I Tested 5 "DEAD" Ryzen CPUs

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these here are a bunch of dead ryzen CPUs at least uh that's what I suspect and I've collected these over the years from our fix or Flop playlist each of these has a rather prominent issue and I do want to say that they all look physically fine there are no missing bent pins in any of these no dislodged ihs's any of that mess these look like they should work but for whatever reason either do not post or do not power on at all there is one exception this 5900x here which I believe is the only 5000 series ryzen processor in this bulk that just boot Loops this one boot Loops it doesn't it posts but then when you try to load into Windows it just completely resets itself over and over and over again so interesting one but anyway we're going to set a test bench up and try to figure out if I was right or wrong in my conclusions about these CPUs do we in fact have this many Dead Rising CPUs in however many episodes of fixer flop have aired I think it's been what we're in season three now so around 50 60 episodes to have almost 10 percent of those episodes lead to Dead Rising CPUs I mean it's obviously not a large enough sample size to make any bold claims but uh it is worth investigating a bit further that's why this video exists I hope you'll enjoy our investigation stay with me to get rid of that annoying Windows activation Watermark head on over to VIP SCV key purchase a Windows 10 Pro OEM key for a fraction of the price of retail just see the secure payment method like PayPal enter your product key and your PC settings window and say goodbye to the watermark and be sure to use our offer code skgs for a sew wheat discount hey there and Welcome to our elaborate laboratory which consists of just a motherboard on its box and a power supply and uh yeah portable monitor that's it nothing fancy here I also want to State for the record that we don't have an official test bench so to speak for the fixer Flop videos you've probably already seen if you haven't that playlist is linked below uh it doesn't really make sense for what we do because we open it up up to pretty much anyone with a PC issue and that means we get all kinds of Platforms in the studio from I don't know anything from like Intel 6th gen up to am4 and am5 Intel 12th gen 13th gen so it doesn't make sense to have like one dedicated platform for testing stuff because I'd have to change it every episode it's not like we only work with ryzen Hardware or Intel 12th gen or 13th gen Hardware so I get folks asking all the time why don't you have a touchpad it's because you can't have just one test bed you need like 10 to cover everything that comes in so I've made a makeshift test bed here with an am4 platform this is a b550 auris Pro V2 and the first thing we're going to do is make sure that this works with a known and working CPU so that you know what we see in the future actually makes sense and that's where this bad boy comes into play this is a ryzen 5 5500 this was sent to me direct from AMD it is known working and I'm going to show you right now in that test bed we can get a post I've even got a storage Drive in there with Windows loaded on it so we should actually get straight into the operating system with this CPU oh and I almost forgot uh we need some sort of graphics card because we don't have integrated Graphics in these ryzen CPS you guys know what this thing is oh yeah go ahead and get in there looking good and Okay so we've got again the CPU that should work in the motherboard now and this will serve as our control as long as this functions properly any result we see that deviates from this outcome here would mean that the CPU in question is bad this is why it's so important to have a test like this run at the very beginning all right there we go that was easy so booted straight up into Windows as well which I wanted to confirm because again we do have one of the defective CPUs that apparently has a boot loop issue that occur offers after the system post but before it boots into the boot volume so all right the control is taken care of now let's swap in our first defective or what we suspect is a defective CPU that'll be this bad boy right here a ryzen 5 a 3600 I just marked it as bad so I'm assuming it doesn't even post but probably powers on to some extent and just in case you're wondering before we install it you can see here the chip looks very clean underneath no bent or missing pins let's go ahead and get this install nice and gently now and we'll lower that retention arm oh and uh one more thing for the record I am totally okay with being wrong about any of these CPS if it turns out I screwed up and the chip actually works just fine we can reference the serial number go back to that episode in question and kind of walk through maybe the mistakes that I made on camera so that you guys can can learn from that I think there's so much more value in watching someone make a mistake and then watch someone actually do it successfully because that might help you avoid making that same mistake in the future so again and I'd be much more happy to find out that I made a mistake and have a working CPU I can reuse in a future fixture Flop episode than to find out that I actually was correct and all these are are really dead so just that I always try to document my failures I think that's super important also for the record in case you're wondering I chose this motherboard strategically it's a b550 board and it has been updated with the latest bios to support all of the suspected dead CPUs so we shouldn't have any bios incompatibilities while running these tests so here we go power on the power supply and then let's jump the two power pins Okay so it does power on looks like we're stuck on a dram LED light I always want to give it maybe a minute or two especially with ryzen just to train memory when you swap out important piece of hardware it's got to relearn some things but uh it looks like the lights are just pivoting between CPU and dram and I think that's as far as we're gonna get interesting now it is very possible that this CPU had a dead memory Channel I might not have been specific at this time because I just wasn't aware earlier in the uh fixer flop Seasons that we'd be running into this many Horizon ships so in hindsight I definitely should have been a bit more particular instead of just writing bad maybe just write bad memory Channel or something like that so I'm going to move this memory module to slot B2 instead of A2 in hopes that this might get the system to post a bad memory Channel sucks but it's not the end of the world you can work around it it will cut into performance just a tad but uh yeah I just want to I'm just curious at this point so the light switches over straight to dram again and again this is why it was important to get our control earlier early on we know that this module works so yeah it just keeps pivoting between CPU and dram that's unfortunate and you can see regardless of the slot we use I'm in slot A1 now we still get that hanging dram LED so um I'd be willing to bet actually that this CPU has two dead memory channels which is because it's telling us it's a dram problem and not a CPU problem I think it would just be hanging on the CPU debug light if it was something else internally wrong with the chip so who knows the fact is it doesn't post at all regardless of what we do and so we're gonna move on to the next one also worth noting that this graphics card never got hot and this thing actually heats up pretty uh pretty fast when we do have a post it's just uh it's I don't know what it is about it it just runs really hot but uh it's completely I mean it's room temperature right now so this wasn't even initialized whatever again was the issue just uh it was happening early on in the test cycle next up then we have a ryzen 5 3600x also just marked bad but you can see on the back here all the pins are in place so you can see it easier if I took it out of the case but the CPU looks really clean physically but yeah we had some problems I'm really hoping that at least one of these can be revived or actually works and I was just outright wrong that would be pretty cool let's see Power on are we gonna get something with this one so we're on the dram light now this looks like almost the exact same scenario so we're just hanging on the dram light and not getting anywhere the fan is ramped up pretty much to full speed so it hasn't settled down like it wants to post the graphics card is not getting hot yet again I do have a speaker connected by the way and the speaker almost every time I connect it makes no sound at all like I don't know if it's just like these new motherboards don't beep when they have issues but it just doesn't do me any good so yeah looks like another defective one let's try a different memory slot but unfortunately nope no slot works and I'll show you I just power it on right away here CPU light turns on it quickly switches over to the dram light and it pretty much just stays there with uh no other reaction from the system this looks like a splitting image of the 3600 very very weird so potentially here another dual memory Channel issue again I can't confirm that I don't have the sophisticated equipment to test this any more than we can with this little makeshift test bench but this one's just not salvageable it's just nothing I can do I never thought I'd be this disappointed to be right twice in a row but uh yeah it is what it is let's move on to the next effective chip and that would be this guy right here now interestingly enough I have two defective ryzen 9 3900 X's I I don't know if the symptoms were identical with these but I think we ran into them pretty much back to back in the series so we'll start with the one that has a smaller font and we'll work our way to this one will we have any sign of Life of that I am not sure lever down while doing this one-handed is kind of difficult come on give me something let's go power on and Power on okay now in this case the fan is not spinning as quickly now it's ramped up it powered off and then powered back on I'm just like kind of like walking you through this verbally um the behavior of this now is much different oh we gotta we got a beep is it post it posted I was wrong I'm sure nobody's surprised but I'm kind of shocked that this is the one that that works okay uh let's click why we can get into Windows potentially why would I have marked this bad if it's not actually bad I wonder if this just came down to a bios issue so we'll see if it boots into windows and if it does then I'll show you guys a serial number and we'll do our best to find that particular fixer Flop episode and see what I might have gotten wrong wow I really did not expect this okay so looks to be running fine still kind of confused I'm gonna run a quick stress test just to make sure it's stable maybe that's why I marked it bad and then we'll find that video a few moments later oh uh that that didn't last long so I was loading up 3D Mark just to run I don't know fire strike or something and uh it just reset itself completely just black screened it didn't even blue screen it just cut off and then reset and then loaded into the bios so maybe that's why I marked it bad now the V chord here is set to Auto and I suspect we're probably running into some sort of throttling issue I'm not entirely sure I'm just going to give it a 1.1 hard cap on the v-core just to see if we can get the system to remain stable for any decent amount of time maybe even run that 3D Mark Benchmark and uh hope it holds up but we run into more issues I can't seem to get past boot failure detected now it just keeps popping up over and over I've tried multiple settings I've tried physically lowering the uh the Boost frequency the the base clock of the CPU I mean I don't really know how else to make this platform more stable it just keeps throwing out this error yeah it's starting to make a lot more sense now seriously though like it I think it's just getting worse the longer the system stays on okay we'll set this one aside for now I don't think we're gonna get anywhere we did get into windows at the start but I I just think that now that it's been running a bit longer it's gotten a bit hotter it's just way less stable it's kind of fun though such a shame with this one I'm going to write overheats question mark just so I have somewhere to start again if we try to tackle this in the future next up then the other ryzen 9 3900x that last one really teased us so maybe just maybe we'll get something out of this one let's see power on power on up front there we are shift straight to drams right now the dram LED is lit looks like this one is doing the same thing that the other 3900x did the fan it's weird the LEDs on the dram aren't lit but that right there sounds good and there we go there's a post again so I wonder we're gonna get the exact same demonstration from this one that we got from the previous one it's just weird that they're matching up like the symptoms for these different skus seem to be aligning it's just strange let's click Y and let's see if we can get a post here the beep is good is this oh there we go that was a post are we gonna get into windows nope okay I don't think no it is it's loading right now it's loading into windows wow okay maybe I was wrong about this one it's just strange that like the same skus seem to have the same problems I don't I don't know it's just all around weird um let's just see if it's stable try to open up a program of some sort let's see I don't want steam our graphics card is not going to be able to keep up with anything we open there but let's try installing geekbench maybe running a CPU Benchmark and here it goes I'm just going to leave the camera rolling yeah I'd I'd be surprised if it didn't crash but so far it seems okay a lot of boring math little and uh wow would you look at that it actually ran without issue we've got a decent score I think I'd have to go back and compare but uh it didn't blue screen on us the system didn't crash I actually don't think there's anything wrong with this so let's take a look at this serial number and try to find the fixer Flop episode where we might have made a mistake and it's Times Like These when I really wish I specified the issue in each fixer Flop episode because I'm going to go through so many of these to figure out where this serial number is um yeah I'll be back in probably like 30 minutes 12 o'clock midnight super simple and another thing's for sure this 3900x is partially bricked dead memory channel it's not unusable but it's not okay so it was a dead memory Channel that's why it was posting we only have one module connected currently so I bet you if we swap that to the opposite Channel if it's in Channel a now it'll be Channel B where this chip does not post that is worth noting and I need to specify that on this IHS and sure enough we just get a hanging dram LED here again this is very similar to what we're seeing with those 3600s which is why I think those also had memory Channel problems I think uh in that case obviously it was two dead channels instead of here we just have one dead channel so anytime you connect a memory uh module to either B1 or B2 slots we get no posts you can see in the back there no picture and we don't get past this light so not the end of the world for this ryzen 9 3900x but the fact that it doesn't have a working memory Channel and the fact that this is also an expensive SKU means that it's kind of sort of not you useful for most applications I'm going to keep it just in case but it's just yeah performance wise you're going to see a pretty big cut only being able to utilize one channel of memory for a 12 core CPU like this we've got our last CPU then and that's this ryzen 9 5900x a much newer Zen 3 CPU and it has a boot loop issue like I said earlier it just for some reason will post and then completely reset itself I'm not sure why but I can at least show you here let's see how we do power on and power at the pins here we go again I expect this one will post looks good so far VGA light is on probably gonna train memory it is a different CPU architecture a newer architecture okay there's a beep that's a good sign there we go so that's our post now again from here it's it's easy you can get into the BIOS no problem we'll go ahead and click y to reset the uh yeah this is a TPM here and this is when it starts boot looping it's a really weird symptom but I marked it as such because I'd never seen anything like it before in a CPU so let's see here there was the splash page splash page I don't know if you can hear the beep on my mic but uh it just yeah keeps doing weird stuff like that right there this I I don't even know what this is just a blue scrap never even seen this before at least it's not resetting right away it's trying but yeah I mean there's just nothing here let's see if I can control alt delete get it to reset nothing just completely Frozen so we'll do a manual reset and let's see if anything happens this time uh yeah nothing it just it just freezes completely freezes it's not resetting it's kind of strange it's not boot looping like I had it marked earlier let me reset over here again so here's another reset let's see if the same thing happens a third time and uh if it does I mean maybe there's a chance we can get into the BIOS here so it's just repairing Autumn preparing automatic repair now because I've reset it so many times but I've had no choice it doesn't get us anywhere and I think even this is Frozen this I I don't recall in that episode but it's possible I thought this might have been like a a thermal issue like maybe the CPU is overheating internally and it's just locking up it was about the only thing I could really make sense of is like possibly just overheating it I don't really know yeah so it keeps doing this let me see if I can get into the BIOS I'm just going to spam the delete key once I reset here yep so we're resetting we're gonna spam delete see if we can get another bios okay that's a good sign and okay so this is the yeah so this was the part that kind of confused me so yeah I mean temperatures are pretty pretty high but they do level out we're just using an air cooler here but I go into advanced maybe I can maybe I can just trick it into running very low power let's see uh we're gonna go down to V core we'll just set it to like I don't know one again maybe 1.1 now let's just do 1.1 and then I'm going to drop the frequency all the way down and see what's really strange about the behavior of this chip is that in the Bios it runs perfectly fine no issues it doesn't freeze randomly or take too long to switch between Windows it's all super fluid and uh just for whatever reason when it tries to do anything past that it completely craps the bed so I've got the thing tuned down to like three I think three gigahertz tops with a 1.1 v-core which should be stable again every Chip's going to be slightly different but in my experience with Horizon chips that should be fine and I'm going to click yes and we're going to see if potentially this was a thermal issue I feel like of all the chips that we can salvage this is the one that we might be able to figure out because it's not just like an immediate Hardware problem that we run into right away when the system tries to post the fact that we can get into the BIOS might be our Saving Grace so it looks like it's loading now I'm actually getting fur wow we're actually getting further than I thought we would okay so I mean seeing as though the only thing we changed here was the frequency and the voltage I think it's I mean I doubt at Auto settings it's like not you know the board's like not pumping enough voltage to keep up with base clock frequencies um I think that I think that we probably were just thermal throttling I think it's stock it's just a bad chip and who knows what it's gone through I mean remember these are all viewer chips so maybe this thing's like overvolted like crazy ran it super high frequencies it just weren't sustainable and so it damaged the chip somewhat and uh just means we have to pull things back they have a throttle back the voltage to keep the temps down and um I mean so far it looks pretty good we'll go ahead and run geekbench again just to see if it's stable and we'll move on because this doesn't have a dead memory Channel issue either it's it's just a boot loop issue pretty pretty excited about this one it'd be a good way to end it to actually Salvage a chip somewhat wow much look at that actually no issues at all running this we're in the uh almost a third minute now and it hasn't run into a hiccup I'm curious what our score is going to be because again we did have to sort of kind of the CPU but I think that's better than the alternative which is what it was doing earlier is just unusable it was very unstable so I call this a mostly a win we did have to play around with a tad it was a bit stubborn but we we made it work not bad and uh yeah this score not not too great but that's just because of the frequency so I'm going to try my best to remove this Sharpie and actually it does look at that isopropyl alcohol just picks it right up there okay cool and I'm going to write something along the lines of uh I don't know stubborn how about that you know I've got to say pretty happy the way this one turned out uh one stubborn CPU and the others I ended up being right about at least from what we could see here in this one it was nice to follow up it was Peace of Mind in the cases of these four just kind of reassurance that I'm sort of kind of on the right track when it comes to the fixer flop stuff and then this one here just proof that I probably had to dive a bit deeper if I'd spent a bit more time with this one I probably could have figured out in that very episode that this was just a uh just a bit stubborn but I think or at least I'd like to think that I would have replaced the chip anyway because uh having a 5900x you have to run it like three or three point three gigahertz just to get it to function properly I'd still call that a dud in my book I'm Gonna Keep it because I think I can find plenty of uses for this but uh for these others I've been trying to reach out to AMD in hopes that they will uh check these out for us maybe their machines their fancy equipment can tell us in Greater detail what is wrong with them I'd like to know if my suspicions regarding dead memory channels is correct in particular uh the uh the two 3600s well one thirty six hundred and one thirty six hundred X so uh that would be nice I keep trying to get them to take these on I haven't gotten an official response yet but I will let you know if that changes with that give this video a thumbs up if you thought it was cool consider subscribing if you have not already I want to thank our patrons especially for supporting us and uh hoping to upload some more content on patreon very soon be sure to join our public Discord server if you haven't already you can ask your questions there you can maybe help others out that Community is uh is pretty awesome and it's growing every day thank you for that support as well and uh yeah stay tuned for the next one my name is Greg thanks for learning with me
Channel: Greg Salazar
Views: 157,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amd cpu, ryzen cpu, testing ryzen cpus, testing 5 dead ryzen cpus, broken cpu, broken pc, broken gaming pc, fix or flop, fof, greg salazar, 5 dead ryzen cpus, dead ryzen cpu, how to troubleshoot, fix or flop playlist, how to fix a pc, fixing a broken cpu, how to fix a computer, troubleshoot, how to
Id: cbIcc7gSsV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 45sec (1545 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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