Fixing a Viewer's BROKEN Gaming PC? - Fix or Flop S3:E13

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this here is another viewer's broken gaming PC and uh well this one is a really nice looking one a very modern computer and uh well it has a pretty big problem it doesn't post there we go it doesn't send a picture to a monitor so we should see at least some sign of life from this rig when we attempt to turn it on I've got my phone here because I want to read to you the specifications of this rig again it's practically brand new the motherboard is an Asus strix z690f the CPU is a core I9 12900k he's got 32 gigs of 5600 megahertz ddr5 in here and the GPU is a Zotac Trinity RTX 3080. so yeah she's a Beefcake also yes my hair is a disaster let's just get that out of the way up front I've been troubleshooting rigs all night and uh well this is just just what happens like this piece of hair just doesn't want to doesn't want to listen but anyway welcome to fix or Flop if you're new here pertinent info is in the video description just know that everything you see us do in this playlist is done free of charge we don't charge anything at all for the troubleshooting service we also don't charge for replacement parts I'll do my best to replace what I can sometimes I have to dip into my own pocket sometimes we have manufacturers step in and support us that way with products but uh yeah I'm gonna try my best to get this one back up and running we'll see how much effort uh it's gonna take it's a shame it's something that's new has to be broken this early in its life crossing fingers stay with me extra is a leading smart wallet brand with Innovative design solutions to improve the way you carry important items their Unique Card mechanism ensures ease of access to your frequent Plastics supporting up to six at a time plus additional inside the band extra wallets are super Compact and packed with RFID protection meaning they're not only easy to carry but also super safe wherever you go choose between premium leather models or aluminum like we bought before here and include attachments like air tags or are there any tracker cards to ensure they're never misplaced get up to 40 off extra wallets when you use our special offer code is Salazar by clicking the sponsor link below let's jump straight into it then first things first like I said we gotta power this on and attempt to replicate the issue described by the owner that's going to give us an important Baseline uh so that we are on the same page as the viewer first off and also kind of let us know where we need to start with our troubleshooting it looks Health why are CP fans not spinning or this I'm an idiot I'm an idiot I saw the I saw the frame at the rear and I thought those were the blades the blades were spinning now there's no hope I didn't damage that fan uh but these fans definitely aren't spinning so that's strange and we have no post by this point we should have gotten something also trying here connecting to the motherboard so I'd be running off integrated Graphics still nothing so that's a real shame um I really hope it's not the card because there's no way on Earth I can replace a 3080. I mean even at the prices these cards are leveling at now it's still a very expensive component that I just can't afford to continue replacing and the very first thing I'm going to do is try reconnecting these fans I know that seems like a super odd thing to keep a system from posting but I've seen weirder a lot of Asus boards in fact will not post or at least they won't let you past the post screen without connecting a fan to the CPU header so we'll see what we're dealing with here you know though it's really weird that um even with them connected they turn on for a split second and then they just completely stop like I've never seen that before unless this is manually configured I'm not sure why you would manually disable your CPU fan header I mean if you're not using them you don't need to disable them uh these fans aren't spinning at all we also have a Dr debug it's not Dr Diva but it's a series of debug LEDs up there at the top and none of them light up like at all so it's not even getting past the first check so at this point I'm ready to start taking things out of the rig that aren't vital and will test as we go piece by piece so the first thing I want to take out is a graphics card because even if even if the card was fine we should still get a picture out through the 12900k via the motherboard through its HDMI port now I tried that earlier when we first powered the system on but as if the card's connected it's going to try to send picture through the card so that HDMI port will never work anyway if we take the card out you'll force uh display out through the board and that's what I want to rule out first that this is potentially a card issue because that is probably the worst case scenario here and she is a very nice looking 3080 indeed I really like what Zotac did with this model here I don't see any signs of abuse otherwise uh yeah looking pretty healthy pretty new again I don't think this core I9 is the F SKU so we should have integrated graphics and we should get a picture out if this rig at this point was healthy so it's just weird I know you can't see probably from that angle but these two CPU Cooler fans just cut out right away that's not what they should be doing I don't think we're gonna get anything here just gonna wait a bit just to be just to cover all of our bases oh wait just a tad and debug LEDs are not lit still it's weird I can hear the fans ramp down as though the rig has posted but uh yeah this isn't this isn't doing it for us that ain't it Chief again yeah so I just powered the system on and you'll see nothing these fans stop and nothing here something should be lighting up I wonder if there's an issue with a socket or the CPU itself possibly just another motherboard issue um who really knows so now continuing with our rig deconstruction we're going to start disconnecting all of the non pertinent cables so things like front panel uh front panel wires HD audio USB 3 Type C all that stuff we're just going to leave a 24 pin and the 8-pin EPS connected that's it nothing else this should rule out any uh incomplete wiring maybe a short on some sort of peripheral side maybe like there's a like there's actually a couple hubs back here maybe there's an issue with one of the hubs right bypassing all of that limiting the functioning components to just the core of the platform the ram the motherboard and the CPU along with the power supply of course just helps us again narrow that scope that's the goal we're just trying to narrow the scope to one or two components at that point we can just swap one or the other and we'll have our answer hopefully so let's actually I can't even push that button because I've disconnected everything let's trip the two power pins okay now of course we don't have any lights it doesn't look like the system's on because everything else is off I can hear the power supply fan I just don't get I mean what could it be now motherboard how many are you betting on the motherboard I know some of you are CPU other things I've already done off camera I'll go ahead and mention I've cleared the CMOS of course it's one of the first things I do when troubleshooting I have checked his Ram seating now I have not checked to see if his dims are okay or if we have a dead memory Channel which might be CP related because that memory controller is in the CPU let's see if swapping some dims fixes this I doubt it but it's worth a shot I'm gonna try sliding in a single Corsair Vengeance ddr5 dim into every single slot on this board just to yeah just to roll out memory again it's a pretty straightforward quick process which is why we're tackling it first but alas regardless of the slot I try I still can't get a post here so uh moving on then and it doesn't look like there's anything wrong at all with his power supply so that means we're dealing with either a motherboard or CPU issue surprise surprise right away when I noticed the debug LEDs not lighting up I knew we were probably headed in this direction uh it's just yeah it looks like there's some sort of power delivery issue possibly a screwed up socket it's very easy to do with LGA so let's see so let's see what we're dealing with uh First Impressions pretty darn clean this is the underside of his CPU it is in fact a 12900k and uh yeah untouched uncleaned it looks are already pretty darn solid there's a bit of overspray on thermal paste at the bottom there but otherwise yeah looks fine and here is his main board laid out before us again I don't see physical issues with this nothing super obvious at least I have quickly scanned over it the socket looks fine I'll show you a close-up of that you see I don't see any bent pins I don't see any missing pins there's no debris lodged in here from what I can tell so it doesn't look like something I could fix quickly if it was a physical defect maybe you know he bent some pins or something when installing the CP for the first time I I think I think it's going to be a board problem I'd wager the board crapping out before the CPU does he does have two m.2s installed unless these are installed incorrectly though I doubt these are the problem we're still going to remove them though as a variable during our testing oh wow I take that back uh that's three nvme's in the same system uh yeah I haven't really seen that in the playlist yet it's a new rig you know he's got lots of work and stuff I imagine on here so makes sense but we're still gonna remove them a few moments later all right so now uh in one last attempt we've got everything narrowed down to just the motherboard and CPU right well I've got my own power supply here my own graphics card my own stick of ddr5 I just for peace of mind's sake want to verify that one of these two is bad and we'll use these extra components to verify which one is bad after this assuming this doesn't post and I don't believe it will I'm actually curious if this chip even gets hot so this should have powered on and it is not warming up at all there is virtually no power getting to this CPU no post nothing no lights Illuminating Elsewhere on the board see I don't want to put another CPU in this motherboard just in case the board nuked the chip I don't want it to also nuke one of my working core i9s so I'm going to put his core I9 in a newer uh well not a newer it's just going to be a replacement z690 motherboard it's just so strange and this system is on right now I know it doesn't look like it's on but it is I mean fans would be spinning things you saw earlier in this video but this is this is room temperature that's just insane so now you can see from behind the desk we've got the replacement board this is a what is this an Asus uh Maximus hero like extreme it's a pretty beefy z690 board and then we've got our power supply here gonna go ahead and turn this on and then we're going to push this is a good sign those are lit up push start and I'm just just going to hold my hand over the CP for a few seconds to see if this warms up if it doesn't warm up and this chip is completely completely dead and in fact it is not getting hot what on Earth happened to this CPU zero zero it's completely dead I've got to be honest I'm a bit I'm a bit surprised by this one I mean it's such a new chip I mean only a generation old and depending on when this was manufactured maybe a few months old as a time of filming it's just it's dead as a doorknob and um well that's a shame I do thankfully have a few 1200ks to replace his width though I want to try putting one of my known working chips into his original motherboard we'll see if we can get a post there so here we go then dropping my chip in his board and uh let's see what happens I'm Gonna Keep the camera on the motherboard so that you can uh search for any sign of Life along with me I'm going to keep a cooler off I'm literally just looking for any sign of Life at this point honestly if I just get some heat coming off the chip that's confidence enough for me to want to put all this back together and then test uh test fully so I'm going to be watching up top here not sure if the cable's in the way if you can see that or not but these four debug LEDs I'm gonna be looking for those to light up and I'll be checking the heat on this new chip so let's see there's power and let's go ahead and jump it there we go up right away right away we've got signs of life and the chip is heating up as expected I am not going to let it run much longer than this though it was hung up on dram but that's uh that's a separate issue I think so we're already much further along than we were before I am confident enough to go ahead and throw this entire platform uh back together with his original hardware and try for a post platform going back in and getting wired up now the graphics card is going back in and I did notice that he's just running a pair of Daisy chained eight pins for supplemental power I believe he's supposed to be running two separate 8-pin cables it really depends on I think the the gauge of the wire that the PSU manufacturer uses and a few other things but I will let him know to be on the safe side he should probably throw on a separate second cable I can't really do anything about it here because I don't have another cable set for the specific power supply anyway that aside I think everything else has been wired up his drives are back in let's go ahead and give it a shot Crossing everything I got here I hope that this works let's see power up front there we go looks good all fans are spinning RGB is working we are getting debug LEDs right now it's lit for Dram I think it is training that memory okay let's see lights off now come on give me something give me something that should be a boot we've got a boot LED lit on the board we should be getting something here come on yes there it is that is our post and it came down to a dead 12th gen loaded Intel Core I9 CPU what the heck all three of his m.2s are detected we've got the core I9 registered and looks like we just need to hop in and configure ddr5 and we'll be good to go by the way about two-thirds of what you see in each of these videos actually makes it into the Final Cut about a third of the work doesn't actually even get filmed and I do my best to try to make up for that wherever possible in a pinned comment especially for a video like this I don't want people thinking that I overlooked something very obvious that has happened before and I'm sure it'll happen again but I am of course doing my best to mitigate those mishaps not only for your sake but for the sake of the owners of the rigs in question I don't suspect that this is a bios issue with his original board because well for one this chip wasn't even getting hot and that's um that's usually a sign of some sort of power delivery issue or an internal issue with the chip but also an identical SKU did work in his board so again I think that rolls out the BIOS issue altogether trying in a totally separate motherboard board where again it should be natively supported z690 exact same symptoms the CPU wouldn't get hot at all I tried a different power supply tried all kinds of stuff we we literally narrowed it down to a single stick of ddr5 the motherboard and the CPU and still couldn't get this thing to post let alone power on so I'm inclined to write this one off as just a cook chip I might send this into Intel depending on if I can get in contact with someone there and maybe have them look at it I'm sure they have some diagnostic tools they can hook this up into and see what specifically is wrong with it we tried multiple memory channels and just everything I could think of but usually when you see a debug code 0 0 that means there's something fatally wrong with the chip in question on that note thank you so much for watching this far into this one and uh dealing with this awkward transition period that is my hair I'm really glad that we're able to get the system back up and running again and all it took was a new CPU at 12 900k but I have a few of those so I was uh I wasn't hesitant to to give him a replacement um I did ask him if his CP was in the return window he apparently had his friend order the like an identical rig to his on Amazon and uh this was only built like two weeks ago as a time of filming so it's possible it it does fall under the return window but uh I mean that's to me that's the easy way out I'd rather reach out to Intel and see if we can know a bit more about that chip because if you return that dead chip to Amazon they're just gonna scrap it or they're going to do something with it that has nothing to do with you know an informative piece that we're trying to put together here so hopefully I can shed a bit more light in the future onto what happened with that chip it might just be a manufacturing defect but it does sound like it was Dead on Arrival which is a shame and it's possible someone else might have completely bricked it and then sent it back to Amazon and then it was repackaged and resent who knows I don't I don't really know the full story here but uh yeah I mean the gist of it is his system works again everything is fully functional and uh yeah he can get back to gaming and working on his pretty beefy rig with that if you enjoyed watching this video give it a thumbs up don't be shy I'd appreciate that also if you haven't already consider subscribing that is a huge help for us we upload videos like these all the time and I just I I really think this is the bread and butter of the channel at this point I mean fixing computers or at least attempting to the entertainment Factor behind that especially if I make a fool of myself on camera I'm not afraid to do that to show my mistakes on camera I've done that many times before uh and then the the sheer inform of aspects as well I think all of that just makes for a really cool playlist and so that's why I want to keep it going if you have a broken system and you want a chance to have it fixed for free and you live in or around Orlando Florida I would uh I would strongly encourage you to submit a form Linked In this video description and yeah I'll get to you as quickly as I can we do have a very large queue and more entries are submitted every single day it's pretty crazy how many systems are out there with issues that said if the issue is like intermittent spotty like oh well occasionally my computer crashes like you're going to be pushed pretty far pretty far toward the back of the line over especially over folks who have like very chronic you know my system doesn't turn on at all or my system doesn't post issues those are the ones I like to tackle first at least you can use your rig kinda sorta these rigs you can't use at all and those are the ones I want to tackle first so just bear that in mind when you do uh if you do happen to submit a form there but yeah that interest is appreciated it allows me to continue doing what I'm doing here as does your viewership with that I'm gonna get out of here it's um the day before two days before Thanksgiving so if you celebrate that Happy Thanksgiving uh just be safe especially if you're traveling and for those around the world if you're watching the World Cup let me know who you're rooting for in the comment section I hope it's your home country I that would be it'd be really weird to not root for your home team although I will admit I have rooted for Spain in the past especially when like USA had no chance we might have a chance this year I don't know the USA and soccer football kind of iffy but we'll see I'd love to see them in the quarters semis that'd be pretty cool so yeah all that down below I'll meet you there my name is Greg thanks for learning with me you know I just realized by the time this video goes live the World Cup will be over what am I what am I thinking this is gonna be like episode what 13 14 15 somewhere in that ballpark and I'll just read the title but uh yeah by then World Cup will be over so someone already won a country's already won who will it be
Channel: Greg Salazar
Views: 148,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: greg salazar, greg salazar fix or flop, computer repair, how to, how to fix a pc, broken pc, broken gaming pc, fixing a viewer's pc, fixing a viewer's broken gaming pc, fix or flop s3E13, fof, fix or flop, pc doesn't post, pc no post, how to fix a computer, how to fix, viewer pc, fix or flop season 3, how to troubleshoot, pc doesn't turn on, pc won't post, Pc won't power on, fix or flop episodes, fix, or, flop, broken pcs, pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2023
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