Flank Steak Tacos Recipe | Grilled Flank Steak on Santa Maria Style Grill

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hey I'm Mallory with how to barbecue you're right today I've got a brand new attachment for my weber grill that i'm excited about it's gonna turn it into a Santa maria-style grill thought it was the perfect thing to cook some flank steak for some tacos also gonna fire roast some vegetables on there make a salsa with it I know you're gonna love it let's get to cooking I picked up a couple flank steaks from a local grocery store and I love using flank steaks for making steak tacos they're thin so they cook great hot and fast and they don't have a lot of fat content it's real lean meat you can see the way the muscle fibers run right up with the grain so it's easy to cut right against that grain and make some great strips for tacos now to season these flank steaks today I've made up a marinade and this is what I call it tequila lime marinade I've started with a couple ounces of tequila you can use your favorite brand a couple ounces of lime juice some olive oil some Worcestershire sauce a little bit of water but I also put some garlic and some cilantro all fresh and they're chopped up real fun and then I seasoned it with just a little salt and pepper and cumin it's simple to do it's a great marinade for flank steak so I'm gonna drop these flank steaks right in just a ziploc bag and then we're gonna pour the marinade right over the top you want all those spices to get in there all that seasoning you know that tequila is gonna make it taste good now you just want to move that marinade around get it all over those steaks then we're gonna put it in the refrigerator for a couple hours just let it marinate now I'm gonna fire up the grill so I can roast these vegetables for the salsa now I want to get my weber set up today for grilling and I'm starting with a couple chimneys of B&B lump Hickory charcoal use a couple whacks Cube under each one just to get the fire going get those coals good and hot we're gonna dump on both in the bottom of the chimney when they're lit and then we're gonna put our grill attachment on this is that Santa Maria grill attachment for the Weber I was telling you about it's made by Gaby's grills and it's really cool I'm looking forward to cooking these steaks on it today the cool thing about this attachment is that you can raise and lower they're great to whatever height you want to cook at for searing steaks or searing meat you can keep it down low right by the coals but to get it away from the heat more indirect you just crank the wheel up and put it whatever level you want all right our grill is good and hot I've cranked it up just a little bit I don't want it right over the coals now I'm just gonna fire roast these vegetables we're gonna get them all on the grate here and I'm just wanting to blister them up get some char on the outside of them it's not gonna take very long got our onions going down or tomatoes you know we got to get these jalapenos on there I'm even grilling the limes to give them a little flavor we're gonna add that and I've even got my garlic on here I cut the top of it off and I just opened it up so we can get some grill flavor on each clove and this vegetable smell incredible right here on the grill they're already starting to blister up I'm gonna crank them up just a notch so I'm just rotating these vegetables we're just gonna flip them over I'm just gonna keep turning these vegetables making sure they're cooked on all sides that's all we're doing we're just getting some char on them super simple to do but it really it intensifies that flavor these limes are done I'm gonna go ahead and take them up I don't wanna get too much on the line we just wanted to get a little grill flavor on them sweeten them up the heat brings it out now we're gonna start taking our garlic up it's got plenty of good grill flavor on it jalapeno looks great get him off there Fresno's good chard and we're just getting our Tomatoes up and that's all these vegetables need you can see we got all this great grill flavor in them that lump did its job puts off some great Heat loving the way the Santa Maria grill cooks now let's make the salsa so I'll let the vegetables cool down a little bit after we blistered them up on the grill now we're ready to put together this salsa that we're gonna make what we want to do now is just get it chopped up I'll start with the tomatoes and you want to kind of the skin just jumps right off of them and it doesn't bother me if there's a little bit of those charred bits in the salsa I think it gives it even more flavor but you want to get the majority of it off and it comes right off I mean it's super simple then we're just rough chopping because we are gonna put this salsa in the food processor to put it together so we don't have to really dice we just want to get it into some smaller pieces that looks about right so I'm gonna grab my food processor Bowl I'm just gonna move it over now with chopper onions a little bit just get them into some smaller pieces going right in the processor now for our peppers you just want to take your knife scrape away some of those charred bits you don't have to get it all if you like your sauce a little on the spicy side don't worry about taking those seeds out since we're only using one jalapeno I'm gonna leave them in I want it to be fiery today same thing with their little Fresno peppers quick looks great get off a little bit of that skin stem off half just give it a little chop easy enough and for the garlic I'm just popping these cloves to remove that paper that's ski-in on the outside and we're gonna put it right in the food processor but you want to be sure to pick out all the little bits of garlic peel you don't want that in your salsa and we need some seasoning in our sauce I'm putting a little bit of ground cumin a couple of good pinches of salt same with some black pepper this is just cracked black pepper wake it up a little bit ready to put our lid on we're just gonna pulse it get off chop you can see the bits of some of that char on the vegetables where we blister them on the Santa Maria grill and that's just fresh the salsa as you can get and now it just needs to sit in the refrigerator and come together let all those spices and those flavors mix give it a couple hours in the flight the color of it'll even get a little bit darker perfectly fresh fire roasted salsa you know it's gonna be great on these tacos the flank steak marinated for a couple hours then I took it out of the bag and just kind of let the excess drip off and got it on a platter here and we're about ready to grill it I do just want to put a touch of seasoning on I'm just using some kosher salt a little pinch on that side pinch of black pepper that's all the seasoning I'm gonna do biz we've got all those great flavors in the marinade we're gonna flip it over to the opposite side - no you gotta season both sides so I've got the Santa Maria grill right back down by the coals I did put on a couple handfuls more a lump cold just to make sure it's good and hot for searing these flank steaks and I'm just going right on the grate with them give them a little press get some good contact going and we don't need much maybe two minutes each side to get those sear marks and then we're gonna raise the grate up a little so we can finish them off to the words of doneness we want them so get you a timer set and just stay close to this I'm in a fast cook so it's been about a minute and a half let's just see how we're doing here we're getting there maybe 30 more seconds whoo that's hot I'll tell you what there's some heat coming off that lump now so I'm gonna go ahead and get the flank steak flipped let's let it cook on this side we've got some good char going carmelization that's what it's all about get this one flipped over we'll give it about two minutes on this side then we're gonna raise it up a little bit and what we're gonna get these off about medium rare hopefully today is what I'm shooting for that's about 125 to 130 internal I'll get my thermal pin in check now that we've seared both the flank steaks on one side I'm just gonna raise them up get them away from the heat a little bit this is gonna make them cook more indirect now gives it a little space between the heat we're like right at about 90 degrees something like that we still got a ways to go 110 down on this end on the thin end so we know that we're getting close but being able to raise the grade up away from the heat it's really gonna let us nail that doneness we want even though we're up top I'm still want to give them a flip just to make sure they're cooking even looking good on that side oh yeah so the smaller ones Dunham it's hitting medium-rare according to the dermapen I'm calling it feels just right looks awesome we're getting there we're about 120 inside on the thick end I'm gonna let this one probably come off a little bit more rare than I did the thin one because I want some different degrees of doneness they're just another 30 seconds or so we're gonna be perfect so our second flank steak it stepping out about 124 that's looking good to me these flank steaks look really great now I just wanna let them rest for about five to ten minutes before we cut them up so give me some perfect time to grill off some tortillas here on the grill someone lower the grate back down just a little bit I don't want it all the way down a little bit closer to the heat and I've just got some flour tortillas you know you could use corn tortillas flour whatever you like but I like to warm them up a little bit right on the grill and it doesn't take long soon as they start kind of moving a little bit they'll be right so when you see them start to bubble up a little bit that's how you know they're getting done you don't really want to cook up too much we're really just warming these tortillas up trust me a warm tortilla shells much better I need about 30 seconds on each side that's all looks good a little grilled tortilla shell alright so we've got our flank steak rested tortillas are grilled off the sauce is out of the fridge it's come together nice now this part is optional if you like cilantro you'll probably like this but you can leave it out if you want I like to add some fresh chopped cilantro to that salsa after it's kind of set and had time to go together now we're ready to cut up this flank steak and you just want to make sure that you're cutting against the grain with it I'll just grab a piece here and what I'm gonna do is kind of hold the knife it a little bit of a bias so we can get some nice tall pieces and just start slicing it you want it kind of thin for tacos oh man look at all those juices running that looks amazing keep that angle going real thin that's what I call medium-rare all day long up here in the thicker part I guarantee you it's gonna be a little bit more on the rare side but that's okay it goes great on tacos and that's how I prefer to eat it there's some nice thin strokes and back here towards the thicker in you can see we're a little more on the rare side that's gonna be my piece in just a second cuz I can't wait to try it I mean look at that that looks amazing it's so much flavor you get the lime you get the cilantro the garlic all that flavor in the marinade it's fantastic and this would make a great taco so let's do the same let's cut this other piece up it's gonna be a little bit more medium on it just because it's thinner took it a little bit farther but the great thing about doing is you can stop it wherever you want you know get you a good thermal pin pull it off when you want it done if you like it more rare pull it off early if you like it more towards the medium side pull it off later but that looks fantastic too I wouldn't have a problem with either one just to be non-biased hey I'm gonna try by the boat flavor love cooked over would like that but open lump charcoal fire gives up meat such a great flavor I know why that Santa maria-style is popular so we've got a couple of our tortilla shells here we'll just put a few together however you like to do them I like to start with a little bit of fresh guacamole that's gonna be our base layer build these however you like and serve them with whatever you want then we're gonna layer on some of this beef oh man look at that that is amazing I mean I just love that they're gonna top it with a little bit of our fire-roasted salsa it's got this bit so that char where we've blistered the outside of those vegetables gotta have a little bit of fresh white onion a little more cilantro oh yeah that's my greens for the day squeeze a little bit of fresh lime over it and hot sauce pay for this one you need a Mexican style hot sauce and I just like this Valentina that's just a great flavor for hot sauce you can find it in supermarkets now don't these tequila lime flank steak tacos just look amazing before I try one let's talk real quick about what we did I was trying out that new Santa Maria attachment for the Weber got some lump charcoal going real hot roasted some vegetables for that fire roasted salsa tomatoes jalapeno onion garlic even the lime got a good char on it put it in the food processor seasoned it the little salt pepper cumin it was that simple let it hang out in the refrigerator we marinated that flank steak for a couple hours lime juice a little bit of tequila Worcestershire a little water olive oil cilantro garlic let those flavors really get into the meat grill them hot and fast about a minute and a half or so on each side and then we raise that great up on the Santa Maria grill until we got to the temperature we wanted and then we just cut it across the grain and assembled these tacos so you can try this recipe at home even if you don't have the Santa Maria grill you can still do it just you know get you a twos on fire sear that flank steak off on one side first flip it over and then move it over just kind of watch it I got to get a bite of one of these tacos this one's calling me right here that grilled tortilla all those flavors Wow Wow that fire-roasted salsa really makes this pop that's amazing this is some really good tacos the flavors in these tacos are super fresh I mean everything goes together this is a great dish to try out if you like doing tacos hey everybody does Taco Tuesday give this recipe a try thanks for watching this today on how to barbecue right if you like what we're doing subscribe to the channel you know you can send the questions and comments to Facebook and Twitter as well we love those and we try to answer them we'll see y'all next time flank steak is incredible but man that's awesome makes it
Channel: HowToBBQRight
Views: 548,480
Rating: 4.9426346 out of 5
Keywords: Malcom Reed, HowToBBQRight, How To BBQ Right, flank steak tacos, flank steak recipe, flank steak marinade, beef flank steak, grilled flank steak recipes, bbq flank steak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 05 2018
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