Travelling Across The METRO To Move Bases | Project Zomboid Metro #5

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you know it really does surprise me that this far down we still have a television connection I sure as hell won't complain though because it is an easy way to get rid of my boredom anyways everyone welcome back to project zomboid and today if you look at my little cart is going to be the day we loot so far Steve Thompson here has killed 190 zombies surviving for just about 9 days and we have cleared out quite the uh quite the large number of zombies so hopefully when I do return to the train station it should be pretty clear for me to grab some stuff before I leave though we do need a few more items here for one I want to disassemble this flashlight secondly I really want some soup and after we're done with that I think we're going to be ready to head on back through I have no idea what we're going to pick up but I'm really hoping there's going to be water Food Supplies and maybe some more guns to you know bump up my skills the only way to find out though is to actually head down so let me put a battery into my flashlight reattaching it to my belt and turning it on so we don't get jumped all right let's go make the big trip down right to the nice little Bridge intersection here I am a little bit worried about the zombies because you know we really didn't clear it out fully but I think we're just going to take it slow play Day by year and just you know check room by room and once I'm certain 100% that it's clear we can start looting I definitely hear something in the darkness which is a little bit jarring but I'm looking on the first floor right now and I don't see any zombies which I think is my cue to head on upstairs I'm a little bit worried about stairs because of how little they reveal but thankfully it is clear if it wasn't we probably would have died here it also looks like we have some kind of uh oh oh hello there oh okay okay there's a lot there's a lot there's a lot oh man Yep this right here is exactly why I hate stairs yep yep yep yep yep no no oh oh my god oh we're good we're good we're good we're good visibility is very important in this game and the the whole idea that like three or four zombies were all able to hide up on that staircase is exactly why I hate traversing them matter of fact there's another one here but we have survived so we can just count our lucky stars hopefully this is going to be the only real group left around here if not I'm sure we could come to an agreement nice okay is that going to be it down here now it is awesome o I do hear some more banging going on so we're not out of the water yet but like I was saying it looks like there are a bunch of storefronts here and maybe these storefronts will have some good stuff including another fence line technically it's more like a ticket post but that would have been really helpful if I would have clocked it was there to fight off the group here anyways where is this zombie making a Ruckus right now I don't want him to be here it does look like we got a bunch of storage though there oh my god oh okay okay I'm good I'm good I'm normal I'm normal I'm normal oh man what the freaking hell dude anyways he's dead you guys got some keys around here there's even more over there actually they're about to break it down so what's popping chuckle nuts oh no okay we got to go we got to go woo bad bad bad bad bad there's a cubicle here let's use that like I was saying having a fence line nearby is very nice I'm very happy this thing was here because I thought we would have had to pull out you know the good old one two actually I'm extremely glad I didn't because this thing wasn't loaded okay yeah we need to make sure that thing is topped off but we have killed another six zombies and before I leave I will be ying a key so we can unlock any locked door inside this place okay is that going to be every zombie now before I you know drop my guard and get extremely complacent it looks to be also there are some really nice looking doors here I think we may or may not have hit the jackpot okay cool storage room is clear this storage room is clear let's go check the downstairs one last time also picking up the cubicles because I want to move them downstairs so if there's any you know big group of zombies we can just place them down somewhere and kill a whole bunch cool cool cool we cleared it out fully then it only took about two heart attacks okay I'm going to set up the cubicle line inside this little tunnel here and sadly there's going to be no boom because we ran out how does the end of the hall look it looks pretty clear I guess I would hope so because we did shoot off our shotgun how does it look down over here pretty good okay that also gives us two options of uh travel in the future anyways let's go put away our metal pipe and let's finally loot oh man I love the carry capacity of these trolleys we're going to start with the construction area and work our way up to the high tier loot upstairs so let's see what we have first of all we have logs which is extremely huge technically there would be another one over there but I can't reach it so we will just have to leave that for now we also have some scrap metal pliers welding rods three full bags of plaster powder a blocked off entrance which seems to have a continuation down there it might be a work in progress that whole area but if I do find a sledgehammer it might be worth to uh you know check out both of those hallways we also have more firewood three gravel bags which sadly I can't use to plant stuff but we might be able to use the bags later to collect dirt if we ever see it for Hydroponics we also have an extra plank even more logs oh yeah no this entire place is going to be worth it two more logs on top of that sandbags which I think I can actually use to plant stuff hold on here this might be huge let me grab one really quick and let's see if I can dig out a Furrow I can't damn okay never mind I won't be able to use it but what I can do is actually set up a small little pile of sand and saplings should spawn in it given enough time now will I be alive for that to happen probably not but it might be cool to see later if I do survive so let's grab the other two bags and pour them out now let's continue looting discovering a whole host of seed packets finding some nice duct tape chisels and that's going to be it for this lower level I am a little bit disappointed because I was really expecting a bit more with the construction area but the one thing that this does give me is a whole bunch of carpentry material to disassemble on top of that I can utilize those flood lights to provide me some basic you know Necessities okay now it's time for the real Loot and that's going to be this little Marketplace here please give me some goodies yo we got some snow globes a whole bunch of toys which might be useless in a normal zomboid game but with the mod we have we can actually play with cubes and cards so this is a very good way of dealing with my boredom we got sheets dish towels bags a black lamp into a couple of light bulbs a whole bunch of magazines a rake and pliers with some knitting needles a whole host of technology which I can dismantle right now we also got a lighter off that Dead zombie some digital watches and even more toys and that's going to be everything for the shop front area not too much in terms of food as I was hoping but we have the back room here also looking around the area we are going to be able to reach a new level in metal working I think just look at the barrels the shelves the whole 9 yards on top of that we have even more duct tape wood glue goggles some rope even more Nails planks saws screws and hard hats and in the other side we have scissors papers and staplers okay that leaves the last two rooms we have this area here which had a nice little bunk area and a small Armory while the other end has what seems to be a very big storage room and a whole bunch of food come on we got oh two two tubs three tubs four tubs of ice cream actually make that five and inside here we have chips some mesca chocolate beans a whole host of more canned goods oh oh yeah no this is going to keep me alive for quite a while okay not bad not bad a whole bunch of tanka and that's going to be it for food and inside the storage area we have even more metal workking supplies so much so I might be able to set up a second metal work like bench inside this place also three cans of paint that is actually huge for the water collection matter of fact can I make one right now no I can't right now that's fine that's okay let's just dump out everything and we will sort through it later dropping more Metal Sheets some farming supplies even more paint buckets a couple of shovels is that a fire axe oh my it is and it's obviously in the worst condition ever I mean it's still pretty cool and I can use some wood glue to fix it up so you know what let's use it you know it's been a long time since I've seen something like this though aside from that we have another nail gun another trolley more paint with a paint brush a crowbar which is genuinely huge for a reason I will describe later a cordless drill more scrap metal some more long Le pipes even more pipes finally we have some leftover duct tape planks travels strawberry seeds and fertilizer okay I'm really sad you can't find bags of dirt in this game but we have cleared out this small storage area fully and I will say we definitely have enough Metal Sheets to make the workbench I will be making that later and I also will say I'm going to make this place into a base so yeah I'm going to go post up inside the Whatchamacallit and we might give it a makeover with some paint as well anyways we have finally saved the best for last first of all let's go check out this small little room here which has a sink actually huge the water is still going which means I'll be able to grab all of the paint buckets and fill them up with that juicy juicy water we have flashlights more batteries erasers notebooks mechanics volume 1 farming volume 1 and tailoring volume 1 quite a few books to read actually finally within this Armory we have ourselves gask mask filters balaclavas can I actually wear that right now that might be a pretty nice mask oh hell yeah I look like a generic army guy now with it but it is pretty cool and it does protect me there's also some camouflage caps uh more baklavas and on the Shelf we have 308 rounds 9 mm rounds a military pistol which is just a normal gun that I can use actually huge it does use 45 Auto which is kind of a rare round we have a shama a box of green masks a box of medical masks and oxygen tank oh we're actually chilling 308 rounds 5.56 shotgun shells and that's going to be it oh never mind we got ourselves a military pistol and a military sniper rifle well I mean if it's here I'll might as well take it and I will say it's probably not going to be the best in terms of damage but it's better than nothing anyways let's check out the military pistol it looks pretty damn nice it only holds six shots though which is a small problem it is better than nothing though and I can pop it on my holster the military sniper does sound a whole lot better so let's equip that really quick and looking at it this bad boy is going to be extremely nice I might be able to snipe zombies from afar and lead them into uh like death traps actually yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah anyways that's going to be all the loot here I will sort through it a little bit better tomorrow for now I'm going to be all pooped out and we will be working on ourselves for the rest of the day after I'm going to read some magazines eat some food and yeah we will have survived our 10th day oh not before I fill up all of the paint cans of course because I don't know when that's actually going to go out all righty everyone welcome on to day number 10 we're alive we're doing better than ever but my God would I love to kill for a cigarette that's the only thing I'm missing anyways we have survived our 10th full day and now that we have done it we are going to be starting a art of self-reflection and selfimprovement as I really want to bump up my metal working to level five if I could help it and maybe my carpentry to level four so what I'm going to be doing for the rest of the day is disassembling any metal objects that I can any electronical objects and we are going to just yeah disassemble a whole bunch and then once I'm done with that we can work on you know we can work on defending this place because there are still three entrances that aren't really guarded and the more I thought about it the more I realized if we go from Station to Station one good goal that we could have with this challenge is killing every single zombie right I mean it would take a lot of time and we have only explored like two locations from what I count to be like 10 plus but it would be a pretty fun time if I don't die of course that's really the only thing that's holding me back yeah anyways that's going to be it really uh I just want to disassemble as much as I can and oh actually there's one last thing I want to do and that's set up a proper barricade I'm going to move the small Furniture barricade I have over here and what I'm going to do instead is pick up these cubicles and move them up north over here because there is a small little Gap in this place that I'll be able to actually use every single cubicle which will give me a proper way of fighting off Zeds hell yeah there it is and I'm going to drop one last one for good effort and I think we're going to continue up North this way instead of taking any you know side branching paths I want to see how far this can go up aside from that though we are just going to be doing a big oldfashioned Bop Montage oh actually I was going to just do the bot Montage but I thought it' be good to mention I did repurpose the barricades here to move them down to the southern areas so now when I disassemble stuff I don't need to worry about a zombie coming in out of nowhere and murdering me okay now the real Bop Montage can begin [Laughter] okay cool I am severely depressed ridiculously tired very hungry and extremely bored but in the inverse we have leveled up our metal working to level five and our carpentry to level four which is extremely huge everyone because that right there opens up a whole new opportunity for me right because what I can do is use our level five skill now to assemble a scrap SMG which all we need is Two Gun Parts two small Metal Sheets four screws a cordless drill and a lead pipe which is something we can easily get including the Springs sadly our electrical still leaves a little bit to be desired but hopefully in the future we can work on that no other zombies came out of the way to pester me which is extremely nice oh actually there is one last thing I can show and that's the fact that we have a crowbar now right because what I can do with that crowbar is use it to pick up certain Furniture pieces so if I equip this bad boy right now I can actually run all the way back and start to pick up some things that I just have no real use for thus recycling them to be better like you see those plant pots there I can't pick them up normally but if I use the pickup option I can use them as Furniture pieces it's extremely good and it's going to allow me even more freedom when it comes to barricas so I did use these small Road Blocks here but in order to get some more XP I'm actually going to disassemble these and replace them with the plant pots there is also one last thing that's extremely cool you can actually pick up these turn tiles here to use for later so yeah we have two free fence lines basically I'm going to grab one equip it as a primary and grab the second one really quick just like that and with these I'll be able to secure the other areas to be a little bit more defendable because what I'm thinking right now is for this first layer of potted plants I'm going to leave the turn tile in the middle so we will have a way of you know jumping across and then I'm going to finish it off with another layer of plants so if zombies do break through I'll be able to use it you know in kind of a smarter way okay let's do the same for the other one then okay cool we have barricaded the other entrances and now that we have I feel a whole lot better about this place it's nice it's big roomy there's a bunch of ways to go there's also the abundance of wood and materials here so the more I'm thinking about it the more I realize I think I'm going to go head back all the way to my original base and we are going to Lug as much of our stuff back as possible yeah no I'm really feeling the spot I think this is going to be a lot better of a base es especially the fact that our small little bunk room here has a sink already oh man it's going to be a real long way down all right finally we made it over everyone damn that took a little bit and speaking about it I think I can finally remove this big furniture barricade here and instead what I can do is disassemble it I'll do that on my way back though because there are a bunch of lockers and stuff that I can still disassemble for now I I want to grab some Bare Essentials that I would want to bring with me right we only have about like 30 to 50 I would say about 50 carry capacity to bring along the stuff that's important and then like a nematode from SpongeBob I going to disassemble all of the metal working stuff inside here anyways on the priority of stuff that I need to grab it's definitely going to be the ammo and weapons inside here or I guess just ammo the wood glue and duct tape for sure maybe a box of large bolts definitely the Rope the welder masks are always nice including the springs and scrap metal especially the scrap metal the screwdrivers and thread small Metal Sheets the cordless drill propane torches for sure a couple of planks the canned food for sure okay cool the rest of it is just going to be spare supplies so yeah let's begin another disassembly montage [Laughter] and boom okay I disassembled all of the furniture pieces in front of here there are also a small few bits of areas that I can tackle later as well but I think we've been going on for quite a bit so I think I'm going to end the episode here right we have disassembled quite a bit we are making room for a new base and we are going to transfer the stuff over next time you know it kind of sucks to see my barricade get reduced to just a bunch of loose clothing and some scrap metal but I have leveled up our experience quite a bit as we are halfway to level six already and now that we have done that it's time to go all the way home and I think as soon as we reach it there I'm going to end things off for today right it's definitely taken a lot more time than I would have liked but that leaves next time to you know a nice little base decoration you know makeover and looking at the time I'm definitely going to save my little revamp of that room for for next time but we have made ourselves quite the nice little area that I'll be able to you know work on in the future I'm definitely a lot more happy with the new location so yeah I think it's overall an objective win I might be back over towards our original base for later but I just don't see any point in it now and finally we are back in one piece I really got to remove those corpses next time but but I think we will work on that later we have a whole bunch of stuff to do honestly and it makes me pretty excited for the future we looted this entire station found a whole bunch of you know supplies inside this small little Armory and the sky is going to be the limit for this base customization anyways if you guys have liked this episode be sure to like favorite share and subscribe for more I will see all of you next time on the 13th yeah peace out everyone
Channel: Pr1vateLime
Views: 31,254
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Keywords: Pr1vateLime, pr1vate lime, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid tips and tricks, project zomboid ep 1, project zomboid build 41 ep 1, project zomboid challenge, project zomboid day 1, zomboid, project zomboid, zomboid build 41, project zomboid first day, project zomboid 1 day, project zomboid 1 day challenge, project zomboid broken bones, project zomboid broken leg, project zomboid impossible, project zomboid impossible challenge
Id: FNlvz5OVlnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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