duplicate mode where the two extruders are over the build plate at the same time then you will lose 20 20 millimeters from both sides because of the nozzle distance between the left and the right extruders so if we make the math 200 millimeters minus 40 millimeters divided by two we end up with a maximum x-ray of 80 millimeters for the model hard print remover this printer has a fixed build plate and prints with large bottom surface are pretty hard to take off what you can do is increasing the gap between the nozzle and the build plate or print with raft missing safety features i can live without a recovery from power loss or collision detection feature but the filament runout sensor especially that the filaments are placed at the back of the printer so you do not really see them would be a really nice to have feature noise level as you could see this printer is in the 50s 50 decibel range which not that terrible but definitely disturbing in the long run as a conclusion i think this 3d printer fits good for everyone who wants to print smaller models with dual extruders and regular filaments like ple ptg or abs from the productivity point of view you can double it up thanks for the mirror or duplicate mod printing possibilities let me know what do you think about this 3d printer in the comment section till then happy printing and see you next time you
Channel: Dombi3D
Views: 7,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3ntczyXMP4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 18sec (2538 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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