Losing Weight and keeping it off. | Errol Bryce | TEDxSouthwesternAU

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I walked into Helens room and he was very obvious that something special was going on Helen was just beaming and he was written all over her face Helen had lost a lot of weight I looked at the chart and her weight was 220 pounds about a year ago and now her weight was a hundred and sixty pounds I said Helen what happened I took the time to ask Helen a number of questions to make sure that she was not sick and that this weight loss was not because of some malignancy or something like that and she said no to all the appropriate questions and then I said Helen what happened over the last year and after she explained to me what happened I recognized that Helen had stumbled onto the astounding secret of permanent weight loss now what is this secret is it that you have to get 60 to 90 minutes of exercise every day if you want to lose weight yes that's necessary but it's not a secret anymore that's now scientific fact is it that you need a plant-based whole food where most of your food is fiber soluble fiber insoluble fiber that when you eat it you're actually eating zero calories one pound of fiber zero calories ten pounds of fiber zero calories is that the trick well actually no yes you have to eat like this that's not the astounded secret is it that you need to journal every day journal is important to lose weight but that's not the secret that Helen stumbled on to what is the secret is it that you need seven point five to nine hours of sleep every night yes this is important but that's not this secret it is scientific fact that you do need to sleep you need to be hydrated is this the secret it's now common knowledge so what is this secret before I share this secret with you I must educate you on four hormones these hormones one called cortisol hormone is highest at six o'clock in the morning so if you divide your day into twelve hours 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. that's sunlight then the other part of your day 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. that's night your cortisol hormone is highest at 6 o'clock in the morning and below an hour and after you wake up there is a surge of this cortisol hormone this hormone turns your body into a high activity machine most of what you eat early in the morning which are cortisol level high turns to energy your body is programmed to move everything is being converted to energy first thing in the morning the second hormone is your thyroid hormone your thyroid hormone drives your metabolic rate and yes it is highest first thing in the morning so if you can work with your thyroid hormone first thing in the morning you will find that your metal bit rate is high and you're burning fat you're losing weight the next hormone is leptin like cortisol first thing in the morning is the highest level like thyroid hormone first in the morning is at the highest level the same thing with leptin leptin is that hormone that actually turned down your appetite and it also initiates a series of fat-burning mechanism and yes you guessed it leptin is highest first thing in the morning we've got one more hormone insulin yes insulin is a hormone insulin is a little bit different at its lowest level insulin is burning fat and turning it into glucose a process of those who study biochemistry you will recognize as gluco neo Genesis so your glucose level is increase from fat in a non feed state when you're fasting the fat is being turned to glucose and guess what your glucose level is lowest first thing in the morning so here you have a situation you have a high feed high activity level in the first part of the day and in the towards the end of the day you have a low feed low activity level so if you get most of your calories most of your physical activity in this first part of the day you will be burning fat and if you do this before you put anything in your mouth this fat will be turning from group from fat to glucose now you can drink water but if you put anything in your mouth insulin is released and the process stops so if you get 50 percent of your calories for breakfast and fifty percent of your calories before 2:00 p.m. you will not be burning you did not be storing fat you will be burning fat well if you get your calories after 5 o'clock 5 6 7 8 o'clock you're getting 80 percent of your calories you are essentially just continually storing fat and then you get what is called a central obesity then you get the diabetes the high blood pressure the strokes the whole works and different cancers this unhealthy weight acquirement this way brings on an additional 263 diseases this unhealthy weight has now been classified as a disease that is incurable so this is why this secret is so so important now this concept is not new actually we've had this concept for - 3,500 years at the birth of the nation of Israel when 2.5 million people move from Egypt to Canaan explained in ancient Hebrew literature Exodus 16 and verse 21 you see the same concept clearly laid out now what happens when you have a big breakfast in the morning you have a big dinner around 2 p.m. and what happens at 6 7 8 ten o'clock when you feel hungry and you will shoot your mother if she stops you from getting in the refrigerator or gets before the donut or as they say in the FA district of federal cuando tienes mucha hombre or they say in Kingston Jamaica went on we lick your shot what do you do when that hunger hits you the good news that is not really not hunger it's an addictive sensation from the amygdala that has 20 minutes and you can train the frontal cortex to override this sensation from the amygdala it is possible we might have to go to the Navy SEALs to get an idea of a concept that they used so the Navy SEALs got a number of neuroscience to try to figure out how do we get the Navy SEALs to overcome fear and they came up with this protocol number one goal setting mental rehearsal and visualization self-talk and arousal control it will take me a good hour to really break it down use illustrations for you to really get it what I'll introduce it to you gold setting you decide exactly what you want to achieve you set SMART goals specific measurable attainable realistic and timely so for instance I want to lose 30 pounds in 12 months it's specific it's measurable yes it's attained attainable its realistic and you have your timeline you come up with yearly go multigo daily goal hourly go and you rehearse these mental pictures in your mind you visualize yourself at your high school way avoiding diabetes high blood pressure just looking great you keep memory mom misses mental rehearsal going through over and over again and visualizing yourself reaching your goal and then you can use self-talk we speak to ourselves three hundred to a thousand words a minute and they're usually negative you're fat you're no good you can't do it you've never accomplished anything you keep rehearsing these negative thoughts to yourself over and over again what if you replace can't do with can-do concepts yes I can I can do it these positive concepts rehearse these positive words to yourself over and over again it's self-talk for those of you under understand this issue with Joseph Joseph got caught in a situation where is amygdala was about to override his frontal cortex and court drew Joseph went into self-talk this boss doesn't know even how much money is in Bank of America and he trusts me with everything how can i sin against God self-talk and this is how the frontal lobe overriding the amygdala Daniels same situation purposes are goal-setting they were just using the same mechanism so there's another protocol you can use the Blue Zone Adventists protocol is actually just drink a glass of cold water wherever you get that sensation that you just must eat at seven o'clock at night just get a glass a drink of cold water within five minutes that sensation goes away or you can use positive psychology where you use prayer or gratitude therapy where you list two or three things that you can be be thankful for or you just move change the circumstances move from where you are go for a walk and call a friend call a support system any one of these three protocols you can use so 50% of your calories first thing in the morning 50% of your calories before 2:00 p.m. and at night you use these protocols and you can lose all the weight you want to lose and you can do it permanently so let's go back to Helen so I said the Helen what happened I'll answer dr. Bryce I just move into an assisted living facility and they feed me as much as I want they clean my house they do everything there's nothing that I need to do so every morning I step out of my room I walk up the hallway and I turn into my exercise room four o'clock five o'clock in the morning Helen would ride her stationary bike for six miles that's it Helen would go to bed early she's on a plan she had to choose two meals so she chose breakfast and lunch and she skipped supper and went to bed early for five o'clock in the morning helen is awake right in her bicycle so she was writing it when her insulin level was low so she was burning fat to energy she's getting her calories with a big breakfast which turn into energy and at night she was not eating simple as that astounding secret and we're not the first to discover it's been around in Exodus 16 and verse 21 now you know the secret of losing weight and keeping it off try it and when you have mastered it don't keep it to yourself friends pass it on pass it on [Applause]
Channel: TEDx Talks
Views: 112,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TEDxTalks, English, Health, Self improvement
Id: y801ldQVizY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2019
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