Stuffed Flank Steak on Big Green Egg | Grilled Flank Steak with Malcom Reed

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hey welcome back to Anam barbecue right today I'm going to share with you a recipe for stuffed flank steak I know you're going to love we're going to butterfly this flank steak open step it with some of these ingredients you see here on the board get it tied up and out on the grill sear it on all sides come off it's going to be delicious let's get the cook so I've got the flank steak on the cutting board here and I'm just kind of squared the edges up because I want it to be even when we get into butterfly it out now you'll notice the flank steaks it's sort of thin but we still want to take it down even smaller we can roll it up with all the ingredients inside you want to position it to where the grains run it along the flank steak and then we're going to do is take a sharp knife that we're just going to start about halfway and just kind of open it up you want to just go slow take your time you don't want to cut through the sides and just butterfly it open like short cuts when you get down to the end you don't want to go all the way because we just want it to fold open so stop kind of short of the end should lay open almost like a book so you want the flank steak to be pretty even all the way across so I just kind of take it mash it down you could put up a mountain meat ballad on if it needs it but this one's pretty even that's going to be just right now that I've got the flank steak butterfly laid up and fly want to get a little seasoning on it before we start stuffing so I'm just using salt pepper and garlic my ep season not going heavy it's going to give it a little coat so the first thing we're going to do is take a little room temperature cream cheese and just spread it on the on the flank steak you want to leave a little border out on the edge don't go all the way out just about an inch if you want to use different cheeses here they experiment I know some blue cheese would probably be good feta cheese would be great I like cream cheese it kind of melts and has a little bit higher heat point so it doesn't run everywhere so we've got the cream cheese down next comes the spinach and mushrooms and I started the mushrooms in a saute pan with a little bit of olive oil or you can use a tablespoon or two of butter give them two or three minutes to soften up TEI then add your spinach you just let it wilt down for a few minutes you don't want to cook it real clear we're still going to cook it on the grill but this is a perfect consistency here this is just what I want to layer on top of the cream cheese the last thing we're going to layer on is just some chopped roasted red pepper and this is the kind you can get in a jar you just want to drain it get the liquid off of it that's all there is to the stuffing it looks delicious it's kind of like making a giant beach pizza but now we want to get it rolled up and that's when we left the border so hopefully we won't lose too much of our stuffing and all you want to do is just keep it tight so you want to just start by flipping it up and use your hands and kind of keep that topping in there so it's going to come out the end that's okay and put the seam side down if you lose a little bit you know stuff it back in the end best you can that's okay we put plenty of toppings inside there the next step we're going to get this flank steak tied up with some butcher twine so I'm just going to start cutting out towards the end and we just want to make some simple knots on top of the flank steak trim the excess off just because we're using this twine to really help it keep its shape as we grill it did I'd like to move down to the opposite end after I get two or three going just to help them squeezing the ingredients out the other end just work your way down to the middle now we have the flank steak tied you want to get some more seasoning on the outside of it so the first thing I'm going to is that salt pepper and garlic just like we put on the inside I'm going to flip it over roll it back I also want to get a little crust built up so I'm going to use some coarser grain seasoning this is where my steak rub is going to come in you can use a Montreal seasoned or any kind of coarse grain herbs and spices you like it's going to help build this crust on the outside of the flank steak so we're gonna do the same thing just giving a good dose now this plinks thing is looking right it's ready for the grill I'm going to go outside get my big green egg fired bring it up to about 350 degrees we're gonna get this thing seared on all sides so I've got the big green egg fired up it's running about 350 degrees the tops pretty much open and I've just got about a half-inch crack on the door down bottom we're just going to get this centered straight up on the grate I don't have the diverter in yet because I want to get some sear on the outside of this flank steak so I'm just going to take it set it right in the middle let it cook on each side for 2-3 minutes and I'm going to roll it I just want to get it browned on all sides then I'm going to put the heat shield back in all right we the last side little color I'll get a little bit coming out that's okay now I want to get that plate setter in place so I'm gonna raise this grade up get it out of the way set the plates that are down and get the grate right back in place I've got the plate setter in place now I want to get my thermometer probe set for 130 this in the thickest part right in the middle that's gonna let me watch those internals we'll get this point stake off when it gets about 130 degrees all right our alarm started sounding they're going to hit 130 it's done crisp up about two degrees I'm gonna go ahead and get this flank steak off this is looking good go get brown color on the outside that's what we wanted to see I'm just going to grab it with a pair of insulated gloves here set it right on our platter a little bit who's on out the side but that's okay it makes it look rustic but check that out it's stuffed flank steak on the Big Green Egg anybody can do it okay we drop the flank steak back inside and I just let it hang out you're only cutting board about ten minutes is all you need just to calm down a little bit a good time to talk about what we did we took a flank steak we kind of cut it like a book opened it up hold it it open season it with a little bit of an AP that's all pepper garlic got some room temperature cream cheese spread it all around sauteed a little bit of spinach and mushroom and put that right on top lit a little bit of that fire roasted red bell pepper diced up rolled it up nice and tight got it tied then we got it out on the hot grill I was cooking at 350 to start we just wanted to sear the outside on all sides about four turns about two or three minutes each turns all we did then we put the plate Center in the green egg if you could another grill just move it to an indirect side my Granada set the plates enter in put the meat right back home cook it to an internal 130 degrees and brought it in so I'm still gonna leave it tied and I'm just going to kind of start in the middle of where the string is and just cut medallions you're going to cut straight through it there's a bit of individual portions don't press too hard you don't want to squeeze all your stuffing out just let the knife do the work so we've got it sliced up into individual sizes and I've got to get one of these out I'm just going to cut it right right down the middle there I've got to try this it looks too good wow that's delicious me all those flavors really go that flank steak you can see it's cooked just like a perfect medium stick out a little bit of paint to it it's done through and through the cream cheese really held together you get that spinach fire roasted pepper those mushrooms all those flavors this is a great recipe day for dinner getting off work one night it's real simple it's real fast I got to get another bite now you can take this recipe and swap the ingredients in or out make it your own that I guarantee you you're going to love taking the flank steak butterfly it and stuff it and get it out on the grill thanks for watching today hear how to barbecue right you like what we're doing subscribe to our channel we're going to keep putting up these videos all year long can also find us on Facebook and Twitter we'll see you next time you
Channel: HowToBBQRight
Views: 209,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Malcom Reed, HowToBBQRight, How To BBQ Right, stuffed flank steak, flank steak recipe, stuffed flank steak recipe, stuffed steak recipe, rolled flank steak, flank steak, cooking flank steak
Id: EUX8rRp9Jpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 14 2016
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