FREE and EASY: Toilet Won't Stop Running

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welcome back guys it's the Taiwan and I will in and make a really quick video for you today our toilet is continuing to run after being flushed so the water is being wasted I want to show you a really quick thing you can check to see if you can fix the problem without having to buy any parts to replace anything so I'm going to pull the top off and then show you what to do most residential toilets have some type of float this is an older stop float other ones have a float that just simply goes up and down on the stem of this piece right here so what happens is the water spills down into this tube and into the drain instead of letting the water level get high enough to raise this float to cut off from the valve inside here so the water comes from here fills the tank raises the float cuts off the valve so if you have a screwdriver handy you'll see as I adjust the screw and tighten it down my float inches deeper into the water and then to raise it up if you need to you would just turn the screw lefty loosey to loosen the screw but my float is now a deeper in the water meaning my water will cut off sooner if screwing in the screwed tighter here still didn't work you can take this rod off and put a bend in it you can see I have a slight bend in mind and that I'll also allow you to get the float lower in the tank I hope this was helpful and save someone some money from having to call a plumber out to fix this this is a super quick thing to check I am going to link a video on the screen right now and at the end of this video showing something else you can try if this doesn't fix your issue there's a seal on the bottom of this gray to ban my tank you can see the little pink ring sticking out down there that's very easy to replace as well and it cost less than $5 but I have another video showing how to do that so I'll make sure I link it on the screen right now click any of the video shown on the screen and they'll open right up on your advice and I hope you guys have a great day
Channel: TightWadDIY
Views: 446,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comode, toilet, running, flush, flushing, water, waisting, wasting, valve, wont stop, hard, diy, how to, fix, repair
Id: 9oCoZSa0Fo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 59sec (119 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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