Top 10 Funniest Critical Role Moments From Campaign 1

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hey everyone welcome back to my channel you may be here because you've seen my other critical role videos including the top 10 emotional moments from campaign 1 today I'm going to make you all laugh instead of cry by sharing what I think are the funniest moments in box mocking his journey you'll be hearing a little less of my voice this time around since not as much context is needed for these scenes but I'll still do my best to setup each moment and remind you of what was happening leading up to it once again keep in mind that this video contains spoilers if you are not completely caught up with critical roles first campaign including the box machina one-shots please do not watch this video the last thing I want is to be the person who accidentally ruined something for you that being said let's get to it and prepare those ABS for a hearty workouts number 10 the black powder merchants from episode 23 the rematch few things in critical role are more satisfying than the first time we meet a new NPC towards the beginning of the stream and after a good chunk of adventuring Bucks machina returned to vassal hime where the human gunslinger Percy goes on an errand to find ammunition supplies for his weapons what follows is one of the most unforgettable character introductions in the entire series and a solid reminder of how brilliant Matthew Mercer can be personal friendship signed by music Kowalski the role of the third ha I was sent to you I was sent here in terms to hopefully negotiate the purchase of some black powder I was hurt I've heard that your door slams open at this point me and you see from around the corner a very live crooked looking man quite elderly but very spry for his size you'd see his his arms and legs are very lanky almost spider like him the way they move and and shift as he peeks out and you can see he has spectacles of two different sizes and thickness around each eye is hairs kind of frazzled and gray white he runs back into the hobble place I answer this as you step inside the scent hits you immediately and you realize this place is probably filled with black powder and the last thing anyone wants is to set off any sort of flame and there is indeed in the fart and what looks to be a a barrel that contains a large amount of black powder that it's just everywhere is it this very fine coat of powder that it's compass in this entire room and as he turns around you can see now his hands himself are black in color he goes oh you came yep no that's about the best powder but he knew it had a purpose you wish to buy it how much you want [Music] speak up I haven't all day how much how much for a barrel or hogsheads worth Harold Harold Perrineau four thousand six hundred and twenty three gold pieces for the barrel makers if I can see you know myself yes Andy wait huh oh he turns around and shuffles through a bunch of pieces of burlap and sack and pulls out what looks to be an actual dried and a hollowed-out hog said to fear this committee and how about four hundred even and you can direct me to some or as well oh oh I thought you might have a friend I love I love Percy 25 25 sure you have a friend you must you seem you seem so amiable 500 400 I send you to station you take my said sir you have a deal glorious turns around and just jams the head into the black powder picks it up yeah this suit kind of settles against you and the rest you guys' you now find yourself partially covered in the slowly dissipating cloud of black powder you click off instinctively in pushing away 500 gold you pay I gently put down in front he takes it with a whisk it's already put away into a side pouch and here the clinging of kind of haphazard coins in his far pocket yeah okay deception this way he grabs your arm and drags you out on his hovel he points across the way with this kind of shaking crooked finger yeah I tell him tell him he turns he'll give you all thank you for all of your help you've been so kind attention you want more powder back I do good good bye bye and pushes you out take both you either arms and pushes you out slams door behind and you're left kind of standing there half covered in black and soot and black powder in the center of the thoroughfare midday kinda stunned by the whole encounter number nine vex shoots Scanlan in the neck from episode 48 into the frost world during the chroma Conclave arc Vox machina find themselves in the frost world where they hope to meet in Andros Fink's with information about the vestiges of divergence after a long night's rest and scale ins magnificent mansion the group wake up and enjoy a breakfast full of chicken vex who had recently stolen a magical flying broom from Chris Hardwick's guest character decided to partake in some target practice however if things don't go according to plan and vex probably should have made sure that nobody else was in her line of sight you find yourself to breakfast a delightful spread of breakfast chickens prepared hey Becks oh [ __ ] I'm not even on my all of you doc instinctively as the chicken has enough time to arc and begin to plummet down before she gets her arrow out and you see her aiming downward as it falls as she releases the arrow it manages to catch it go ahead and roll it up back on the table the Broken Arrow shaft I like that game it's very very good you want some all bring target practice I need to practice you do need to practice thanks but I mean we have a chicken good stuff to do yeah we have substitue I'm still eating I would like to see you for five minutes get up on that broom and fly around and does it help me at all the practice it helps me I will seven servants to each have a loaded pigeon chicken about the rest are flying facts you can we can do the honors and say the poles I clench really hard with my thighs to try to hold on as the rest of you enjoy what is the strangest of medieval times experienced the raised ceiling of the dining room area watch back spiral around on her broom before scaling back the same pole oh say it say it easiest number to count to so it's the first chicken goes to the air she reaches and goes to aim however she catches herself the broom kind of throws her off and she stops just in time and half hazard they focuses on just the chicken not realizing where the chicken had now fallen past releases it skin I want you to make a dexterity saving throw damage oh it's automatic it yeah okay as you're watching this chewing suddenly [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] so you live in hitpoints Oh can I pull up sure I'll go to blood my hand there number 8 Grogg talks to Craven edge from episode 45 those who walk away at this point everyone knows that putting Travis and Sam together in a scene usually results in hilarious chaos this moment is a personal favorite of mine as grog and Scanlan find themselves killing time at a bar while the other members run errands grog decides he needs to have a private conversation with Craven edge the evil two-handed great sword once wielded by Silas Briarwood not only is the following conversation ridiculous but the fact that grog has an intelligence of six and somehow ended up with a talking blood absorbing weapon makes the dynamic even better throw Scanlan in the mix and you have everyone in the room dying of laughter Rockets Gatlin what you guys doing Go Fish all you want to do any games anything in the bag of holding I think there's some orc parts in there that have been in for a couple months I got all nervous when they mentioned a girl I escaped so I kind of need to go boom boom Sansa no one can hear it help like stand guard outside the door you're mine can I go drop some organs and as you find one of the few local kind of ramshackle outhouses done or quite Goliath size and it's an uncouple experience I thank God you brought a bard along I'm gonna open up a cotton let's just go ahead I saw the music playing right it's just like a stole to Jenny's should I take out Craig keep in mind how tight is imbalance is where all the best thoughts and conversations that we know it is it your keep in mind how can find it is okay as you see one of the wood boards splintered on the side for a second [Laughter] you might want to play a bit louder and maybe take a few steps away it's about to get violent that moment you focus in as you can feel the blade itself so coal in your fingertips Thea you can see what a little bit of light that filters through the bright orangish red color that's coming from the sunset you can see a reflection in the obsidian blade as a voice comes to your ear and says you fed me well I did I mean we are really doing well question so we were fighting that big earthbreaker group looking god he called you a dark weapon is that do you have feelings and did that hurt them there's a brief pause before you hear this long drawn-out oh no no listen oh and I take my thumb and I've run it against the blade real quick okay as you do I was hidden in the voices sorry listen so more question is as much as I love opening up people to feed you I kind of want to know like what's in it for you [Laughter] talking to your [ __ ] no you gotta let know who's boss voice creeps in again this time there is no feeling more terrifying than hunger and i hunger forever you hope satiate that hunger that is our arrangement I give you the strength of those you cut down and I feed upon them if this is unsatisfactory I can and have found others who are more willing I'm a big fan really I mean I'm yoked out when I'm using it's [ __ ] amazing coming people are flying apart it's like a dream but listen can you ever be full before perhaps you're the one to find out I bet I am actually really lucky you found me a lot of these other blokes not even half the man I am but listen so there's no luck in game just to be clear you just want to drink and drink cuz I've seen the blood right and usually I wipe it off but you like suck it in and that's a little unsettling I'm not gonna lie my hunger grows but the air tarnishes my blade perhaps we can continue this conversation as you see I think if you're within 200 feet back up oh yeah how'd you say something about blood yeah no a must wetting it was a real workout that one at some point you said are you full the Privy you know is starting to give me bombuh tickles you know you don't want to like dip in the muck it's did you wanna are you sure I warmed it up for you it's like I'm ready to go [Laughter] number seven Scanlan tries to kill trinket from grogs one shot bunions and flagons between campaigns one and two the critical role casted a number of one shots both in and out of box Makino's canonical story grogs one shot is interesting as it features a make-believe adventure ran by grog himself which includes the twins Scanlan and percy playing as themselves in a D&D game now if you remember in the first campaign there was a running joke about scale and secretly hating vexes animal companion trinket this one shot is hilarious all the way through but I will never forget the moment one player sees the opportunity to fake kill his arch-nemesis just once can inspire the bear okay how do you do that by feeding it meat okay okay go on drink it smell will smell well tonight drink it drink it takes the meat just starts gobbling it down actually inspired there so 26:26 trigger comes over and he begins sniffing the body and he he does recognize some of the center it's almost out of an animal like a perhaps another bear or a wolf even just some sort of animal scent on the body but then drink it and this little hairlike hairball were covered in mucus comes out [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] I would like not in the game but out of the game to hide trinket takes no 27 points of poison damage I think he's dead well he's uncomfortable even Equuleus well yeah but I'm gonna kill scam it back into your necklace I bet them back out and heal him because you're going to murder our friends yeah I leave him out and I can't speak with animals on him and I have another one you dick you know your last ten minutes and I could drink it what happens I don't know but ball from scram you know I [ __ ] do I used to be willing to make a deception check deception oh yeah number six it's fine we're gods from episode 97 Terry on my wayward son in what is probably the most hilariously shocking moment of the entire series Marishka made a slight lapse of judgment that ended up being fatal at the very beginning of the episode vex uses locate object to find a diamond that had been dropped underwater by one of pikes relatives from the top of the cliff she detects it 65 feet beneath the surface and ask ski-lift to help retrieve it keep in mind that it's at least 1,000 feet from the cliff to the water's surface and the drop isn't a straight dive which seems like a rather simple favor quickly turns tragic but it's arguably the most ridiculous thing to ever happen on the show can you swim yes can you come help me get this diamonds back oh yeah yeah I know I mean I can come oh are you really can I do it it's a really high drop ok make an ethics check ok you get a few feet past the cliff edge not a majestic jump and the cliff is not completely sheer it does slightly angle oured so you get leave off and as you're falling you can see you probably have about and say about 300 feet or so before you're gonna hit rock rock the cliff is not perfectly vertical it's a little bit angle and you're heading down to hit the rock gonna do like a gust against the cliff wall to push me back a little bit further don't make a wisdom check just straight was the most part just straight wisdom 20 okay let the coat like a gentle fart you push yourself a little ways from the cliff and it it does I'll say it does just enough of a shove or a trajectory changes slightly you may or may not be right where the rock hits the the surf you can test it or not it's up to you and this was the end turn into a goldfish before you hit the water or the rock [Music] I'm assuming the goldfish would make it easier Bobby yeah that's a good point no fish are not magnetically attracted to us or something so you can like maybe Oh guys as you turn into a goldfish rocketing towards the base of the water here we go he's taking a picture of a noise not because she's dishes too many dice for me to roll we just bobbed back to myself I don't die and the additional damage would go over in tears I know I know there's too many dice to roll why am i drinking your clothes this stop right now oh boy oh boy just no no seriously that what if she just died yes took 363 points of damage you are lying you are lying that's below by hitting rocks by hitting rocks at terminal velocity at the heights it's what is d 6 / 10 foot falling o healeth scatters across the edge of the rock it just crumbles into the surf and is now floating oh wait what you are lying no what does that mean that's bellowing points that's it stab it no she's dead Keith his dead and floating in the water okay on revival bull death probably revival you don't retreat the body oh my god yes I gave you a coin the distance you drunk and they pushed feet in the air totally logical but here's the thing you have to roll if I use the coin no no no I push alee every member of Vox machina has died lost in battle or some danger okay I'm starting to sweat you want you watch us kids and just like it's it's this it's a scatter of red mess okay no I mean go get high go fly down there is she like a body at least yeah she hit as the goldfish yes and which has like a hit point yeah yeah which been made the other 324 hit for sure go over to Marissa sure sure sure so the the goldfish turned into orange marmalade I mean her body still intact Ricky it was like a fish turned into a court bang bang technically speaking broken homes before the battle right yes you can go ahead and roll a straight wisdom check 18 okay instead as you as you pull go down and pull her out of the water the the her soaked red hair covers her face and it's probably a good thing as you're a little scared to see and so with that you you you you instinctively like begin to to seize up and just like about to sobbing and you realize that the coin on the floor in your pocket you hear the waves crashing below you and you pull it out and you hold in your palm and you feel it glow and warm in your hand as you press it against the back of keel it's broken body and you watch as the the warmth passes from the coin through her back and as it does you watches her broken limbs all snap back into place and and she means to breathe again [Laughter] get killed by the way like she she looks wrecked like her she still scratched everywhere she's covered in blood but she's alive at one hit point number five do you spice in the meat man from episode 65 the streets of Ankara L an episode 66 a travelers gamble I'm kind of cheating by having two different scenes here but in a way you can't really have one without the other when box monkey no make their way to on corral Jarett the captain of Grayskull keeps guard asks the group to bring back a spice called foo Sokka for whatever reason Scanlan interprets this as being an illegal drug and hilariously initiates a conversation with the locals in the following episode he pursues a full-on drug deal but to no surprise things are not what they seem boy are you there boy as you pass over you see walking down the street appears to be two teenage boys kind of huddled together oh no wearing a drab ankle-length cloth robes seems to be some sort of a purplish all over the shoulders the other has a hood up don't and they're both carrying what looks to be small satchels of fruit in their mouth kind of stop and turn don't please don't curiously the smiley gnome that is what small pale gnome and foreign clothes and adorned beautiful armor that walks up to them in the street that looks like fine fruit where would you go to go shopping for four things here market e things you are a very small man I've heard that it's a glandular condition my cross to bear I've seen many many medicine men about it but they can't cure it but many have recommended that I get a diet of vegetables and fruit where could I buy some just like the kind that you have these fruits is actually very difficult to find and come across if you wish you could purchase this man okay I've seen this before I'm not interested in buying from you I just want to marketer of bizarre anything bizarre you looking for this uncut pizza started on that way I look to the blue tower in the center of the city walk this direction to the eastern skyline I'm not looking in the direction I'm keep my eyes on them the entire time he's talking look at my perception check I'm desperately trying to commit every direction to memory so fearful that he's about to try and buy me the strands of crimson flags across the various street corners that would signify the entrance to this uncut business interest is so helpful they both seem confused but also strangely enamored with this tiny man who's talking to them no shifty behavior beyond that thank you so much young man for your help also you cool you cool don't know authority to space sorry I'm confused school ignore that part thank you so much what do you think little spice puts his hand out I flip them a coin good luck finding your food okay thank you walk away but slow paced looking over their shoulder at you the whole way legit they seemed like they were Street carrying you were asking about spice again maybe specifically if I'm to understand 200 gold worth of Kusaka maybe more if it's of a higher quality let it be known that I brought just in case twice the amount how do I know it's of a quality I'm accustomed to for my homeland because I have a reputation to uphold if you wish not to have any perhaps you'll find business with less viable options forgive me I'm just not from around here don't know of your reputation could I possibly have a sample to see Rajon checks why yes you can Miley's doing that I'm pretending to sort of drunkenly lean on the world not just have inside that do that just happened would you wish be careful not to lean healthy deeply then he takes the rope and kind of unfrozen unties it takes the satchel and pushes it over towards you it requires additional refining for use of course this isn't my first rodeo friend being that I play stringed instruments I have long nails [Laughter] the smell is strong and the taste is stronger it is not pleasant to the tongue the aftertaste does have a unique zest to it there is kind of a slight numbness and what while the initial flavor is awful the lingering flavor is actually quite nice like a spiced meat almost it catches you off-guard spiced meat am i feeling high at all the constant 16:16 okay best you can tell there's no immediate effect you don't know what it's supposed to do it doesn't seem to be having an effect on you at the moment it's doing anything I guess I'll take it your reputation and the seeming good quality makes me believe that this is of a fine caliber quality Oh stings a little in the eyes that's all 400 it is 400 and he takes it with Satchel and his mother push it forward and is seemingly waiting for me to pay him sure off I'll drop I'll drop 400 large okay $400,000 as you both kind of wait a moment and pause you both can I shove it across at the same time he catches the coin pouch I've walked for watching account across the table both your satchels your disposes he's been a pleasure doing business with you if you do not do much to ask in case you require further assistance what shall I call you you can call me I hope to do more business with you in the future I'm not feeling it yet that's why I do I just need to do more is that the thing isn't effect immediately oh it doesn't launch on the table knocks on the door a couple knocks it opens the half-elf cannot pierce through the door opens completely quickly head down the stairs past to you I think all I say to them remember we met but you did not meet the meat man they both stopped on their step and kind of look at each other and just keep walking number 4 the bathtub scene from episode 81 what lies beneath the surface while staying in Whitestone box machina planned their strategy against the dragon rice Shawn and taking much-needed night off after going through some pretty rough battles this scene is rather short and the less I give away the better but I will say that this is just one of those moments that defines the magic of critical role so well the improv and quick thinking from the actors can lead to some wonderful moments funny or serious and this is definitely Laura Bailey at her best take turn excellent pairs this is where we have the curtain I take mine never really mentioned so and walk in the buck and I find Percival's baths and silently walk in while he's bathing and I sit in the bath on the other side and just stare for a minute you know you're getting weirder you and I are very different I would agree although again I'm cut to it I think I was really working on something anyway I still plan to honor your request but I want you to know that you are like a brother to me now I have a sister and we fight constantly so I expect to do that with you I hope so but I'm glad I have you around still me as well I I like this family I'd like to keep it don't say another word number three Scanlan and the love potion from episode 109 the ominous March in the last few episodes leading up to the group's final battle with Vecna VAX who knows he is close to being taken away by the Raven Queen decides to pull off one final prank on Scanlon with help from Grogg the half alpha rogue manages to sneak a love potion into Scanlan's drink thanks to a whopping 39 on his sleight of hand check now this one is a little long but totally worth it as Scanlon temporarily falls in love with the first person he sets eyes on for one hour and cannot control it the live atmosphere of this scene makes it even better as everyone both in the audience and at home we're in complete disbelief at Sam's debauchery get off of me sorry sorry why you're hit your hands are a little clammy oh why are you sweating why are you nervous you are nervous grace a very strange display from backs will Dan however your drink is available for you at the table [Applause] that's good stop good man I just feel invigorated all right so as you finish the drink and you blink your eyes I'm gonna ask you Scanlon who do you see first all right did you raise your hand if you're one of my choices okay it's person [Applause] all right I guess my next question to you Scanlon is based on your journeys and travels across the lands of Tel d'Or and beyond how adventurous have you been in your various exploits a human man that was teenage years by I've gone much further than that since then then as he glanced up into the beautiful eyes of the white-haired master of white stone his his white locks gently curling at the tips from a for an afternoon of sweating amongst the heat of the volcano his fingers gingerly caressing the outside of the goblet in which he's enjoyed his own wine [Applause] [Music] you find yourself impossibly attracted to your once ally now direction of your affection I don't know I don't know if it's the wine talking but oh man I feel something I've never felt before Percival I that sounds like the wine talking I I've just never seen you in this light before your eyebrows there I want to lick them they just seemed soft and you what I don't that came out wrong what I meant was I what are you doing later tom Scanlan's forehead and slam I'm sorry it's just well [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] continue the way he the way he looks at you and everything stops the way all sound fades away when he's talking oh no that's just his silent spell that he got recently the way he [ __ ] his gun [Applause] holds up so firmly it trembles just a little with this just a gentle touch would this be an insight check at this point yes oh no [Applause] [Music] this way this is a bit it feels like forever I just this seems to be coming out of nowhere and and he's married to me and I will cut you [Applause] love knoweth no boundaries and even though there's a significant age difference between us I'm not at liberty to say I'm I'm not going to pretend that I'm not extremely flattered by this and I am but I do know I want to see you naked [Applause] Scanlan are you experiencing a bit of cottonmouth maybe mm-hmm yes are your pupils a little dilated the lights I'm gonna look into his eyes oh I turned it back to what did you do is it that hard to believe that maybe just someone finds me a track [Applause] after this this unique and unexpected display of overt affection you find yourself sitting round table amongst the mansion to discuss over your wine and confusion what kind of action to take next in your journey to take down the whispered one the undying king I'm gonna sit directly between Percy thank you I have a 23 past the perception Scanlon Scanlon you see him starting to make his fingers over towards new boy I grab his fingers and start to bend them backwards [Music] whisper in his ear do you want to keep playing your [ __ ] lives or not [Applause] no it was love at first sight but now so not first I'm sorry I'm sorry I'll try to keep it together I'll just think your gross things Victor's boss [Applause] all right finishing your wine you all scatter to your various rooms throughout the mansion prepare yourselves for evenings rest in the morning journey to the cradle of civilization Vasil hi I do set a bucket trap at the door just in case just in case I set a bucket trap okay all right you all find yourselves in your chambers anything else we should do before the evening comes to a close yes [Applause] I'm sorry max I know we're trying to get to other things but magic compels me to put on my best silk g-string and it compels me to use the series of tunnels that interconnect all of the rooms [Applause] that only I know about and it compels me to sneak into Percival's room in the dead of night and crawl into bed with him alright like the fifties where you had two twin beds I love Luthor have you seen their gold pile then I guess I better be extra still [ __ ] stealth check okay I think that's gonna work eight [Applause] with a slight jostle McSally and personal you both pop one eye open and glanced over as what you thought at first might be like a small child crawling into your bed scared of a midnight storm instead find a magnificent silk adorned familiar gnome trying to wedge himself between your bodies which is impressive based on our the honing position you're already in I reached underneath my pillow I grabbed a small copper ball Manus [Applause] all right and that's a that's a strength ability checker has a strength check I believe just to check is a checker saving throw that's that's the distinct where is it it's a check double in size 10 Oh No with a rapid series of clicks words and grinding of metal you watch as a metallic exoskeleton unwinds from the sphere which wraps itself around your body you find yourself suddenly bound and held in place and able to shift as these these cold metal bars wrap around you like an exoskeleton tell me now why I shouldn't feed you to drink it I undo the lock so he can talk I know that this is your marital bed look at you at all something is wrong I mean you something I rolled on one I don't know any music what am I making inside inside now that you're like up close and definitely discerning his behavior I rolled 12 I rolled a three I mean you get the sense something's often different but you don't mind a tree you think it maybe you think maybe a practical joke or he's just trying to [ __ ] with you I'm gonna I'm gonna try lessor restoration on him I'm not sure if it'll work okay in case any in case this is magical I just want to leave you with something [Applause] in case it's not don't do that anymore taxi all right you you you extend your hand and complete the incantation under your breath and begrudgingly administer a lesser restorations fell onto his body he watches his Nomis gnomish form suddenly flashes with a brief burst of divine energy and as he subsides his eyes blink and stare back to first of all with the same longing lust they had seriously this is not acceptable go to bed if we let you ask for this cage will you go to bed [Music] I'm gonna send drink it to your room with you and he's gonna sleep on top of you so that you will go to sleep yeah let's do that Manas alright it unlatches itself enormous reforms into the iron ball that you carry at your side making your way through the tunnel stealth again in this moment it's right about now [Applause] I ha ha I need to change I have pissed in my pants [Applause] I'm sorry too much information thank you have a good evening good evening okay so you do in fact trigger a bucket [Applause] discus powder that I mix stuff that's basically just a flower base it's gonna be a real pain to wash off your you are a ghost white bucket headed no matter silk g-string for the lulz number 2 Grogg Terry and Dodie versus the guards from episode 90 voice of The Tempest after defeating the chromic Enclave box machina tie up some loose ends like finishing key 'let's our mente and disposing of hotus in the nine hells they stopped in vassal high him to do some further research and grog Terry and Dodie split off from the group to do some potion shopping when they noticed two guards are following them they leave Dodie posted outside of the shop and instruct him to make any noise if the guards get close once they're inside and buy what they need the shopkeeper goes in the back to wrap their potions and that's when everything goes sideways here behind you guys at the doorway some of the emotion impacts of metal rapidly and heavily oh Jesus what's into a long sword and he glanced behind and you see walking through the doorway the very heavy hulking figure of Dodi carrying two unconscious guards that are a bunch of bows one time each of the Joe just for extra measure okay both jaws are very broken well yoga really did a number Huell okay everybody's gonna die all right he's got a dog all right partner yeah can be seen through the counter know that the brighter is the backroom he's he's wrapping your stuff right now knowing this happened let's get rid of them get rid of them was in the shop and they're like is there like a tapestry oh they're like a rug though it's not a very big there is a secondary room to the side it looks at this upper platform but that looks bedroom is maybe there's a couple in the interior but I mean up in the corner and I said oh god take chalices and I throw it in their laps cool now I need you to vomit on them I can't vomit do it right now put your finger down your throat a piss they make it make it inside check sure 16-bit on those [ __ ] and that's gonna be gifts forever [Laughter] [Applause] Constitution through natural 20 about 30 seconds if you're trying to get yourself pass before the shop owner comes back sorry these two gentlemen obviously have been off their ass they came in here smelling of booze looking for lock something to make them feel better I don't know and they just passed out in the corner is it someone you know that we could call I'm really hey just leaving please afore he slowly hands out this really nice bundle and and it has like a little bow on it and it's rafting hands and ask you to us please take this your presence has brought me no end of pain just go obviously we have gotten a better end of this deal I think that is true absolutely recently all right thank you for your good daddy let's go don't II come and just comes running after you guys as you exit we gotta go we gotta like um holed up somewhere for a minute you know drink please yeah number one pikes flash cards from episode 89 curious tides Terry and Darrington the human artificer who joined the group after Scanlan's departure quickly welcomed himself unbox my quino's Adventures in hopes of having something to write about Terry however never bothered to actually learn the names of the people he was traveling with and pike decides to help him remember what follows is probably my favorite moment in the entire campaign and makes me double over with laughter every time even if this isn't other people's number one funny moment I think it perfectly encompasses the dynamic of this group and how something like this only happens in D&D I have a request of your robot your Doty your am I saying this right my personal manservant your personal manservant yes could he draw some things for me in gnome I say absolutely milady whatever you would request continue and in common I say back thank you so much Dody would you mind drawing portraits for me looks back to you Darion do whatever the young lady asks could you could you draw some portraits of this group of grog of facts and facts healeth and Percy just when you're all done just bring them to me is there any particular style you'd like them to be drawn in just as realistic as possible realism realism all right and I say thank you and no Mitch oh and no I say you're welcome at some point in the night each of you individually wakes up in the wee hours as a sound rouses you from your slumber as you glance over and one of the nearby open window walls you see a large metallic man shape up here and just start feverishly sketching while staring at you yeah does anyone try to talk to the atop of time I think you just stay perfectly still and try and lift our chin and push forward and only continue sketching adjusting to the new positions piece of paper next to it and keeps going yeah I'm taking him on so upon everyone waking and gathering again before heading off however where you wish the crew is by their their boats to return to the ship Govinda is waiting to see you off and as you all begin to gather you watch Pike as she approaches her form flickering in the familiar visual of a temporary time before she has to return as you approach to speak to everybody suddenly on this side no reason to just slam into view like some weird height man and really just like hens you of this a metallic Fistful of pages torn out of the tone thank you so much and then runs off towards Tyrion Terry come here hello hello so I figured you would have a little bit of an easier time if you know the names of the people that you're spending time I had him make you some I don't know maybe some flashcards so I take out the quill I hold a photo who's this I see before you is a very beautifully realistically draw an image of a female half-elven druid and they male half-open rogue paladin both clutching bed sheets in the same drop yeah oh but how did I mean they would have had to been [Laughter] [Music] so many more questions than answers one of those two was dead yesterday and yet they still found time to well the one on the left is I lovingly refer to her as a blur she is the most powerful and leader of the group all those things are true but and take this this quilt now next to her next to her picture please right keyless no no no no she says no you are going to write it down do you know how to write of course I know how to write hated man oh god all right in what language what language do you prefer I prefer gnome when I'm with with you okay so write down Kayla hmm odd vowel sounds in your weird okay key that the man laying next to her mm-hmm do you know his name little elf boy I would never say that again his name is that with a be like backs with a V as in vagina don't know what that one sounds familiar I feel like he's introduced himself to me okay next up who's this this is another pair this this one let's shy it appears to be a human male looking confused glasses pressed up above the top of the forehead and a half elven dark-haired female on top glancing back with a don't you [ __ ] dare expression [Laughter] you oh well so much may I for a moment dude do you think this is up you could have it any way you like it I read about that alright just looking at the faces then who do you think they are ah the happy one is little elf girl oh I would definitely not ever say that to her alright what's her real name her name is vex back and you know that her and VAX our twin brother and sister I could tell by the bone structure anybody can tempt [Laughter] what is his name first of all Frederick's team von Musel coucil useless pronunciation that what I gonna do in common you know what I'll just abbreviate the middle part dot dot duro low let's see of the alright so there is there is one of this one is pike in a a hurt Amish form still wearing her armor in her astral form just kind of looking like she realized she didn't phrase it properly which she made the request and being the last one sketched and that moment her expression says oh no answer just a quick process question here in the other images there was some revelry some intercourse happening is that now that I'm a full-fledged member do I do I get to partake is this how it works with everyone or is it just certain members is it a hierarchy is it some sort of an accomplished thing where you prove yourself sexually and in babble or how does that work or is it I'm I miss reading this you know I think you should just continue to try to explore that it would just be great just to see what happens you never know any you just never know alright I would never tell you no no [Laughter] [Music] do you know my name ah daughter of sarin ray I'm guessing no it's Pike Mike and last but certainly not least no Mary Georgie she said realism in a classic Michelangelo style pose one knee cocked to the side the beard fluffed the rippling scarred muscles and the obvious half giant side of crud strong jaw before you on the page I mean how does he walk with confidence and pride that is just primal all right I've been taking to calling him jumbo or the big guy okay and it seems that I was correct say that again grog grog okay and that is my very best friend you know I have learned that he is confident ally and a friend to me as well and I will do my best to protect him in battle in your absence well thank you that is very very kind of you so before I leave my request is that you look at these every night before bed until you learn them can you in this form can you see me all the time yes I will so I will know if you're not looking it's your flashcards every night milady I swear it by my name I will do so as you request thank you for saving one of my allies today and wherever you are in the world know that we are fighting the good fight and I will keep your friends safe your friends Greg box box Pico and Percival Frederick's to human bond you so wrong Kowalski delivery so I'm gonna let it slide I have a few more nights of studying to do you do it okay it was wonderful to spend time with you I'm gonna just I'm gonna go back over here
Channel: dreadxemperor
Views: 127,657
Rating: 4.7890806 out of 5
Keywords: Critical Role, Top 10 moments, Matthew Mercer, Travis Willingham, Marisha Ray, Taliesin Jaffe, Ashley Johnson, Liam O'Brien, Laura Bailey, Sam Riegel, Keyleth, Grog, Percy, Pike, Vax, Vex, Scanlan, Top 10 Funniest Moments, Craven Edge, Scanlan tries to kill Trinket, Scanlan and Trinket, Grog's One Shot, It's fine we're gods, Keyfish, Do you spice?, The Meat Man, The bathtub scene, Scanlan drinks love potion, Grog Tary and Doty vs the guards, Pike's flashcards
Id: m1-KgGbVZkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 8sec (5048 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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