Customer Spent $1000's And Still No 4WD

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do you have the list for the Chevy that's out here oh this list there we are folks the 2002 Chevrolet it's the Tahoe it's got the five three and it smells like frustration actually when you sit in that smells more like anger I don't know why but that's the juju is putting off anyhow I got the list and he writes uh Tahoe will not shift at transfer case no light on dash long story short as they say the buttons don't work it doesn't go into four-wheel drive and then he writes uh it's been at the NAPA service center they charged me twelve hundred dollars did not fix it then it was at a shop and Corning for six months for one thousand dollars did not fix it so so far it's up to 2 200 and still has no four wheel drive uh this started not shifting then intermittent acted like it was in four low when it was in too high transfer case acts like only three detent and oil has not been changed in case I'm not sure what that means uh Tahoe has a new front diff front actuator Works three-year-old transmission left front shaft new brakes rotors plugs coils injectors map sensor mass airflow air filter fuel filter fuel pump charcoal canister Muffler tailpipe tires battery fuel cap push button transfer case control module transfer case control motor wires Trace grounds fixed and fuse is checked and lucky you the front made some loud clicking sound like it was trying to shift when not prompted to over if this is reasonable fix fix it if it needs a transfer case I'll put one in the summer thank you for your time press for your troubleshooting skills love always Jay anywho so that's where we're at all right keep this stuff right here I'll show you where you put this right in your back pocket and you kind of keep it in your memory but you forget about it we need to go ahead and find out why not what's wrong with find out why the transmission or the transfer case won't shift into four wheel drive um there's a lot of parts inside the driveshaft lays in the back the transfer case control modules in the cup holder and the dash is torque part like I say It smells like anger what we're gonna do what our plan is you always gotta have a plan plan to work with the plan we're going to plan on doing this the same way we always do things um a we're going to make sure the battery doesn't die on us because we're probably gonna have the key on for some time we're going to scan it and pull codes out of it and see uh where it's having a problem to look whatever this little Chevy and then uh we're gonna go through and see if we can't figure out why there's no you know obviously no guarantee we're gonna be able to fix it but we're gonna give it our best shot and then uh we'll come up with some kind of some kind of something to tell the guy he probably is a little gunshot if people tell him things from the sound of it we can see it has it is littered with code so let's go to the report just to see and I don't know like I said there's lots of parts and pieces inside I don't know what's hooked up and what's not at this point uh let's see we got a lots of com with transfer case motor a b circuit low motor ground circuit open encoder circuit malfunction lock circuit low um we just did one with the slack circuit remember that that had a bad transfer case control module ABS oh okay more secure in the open this is for the supplemental restraints and body control what I'm going to do I'm going to save these just so we have it and then um ABC we'll call it we're going to save it and then I'm going to clear them and we're going to see you know what codes are for Rizzle because we don't know how many people have been in here fiddling that leaves us with two and then there were two encoder circuit mail function transfer case lock circuit low so that's interesting all right so we I think have some direction anyways we're going to take them we'll pop right in here and I think before we get super far what we should do is see what is on the vehicle and what is not because like I say there is there is quite a few parts laying inside of here [Music] you know we've got a transfer case module there this is how I receive the vehicle buttons are hanging out of the dash here and then if we go to the back we've got some other stuff we've got a drive shaft uh we've got a transfer case motor got your classic wheel bearing we got the mass airflow we got the gas cap some O2 sensors wow folks I'm telling you we got some stuff under here uh anyhow I guess it's time to start figuring this thing out what not I think it's pretty well not holding on anymore okay that's why the lock circuit's open oh yeah yay so it's missing the transfer case shift motor so that makes sense to us why the four wheel drive don't work um so I guess first thing first we're gonna have to grab that shift motor out of the vehicle clean out these connectors here get the mud and dirt and the grit out of them and then we'll see what uh what the Thunder's going on here well that was easy so I slipped that baby back in so the transfer case shift motor is back on there now I'm Gonna Leave the front drive shaft out for ease of testing all right so now let's see where we're at it's kind of the fine details they leave out when uh and make the appointment you know it's a lot back in here and see what code is in it currently [Music] okay so we have a 308 motor a b circuit low not familiar with that we're going to look that up perhaps somebody has yanked the fuse out of it also I don't know um I don't think we're getting the whole the whole story but we're going to figure it out so c0308 let's check into that and see what the code set criteria is and see if it's like say just missing a fuse at this point so they do have a Bolton actually on the c308 uh let's see or a pip really not even a TSB uh four driving operative 308 ATC fuse open um and then they write uh four wheel drive and operative and four wheel drive service light will illuminate uh diagnosis May reveal that ATC fuse is open which we don't know yet and a c0308 or various shoe codes may be set the encoder motor may also be shorted or the transfer case control module may be damaged and they say uh perform a component check to ensure the encoder motor is not damaged verify transfer case control module control motor ground Integrity refer to apical schematics for the control module and a quarter motor grounds if the control module and the encoder motor ground are good also check g102 and g107 refer The Shot manual for the locations and it says and it says here and this is kind of key I think this is good the transfer case schematics will not show grounds 102 and 107 these grounds are various engine chassis and body grounds if then you know I thought then well how does this apply so if 102 and 107 are bad the transfer case control module and the encoder motor can be used as a ground path so that's that's really good this is good info usually GM Pips and tsps are kind of worthless but in this case that's that's good knowledge because you know let's say we went on and we checked the encoder motor ground circuit and a TCM ground circuit and we're like hey these are good it's telling us that this g102 and g107 which are engine and Chassis and body ground if those are bad the path of ground can likely be through the transfer case control module and or the encoder motor so that's that's good and then there's another one here uh let's see what's this one uh light comes on hard to duplicate 308 I don't think ours is hard to duplicate uh let's see if Diagnostics do not lead to correction check all ground support connections if the ground shown in transfer case schematic are clean and tight also inspect engine grounds and so on and so forth so this is also I guess just kind of stating the same thing so that's that's pretty interesting um we'll have to keep that in our back pocket so we're going to continue on our path here the c308 uh gives us a description uh let's see what's it say it says transfer case motor is bi-directional so it goes both ways uh permanent magnet DC motor when energized through motor control A or B the ground is provided to the opposing motor control circuit so I got two wires power in the ground or ground in a power depends on which way it wants the motor go it just flip-flops the circuits uh and then ground let's see by posing the opposing motor control circuit then grounded through the transfer case shift control module ground circuit the motor through a series of Gears rotates the shaft which moves the mode and range Forks to shift the transfer case between High Auto too high neutral for low through all the ranges we'll say with the transfer case Motors energize the transfer case shift control module also energizes solenoid for the transfer case lock which we've done a video on that already the motor lock is disabled the Locking action is released and free turning of the transfer case motor and sector shaft is allowed this DTC detects a short to ground and motor control a or motor control B circuit so that's interesting uh conditions for setting the code uh the transfer case shift control module since is a low voltage return in motor A or B when the high voltage is expected so essentially we could have an open fuse so I think that's where we need to go first um before we check for shorts and all that stuff we're going to find us a diagram here let's see what do we want Powers grounds transfer case encoder motor that sounds good we'll click on that one and we'll see if we can find out where it gets its power from it's probably going to be one of these big Honky Tonks up here so this is motor control circuit oops enhance motor control circuit a or V and you can see how it switches from either ground or to 12 volts depending on which way it needs to turn we have our lock circuit in there so we know we're already looking at the right diagram because you guys probably remember that from the previous Chevy we worked on so we're going to be looking at this ATC fuse here Auto transfer case 20 ampere it's the big one under hood fuse box and then while we're down there we will check uh see that's in the left instrument panel we don't care about that I guess so let's do that let's go let's find this little fella right here ATC 20 amp and we'll go from there it's probably blown or missing is my guess oh somebody's been in here uh let's find the ATC it's right there ATC 20 amp right by the rear def so this one here because yeah rear defogger is a 30 ATC is a 20. we got you 30. we got you 20 of the fuses in it and let's see when's that hot just like my wife at all times we're gonna need this little guy I guess we better make sure it works boom it works boom boom okay so we have power on both sides does that mean that there's both legs of the fuse no Eric it doesn't good question let's grab a kiwi right there let's have a look at the fuse make sure the holes not just warm out here oh she's got good resistance I just heard something work down there underneath the vehicle come on little fella you can do it she looks good in the hole both legs are on the fuse I don't see excessive amounts of corrosion up in there and hold it up to the light oh she looks good yep I just heard the front axle actuator do its thing engage engage we do have power on both sides so that's good I guess we need to keep calm and carry on we need to go and check we need to check our circuit here on the motor we should have I don't know we should have power in I assume I don't know if both of them in their resting position if this is true are they both sitting on ground in the rest position I don't know if it has a circuit Integrity check I assume that one of those has power going down it um and then that's what it expects to see on the other side so let's do something well let's give this a try first folks we're going to unplug the motor the motor control circuit so that's going to be uh the four wire connector and it's going to be the red and black I think black is motor control A and B is motor control B red is b a is black and then I'm gonna see I don't know if this is going to work because I don't know if we're going to meet the right criteria I think the engine has to be running put on the brake and all that stuff but we're just going to stick a test light across a and b and I'm going to command it on with a scan tool and I just commanded it on and I'm not seeing any action there device limits exceeded it says Okay so let's go let's you know why because look I'm on the transfer case side we need to go on the harness side awesome first group of the day not gonna be my last so let's go to A and B on the harness side where something would actually happen if it was going to happen okay let's try this again I'm gonna go motor control B it tells me to set the parking brake start the engine hold the brake put it in neutral it's in neutral and the key's on so we're just going to give it the old College try here I turned it on and you can see it lights up I'm going to shut it back off so that was motor control B let's go to motor control a tells me the same thing I'm going to turn it on and we can see it lights the light so it appears it appears that we have control so what I want to know now because it seems that we can run at least four amps through it and I think it was only commanding it at 50 percent that light didn't seem crazy bright to me uh but in either case it was several amps so before we get too involved with that let's see do we have do we have continuity across this motor you know do we just have a bad transfer case motor I don't know what the resistance value will be it's probably going to depend on where it's sitting on the where the brushes are sitting but it should have continuity across it right so let's see what we have according to the ohm meter 2.4 ohms which I guess that's plausible so 2.4 ohms so why why is it indicating that the circuit is no good when it appears to function this is a product of a bad transfer case module whoa hey everybody needs to kind of calm down there we can see that sucker moved and I think it blew a fuse we didn't have it commanded on anymore I'm gonna pop back into the scan tool here and see if we can uh see what happened I'll tell you what happened is we blew a fuse I heard it snap I'm positive as soon as I plug that thing in I heard it pop yeah so you didn't even find the transfer case control module that time so let's change that fuse and find out what the Thunder happened there shouldn't have been any power applied to transfer case shift motor A or B so that's interesting that it that it blew the fuse let's see that's what happened yes sir she's open so that's curious okay it didn't blow I did hear the lock on the transfer case I'll do its thing let's set that to the side right there and then let's move the coffee uh not a sponsor let's re-read let's clear our codes and then it will reread them clear codes yes it's not clear enough uh let's back back out here foreign let's clear out our codes okay and it's still indicating a motor A B circuit fault which is really bizarre [Music] is that motor well here I got an idea can we do this um can we shift it let's see we can control circuit A and B which is no good because it doesn't disengage the lock so that's not helpful um this doesn't allow us to pick it doesn't allow us to pick which gear we want it in see that's the mode switch is that going to allow us to shift too high to 4i it does but nothing's happening down there okay front axle's unlocked it's not requested which is weird because we're requesting four High perhaps transfer case lock enabled for low all-wheel drive perhaps none of this is functioning simply because we have that circuit code let's do this so here's what I did you can see I have two test lights hanging one because in that connector there's four wires two of the wires control the transfer case lock gonna inhibit the movement of anything and then we've already established the other two wires for the transfer case motor control I want to know one thing is if when I command motor A and B to move does it disengage the lock let's first of all let's make sure we have okay so we have a good lock signal so our 194 bulb there is the one indicating when I'm commanding unlock the transfer case so we know that circuit works and then we already know transfer case control A and B both work but let's see if it lights up both of them let's see if it unlocks it and then tries to move it because that's going to be critical to know so I'll try to move it I'm going to turn the transfer case lock or the motor on oh it does it unlocks it then it moves the motor so that's interesting quit moving it it still has it unlocked I turn it off back back out and then then it relaxes so let's go to transfer case motor B so this is going to move it in the opposite direction hit okay so we should see if it does the same thing again it's going to unlock it and then move the motor and that that's the the proper process unlock moves the motor gets all the way to its end it's looking for certain inputs it's not seeing them it doesn't know what to do it disables everything and then turns the lock back on okay so I'm curious with our load substitute our you know substituted load I'm going to clear the codes out of it and see if it comes up with the fall I don't know what it's if the substituted load will be good or not and apparently it is because I just cleared the codes and now we have no fault now theoretically speaking if we remove our substituted load for the motor this is our transfer case motor thank you and then we come back and we reread the codes we should have a code for that motor why don't we have a code for the motor that is ridiculous okay maybe because [Music] it's it's detecting a complete short to ground through that motor let me plug that back in folks well I tell you what before we do let's unplug the lock let's see if it throws a code for the lock it should throw the code for the lock [Music] back back out of there go back to trouble codes we should have a lock code transfer case lock circuit low okay so must be the the 2.8 ohms or whatever it was that we had in this motor circuit is too low and unacceptable because it likes the substituted load of our four amp light but it does not like that transfer case motor which must be too low so we don't have a known good value and usually you don't have values on you know DC brush type Motors because they're Ever Changing so let's plug that back in let's plug it back and we'll clear the code see if we have our motor fault no communication so as soon as I plugged it in it blows a fuse that's pretty peculiar see if it did below this fuse let's see inside of these ones yes sir so I'm going to stick another fuse in there just heard the front axle disengage now some people are asking you know how come I haven't gone through and checked the ground yet uh a bad ground can't blow a fuse regardless of what the internet tells you a bad ground creates an open circuit open circuit creates low current it takes High current to blow a fuse so a short to ground will blow a fuse and I'm assuming internally in that motor it is shorted and drawing way too much current so just ohm checking across the motor again and we're down to 0.5 ohms okay uh what I want to know is so these wires go directly to you know to the transfer case shift motor so they come around in that Loom and then right into the motor and that's where the lock control circuit is also so we're going to leave one of these hooked up we're going to unhook one of these we're going to clamp it into this baby to see we have a short rate to the transfer case motor so we'll go right to ground [Music] and it did say in service data that there is a capacitor in the motor and that we have to leave it hooked for 10 seconds to get a true reading but we can see that that that leg of the circuit is direct shorted to ground okay that's one half of the uh the motor circuit has you know if we apply power to it it's just going to go up in smoke because clearly you know 0.3 ohms I guess we could check the other leg which is going to be the same thing so let's unhook this side and then we'll hook up this side let's see what that one says 0.3 um so it stands the reason why this thing blows a fuse I hate this meter why they can't leave the back Lighting on how are you son of a mother how many times you're gonna hit your head on that fella um I don't have any other answer for you folks this this transfer case shift motor is junk and we need a new one ah this puts me in a pekko I just looked it up uh the only one I can get today is either a reman junker from Napa or a doorman from Fast Freddy's down the street I don't like either Choice the one from GM is 640 something bucks I almost would rather have one from the junkyard than than either use a reman or a doorman I'd rather have a junk one um so maybe I see I was just looking here at the parts guide I see it fits 98 to O2 or 0102 Silverado so it's a pretty short year but down there at the Wilbert you pull the bath who doesn't sponsor us I know they got a lot of these old Chevys and I'm just thinking I know it's a gamble getting a used one but I'd almost rather have used OEM than new dormant or or Reef you know rebuilt because obviously that's what we already have we already have a reman that's already junk and I don't want to be the a-hole to put one on and then you know two weeks later a guy takes it and things broke again so I think we might go that route made the executive decision we're on our way to Wilbert's you pull the bath not a sponsor it is a decent day out 63 sunshine and 50 mile an hour winds oh that's two-wheel drive there's a four by four what year is this one 2000 I think that's compatible negative Ghost Rider 3500 that one's that's gotta be at least that's probably no five I like to find one it's not completely freaking rotted where's the Denali [Music] foreign folks I did not so this thing's never been out which is great because it's an oem ah the one bolt I had to wrench out when it hits the drive shaft I don't know if we're gonna have enough room here let me fiddle with this for a minute whoa it is windy it's windy and uh we did get one of the Chevrolet now this thing only fits a few years so unfortunately I did walk through all the rows of the Chevys and none of them I didn't find anything out there that was mint let's put it that way almost everything was rotted right in half but like I say this one does have a uh oh we have motor on it or appears to so I got that off couldn't really record it uh I was embarrassed I didn't bring enough stuff to get the drive shaft though I didn't bring anything to drive you up though I forgot I was in the way it's a little bit of finagling few swear words and boom out she comes so hopefully this one that we have is good or at least better than the reman or the doorman at any rate which I think it will be providing it works and then we'll go from there and uh you know see if we need to do any more diagnosing but kind of bizarre you know we're back hello back from the club see uh-huh you didn't even see my wristband the club had my hula hoop got some glow sticks what you cooking chicken what's up that's it I don't remember now you remember come find us we'll be fixing stuff I got some of the schmoo off this the white uh crusty stuff and I figure before because I figured we better find the wire to look for before we even stick this little guy in find out if it is shorted to itself so I hooked both of these up to the motor circuit so it should be you know whatever it's going to read across the brushes and stuff should be pretty low so this one is 1.4 ohms ohm and a half but more importantly we want to find out if it's shorted to the case like the other one was stick that on there and technically it shouldn't be and this says oh uh let's see yes sir make sure I got this going right and then we're gonna check the other side and it also says oh over the limit let's just make sure we do have a good we do have good continuity here let's make sure yep we do so case Decay I just want to make sure my connection was good so that's good so technically this one should work at least that portion of it we don't know if the rest of the rest of it could be junk but we should at least resolve our motor code let's make sure our lock circuit here is intact that should have you know maybe 10 or 15 or 20 ohms or 19.5 so that tells me that the lock circuits has connection so I'm going to take and stick this little guy on like I say she's not knit but it should be better than what we have and should go to some results here's oh that's my receipt where's the list we had a list there's quite a list of stuff they had that this thing fit like winning the lotto when you go there that's all the vehicles they had but uh O2 2002 basically Silverado's Avalanches Suburbans 99 some O3 Jimmy's um 98k 1500 but whatever we got us a gasket let me pop that on there uh where's our scan tool that's rap I found it we left it up here so let's open this back up let me uh here we'll set it down here and we'll go back in here let's see what we have for codes we're gonna have to clear them out probably so let's clear them out and let's this this motor we might have just wasted our time nope we didn't just waste our time awesome so no more coats so let's do this I think technically our button should be lit up now right all right no more service full drive this baby lit up oh she is she's in Fort low I don't know if I can have my foot on the brake nope we don't too high fancy look at that piece of junkorn from the junkyard works better than a new one I think we're done folks uh well probably ought to put some of this crap back together I guess anyhow I can't believe you guys hanging let's take it for a rip I didn't put the dash back either I did put the drive shaft in it one of those to check the function of this did check the grounds the g107 is simply the ground strap under the hood the g102 is that mother lover that lives on the left side of the engine block you know the one that when it doesn't work the car doesn't run that one let's go down to the South Main auto four wheel drive test facility [Music] see how things function she's got a lot of miles on her two and a quarter a lot for Chevrolet whoa no brakes there we go ABS got some unwanted ABS activation your classic wheel speed sensor Dropout from General Motors since 1997. we've made sure you coaster every stop sign someday they'll get it right maybe when they met the electric car ah great we can't go to our regular test facility because the town's there they're fixing up the ballpark so we better not go there and be jerks let's go to our other test facility I'll drive a test facility right here [Music] we'll turn in here we'll go out here where nobody can see us out on the slippery grass so let's see so we're in two-wheel peel right now let's give her some beans oh yeah oh she's ripping some rooster tails four High give it the whole shot oh she's hooking now boys all right back of two-wheel drive she shifts into the neutral into the four low I'll give her a four low hole shot you ready yeah thank you all right a little more excited than I should have all right back into the neutral back into the four high hopefully she's making a shift back into the two High all right let's uh turn this Beast around give me 48 in this rig around better not fall out there it could be a little saucy all right let's see yeah I tell you what let's see we're in two wheel drive ready oh I'm stuck I can't go what did I do boom put it in four Auto oh she's hooking now oh yeah all right there we go I don't know what else to do other than just drive it there's our previous burnout sick I guess we could Flex it up on this dirt pile get out of here before the cops show up I don't think the cops will show up but anywho I guess we just need to I don't know just give it back to the guy and see what happens uh if it works it works it broke down aren't they doesn't look like they got a flat tire stop and help them if they did maybe just taken a smoke break or something we'll leave it to that folks here's your bonus footage enjoy it there's nothing more we can do [Music]
Channel: South Main Auto Repair LLC
Views: 913,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OWz_1NGHgiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 28sec (2248 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 20 2022
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