How To Remove A Subaru Engine (Step By Step)

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all right let's get the awkward stuff out of the way first yes i shaved yes the beard will grow back no it's not permanent second yes i got a new hat because so many people were just giving me for the old hat being like riptor i've had that hat for years years and i've never swapped it out i still have that hat and you're still gonna see that hat but for now look at that you got a new hat so one of the most requested things that you guys have asked me is how do i pull an engine out of a subaru so we're gonna go over that today i'm gonna give you like the probably most detailed step-by-step entertaining video you watched on doing this so we have another 06 sti it's another hawkeye and yet it's a it's white also apparently the mod rushes things for white 2006 subaru sts don't know why so this one totally works everything's fine on that one no blown engine runs drives everything's solid this one's getting what stage one block stage one block i don't know is like end target numbers for everything i know we're doing fuel system exhaust stuff and some other goodies on this one but today i'm just gonna show you how to take the engine out so this is relatively similar across all subarus with some minor exceptions that i'll point out here and there when going through this but let me show you where we're going to start so this is our starting point for this one everything is intact i could start the car if i wanted to right now but i'm not i'm not going to now you do not need a lift for this i've pulled plenty of engines without a lift you guys have seen me do it before the lift definitely does make it easier uh but it'll also give me access to be able to show you guys bolts hangers all that kind of stuff so starting out this 2006 subaru sti wrx is this is this can be applied to fa-20s also it's a little bit different with fa20s but for the most the concept still is intact so the first thing that i'm going to be doing here is getting out the intake getting out the battery top mount intercooler is going to come off and then i'm going to remove the alternator i'm not going to give you guys a step by step on how to pull out each component but i will run through it intake comes out with a couple of bolts holding the heat or the uh box in then it's just an eight millimeter clamp right there that comes out battery both terminals both 10 millimeters for the hangers intercooler there's an eight millimeter right down there that connects up to the turbo there's also one on the throttle body and then you've got the crossover pipe right there so this car is gonna be getting an aos so there's gonna be some things that i don't end up reusing which is totally fine i'm totally cool with that so we're gonna start out easy intake comes out intercooler comes out battery comes out then i'm gonna take the alternator out so with our intake intercooler and battery and alternator out of the car uh now we can move forward a little bit so i am gonna raise the car up here in a little bit and we're gonna get all the coolant oil drained out of this thing but before i do that uh i want to get the intake manifold off so i've discovered the new way of doing this which makes life a lot easier um actually i am gonna have to drain the coolant because i need to get this guy out of there first so actually before we remove the intake manifold let me get this thing up in the air uh so that way i can show you where to drain coolant from where to drain the oil from it's pretty self-explanatory uh but while i'm down there i might as well show you guys and while i'm down there i might as well disconnect the downpipe from the cab back uh let me get it up in the air and i'll show you guys what we're going to do next ladies and gentlemen we are now under the car so what i'm going to do down here is you're going to have to disconnect the downpipe right here from the cat-back i don't know what cat-back you have or anything like that but there's two bolts right there holding it on we've got one downpipe support off the transmission right there and then we also have to drain the oil uh we got a fancy like cusco oil drain plug right there and then the radiator so on the radiator there's just like a small little wing nut that we gotta loosen and then that guy will come right off and then while i'm down here i think i'm gonna hit those down pipe bolts with some pb blaster let them soak and start to get them off um just so that way once we go back up top we can start working the downpipe off while i'm down here i am gonna get the exhaust manifold off up here uh just while the coolant is draining just because personal preference you don't have to remove the exhaust manifold if you don't want to uh but my preference is just removing the exhaust manifold makes life a little bit easier now if you don't have a turbo car or a turbo model no worries typically your exhaust manifold is just going to come straight off the engine and then just shoot straight back so you don't have to worry about trying to get this down pipe or anything off you just need to get the header to the cap back off to be able to pull the engine out so let me start getting all this let me get these fluids drained out of here and then we can go back topside and start working on getting that intake manifold off [Music] so starting from the rear of the car going forward i have both of the down pipe to cat-back bolts out i've got the exhaust hanger support out for the down pipe i've also loosened both of the transmission mount nuts because when we go to pull the engine we want a little bit of play with the transmission uh so we'll have more than enough with that little play you're going to have to disconnect this 102 sensor right here on the downpipe it's going to be pretty much in the exact same location for stock and aftermarket downpipes uh it just on clips you can let it dangle for the time being coming up here i've already got both of the engine mount nuts out right behind that sway bar right there they're two 14 millimeter nuts um you can either pull those out now or you can do it later i haven't touched any of the downpipe nuts going up to the turbo or any of the transmission to bell housing bolts quite yet we are gonna do that now up here i've got the exhaust manifold off of the car as well um just to free up some room i've got the oil drained i've got the oil filter off i've got a small rag stuffed in there i just keep any from slipping out i've got the lower radiator hose disconnected i've got both of the fans disconnected up here so that way when we bring the car back down we can just hop up top get the radiator out of the car now something i notice is this is a manual transmission it's an sti but it has an automatic transmission radiator in here so these ports are typically for a transmission cooler for an automatic which i thought was a little weird that it's in this car but you know you never know i also pulled off the thermostat housing up here for the uh coolant just to be able to get more of it to flow out so that's about the extent of what i'm doing down here right now now we're gonna bring the car back down and start disassembling the engine a little bit more so with the coolant oil drained out of this now we can start tackling some of this stuff up here so first thing i'm going to do is get this upper radiator hose out both of these clamps get that hose out of there undo both of the radiator transmission supports get the radiator out of here that's going to free up a lot of room here you do need to disconnect this line here and that line there going to the radiator next up the coolant uh expansion tank up top is going to come out then we're going to start getting the intake manifold off to get the intake manifold off you're going to have to disconnect these fuel lines over here now those are disconnect or quick disconnect fuel lines i have a company 23 tool i'll link it down below you don't have to have this tool you can buy a generic off-the-shelf one from like autozone o'reilly's but this tool just makes life incredibly easy that bottom fitting right there is always one that's a pain to get off even with this tool this top one can be too with that little bracket that's welded to it it's not the end of the world once the intake manifold off i'm gonna get the ac compressor and the power steering pump out of the way you do not need to take off the ac lines don't take those off same with power steering you do not have to take those lines off i will show you how to move them without having to disconnect the lines because if you don't have to rebirth your power steering system um and get someone to come out and recharge your ac just don't do it so uh radiator is gonna come out hose upper expansion tank intake manifold with the tgvs i'll show you how to get all that off once i actually get it off the car because it's fairly cluttered right now and there's no way i'm gonna be able to show you [Music] so once you get the intake manifold off with the tgvs you should be left with this now let me show you on the intake manifold what you got to take off now if we're looking at the intake manifold as we would from the front of the car throttle body is pointing away from us what you're going to have to do is there are four of those 12 millimeter hex bolts there's one right there behind the turbo inlet there's two of them right there in the center of the tgv and then there's one up here behind that harness that sits down there same thing on the other side you got one right here two in the middle one in the back after you've gotten those out what you're gonna have to do is disconnect the turbo inlet from the turbo so that is just one clamp right there we're gonna be replacing this one because it has seen better days as for the wiring harness you're gonna have to disconnect this one blue plug from each side of the head this is for your oil control valve you got one more plug right here that is your cam position sensor you have one on each side of the head as well both of these are going to connect up to the body same thing on this side you've got these two plugs right here that are going to connect up to the body and i'll show you where all these go on the actual engine make sure you disconnect both of the coil pack plugs on both sides or else this thing's not going to come out once you've gotten those out make sure you disconnect the fuel line so that way you can pull it out you've got one coolant hose right there and then you've got one right there on the bottom of the throttle body this one's snapped just because it is so old and then lastly you've got your cam position sensor and your coolant temp sensor well and you have your oil pressure sensor down there too all of those will disconnect and then this whole thing should just slide right out it's a little bit of a pain you got to fenoodle it just a hair but it will come out i promise now to show you where all of that is on the engine here is your crank position sensor here's your oil pressure sensor your coolant temp sensor your cam position sensor on the driver's head your cam position sensor on the passenger head your oil control valve on the passenger head and the oil control valve on the driver's head so those are what you have to disconnect you also have to disconnect the knock sensor my bad i totally spaced on that one knock sensor's right there it's the brown plug you got to disconnect that one the pcv system can be a little bit tricky to pull off of there also but you're gonna have to disconnect that so now that we've got all of that disconnected the next couple things i'm going to be doing is getting this turbo out of here so to get the turbo out you saw we already got the the exhaust manifold off next up is going to be getting the downpipe off so you've got five 14 millimeter bolts going around the outside of the downpipe once i get the downpipe off i'll show you guys what that actually looks like so i'm going to get four of the bolts from up top and then the last one i'm going to get from the bottom of the car you can do three of them from the bottom and two up top if you want to i just find it a little easier to get four of them because you've got one right here two on the top and then one on the side and then one on the bottom down there so let's start getting that turbo out of here and then i think we're ready to start splitting the engine from the transmission [Music] so with the down pipe out of the car this is what you should see so up there on the turbo you can see there's those three holes up on top there's one on the left and then there's one on the bottom it's a stud on the bottom so it's pretty easy to get the bolt out on that one so now we get that turbo out just kidding before i go to pull the turbo out i am gonna start getting some of these bell housing bolts out so there's two on the starter there's one nut behind the axle and then there's a bolt behind the axle also so once the engine's out i can actually show you guys all the locations for all these some of them are a little bit of a pain to get to it's not possible uh same thing on this side i'm gonna get to as many of them as i can they're all 14 millimeter bolts that mount the transmission up to the engine so let me start pulling some of those out and then once i get those out we'll hop back up there get the turbo out and then i think at that point we're gonna be uh ready to start taking this engine out of here [Music] turbo's out of the car so to get the turbo out it's relatively easy so you've got one coolant line down here that goes to the bottom of the turbo after you've gotten that off there's one oil feed line that goes to the top this one is coolant from the turbo up to these coolant expansion tanks so on the turbo to the up pipe you've got one bolt right here one bolt right here and then one third bolt right there you take those three bolts off you disconnect both coolant lines and the oil feed turbo will come right out so now we're working on getting the starter and the bell housing bolts off before i go and just start yeeting all of these out of here i need to disconnect the pitch stop because the motor is not going to come out with the pitch stop still attached right there we also need to disconnect these two coolant lines that go to the heater core from the engine so i'm going to get both of these disconnected the pitch stop undone then i'm going to get the two bolts that hold the starter in place out there's going to be one power source on the starter that goes to the fuse box in the battery area uh if you follow the cable back over here so we're going to get that guy off that should be a 12 millimeter there's also one little slip connector that just like pulls right off that you need to get off and then there is a grounding point on the top bolt right there that goes to the starter i've already got that one off it's the same as all the other bell housing bolts it's just a 14 millimeter once we get the starter out then we can get the slide pin out for the transmission to disengage the throw out bearing from the transmission it's kind of necessary to get it out of there so let's get this out uh get that slide pin out and then we can uh we can pull this engine it's ready to come out [Music] so this is an important part that i want to show you guys because a lot of people miss this whenever they go to pull these engines for the first time after you get the starter out down here do you see that silver socket right there that is a that is a 14 millimeter hex key you need to pull the plug out of there and then get the slide pin out in order to get the slide pin out the easiest way that i found to do it is use an intake manifold bolt so if you do go to the extent of taking the intake manifold off the tgvs that bolt right there will pull it out just thread it in there's a small threaded portion then you can pull the slide pin out after i get the slide pin out i'll show you guys what it looks like let me get that plug out let me get the slide pin out once the slide pins out we can pull up on the clutch fork to release it from the throat bearing and then this bad boy is ready to come out a lot of people ask where i hoist these engines up from typically if i have one of these four post i guess lift things for the engine hoist i'll do one off the power steering pump right here one off the ac bracket right behind the dipstick the other one on the top of the back of the block and then same with that one over there if you only have a two post lift i go from the back of the block over there where that one is and then the ac point there so that way i can get even like distribution of weight right there i prefer the ones with four so that way i can evenly distribute the weight a little bit better but this thing is now ready to come out so both of our engine mounts are disconnected all the bell housing bolts are out and i'll show you where all the bellhousing bolts are once the engine's actually out because there's no way i'm gonna be able to show you in between the firewall and the engine uh starter's out everything is good to go at this point so now we just gotta be a little rough with it so we got to shake it around a little bit get a pry bar in between where the engine and the transmission touch back there um get like start to get them to separate if you haven't already done this make sure you get this one slide pin out if you don't get the slide pin out it's not going to come out another thing that you need to do is come back here and just grab on the clutch fork right there and just lift it up off the throat bearing to make sure it's free once it's free it's ready to come out so let's get this thing out of here [Music] so we have the engine out it's really not that hard to do you guys um follow like these basic steps and i guarantee you you can do it so now with the engine out i can go ahead and get the clutch and flywheel off of this thing the flywheel's going to be sent out to be resurfaced the clutch is going to go in the trash because we have a new one uh we can get this thing on an engine stand now and start tearing it down don't worry about this this is after market that is not oem so you don't need to worry about that so let's pull off this clutch uh these are all 12 millimeter bolts going around the clutch if you plan on reusing the clutch do these in a star pattern to take them off if you're going to be getting a new clutch you can go ahead and just take them off however you want i'm just gonna go into star pattern anyways just because it's good practice um and then i'm gonna start tearing this this engine down i've shown you i've shown you guys how to do that before but first let's get this thing on an engine stand and uh then i can go on my merry way of continuing to get this thing apart on the back side of the engine now i can actually show you where all the bell housing bolts are so you've got one right here and one right here those are gonna be two longer bolts for the starter you've also got one right here opposing it one right below it right next to where the oil drain is for the turbo right down here below that you've got another one you've got two of these locating dowels on each side of the engine on the bottom here you've got two studs those studs are what help align the engine when you go to put it back in so same thing on that side you got a stud bolt hole bolt hole right there bolt hole dowel which the dowel is actually missing on this one which is kind of interesting and then the other starter bolt hole right there so that is how you pull an engine out of a subaru like i said this is pretty universal across all subarus yes you're probably going to find some differences here and there for how they come out but for the most part this should get you there for any like ej model turbo subaru um it's pretty much gonna be this exact same process everything how did my face get why did neither of you tell me my face was this dirty dude every single time i don't understand anyways i hope this helps you guys pull engines out of your guys cars if if you guys need them i know some of you guys were asking for this video for quite a while so i figured why not now is better than ever now is better than later now is better than not doing it so there you guys go if you guys do have any questions feel free to drop them down below in the comments i'm sure there's a couple smaller things i missed here and there but this should get you there most of the way remember just take your time if you need to organize bolts when you're pulling them all out go ahead organize them set them aside in a little container um at this point i kind of memorize where every bolt in this engine bay goes so normally i just throw them all in like separate little piles and i just kind of know where they go but anyways if you guys liked the video you know do go and hit that like button turn it black blue green yellow purple silver cyan red purple silver i don't know whatever color it turns for you and let's do a color of the day today color of the day is going to be white because this hawkeye we're working on is white and if you're not already subscribed to the channel hitch boy up one of these corners no idea which one i will put it in quite yet but with that i will catch you guys in the next one peace out homies
Channel: Smeedia
Views: 151,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Subaru, Subaru WRX, Subaru WRX STI, JDM Subaru WRX, Subaru BRZ, Scion FRS, Toyota GT86, STI, WRX STI, JDM STI, Subaru Youtuber, Smeedia, Subaru Youtube Channel, Tanner Smith, Smedia, Subaru STI Channel, Subaru STI Videos, How to remove a Subaru engine, how to remove a STI engine, Ej25, EJ207, Ej255, EJ Engine, FA Engine, How to remove a engine, engine removal, automotive, automotive repair shop, sports car, sports cars, cars, car, Subaru engine, remove engine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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