How to make CARNE ASADA | HOMEMADE carne asada tacos | Villa cocina

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[Music] hi everyone and welcome to my kitchen my name is Rosana and as requested and because I love it so much today we're making carne asada in summertime and this is the perfect recipe for you to enjoy with your family let's get this meat marinated for the marinade combined in a medium bowl a third of a cup of olive oil a quarter of a cup of soy sauce two tablespoons of balsamic vinegar 1/4 cup of orange juice 1/3 of a cup of lime juice for grated garlic cloves 1/2 a cup of chopped cilantro 1 and 1/2 teaspoons of chipotle powder one teaspoon of onion powder and one teaspoon of ground cumin lastly rub 1 teaspoon of dried oregano between your hands and release over the rest of the ingredients marry all the ingredients by whisking until well combined this marinade is profound in flavor and aromatic once ready set aside and bring out your choice of beef cut I bought mine on my local Mexican store this was called fajitas selecta other options could be skirt or flank steak I'm using 2 pounds and I asked the butter to leave the meat a bit thicker since they do sell it thinly sliced what I want is the outside to get a nice char but I don't want the inside to overcook take each piece and drown it in the marinade this marinade grabs onto the meat beautifully leaving a nice coating I'm not going to leave this to infuse overnight because we added limes and it will slightly coat the meat you're going to be amazed on how flavorful this is without needing to prep hours beforehand once the last piece of meat is done take what's left of the mix and pour it into the meat and spread evenly the grill is ready so let's head outside take half of a white onion and clean the grill with it as you can see I get a little creative and stuck the onion on the end of the stick what can I say it worked wonderfully for me by the way I'm using red oak and I'm very excited about the outcome place the meat over a screaming hot grill and listen to that sizzle just what you want to hear allow it to charge as it develops beautiful brown color definitely consider pulling out a chair and relaxing while the meat cooks or you could get additional items to grill like corn still on the cob green onions and nobody's when ready flip over and allow it to brown and char on the other side the time it takes to cook will vary depending on your choice of doneness I'm going for a medium well and the internal temperature should be at a hundred and fifty degrees it took between six to eight minutes per side remove and continue with the rest of the meat this recipe has some deep and profound flavors imparted by all the ingredients the vasana canned orange juice join forces and create a mouth-watering glaze that's about to become your weakness as I mentioned before we are using red oak which will definitely contribute to its strong but not overpowering smoky flavor it's perfect for grilling beef when grilling outside we do not call it barbecue we call it garma asada which translates to grilled meat carne asada is extremely popular among the Hispanic culture and we sure do know how to make the gathering fun in the food delicious you can serve the grilled meat as an entree accompanied by rice beans wah Kemalist etc it really depends on your traditions or you could turn it into tacos once the meat is cooked to your liking remove and let it rest for approximately ten minutes before cutting into it you can take advantage of the grill while it's still hot and grill the ingredients for the salsa I will leave the link for the recipe in the description area in the cards and at the end of the video you are looking to grill the veggies until soft and nicely charred I added the whole head of garlic because the outside will darken the inside will cook and soften nicely [Music] before we head back inside I wanted to give you a sneak peek of my garden this year and also remind you to subscribe give us a huge thumbs up and remember to click the notification though the salsa is done and it looks incredible I did not add the chopped cilantro and onion because we will add it separately also heat some tortillas or make them yourself and time to cut into this beauty identify which direction the grain is running and make sure you cut against it to obtain a tender piece if you cut with the grain you will definitely exercise your jaw's and chew on tough meat it is very important to let the meat rest because if you cut too soon you will lose all the juices and the meat will taste dry waiting keeps the meat juicy and tender just like we like it if you have a long piece of meat you can cut it in half and then slice it again it's very important for us to cut against the grain this meat is perfection its juicy tender and flavorful I'm so lucky I get to eat this today we are making tackles but you can also serve as an entree I will leave the links below of additional recipes you can pair a carne asada with including a delicious welcome early to make a taco take a hot dirty ax and add the meat top it with chopped white onion and cilantro then drizzle lime juice and spoon your delicious salsa and of course a couple of slices of a delicious creamy avocado I feel like the luckiest girl right now after all the aromas oh my god in the temptation I finally get to enjoy this taco the marinade is incredible the meat is nicely charred and the toppings are the perfect addition I can even taste the smokiness of the oak well I hope you enjoyed this recipe remember you can follow me on Facebook and Instagram and I really hope you do not miss on the chance of making this incredible recipe at home now that summer's here thank you so much for watching and have an amazing rest of your day [Music]
Channel: Villa Cocina
Views: 712,777
Rating: 4.914278 out of 5
Keywords: carneasada, villacocina, marinade
Id: 8n4CdyWAd30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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