I did a repaste on my Laptop... did it make a difference?!

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so this hair dryer that you hear going right next to me is my brand new uh personal gaming laptop this was a a falcon Northwest unit it's got a 13900 HX CPU and an RTX 4080 laptop GPU in it that I am currently doing some thermal testing with right now I'm not doing a full review of this it's basically the same as like the 4090 we looked at only it's a 4080 inside of it um but I want to see if I can make this thing quieter and cooler and to do that means we have to take it apart kelp I really hope I don't break it [Music] the new md7 full tower PC case from fantex creates the perfect picture frame to show off your system insane airflow and direct GPU cooling creates the best possible environment for modern high power gpus while the internal and external Cable Management Systems make building and maintaining your system extremely user-friendly the integrated drgb lighting is controlled by an included dual Channel drgb controller with all new effects allowing you to make your system Uniquely Yours to see the full spec list and options follow the link in the description below so I'm running out of control right now which is um Speedway in the background it's an RTX title pumping as much heat as I can into the 4080. as you can see we are running in clock speeds anywhere between 2200 to 2400 at low 70s this is actually pretty impressive considering the fact that it's just a laptop but because it's the bigger chassis designed for the 4090 with a 4080 in there that's a lower watt part it's actually performing pretty well the CPUs also chilling at 70c because it is a shared heat pipe system when the GPU or the CPU generate heat it will affect the other component because they are touching each other through the same heat pipes so that's why the fan curves are pretty much linked I've got it running maximum fan speed right now and I'm a little conflicted on this test ultimately I want to see if I can lower the temps by repasting the thermal paste I don't think it's going to make a difference ultimately I might consider putting I have Kingpin in here right now which is drop the temps on anything I've used it on even if it's fresh good thermal paste I'm debating doing liquid metal our limiting factor here ultimately it's just the amount of cooling capacity there is in the cooler now when we take it apart you'll see it I'm not convinced I'll be able to get these temps down much lower than this I mean Phil saw when we did the 40 90 review of although it wasn't a falcon Northwest It Was An Origin PC they're both Tom Fang units like which are odms it was in like the upper 80s like one to hit 90 but that's a much higher watt part I think at 170 Watts 180 Watts something like this where this is like 150 which is quite a bit less um but if I go automatic fan speed and so anyway this is where I'm kind of capped out on my temps and this is what I'm looking for here if I go if I get these temps to come down at all under the same static fan speed that means this the PC will be able to operate more quietly at the same temperature when I have the fan curve enabled so that's just going to allow me to reduce the Acoustics but if I don't walk the fans I'll probably still see the same temperatures but I'd probably see the same temperature at a lower RPM of the fan speed which I'd rather monitor the temps than just the fan RPM but I will be looking at both anyway moving on here if I go to automatic you can hear it quiets down quite a bit it only comes down about a thousand RPM but that's quite a bit of acoustic change but what you'll notice now is the temperatures will start to climb so that the temperature is already up almost 2C on the CPU that's 75. it happens fairly quickly so that's why I go maximum when I'm doing this sort of test but 71 the 73 the 71 on this the CPU and like 73 to 74 Max on the GPU again not bad so I'm gonna bump this on maximum fan speed for a couple minutes cool the unit down we'll flip it over open it up and see if I can tear this apart I never repasted the 4090 because of the fact that it was not my laptop so I didn't want to potentially break it this one is my laptop this is mine not for the company this is mine I've already spent four and a half hours sitting in a Starbucks playing Diablo 4 to sort of get acquainted with it so my wife is getting her hair done and she didn't want to drive to drive to La so I drove her and then I sat in Starbucks for four and a half hours I also want to point out that our js2 sense gaming mats also make great work surfaces so if you need something soft to work on gsgsense.com has them ready to go our new design and are traditional anyway the thing I love most about these particular laptops is they are designed with serviceability and user openability in mind because you can upgrade the the storage as well as the ram in these units they're not soldered in like a lot of companies are doing these days to try and promote you not being able to update your unit so on this one the rear comes off this is just like the 4090 it's exactly the same and then it's got pop rivets all the way around not pop rivets but tabs and there's also screws right here in the front so if it doesn't come out immediately easily they'll just start yanking on it same can be said if it doesn't go in Easy giggity giggity go so these four screws on the edge of the battery and Link the battery loose I want to disconnect the battery because I don't want there being any power going to any of this while I'm working on it I'm just going to use I fix a little plastic tool to take off the lug right here there's a lot of little surface doodads around it so be careful while taking that off here we go now our battery is free those numbers on the cooler so one two three that's seven this is the order at which you put them back down by the way and that's about torquing it all down and squishing the thermal paste and stuff so I just wanted to point that out typically you would take them off in the reverse order and I think 11 is the highest number we've got right there these are spring-loaded so they should be captive nine eight oh it does a 12. okay it's twelve seven three two one words four five and six I have a feeling it might be these three but they're not numbered because there's no other screws on it that's captive that's captive Captain three two one I wonder if this wire is one that works for both oh no the other one's right here okay so it's under the SSD so let's take the SSD out so there's that fan wire so this should be oh one more 13's right here that's not a captain so this should just pop out now [Music] there's a lot of thermal paste on that look at that the thermal pads on the ram just disintegrated as you can see it just ripped apart so now we gotta replace those quite a bit of thermal paste right here on the CPU so this is the CPU it essentially looks like a desktop looks very similar to a desktop 13900 only it's a direct die contact this should be the GPU right here and this is GPU Ram around it if there were 40 90 these two would be occupied right there so that's why there's pads there but nothing on it okay so I need to clean this up now and thermal pad application looks pretty good or like the thermal grease I'm gonna have to do something about these are very dry right here but uh that's okay I have additional thermal pads that I can use for the memory I'm using this spudger which is plastic by the way do not do this with metal feels like dry thermal paste and it's coming apart like paste not like a pad all right so this is all nice and clean there's our GPU our GPU Ram is nice and clean our CPU is nice and clean now I've got to do the cooler and then I've got to go Source some pads so you can see the cooling solution obviously for the GPU is much beefier than the CPU CPU has a one big heat pipe and a little heat pipe going directly to it and then we've got it crosses over to the GPS so you can see that crossover I was talking about so this is why when the GPU is under load the CPU heats up too it's very similar to what people think happens with a water cooling Loop only it doesn't really happen to the degree at which people think it does 1.63 so yeah I'd say millimeter and a half um it should be fine it's those thermal paste infused pads if you will I mean all thermal pads have like a paste kind of a deal in them but these feel almost like what Nvidia used to use only theirs were white and not gray it's like grave boogers so these are actually old thermal pads from an EVGA GPU ironically these are much better thermal pads in my opinion like they're not they don't break down like you saw it's also important to make sure they're not too tall otherwise then it can't make good contact with the GPU die but these will squish down this is just going to allow me to see if I'm getting good contact with the GPU before I go putting it all back together and then go why is my GPU overeating okay we need sound effects when you have jfx but it didn't really touch so these might be too thick which is why I also brought the thinner ones with me see how it didn't really like it touched but it didn't spread that's a problem actually it looks like it's because yeah it didn't push down inside there yeah see they were sticking up over the edges of the thing right there all right let me get this figured out all right by just switching down to the next size thinner thermal pad I think the other ones had way more Squish and I think I feel like these up here weren't squished all the way when it was put together which is why it measured thicker than it needed uh yeah I know it didn't cover the entire die because of the fact that I had just put a tiny drop on there to see if I was getting good contact so now that I know I am making good contact I can clean this off start again and then get this mounted down and probably realize that I went through all of this for no reason whatsoever because it probably isn't going to help the temperatures and for those of you saying Jay I thought you were going to use Liquid Metal um I just the problem with liquid metal although this doesn't seem like it's that hard to get to is I don't have a way to keep it from this would be good because this little protector here would kind of keep it from getting onto anything else on there but if it were to run somehow into these other areas like I would need like a foam piece or something to put around here to work as like a moat to keep it from spreading and because it's going to be in all kinds of different positions and backpacks and stuff I don't want to worry about it running onto these other smds and corroding them and then having the solder joints deteriorate and then things start falling apart like realistically I would need to use my clear nail polish which I don't have any here and paint the rest of the CPU here as uh kind of working like a conformal coating even though it is conformal coated just for extra measure but because I don't have any of that is why I'm choosing to just say screw it and go with the Kingpin now the Kingpin stuff is really good if you've never used Kingpin you're probably missing out because of the fact that it's probably one of the best thermal pastes you can use that and um obviously the thermal Grizzly stuff but anyway that's it now so I'm going to go ahead and do an x on here I'm kind of putting a lot because I want to make sure it gets everything and it's non-conductive so it's not like it's going to be a problem [Music] all right so that's a lot of thermal paste but that's fine we want to err on the side of too much thermal paste for direct eye cooling then not enough so I'm going to go ahead and slap this back on there and we'll just get right back to the temperature testing to see if it mattered be quite as proud to announce they're all new white light Wings high performance argb fans available in 120 and 140 millimeter sizes all fans are pwm and available in either a 7 Blade or a 9 blade high performance model lightweens fans feature argb Lighting on both the front and the back allowing for a customized appearance no matter which way the fan is facing available in either a single fan or a triple pack with a Fan Hub included the new white light Wings fans from be quiet or an obvious choice for PC enthusiasts who demand performance and Silent operation see the full list of specs and availability follow the link in the description below okay well it's hotter I honestly think it's the thermal pads I think the thermal pads are keeping the GPU from getting good contact with cooler fortunately it's easy to take apart but like we're up to 84cm where our clock speeds down to 2100 20 21 30 20 remember we were jumping between like 22 and 24. right 85 86 and it continues to slowly climb both fans are working by the way so yeah this is honestly I think contact so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to use thermal paste on each one of the uh the memory chips so I technically have a thermal a thinner thermal pad that I could use but I think I'm gonna honestly just try um thermal paste on each one which is actually the way EK used to recommend doing it with their blocks but it comes down nicely I mean it's making contact but it's just not making great contact so I'm gonna go through all of that again and then we'll be back okay so I've now put thermal paste on the memory chips now we've got really good contact happening with our GPU die and it's been running for a while now and it's slowly crept from like 68 to 70. now it's bouncing anywhere between 68 to 70 with 69 being the medium but if you look at our frequencies they're much more stable where before they were like up down up down up down up down they're very stable now in this couple of boost bin range depending on the part of the test there's different parts of the tests that are harder to run than others and that's when we hit 70 and then when it gets a little bit easier we drop down to 68 or 69 but we're looking at nearly a 5c decrease which is 71 per second there we're looking at nearly a 5c decrease between just changing the thermal paste and we're starting to wonder now maybe the thermal paste may not have had anything to do with it at all it could honestly have been remember how part of the thermal pads were super squished and crumbly and the other parts were like still square and not squished at all I'm starting to wonder if maybe those pads didn't allow the cooler to ever sit perfectly flush anyway and what we're seeing here now is just a really good contact between between the cooler whereas the thermal pads are not causing a problem there um I don't know I really don't but this is an improvement no matter what so now if I go back to automatic fan speed we would see the temps come up right they should start coming up fairly quickly see there we go but what you'll notice now is it's just overall I think the average temps would stay lower but when I'm gaming on a laptop I have to expect noise this is a lot of heat and a lot of wattage for a time you guys saw how small the heat pipes and the whole cooling solution is but look just going back to automatic now it starts to come back up to 100 on its own anyway but these are I in my opinion this is a solid Improvement for just repasting now like I said I think thermal or liquid metal might have made a couple of degrees additional difference it's direct dye cooling so it would certainly have helped I don't want to take the risk of the liquid metal kind of getting free and dripping somewhere because this thing sits in a backpack a lot of the times upright so if it were horizontal all the time then it's flat there'd be a little chance of it dripping or somehow leaching into something neighboring I don't want to take a risk on that I'd have to come up with like I said some sort of solution to keep the thermal paste contained between the cooler and the dye so like a moat around it that I don't have anything that would work right now for that so that's just not it's not in the cards at the moment but I might play around with that in the future anyway I just wanted to this was something I wanted to do I kind of want to try this with the 4090 GPU that my buddy has because he's got the same laptop with the 4090 in it I want to see now uh if this would make any sort of a difference to uh the 4090 version so maybe I'll do a short about that one since you guys have already seen the long format you know the process I can just reference this video in the short and then be like here's if it worked or didn't work on the 4090 Edition But ultimately though what this what I do feel I gained from this is knowing the thermal paste that I put in there will last a long time it won't ever get hard or dry out the the Kingpin um extreme the kpx is an amazing thermal paste that just keeps its uh liquid viscosity if that makes sense and as thermal paste gets older and crumbly that's when it stops transferring heat and then that's when you start to see issues with gpus and CPU coolers and stuff not performing their best anymore I know this will continue to last Top Notch as long as it's in the system so at the very least I've gained some peace of mind of knowing the thermal paste that's in here will last all right guys thanks for watching as always we'll see you in the next one
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 217,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laptop temps, laptop repaste, will repasting a laptop help, will repasting a laptop help temps, 13900hx, 4080 mobile, how to make a laptop cooler, is my laptop running too hot, nvidia, intel, amd, ryzen, rtx, 4090 laptop, 4080 laptop
Id: ue7HQc3NdMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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