Five Second Passports with No Donation

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so you'll want to get a second citizenship and enjoy all the benefits and protections that come with being a dual citizen perhaps you want one of the best second citizenships perhaps you don't want to wait a long time or both and perhaps the idea of making a donation to some of the citizenship by investment programs you've seen doesn't appeal to you nor does the idea of scavenging through real estate listings or potential business investments and so you want to find a way to get a second citizenship by investing some money but not taking on as much risk well in this video I'm going to share a couple of different strategies that you can use to avoid donations and avoid the risk of the markets [Music] hey guys I'm Andrew Henderson and if you'd like to learn how nomadic capitalist helps folks get their second Passport helps them go where they're treated best those are our five magic words you can learn more at nomad capitalists calm I've got a lot of good free resources they're about second passports as well as here on our channel now when it comes to second citizenship I always encourage people to ask themselves what is the return on investment whether you're actively trying to use your second passport to do something like expatriate make new investments or travel to places for business or it's just what I call citizenship insurance you have to ask yourself you know what am I getting out of this how am i protecting myself how am i growing my wealth by having a second Passport and so I'm not opposed to donation options I think sometimes those are some of the cleanest and easiest options but if you have money to invest but you've been you know saying I don't want to go invest money in real estate who knows what happens to the market you know I feel like I'll ever pay it seems like a hassle I'm gonna go through some some citizenship and residence programs that you can put your money into and you don't have to deal with the hassles of things like maintaining property or hoping that some startup doesn't collapse okay now obviously nothing is risk-free you know banks can fail government bonds can go unpaid I mean there's nothing that's risk-free but these are some options that are a bit more hands-off while allowing you to actually keep the investment you made on your balance sheet and not just write it off as a donation so the first option is st. Lucia this is a citizenship by investment program and they do have a donation option that is one of the least expensive options out there however what they also have is a government bond option where you can put about half a million dollars into government bonds there's no interest and you can hold those bonds for a number of years and then at the end of years you can you know liquidate the bonds this is rather typical of citizenship by investment programs where you have to hold the investment for a certain number of years and so certainly there's an opportunity cost on this and if you compare the $500,000 bond investment to the $100,000 donation over the course of let's say five years you might see that the opportunity cost on the remaining $400,000 Delta is greater than just giving them the grande but if you want to keep the money on your balance sheet you can certainly do that I am a st. Lucian citizen I like the program and I voted with my feet so if you don't make that in a nation that is an alternative the second one is in Turkey Turkey as a citizenship by investment program which has become very very popular and so Turkey started out at a 1 million dollar real estate investment they dramatically lower that a while back to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars in real estate we have someone on my team who's it who's a Turkish speaker we find good deals we find incredible deals actually the best deals and I think that can work very well however obviously if you just go and look at a lot of these Turkish real estate websites there's a lot of bad inventory for sale so you really need to know what you're doing the alternative to real estate though is it's always been double the amount of money in the bank that you keep it real estate so back what was a million I think it was two million in the bank or maybe they've even been three million now that it's 250 you can choose instead of real estate to put five hundred thousand dollars in the bank and technically you should be able to split that up into different banks okay so turkey doesn't have huge levels of deposit insurance but they do have some pretty big banks and so if you wanted to pick a couple of banks and put your money in there you can hold dollars and so you don't have to get into the Turkish lira to do that you have to hold the money for three years so if you're someone who's liquid you know we've had a couple folks come to us recently who they say hey you know Andrew I've got five million dollars in the bank or one guy had you know ten eleven million dollars in the bank and so if you already have the quiddity you know this is a way to diversify Turkey may have been number one on your list of places to diversify but you can get a passport out of the deal and you just have to keep your money in the bank so that's a place where you don't have to get into the real estate game now for number three and we're getting a little bit out there but Egypt actually has created let's call it a citizenship by investment program they like Turkey have kind of refined it hasn't really been widely publicized hasn't even really been finalized in some ways and so some of the rules were we're still seeing come out but if you deposit 7 million Egyptian pounds in a Bank and you keep that money there for a while you can eventually get Egyptian citizenship it's a little bit less than half a million dollars about 450,000 dollars certainly a currency like that is gonna fluctuate a bit although throughout 2019 and into early 2020 it actually appreciated against the US dollar after getting beaten up very badly against the US dollar when they unpaved it a couple years ago so if you have an extra four hundred and some thousand US dollars sitting around and you want to put in an egyptian bank I guess the plus side is interest rates they're pretty high and you can become an Egyptian citizen not sure what the great utility of that for most people I do love Egypt and love Egyptians not sure I would want that passport of that price point but it is an option number four is similar this is Jordan Jordan has a citizenship by investment program but again no one really talks about because they haven't had that many people but they have had some amazingly who have put one-and-a-half million u.s. dollars either into government securities or government bonds or securities or into a bank account okay and if you get hold that for a couple years you can go and you can become a Jordanian citizen also propping up that intriguing to many folks but if you have a minute and a half bucks and even hankering to buy some jordanian debt then you can do that another option is in latvia which is one of the lesser discussed residents buy investment or so-called golden visa programs in europe now unlike some of the other golden visa programs if you want to become a Latvian citizen you actually need to live in Latvia and that could mean tax consequences so if you're running the seven or eight figure business that we often talk about it may not be worth it it's a situation where you probably better off going somewhere else unless you just happen to like living in Latvia but Latvia has a deal where you put two hundred and eighty thousand euros in basically subordinate debt with a bank so it's not quite a bank deposit so you're you know one rung lower but by doing that you don't do buy property you don't have to start a business you just put your money with the bank and basically you get a residence permit that you can renew if you live there for ten years you can become a citizen and so that's one way unlike some of the other programs in Europe what you're really pushing River state some of them are starting to push startup investments which can be good for some but obviously there's some risk in terms of volatility there obviously you know some kind of debt with a bank could also have risk but it's a lot more hands-off and probably less volatile than investing in startups okay now there are residence investments programs around the world that don't necessarily lead to citizenship where you also can just put money in the bank so Malaysia is my second home program the mmm 2h program you put between 150 and 300 thousand ringgit in the bank in Malaysia if you can get in at a time when the ringgit has been beaten up against some of the big international currencies you can get a deal they pay a couple percentage interest points and other than the currency risk your money's just sitting there in the bank they've got some really good banks in Malaysia they have international banks and so you can do that you can live in Malaysia you're not going to become citizen but you can live there Thailand is a program plenty of other countries have a program you know Panama for example so lots of residence countries that may not necessarily lead to citizenship have programs where you put your money in the bank and that is all that is required so those are some programs for not only residents but also some for immediate citizenship as you can see not as many options my approach to this is you know if you buy real estate correctly now you know in st. Lucia and the Dominique is and the st. Kitts and Nevis is of the world unity where they sell the approved you know government approved real estate you're not really gonna come out very well and most of those deals most of the time okay nor are you even necessarily gonna get to enjoy the property so in the Caribbean islands for a citizenship by investment I generally pass as Rick Dees once said pass on the registered options however there are other countries you know fast-track options there are golden visa options that lead to citizenship there are citizenship by investment options where you can buy real estate and so you know what we do is we are constantly studying lots of markets we have local agents who know the real scoop and we get to know them and we test these people out and you know if you know what you're doing you won't overpay by 20th 3 or 40% the way that some of these agents hope that citizenship investors do so rather than avoiding real estate investments I would suggest just finding someone who knows what they're doing and working with them and getting your passport that way I also say donations aren't that bad if you've got a good ROI if you just don't want to deal with the hassle you don't want to deal with the you know they're running around or they're thinking about holding assets or it's just worth paying the money either as an insurance policy or because it's gonna help your financial position in some way sometimes donations can be a good deal too so those are some countries to consider however I probably wouldn't go so far as to prioritize this approach over the traditional real estate or donation approaches I just think what you need to focus on is ROI and making sure that you're buying the right properties if you choose to go that direction how can nomads capitalist help you four ways number one subscribe to our Channel and click the notification bell to make sure you get our new video every day number two get a copy of nomadic capitalist the book you'll learn a lot of my personal experiences over a dozen years of studying this stuff as well as exactly some of the strategies that you can use to build your nomadic capitalist plan number three if you're not sure where to start but you want to come and learn from my team and I you want to come and mingle with like-minded people learn more about our live conference Nomad capitalist live it's coming up soon and number four if you want some help right now because you've got a burning issue you need something solved you want to lower your taxes get a second passport or build the Nomad capitalist lifestyle of your dreams go to Nomad capitalist calm and click on become a client
Channel: Nomad Capitalist
Views: 86,282
Rating: 4.8410821 out of 5
Keywords: second citizenship, citizenship by investment, second passport, turkish citizenship, Turkey, turkey real estate citizenship, turkish citizenship by investment, jordan, offshore plan, offshore strategy, nomad capitalist, jordan citizenship, jordan citizenship by investment, St. Lucia Citizenship by investment, St. Lucia, Caribbean Islands, st. lucia citizenship, Egypt, Egyptian citizenship by investment, Egyptian second citizenship, Latvia, Malaysia, MM2H program, dual citizenship
Id: vKZMc0Ssock
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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