Skibidi Toilet: The Horror Movie

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For almost a year, this menace has been terrorizing our city. At first, they were mostly stealing corpses from morgues and cemeteries But then... They went after the living beings... Without any moral boundaries. They would kidnap men... women... and children. So they could turn them into twisted cybernetic abominations. As themselves. Yet today, we will finally put an end to this terror! As, thanks to the anonymous tip, we now know where these monsters come from! And we will pay them a long overdue payback visit! Sir, is it true that... Well... Our orders are to shoot on sight? Correct! We are heading into a wasp nest. And those creatures will fearlessly attack and kill anyone! Who would dare to approach their creator. The most twisted and dangerous psychopath any of us have ever encountered. Pain...pain... And god knows what else is waiting for us... in his lair. So get ready to the toughest fight in your life. And don't hesitate to kill them... Before they kill you. Alright, let's do this! HQ! Delta and Charlie team have reached the place. Understood! Foxtrot team is about to descend from the north entrance! Wow! That is a long way down! Watch your step! Don't rush! Alpha and Bravo have successfully entered from the east entrance. No enemies in sight! Roger that! Still, be extremely vigilant. Echo team! We are in the south tunnels already! Team Golf and Hotel reporting. West entrance, all clear. Everyone ready!? Good! Let's go!  Looks like we've reached a dead end! HQ! No signs of enemies in sector 7! Sector 9! All looks clear! Did we get tricked? Where the hell are all the enemies!? Don't drop your guard! This place is massive! They can be anywhere! Holy shit!? Did you hear that!? Yeah I did! Must be one of those freaks! Command, sector 15, we believe the enemy might be there! Echo joined Foxtor! Investigating sector 15! Understood. Watch your backs! What's up with all those exposed cables hanging off the wall!? Think it might be a trap!? Alpha and Bravo here! We see sector 15! No enemies in sight! I see something! Get ready! Understood sir! HQ! We see some sort of workshop ahead! This must be the place! Roger that! Remember people! They may look human, but in reality, they are killing machines! So don't hesitate, shoot on sight. Gosh, this looks terrifying... You don't say... Just look at the size of that bed with the restraints... Who the hell was it supposed to restrain!? A freaking giant??? I don't get it!? How was he able to install all of this equipment here, completely unnoticed!? So... This is what the skibidi_fication process looks like... Disgusting... There is definitely something wrong about all this! Look around us! This place and equipment. It looks like it has been here for at least several decades already. Enough with paranoia, alright!? We came here to stop that psychopath, that's all that matters right now. HQ! We've found the twisted workshop of this psycho... Yet no signs of him or his creations. What the hell! What is that sound! Why are there sirens in the sewers!!!? What da hell!!! ####!!! Look! The doors are closing! This is HQ! What happened!? Report immediately! Common! Let's go! Move it Delta! You can still make it! Move it! Move! Don't stop! We can make it! ####!!! Now what!? Look for the switch or control panel! There has to be a way to open it! HQ! All doors had automatically closed down Teams are separated from each other. Most likely we've got into the trap. What are our orders? Damn it! Alright, All teams, listen up! Take defensive positions and get ready for an attack. I believe it's not a coincidence that you still haven't encountered any resistance from an enemy. They wanted to lure you in, then separate. And most likely now they are planning to attack you. No need to panic, though! Backup teams are on their way already! Darn it! We're now sitting ducks here. This place is huge, there must be other exits! Besides, this psycho might now try to escape. So let's not allow him to achieve that! Good point! Come on man! Give it a rest! No way we can lift that! You'll never know... Until you try! HQ! It seems that there is no way to open doors from our end. We are out in the open here! What kind of defensive position are we supposed to take!? We're totally screwed! What!? Watch out! Behind you! Eyes up! We've got hostiles! Contact! Lot's of contact! How many of them are there!? Holy ####! I didn't sign up for this! FOWARD! Open fire! Gunshots! Yeah! One of the teams must have been attacked by the enemy! HQ! Do you copy!? We hear gunshots coming from sector 19! Roger that! Team Golf and Hotel are in that sector! Backup team's head on to sector 19 immediately! All other teams, listen up!!! This is definitely a set-up! Ah!!! My ears!!! ####! This can't be!? Did they just cut off our radio communication!? What are we supposed to do now men!? Stick together! Check your sectors! HQ! Do you copy!?... Does anyone copy!? This is not good... Yeah, you don't say! Not only, we're locked in here! But now the radio coms have died!!! #### this!!! Here they come! These ### are everywhere! Shoot these ###! Keep firing! Let's kill them all! Does anyone hear this!? The back up team has encountered a massive group of enemies in sector 17! We won't be able to hold them for long and will have to fall back!  What!? Oh god! No! What the hell! Contact! Contact! Take him down! Somebody help! For god’s sake! Can you hurry up! Our boys are getting slaughtered there! Unless you want to provide any practical advice! I suggest you shut up and don't distract me! As I have no idea how this console works and it really pisses me off! Easy guys! You'd better save that strength and anger for our enemies. Hey, any ideas what could be inside these containers? Who cares! Any luck with a door? Just give me a second! I think I'm starting to understand the pattern! Let's see... If I press this... Did it work!? Finally! You did it! The door is opening! Hell yeah! Wait, what is that sound!? What did you just do!? Dear god! What have we done! Warning! Warning! All S_T prototypes have been released from their cells Threat level - red! Chances of containment - zero! There are more of them! Die, damn you! Come and get some! CONTACT! Kill them! Kill them all! This is crazy! Run! Get away from him! Move! Move! Help me! Son of the ####! Die! Die! They just keep coming! We're all going to die! Stand your ground! It's them of us! Pain! Pain... Pain! What the ####! Did they just came back to life!? Wait! What are you doing! Stop! Don't! No! No! For god's sake! How are we supposed to take out this ###!? No ### idea!! Maybe try shooting him in the head!? What the hell!? Are those two planning to fight with each other!? Seems that way... But why!? Does it really matter!& let's use this opportunity to sneak past them. Oh, ###! Oh, for ### sake!, this whole place looks exactly the same! Cheer up! At least there are no enemies around! Oh... no... I don't like the sound of that. Yeah... Seems that another squad got eliminated. So, what now!? We should get the ### out of here! What was that!? Did you see it!? Yeah... I saw it! Everyone on me! Go!!! Over there! You see it!? What the hell is that!? Jesus Christ... How is it even... How can it even be alive!? Are you even sure it's alive!? Maybe it is some sort of animatronic? Quite possible No way, I saw him move! Though, it sure looks like he is broken or something... Wait, is that... Is that a detonator!? Not only that! This freak has a c4 attached to him!! What did you say!? A c4!? Alright! Let's slowly move away from him, while he is still malfunctioning. Oh no!!! Warming! Installation self-distruct sequence engaged. All personal are to evacuate immediately! Is this a joke!? We're in the freaking sewers, what is she talking about!? Repeat! All personal are to evacuate immediately! No way this can be for real! God help me! Warning! You have ### seconds until self-destruct! Our position is compromised! We're getting overrun! I found the exit! This way everyone! Somebody! Help! Oh... no! You! Stop! Don't move! Or I'll shoot! I am serious! You are under arrest! So you better get on your knees with your hand up in the air! I said don't move! Or...I'll...Shoot you! Warning! You have 30 seconds until self-destruct! Kill them! Kill them! Run! Run! Run! This can't be happening! This can't be happening! 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1 Oh... What a day off it was. So much fun and nostalgia! But then Red's showed up and ruined it with another annoying task! You do know, that disobedience and self-will were the main factors that doomed harbingers of this world? Duh!... Were you always this boring and grumpy? Boring or not, this is my 6th world already. What about you? How many times have Reapers rewarded you? Just once! But you know... If turning boring and obedient is what awaits me... I'll let them consume me this time... And there he is. So... The honor is yours then. Well thank you Mr. Grumpy! So... He is the one, who turned his whole world into 1 big battleground? Correct, a newer ending battle between 2 factions, that he himself created. Charming! Well hello there Mr.D! My name is Daizy. And it's a pleasure to meet you! I get it! You are a strong, silent type.. Point taken! Oh, don't you look at us like that! We're not your enemies... At least for now. You see, our boss is quite interested in your unique creative skills. And have sent us here with a special offer to you. Which is a big privilege, I should note. As usually, we just eliminate all the competitors... Oh, don't mind my grumpy friend over there! But, I suppose, now, after someone "anonymously" informed the local authorities about your workshop location. Which had just been destroyed with all your creations. You find yourself in the position. When accepting our boss's offer. Might be the only option you have, that will guarantee your wellbeing. So... Are you ready to hear it out?
Channel: Secret4Studio
Views: 1,232,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Secret4Studio, eldritch horror, skibidi toilet all episodes, skibidi toilet meme, skibidi toilet vs cameramen, skibidi toilet final, skibidi toilets, skibidi toilet theory, skibidi toilet lore, skibidi toilet story, skibidi toilet leaks, skibidi toilet new episode, skibidi multiverse, skibidi multiverse analysis, DaFuq!?Boom!, sfm animation, gmod animation, skibidi toilet, scientist skibidi, DOM Studio, Virlance, skibidi toilet zombie universe
Id: FQ1xHkf77L4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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