This seemed like the ultimate gimmick... then I used it...

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you know i'm bored i'm bored like you guys i'm sick and tired of the same old thing the cookie cutter videos where we're just like hey here's more computer crap that you know because of inflation prices right now you can't afford it trust me i'm burned out just as much as you so that's why i've been kind of like going on amazon a lot lately and just looking for what kind of weird tech crap that i can find and well i found this and i really don't know what to expect but you should expect this ad [Music] the new h7 series from nzxt offers tempered glass side panels tool-less panel removal for easy installation front and top side 360 millimeter radio support and integrated cable management bar for clean cable installs to see the complete feature set and variations of the h7 available including the h7 flow follow the link in the description below i like how this comes in this like made to fit your order custom box thingy yeah it's actually actually makes sense because one of the things that amazon was like in trouble for for a long time was using giant boxes for little things because apparently a computer said this is the size box that makes it fit perfectly in the truck so you could fit as much stuff in the truck as somebody used to work for fedex and had to load their own truck i don't know if it would have been any better to be honest anyway custom packaging here nothing says quality like a brown box there's nothing inside of it and i need a knife because there's tape so how much did i spend on this i forgot because i ordered it like a week ago it's one of those things i was like oh is it next day no it's next week anyway i'm glad it came because you know how that goes sometimes how much did i spend on this i mean you don't even know what it is yet i look at the price because i forgot 400 bucks [Music] i think this is neat because this sort of we've done some videos about like how to do our sensor panels you saw me kind of going through the trouble of getting my sensor kind of working my system over there because it was not working properly this is kind of a combo deal which i think might which i think might actually end up working right for a lot of people i'm hoping this isn't some oem odm that just copied someone's design and is currently being sued uh so i don't know if that's the case it's like the exact same packaging as this is probably ripped off from somebody so i apologize if this all right so based on that packaging in this packaging this company uh this team g absolute criminals and crooks so we're doing a follow-up piece on this monitor thing that we did uh they completely stole this design what i mean stole i mean they are actively being sued and is and is currently in litigation in china like that's hard to do in china it's so egregious they're in trouble in china whoever the original manufacturer of this is once you reach out to me so just everyone can be happy it's essentially like a panel built into the keyboard so what this would allow you to do is actually be able to have that neat sensor panel thing that we were showing you how to do only it's part of the keyboard it's clicky clicky phil likes the clicky clicks so it's essentially a 65 keyboard uh maybe a little bit more because it doesn't 65 have those keys i don't remember anyway there's no f row um i don't even see a function key i don't even know if it has f row at all um we'll get to that point in a second here here's the other accessories it comes with um a very generic wrist pad hey it's very anti-slippy not the best wrist pad but it's got a wrist pad um a carrying bag to put it in because obviously since there's a screen you'd want to sort of protect that cherry style keycaps you could put custom key caps on this if you wanted the manual hey it's actually color that it's pretty neat oh and then this is the chinese side so color manual and then in terms of connectivity it's got your usbc because remember this doesn't have to carry the signal now of two monitors and it's only half of 1080p so i bet you we could get away with having just the single usbc on here if you don't have a usbc it also comes with a conversion cable that goes from two usb type a to a display port okay sure so the other thing too is it is touch screen so it would make remember we always try and we have that philosophy that we go by like i said which is does it do what it's designed to do so in this case is it designed to be a keyboard and a screen which by the way will take this off is a glossy screen a glossy screen with a touch screen uh or digitizer touch is a digitizer panel and it's very weighty too i want to point that out okay does it do that well as long as i turn it on and it works then the answer is yes um is there a need for it so when we talk about a need like i said in the other multi-panel setup for a laptop the need would be if you're doing mobile um live streaming yeah quick easy setup for a live streaming station or a perfect editing station so if you've got timelines and you've got asset folders up and stuff it gives you an easy way to just in one carry bag have everything you need to be able to do your on the road editing then the third one is going to be the price 389 dollars is what this one costs a decent mechanical keyboard is probably going to run you you know a solid 70 bucks maybe for like real switches and stuff so which means we're paying about 300 bucks for the panel so that becomes a pretty steep kind of a cost there however the thing to keep in mind too is anything that is packaged like this in convenience and small form factor and stuff is going to cost more speaking of package on the back i forgot to mention we do have giant anti-slip feet as well as the pop-up legs now one thing that i would have liked to have seen at this price point before we even get into the functionality of it is i would have loved to have seen the screen be on a hinge because my problem is it's at the same it's at the same exact plane as the keyboard now oftentimes when you're sitting down in a chair because it's it's glossy there's going to be quite the reflection if you have a panel in front of you that's just going to be a reflection of the panel in front of you so i would have loved to have seen the screen because look how thick the enclosure is i would love to have seen the screen be on a hinge that you could pop up out of the enclosure look straight on make it a strong enough hinge because it is a touch screen so if you're pushing on it you don't want it you know popping back down that way if you're just using it as a secondary display of some sort and if you're using it as a touchscreen you can just fold it down or even have a little pop-out kickstand on either side that kind of stands up inside the so it comes up and the kickstand flips down and then that'll hold its position as you're touching on it i would have liked to have seen that because i do believe the angle of this is odd and then on the back because it does have a built-in menu um here's the usbc here's your double usb-a if you have to plug that into the uh like displayport i don't think this is going to carry a hub signal we'll check it but i don't think this works as a hub it could i don't know but anyway power button and then plus and minus button for when you're navigating through the menu so anyway let's get this hooked up let's get it some sort of a signal going to this and let's just see if this has any practical use for 390 bucks all right so it's hooked up to my laptop you can see right now it is just display mirroring i'm checking for a latency right now between the mouse cursor and so far it's not see what we experienced with the pop-out panels was some latency where you wiggle the mouse and then you can see the main panel mouse wiggle because the high refresh rate panel and then the side ones just it's a few milliseconds behind but enough to be actually perceived with your with the naked eye without even having to measure it so that what that obviously leads to issues it's resolution right now is super funky because it's just mirroring this desktop but check this out there is rgb here it's down fire and you can see some of it does go through the keycaps um before we get going here let's take a look at the menu hey can we actually control whoops brightness this time does it is it changing a backlight i don't know oh yeah it is it's just from 0 to 100 is more like from 60 to 75. first thing i want to check now is do we get any sort of pass-through with this connected to usb-c so if we want to make this like a hub for keyboard mouse and stuff and then you just have you know laptop off to the side or whatever it does so it actually does have pass-through on there that's awesome so that doubles as both usb-c a are assuming usb-a signal to displayport plus [Applause] it's a hub the touchscreen aspect of it clearly works let's go to that way you guys can see their gaming mats are back in stock sorry it took like six months to get them okay i'm excited that they're back get yours linked down below so it really just feels like if i were on like a microsoft tablet at this point so keeping in line with number two on our trifecta of whether or not a product is worth it does it serve a purpose so what i've done here is i set up our obs in more of a horizontal layout where i was able to have a screen preview right here um we have our sources there our scenes there and then we have obviously our start stop uh streaming buttons there and then we've got our audio meters but because this is a touch screen it would give us i'm gonna move this here for a second more like this it gives us an easy way to be able to control audio meters whoops if you actually touch it jay it helps so you're kind of seeing what why isn't that going now because it was going just fine for me a minute ago there we go that was weird i had to click it i think maybe i had to click on it for obs to bring that to the foreground or something but anyway you can see now we can adjust audio meters i was doing this a whole bunch off camera and it was working just fine so now you can see some of the nuances of this i think it just has something to do with it being at full right next to that speaker button because what i was doing is i was muting and unmuting quite a bit most people are not going to be adjusting their sliders a whole bunch like that um i wonder if setting it vertical would help so you can do a vertical layout like this what's that vertical seems to work a little better i think once you just get used to where to touch like i'm noticing it's just slightly to the left then it seems to work just fine but you could also quickly mute if you needed to you know if your mom's coming in it's like you gotta go to bed and you're like mom just five more minutes please i got finally got some viewers in my case it's like wife can i please have five more minutes okay guys sorry about that yeah uh also too over here on the scenes because remember you can arrange this however you want like i didn't want to scoot that over too far but if you do scenes as a grid layout you can easily switch between scenes like there's me with the webcam and there's phil look phil's famous now so you can literally just switch between scenes quickly and stuff like that it kind of turns it into like a i don't want to say a stream deck because this doesn't do like obviously like this doesn't do stream deck functions but this just allowed us to set up obs in a certain way that allows it to always be here in our face you know and then you're like oh i want to switch scenes just there we go we switched the scene just that easy that's the only thing we wish we could do we wish obs would allow us to scale some of the buttons up to make it a little bit more touch screen friendly but as you can see i mean that's working just fine so this is a decent use case so some other examples of ways that you could use this professionally you could have some asset folders open down here we've got our premiere open over there i do kind of wish these maybe had a a mirrored set on the side or something so in this instance it's going off to the side or whatever but that's fine if we're not for using a keyboard and a mouse like this it's perfectly fine that it would be in front of the keyboard the laptop but now you've got a lot of depth to have to worry about um you know if you didn't want to do it that way you could also pop out yours your timeline here so you'd be able to quickly maybe have your volume sliders and stuff here because phil's always working with those knobs and things um you'd have that set up down there we've seen like pictures of this being used with something something like garageband or audition where you can just have touch sliders and stuff to deal with different gains on different tracks you know there's a lot of opportunity there let's talk about the oem odm oh and before we get to that uh typing it's kind of fat i mean it's really a fat keyboard it's not very low profile and then with the legs kick down like that it definitely makes me have to really get my wrists up the bottom of the wrist pad as you can see is curved so it tends to roll around a lot but see and it also kind of teeter-totters a little bit so it doesn't exactly make it the nicest thing almost like this is just a nice to have that they threw in [Applause] whatever it would have been if it maybe had a magnetic thing that's like when it comes to type b it's not too bad for someone like me who sucks i actually feel like i'm a little more accurate on this keyboard than i've been and phil can tell ya i'm always like [Applause] all right last but not least let's talk about the switch themselves because they are apparently hot swappable well swappable i should say there we go okay so they are gatoron switches which we found out in the manual and they are hot swappable does that mean i would go in here and change all the switches well no because you've already paid a lot of money for this keyboard so if you do that then the value whoops goes absolutely out the window so 389 dollar thing turns into like a 500 thing or however many this i think the switches are like two bucks a piece or something like that but look how many switches there are so that makes it nice to replace the switch if it goes sluggish or stops working or whatever an issue we have with the gator on switch is though compared to like cherry is there's no stabilization so they're very wobbly um that some people might hate that i personally don't mind a sloppier keyboard for me the tighter the keyboard the worse my typing is because it just exacerbates how bad am i typing because my accuracy sucks but you can switch the keycaps if you want but anything you do like that is just going to add to the price and that's something worth keeping in mind you might want to get yourself a screen protector for this i do sell them on amazon if you're going to be using it as a touch screen because it's kind of it's not very slick there's a lot of like friction it's very kind of grabby that's gonna depend i have calluses on my finger so that's gonna depend on your skin oils and stuff but i would rather be touching around on a touchpad or touchscreen protector than the touchscreen itself so i would highly recommend that all right so let's talk about the legitness being the last thing because that's gonna that's legitness we don't want anyone getting kind of screwed by somebody that might be manufacturing this without their permission um which is unfortunately how it happens a lot of times with like chinese oem odms is they'll take a product that they're paid to make and they'll make it for that company but then they'll make a crap ton more of them for their own profit and selling them directly under the premise that it's the real product i mean unfortunately it happens with all kinds of products all the way down to graphics cards we've seen fake nvidia and fake amd cards it's no surprise the interesting thing about this is fitchip when we look that up what we come back with i keep grabbing the mouse that's not plugged in we come back with a kickstarter what's funny is the manual matches that is the overall design but one of the things i noticed here is that the actual fitship logo on their official kickstarter the font doesn't match what's on here so that's sketchy but then phil and i were talking about it and he was saying that even in china like one thing about knocking off the product is they put their own company name on there and that even in china it's a big deal to put your name on top of someone else's thing like like or steal their name and put it on your thing so name stealing is kind of a big deal there but i'm just a little thrown off by the fact that it has a different font but when i search here too automatically all of the backing and this was last updated in january so this kickstarter has not been updated in seven months january 10th so seven months all the pledge amounts are in hong kong dollars so that tells me that this kickstarter and it's even right here the the location of this product is hong kong hong kong that makes me feel a little bit more comfortable with the fact that when i also search for any sort of reviews on the product i come back with which i don't know anything about them i don't know how well they vetted this and then i click i click on the link they provide it brings me back to amazon that has again the the actual sale of the product with the name and no other name in there for the same price the only thing that's a little sketchy about that is when i go to their store they have the triple monitor extender from ophea p2 12-inch screen extender portable monitor which i happen to know that these pull out ones are absolutely not made by this company because that company reached out to me to tell me all about how the chinese odms have stolen their design and they're currently in litigation but i think that's on bqaa for selling the fake product because when we scroll down here here's the single panel design from that same company when we come down here here's the k1 panel which is a membrane uh with the touch screen touch buttons on the side or physical buttons on the side and then here's the one that we've got right here but those just say fit chip they don't say any other brand like this one here monitor extender from offhaya whatever it is so what i'm going to do is i'm going to put a link to both the kickstarter down below which i think is over because it hasn't been updated in seven months but just so you can see the official launch of this product and then i'm going to put the amazon listing for the one that just says fidget with no other name i'm having a hard time finding i think honestly this might have been a kickstarted thing in hong kong just to get the manufacturing up and going and now they're probably selling it to these other brands directly i honestly think that might be what's happening or there's manufacturing in other brands themselves it's just the manufacturing landscape out in in east asia is very odd when it comes to whose owns what designs it just browse around the text section on amazon and you'll you'll realize just how crazy that is when it comes to the one-off stuff but i think it's a cool product is it 390 plus tax you know 400 worth well that's purely subjective i personally think that the extended panels would have more use to us personally than this but i think that this would also be a great addition to anybody looking to add more screen real estate and or functionality to their existing setup if they're not a keyboard snob and have a very specific keyboard they want to use otherwise then you would just get yourself a usbc external panel with touchscreen separate from the keyboard and then you just use that to do your thing which actually would give you more real estate because you wouldn't be dealing with a 515 pixel vertical height so anyway there you go guys sound off down below how you guys feel about this product i think it's neat i love looking for weird crap like this oh hey functional keyboard model k2 fit chip shenzhen technology made in china i'm not surprised from shenzhen but whatever all right guys thanks for watching hope you guys enjoyed the weird stuff if you've got any suggestions of like weird tech that you think we should review then uh send me some links to the products on amazon or something i'm not going to click any odd links to the product maybe it'll make its way on here and if we showcase something that you sent to us then we'll give you a shout out in the video and you guys can be like hey look i'm in one of jscrappy's videos i'm awesome not me i'm you guys are awesome all right we'll see you later i'm done
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 1,888,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FICIHP, keyboard, mechanical keyboard, keyboard with a screen in it, keyboard with a screen, keyboard screen, editing mod, best mod for editing, best mod for streaming
Id: C71C-hHY3t8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 11 2022
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