Fixing A Car 6 MONTHS Into The Apocalypse | Louisville CDDA #3

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you know I think this is the most amount of bandages I've had on a character that I've gotten naturally anyways welcome back to City trash's journey in Louisville particularly starting from the cdda challenge it is currently 6 a.m on a nice December day we've survived around four days killing 108 zombies and today is going to be the day we go check out these stores right here there's definitely gonna be a bunch of zombies but I think we're prepared just for that oh yeah I also decided to take out the football helmet for the police helmet with the goggles and mask combo as that gives me the most amount of insulation look at how warm our head is because of it I don't want to waste any more time though so as I'm chomping down on this beef for breakfast we gotta get moving on down oh yeah what a beautiful day for it the top things that I'm gonna be looking for today is one gasoline two a battery that actually has charge and three a can opener if we can get that we're gonna be chilling for a long time and I almost forgot instead of running down to the gas station really quick I kind of want to go check out that Survivor home we saw a little bit ago we're probably gonna be met by resistance but this is the best I've been moodle-wise the entire Series so we're gonna hit like a truck yeah these zombies stand no chance against me foreign save some for the rest of us trash holy crap we're just hitting dingers oh I might enjoy this series just yet it's been so long since I've been able to fight groups of zombies it feels nice especially compared to what we had to deal with with the last in nuclear winter challenge anyways it's kitchen knife time I gotta level up short blade as fast as possible oh there it goes we've taken out a pretty good chunk of them and I can sweep up the rest with our fire ax and that is another horde taken care of that should have been more than enough to pave away to that Survivor house crossing my fingers I get my hands on a katana Please Santa I've been a good boy this year and it's December in game trash needs this he really doesn't but I wanna slash zombies in two you know what screw the katana you know what I could go for Santa please give me a can opener I've been a good boy this year I know I've been on this can opener to raid like the entire time I've been alive but you would think after searching like 20 different homes we would get at least one how did the people of Louisville even function without without it it's like a basic human necessity I just don't understand anymore man I'm going insane oh I'm also just absolutely dunking on these bozos as well I love Brave this perk right here makes it to where you hit so many critical shots and it's so nice also I forgot to say I am severely underweight I need I need to find a way to get food so let's see what we got in here it looks like the door is locked the good thing is that I do know a little bit about lock picking whoa settle down foreign just like that we're in what do we got rotten me an M9 pistol and a hunting rifle we are getting so many like guns today an M16 magazine a singular oh I saw something good in there but we're gonna need to kill a few more zombies to get it oh yeah it's not looking good back here at all okay time to fight for our life I also have to be pretty cautious about the staircase because I did not check up there we've been through worse we can do this crash you're you're a champion of the people fight for your right to have supplies trash nice there also seems to be a bunch upstairs as well oh my there's so many zombies coming in right now Mondays am I right I think that's the majority of them taken care of let's go shut the door behind us do a little quick run through of the supplies here especially the watches and finally it's time to reap throw a ward that right there that is a top of the line certified Kentucky can opener I'm gonna favorite this bad boy because this just opened up so many different food avenues for me I am so thankful to be here it's funny that a Survivor house would have it out of all places as well you know what I'm not here to complain I'm happy I'm a happy person matter of fact I'm so happy I think I've earned some spaghetti bolognese and even if that's not how you say it I'm still eating good so you know what screw you alrighty what do we got upstairs we could still get something cool like a katana up here so let's keep our hopes up and our ax ready night sticks a medical mask and a very nice baseball helmet you know what it's been a I've not worn any of these in a while I'm I'm a big fan of the baseball helmet actually yeah you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna take the baseball helmet over the motorcycle helmet we also got a blue pen which is gonna be good for marking and lastly a gas mask that's even better don't mind if I do take that as well okay we actually have some drip now not bad at all how does how does it look with the police motorcycle helmet nah you know what I think the I think the baseball helmet gives a gas mask a bit more of a mysterious look yeah I like I like the baseball helmet okay nice not only does it add to the drip but it also adds to our winter resistance overall this house was definitely worth it but now it's time for the main event so let's boogie on down to our stash drop off our food and then finally make our way towards the stores down south ish I don't know directions too well in Zomboy all I know is it's down that way there we go it's all deposited now I am eating quite a bit of food and that's in order to gain weight I really don't want to become emaciated because that will make my skills and Athletics in other areas really bad and my chances of tripping can get even higher the lower way I go what I'm trying to say is that it's bulking season We're not gonna get those muscles by eating worms that's for sure it's time we roll another thing that I'm kind of realizing is how far these Flames actually spread I've moved down quite a bit and these buildings are still burning for Miles how large of a chunk did I take out that fire was volatile man holy crap I mean it's a good thing I didn't go down here to loot because I would have just been met with sheer amounts of disappointment and is that a nice varsity jacket would you be willing to part that that would go really well with my baseball helmet whoa okay these zombies are ninjas I swear sadly the varsity jacket is really beat up so it's not worth it I was really hoping it would have been meant though the more I think about it I think the only way we're gonna get wearable clothing in this run is through clothing stores or bedrooms a lot of this stuff on zombies has deteriorated so much to where it's kind of useless to me even now my whole outfit is full of holes and it's definitely not because I tripped on 10 different fences don't don't question that more importantly it's time to see what these stores are down this way I am really hoping that one of them is going to be uh maybe a clothing store a clothing store would be pretty awesome I'm also thinking of like maybe a uh a food store obviously a gas station would be rad a Pharma hug as well any one of those and I will be a very happy person and out of all four options it's a pizza place oh man I was really excited hey you know what at least we got ourselves a nice police blockade that gives me some more points do you think trash would be able to make a pizza I mean we are a cook and oh my I can prepare a pizza okay we're not gonna be able to make it anytime soon but we have tomato paste I could probably bake some bread as well you know what I think that's a fun goal to work towards I would love to get a nice pizza cooked up in an oven maybe in the future we don't have power either that's another thing I need is there gonna be like a library somewhere around here I would have really really really enjoy a generator manual anyways it's time to clear out the inside of the spot and see what it has for us and I'm not talking about the zombies but I will take your backpack later sir foreign we cleared it out and I've been hit with a very stunning and sad realization the fire blew through the pizza place as well how does fire even travel across Concrete Man and if that wasn't bad enough all the pizza on the tables is rotten oh what a terrible day I I really wanted some some good food some real soul food out of here do we have the supplies to make a pizza here at least nope all we have is rotten dough okay maybe there's some there's four different buildings so we might still get lucky here okay let's let's not be too much of a downer I think we're gonna be working on the up because our next candidate for the day is Green's Market I hope greens isn't a produce store I know they have food but if it's produce I'm gonna be pretty sad and beaten up and is that a gas to go down there okay this entire trip is worth it we can cut down a few different hordes for some gasoline and or gas station treats oh the things I would do for a Twinkie right now first things first we gotta cut down the competition is that idiot right there seems to be the only one out in the open thus making all three of these locations Prime targets for me to loot we did it in a pretty good time as well because our character is drowsy so let's try not to get into any major fights but things have been going swimmingly this episode nothing inside the trunk there is a little bit of gas though after we're done siphoning out as many supplies as possible and looking for batteries that are full we're gonna go hit up the gas station first and then whatever that store is with the last one being greens okay no charge on that battery if we can get a battery with a charge we will be able to get a working vehicle and that will change the game for us anyways what do we got in here gummy bears black licorice orange soda and do I see some plonkies that's that's close enough man oh yippee Kaye it's a good day also give me those choco cakes those tortilla chips and those normal chips this is gonna be prime for bulk season we're gonna be eating like kings we're gonna gain all of the weight back no problem maybe we actually don't have that much food but it sure feels like a lot after what I've been through and if that wasn't good enough we got four 30 cigarettes hell yeah what's in the back here though other than a zombie mechanics volume one that's a book that I can read cigarettes a lighter and licorice okay that just made the entire trip worth it for the smokes alone oh it's a good day for trash hell yeah and that lighter is also going to be able to be used to cook food later let's go check out this store here we're probably not gonna find much as most of it is going to be rotten but before I do do that there is a police cruiser car that I want to check out mainly for the battery and maybe a gun in the back sadly no juice in the battery a couple of maps in the glove box though with the final piece of the puzzle being a nice shell bandoliere and is that a first aid kit with a suture needle oh don't mind if I take that okay wow we basically just beat the cdda challenge now we're playing Louisville six months later which is not fun either the only reason why I'm still alive is because I spawned in a pretty low population area with all residential around me basically what I'm trying to say if I spawned in the middle of the city I would have been ripped apart also it's seems like you can't open these doors they're classified as Windows huh that's weird I guess we can always make our own though oh how trash is a trailblazer so what do we got in here rotten produce water four cans of food hot sauce cereal dried chickpeas oh my Lord that's that's a lot of food right there hey don't mind if I take one of those and eat that up right now each of these bags of peas is worth like 3 000 calories each oh we are doing fantastic we're gonna be a little bit over-encumbered but I think we'll be able to make our way back no problems other than that though I think it's about time we head back we've looted everything we've could and oh my gosh there's so much food here man I I have to take it I have to take a good majority of this man listen if it hits the fan I can just to drop everything on the floor and run for my life all right I'm not leaving this food behind but I am gonna need to hurry it on up back to our base let's get the hell back home I will see you all then oh my that's automatic Weaponry it's okay if it hits the fan I can drop the satchel and that will immediately get my character all good also are the lights on in this thing oh how I want to check so bad we can check it in the morning I need to get back home right now okay you know what I'm just gonna go drop my bag and stuff off here and then I can go grab it in the morning we're getting way too tired and that is way too much weight to be lugging around meanwhile I'm gonna be chowing down on these split peas like no tomorrow foreign welcome to a new day as you see from our room we did have to get a little bit silly but I was able to survive the one thing I need to do right now is go grab my supplies all the way down there I was not expecting this many zombies to show up but by separating the group using this door and just dunking on them with my DPS ax skills I was able to kill them even when I was exhausted anyways the first thing I want to do is fix up our groin wound we've earned this so what I'm gonna do is disinfect this bad boy and Stitch it all the way up oh yeah I forgot I actually left our our Stitch back at where I dropped off my bag so let's go grab that right now I mean at this point the limp is not even noticeable with how fast our character is moving so I think we survived pretty well and there's still some zombies that have just wanted their way into the area as you see I did enable aim outline for uh for fighting just so I could see the zombies I was attacking at night I'm gonna go disable that because I do like the immersion but that does show you I was prepared to fight zombies at night anyways Satchel acquired gas can grabbed let's go fix up our groin wound in the middle of the street why the hell not all we gotta do is disinfect it again and then stitch up that wound oh yeah it was a long time coming and now we can run normally let's just bandage that back up just for the for the aesthetic yeah I'm feeling brand new after that one the only thing that I really want to do right now is go check some of those police cruiser cars just in case one of those has a working battery of course numbing on canned food every single step of the way because this stuff weighs a lot now what do we have in here of course doing a 360 before I do anything just so I don't get snug up on they're not sprinters but I don't want to play it too dangerously I say doing a run in the middle of the Pitch Black Knight and would you look at that we have ourselves a working battery I need the car key God Diggity dang it you're kidding right maybe it has a car key inside here I need this so bad now just more maps huh oh no never mind we can uninstall it I don't know why he said that we couldn't poor May what did me entering it change it anyways I don't care that's a free car battery which means that I'm gonna be able to start up my car in a bit let's siphon out the rest of the gas in here as well and we are gonna be cooking we got so much done this episode I'm actually really excited for the future there we go any gas in here and no not at all they're also too close together to really loot for the most part I'll take the extra shotgun shells though actually I can loot these just fine cool how's the battery look in this one as well I'm guessing because this is an event it did spawn with Good batteries now this doesn't have battery either okay well we got one which is all we need time to go ahead back to that one wagon and get that bad boy started zombies are real scary business up until the point their head reaches the end of my ax okay wow there's actually quite a few here yeah that's the respawn for you but I do see a nice duffel bag that I could take okay thanks for the bag Bozo also we've been leveling up like crazy we've already reached level three maintenance level two Nimble and one in light footed things have been going great for us and we've only survived five days the chopper event hasn't even hit yet I know I'm kind of screwing things up by saying that but I think I'm ready I mean come on look at us we got a new bag we got some drip at least for the gas mask and helmet not only that but we have the two key parts of a puzzle to unlock Mobility yeah you know what at the end of this challenge I think I'm gonna eat some Humble Pie or I'm gonna slap Louisville with all of my might and make it Bend its knee I at least want to go check out all of the landmarks because it's been a long time since I've been in Louisville and especially ones where I can kind of explore without too much of a problem anyways this is gonna be our new car first things first let's go install the battery take that out Chuck this new bad boy in the car battery is terrible by the way so if I hit so much as a shrub our car is probably going to explode but there it is our cars also in really good condition for the most part lastly we got a gas this bad boy up it's not enough gasoline to get us anywhere crazy but it is enough to get from point A to point B yeah not a bad chunk at all about a third of the gas tank so you know what I think next episode we're gonna get the hell out of this residential area I've had enough of it and there aren't any cool landmarks nearby to really warrant looting anymore we've gotten all the major stores so I think we ought to go out of town and set up a nice base camp thankfully I do know of one location that will absolutely kick but these Mansions right down here I'm gonna make them my new home you're gonna see why very soon but I'm gonna save that for next episode we've killed about a hundred more zombies this episode gaining even more weight so hopefully we can get past that in the future yeah I'm pretty happy so far we've gained a lot of skills as well it could be going worse that's all I'll say anyways if you guys have liked this episode be sure to like favorite share and subscribe for more I'm probably gonna have to take care of the uh the corpses next time though peace the hell out everyone
Channel: Pr1vateLime
Views: 138,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pr1vateLime, private lime, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid tips and tricks, project zomboid base building, project zomboid build 41 tips, project zomboid build 41 ep 1, project zomboid for beginners, project zomboid, zomboid, project zomboid map, project zomboid base, project zomboid hardcore, project zomboid insane sprinters, project zomboid sprinters, project zomboid cdda, cdda challenge, cdda, cdda sprinters, project zomboid cdda sprinters
Id: RbppFeGHtHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2023
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