Fixing and Selling my Mouse Infested 4 Wheelers

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all right folks today's video involves four-wheelers yep we made an executive decision that we don't need two crappy old four-wheelers we'd rather have one less crappy newer four-wheeler so we're gonna sell the kawasaki bayou 220 and the polaris 250 2x4 but there's a difference between works and done anyway i have injured my back crawling around underneath of a 1954 gmc backhoe truck thingamajigger so rather than push it i'm going to call the hufflepuff towing service and the last time we had some incidents involving towing so can we redeem ourselves i think so i think max knows how this is going to go [Laughter] he hasn't left my side all right you're going to be the tower or the towie i think tower all right fine i'll be the tower but then i'll just get complained about it so whatever whatever come on i'm gonna turn the fuel on i forgot about that i don't know the starter doesn't seem to be working too good on this thing like it just barely turns over all right we'll do it the hard way i'll do it the hard way where's the compression released probably needs a starter [Music] let it warm up for a minute whoa slowly [Music] did you seriously yell at me for not going fast enough it has a centrifugal clutch if you go too slow you're just slipping the clutch all the time so there's a minimum speed the last two times you yelled at me for going too fast and now you're yelling at me we're going too slow well you i figured you would go your normal hufflepuff speed up as fast as it would go thanks for the toe honey shut her down did a wonderful job right kiddo what yeah what is it all right back to coco coco well what do you think can we milk a whole video out of this i guess we can try we'll start with the kawasaki bayou 220 go ahead and drain the oil out while the engine's still warm and i bought one of these tune-up kits off of ebay so it comes with a new spark plug and a new oil filter oh yeah jeepers [Applause] nope the oil looks pretty good considering cute little baby oil filter i don't know what that is baked on i guess that looks pretty good looks the same back to front so we'll slip our metal sleeve back in there we go not sure what the quote unquote right oil is for this engine but this is what we're going to use it's made specifically for four cycle atvs supposed to have all the necessary herbs and spices for the centrifugal clutch i guess i don't know what it is friction modifiers or something anyway it's actually cast right onto the block right here it says 2 liters which is fantastic i don't know why every engine isn't like that isn't that cool why doesn't everybody do that and there's no dipstick on this engine just a sight glass it's like we're good to go let's get that spark plug out of here and we need this little guy wow if we can get it off the new plug doesn't come with that anyway takes an 18 millimeter because why not yeah the old one looks pretty good [Music] well i replaced the air filter back when we first got this thing running because the mice had completely chewed it apart it still looks pretty good put that back together well it looks good under here battery wiring just like it was and i don't know if you guys remember but i didn't know where to mount that voltage regulator so some people sent me some pictures of how the regulator looks and how this battery compartment was arranged and i think i've got it all sorted out i had to make this bracket here but that looks decent-ish i think we're good now the oil in the rear end looks fantastic so we're not going to mess with that and the level is good i think it's about right here and there's a check plug up in the front somewhere right there my fingers trying to point to it looks about right to me i think the only two grease zerks on the whole machine are right here on the spindles come on there we go engage the old brain all right the top rack on the back of the machine she's a little bit broken looks like an old wound so i guess we can't blame the misses for this one anyway we gotta glue that back together well it's never gonna be pretty but i think it'll work well i think that's it for the bayou 220. a nice little atv runs great drives great brakes work tires are fantastic you know what more could you ask for there's a few things wrong with it this lever here is for the rear brakes that doesn't work the cable is not even there but the pedal works just fine so you still have front and rear brakes not sure about the starter why it cranks over real slow like that it starts just fine when it's warm it's just when it's really cold it doesn't quite have enough enough to do it but if you pull the compression release and yank on that handle it starts first pull every time so i'm not going to worry about it anyway probably the last time you guys will see this thing on to the next one on to the polaris again just minor problems well i mean it has major problems like the brakes don't work at all but we're not going to fix those we're we're gonna fix the fuel related problems so i guess the big issue with it is even if you turn the gas off here on the valve it all just leaks out the carburetor onto the ground so i got a new carburetor kit specifically we need the needle and seat because ours definitely isn't sealing and then i also have a new shutoff valve for the bottom of the fuel tank so we'll go ahead and throw those in the only other thing i really want to fix is the seat i don't know what's going on with it if it's off of a a different machine or something it doesn't fit like it doesn't doesn't sit down on there all the way whatever this bracket is right here seems to hold it up off the frame far enough that the front won't clip in so anyway we're gonna we're gonna look into that gotta remember how to do this i think yeah that pulls out and then those maybe had to come out first i guess that works now let's see that one can stay oh come on so the big thing we're after in this carburetor is the needle and seat or the float valve you know the gizmo that turns off the the gasoline supply to the carburetor and i think i commented about this when we took this thing apart the first time you know i made some kind of prophetic statement like that's going to be a problem anyway the needle is just hot dog in a hallway loose inside the seat compare that to the new one it comes in the kit it's nice and tight so let's swap those out real quick well what size do you think that is it's not nine and it's not ten three eighths no maybe it is 10. why it's pretty sloppy i guess it doesn't matter okay the kit comes with all kinds of other doodads there's a new choke or enrichner valve there idle stop various jets i don't know if we're going to put all this stuff in it or not i mean it runs fine it's just leaking gas out of the carburetor so i don't know i guess we'll kind of see where we end up all right where do you want to go [Music] okay we can go to grandma's we'll be back folks that's a very small bunny for this time of the year well we survived our trip to grandma's and i got the carburetor put back together ended up using as many of the new parts from the rebuild kit as possible i also installed the new choke plug or enrichener valve and the replacement needle it's put back in the same setting so we're not going to affect the mixture but i did replace it well i managed to snake the old fuel shutoff valve off the bottom of the tank i was going to pull the whole tank out but it's not a fun job interestingly the main pickup screen is broken off and it's not in there i took a mirror and looked inside the tank it's definitely not there i'm pretty sure we cleaned the tank out the last time we did battle with this machine so i'm sure it would have showed up then anyway it has an inline fuel filter so it's not the end of the world but yeah anyway new shut off valve looks pretty compatible let's see if we can get it installed this is definitely not the preferred way to do this but i think it worked just fine actually i think we should trade places because you can see better than i can okay okay seems to work well the shut off part of the shut off valve seems to work see if it's got enough gas to go to the main position it does not now we'll try reserve there we go yep really come on well before we fire it up and smoke everybody out i want to figure out what's going on with this seat this bracket is the problem it hits here and doesn't let it come down onto these these front mounts so i don't know can you guys even see that i guess you can yeah it's got to be the wrong seat well unless i'm looking at this all wrong this has to be a seat off of a different machine because it doesn't even i mean it's not even close up here in the front this plastic right here is going to hit the bracket for the the tank i mean even if that lower bracket wasn't there and it was sitting down the angle would still be wrong here so yeah they must have taken it off of a different model just shoved it on this machine so we're not going to be able to fix that i want to keep my eye open for a replacement seat so i'll be like that helps you turn the gas on let's try that again there we go normal guy so so okay seems fine the only adjustment on it is for the low speed just trying to get the best idle you know but it doesn't seem to really matter there's about a half turn in there where it seems to be happy so we'll leave it somewhere in that range and it should be fine yeah i don't know why i didn't want to take throttle i just kind of cheated it gave a little choke and then hit the throttle and then it snapped right out of it so maybe i knocked a little piece of junk into the high speed circuit when i was fiddling around in there doesn't matter it runs fine now right before i succumb to carbon monoxide poisoning i'm going to stick the air box back together and we'll throw that old seat back on there it's you know as good as it's going to get i just greased it the last time i wrote it so that should be fine and yeah we should be done with this one the brakes need a complete overhaul but the mechanical you know rear axle brake here activated by the foot pedal it does work so it does have brakes alright guys i think that's it i want to thank you for hanging out with me maybe we can squeak some kind of a halfway entertaining video at all this nonsense i'm going for a ride if i remember to turn the thing on all right guys i will give you a quick follow-up on those four-wheelers i listed them for sale on facebook marketplace about a week before thanksgiving for what i thought was average or maybe even above average prices and i had an unbelievable response i actually sold both of them within about three hours of listing the first one to the first guy who contacted me about the first one and he drove an hour and a half to get here paid the full asking price in cash i told him the things that were wrong with him and you know that the sale was gonna be as is he said that was fine with him and we loaded him on his trailer and away they went so yeah i don't know maybe i wasn't asking enough or the market's really hot for used atvs right now i have no idea i know i've seen other atvs in this area in this the same condition or better condition for similar prices and they've sit you know they've been for sale for a long time so i don't know a lot of times i have a hard time selling stuff but not this time nice looking pete [Applause] come on buddy find a gear there you go well you guys are going to think i'm making this stuff up that's the second vehicle that's lost a wheel within eye side of my house in the last week looks like a loaded manure spreader oh yeah i know this guy i think we're gonna stay out of this one i don't know what they're trying to do pull down into that field this is why i'm staying out of it i hear you pop let's let's not get any closer pretty cold day to be riding a bicycle [Applause] what's wrong pop me [Music] it's nice to be a farmer if i pull to something like that cops would have me in cuffs well there goes a manure spreader with two wheels i guess i got it fixed oh people ask me from time to time if i ever say no or turn away work uh yeah i don't work on manure spreaders not if i can help it
Channel: Watch Wes Work
Views: 86,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: atv, 4 wheeler, four wheeler, quad, bike, kawasaki, polaris, bayou, trailboss, 2x4, oil change, tune up, carburetor, repair, rebuild, weld, fuel shutoff, tank, gas, leak, mechanic, towing, hufflepuff
Id: 5cP0qplqOQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 32sec (1652 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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