Fixing Window Well Drainage

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so I had this window well problem where had a lot of drainage issues basically water was coming into my basement window right there so I just wanted to document this gigantic hole that had dug by hand taking all this dirt out started out using a regular shovel ended up using a post hole digger and went all the way down into this hole basically dug another hole at the bottom of that hole and then had to drill into the drainage pipe at the bottom of that so basically just to give you an idea here's the here's the hole saw that I used to cut into the drainage pipe there's the piece of drainage pipe that I cut out I need you to accommodate this adapter here so that I can connect it to this corrugated pipe right here and that's what's gonna allow water to drain down so but I mean this hole is so big it's really kind of hard to get into and for me to get down in this hole its up over my head and the challenging part is I had to not only make it deep enough to get down to the bottom but also make it wide enough to where I could actually crouch down into it here it's a little bit disappointing to see that there is soil buildup down here inside of this pipe wish that wasn't happening ideally you want that pipe to not having soil in it I the pipe is wrapped in fabric to protect it and then also there's this other layer of fabric over with all the gravel sits around the pipe so really is kind of disappointing to see dirt built up in there once I cut into it just kind of went in at first and now it's done that's something I need to be concerned about anyway job for today's trying to get this part to connect on to that so alright I was able to get the pipe connected pretty good there so I'm just gonna run that pipe straight up I'll cut it off later it's a little long right now and I've already started to put some gravel down there in the bottom and I'm just gonna take this bucket full of gravel from my tractor and start filling it in alright so before I put in the new two-foot high window well I went ahead and put in one of my old ones just to try to hold back some of the dirt a little bit you can see I packed the dirt around the outside of that trying to keep all the dirt on the outside gravel on the inside so that's what I'm doing there next step is to put new window well in I'll use I use my ram set Rams powder-actuated nail-gun again just like it did on this one to drive the nails into the concrete okay so a little bit annoying I wasn't able to get some of these nails in here better my RAM shot just wasn't really sending the nails all the way into the concrete this sides are worse over here but whenever I test it the pull on it feels pretty solid and obviously it's got all the dirt that's gonna push it in anyway so it should be fine just wanting to get it in there a little bit more solid okay I think that's about it just got a finish up so we've had a couple of rains now and everything seems to be holding up pretty well with the new window well so pretty happy with how it all came out just need to add some more gravel here around the top and make that look nice but overall seems to be draining much better and doing what I wanted
Channel: John Lovitt
Views: 90,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Home improvement
Id: kBR5gLtr1P4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 22sec (262 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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