Her Secret Method For Weight Loss Will Blow Your Mind | Liz Josefsberg on Health Theory

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Target 100: The World’s Simplest Weight-Loss Program in 6 Easy Steps | Liz Josefsberg | download


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/1913intel 📅︎︎ Apr 09 2020 🗫︎ replies
thanks for tuning in to this episode of hell theory sponsored by our friends at butcher box they've got an awesome offer for you guys in the description below so be sure to check that out in this episode with Liz Joseph's burg we discuss why there's a gap between action and intention the habits that are sabotaging your weight loss goals how to break free from yo-yo dieting and how technology is changing the health game for the better everybody welcome to health theory today's guest is Liz Joseph's burg she's a weight loss industry expert and celebrity diet coach who's probably most famous for the unbelievable transformation she helped Oscar winner Jennifer Hudson achieve and maintain and her new book target 100 has been endorsed by such luminary former clients as Charles Barkley Katie Couric and Jessica Simpson she's also appeared on a gaggle of media outlets including Good Morning America the dr. Oz Show The Oprah Winfrey Show Katy and the doctors but what I find most interesting about your approach is that it's so mental that you're starting with getting people to interrupt their patterns to create new habits why are you so heavy on the mind you know I don't think that there's one person out there that doesn't know a better food choice right you know an apple is a smarter choice than a Snickers bar there is a giant gap between intention and action worked for countless weight loss companies for years and years and watched as people were prescribed you know a food plan where they sort of just followed the food plan but until something broke and it just it was the same for me so I was like I really want to understand what's happening in people's minds and why is it that they can stick to something for a certain amount of time but then it ends so as I kind of rotated in my career away from you know working in Weight Watchers and Lifetime Fitness and some of these larger brands into creating my own company and my own philosophy my first step was to understand why do we do what we do because it isn't that we don't know what the smart choice is so I went about so we're really looking into the brain science behind you know why would say a woman come in and I'd weigh her at Weight Watchers and she would you know the funny thing that happens before a woman weighs and is they start just spewing and and almost like a professional they say oh I had a really good week until Friday when I had you know 37 points left and I ate 39 points and they felt so bad about it that I ate 275 points and I was like wait you ate two points over which wouldn't have made you gain weight but the something's happening in the brain so started to look into the research and it turns out that any time that we feel guilt or shame about a food choice or inaction it actually activates the reward center in the brain meaning it makes us want to [Music] absolutely so the one thing that you're trying raising is what it's kids to have the emotional reward yes so when we look at the brain under an MRI when the feelings of guilt or shame which so many diet programs right they they create these boundaries at which once you cross that boundary you are somehow bad you have somehow broken a line so this is sort of back to that woman right she she felt like she had done something wrong she felt guilty and shameful so that drove her brain into the reward center lighting up and then she goes for whatever it was that she was trying to avoid so a gambler is going to gamble more as they're losing right the the shopaholic is going to spend more money and shop more as they feel more guilt and more shame over what it is that they're doing so my entire philosophy and process was how do I figure out how to move people away from these feelings of you know there's a specific program that if they don't stick to it perfectly they therefore are bad they therefore have have broken something and it's over right because that was the process that I found myself going through as I would lose weight there was a fine ending to that maybe I reached a weight goal or I or I did something wrong where it broke down and so I didn't just go back to like sort of healthy eating I went back to the most unhealthy eating there is in the world right binge eating and overeating and all of those things so and I was seeing this with so many people so I really felt like I really wanted to start to make people understand how their brain is driving them and remove some of those feelings of guilt and shame and give them the tools and the worksheets and the exercises that would help them to unravel their thought process around this and where they picked up those ideas it's really interesting to me and I think this is what I found so fascinating about target 100 the way you open the book like first with your story which is amazing and I definitely want to talk about that and then to your point like once people understand that they've built this unhealthy relationship with food then they can actually get to the cause and begin to unwind it yeah and I heard you say one time that you know I think oftentimes people are surprised because I have to come to them at the diet level because that's what they expect that's exactly that's not where we're gonna stay now that I was so interested that's exactly right right like it's so funny you know I have to come at them with what resonates with what they can understand at this moment but where I take them is so deep and so much further than what they've ever thought about their relationship with food and I have sort of a tagline of like I say I'm going to return you to a normal relationship with food we have a really strange relationship with food in this country I think we've lost our way in many ways I think dieting and you know all of these sort of extremes that that have have come in and come out you know going into a process and sort of slavishly or following you know the rules that somebody else has set out that worked for them right I always say for my clients I say like let's pretend we're going to a hat store right if you were gonna buy yourself a hat you'd try on a whole bunch of hats and if they didn't look good you'd take them off and you would pick up the pieces that kind of looked good about that hat and you'd go to the next so I'm always encouraging people to not turn themselves over use these programs they're amazing you'll learn something from doing them but don't beat yourself up if it isn't your long-term plan that you're gonna stick to completely which that's where I think this thing gets set up for people is they do one of these things you know they go to Weight Watchers they stay on it for four weeks or so and then when they can't sustain it they feel like a failure and those feelings drive them to overeat so unraveling that is to try to look at this process from a whole new lens and that's what target 100 is a for me right so I had to lead them in with I'm giving you a parameter I'm giving you sort of a program to follow but if you read the book it's based on the image of me playing doing archery with my sons and I say I want you to go into target 100 and imagine you know when you go out to do our jury you aim for the bull's eye right and I had never done it before so here I am aiming I'm hitting the house off to the left you know I mean I'm not doing well at all but I did hit a couple of the outer circles and it was one of those moments where I was like oh my gosh this is this is how I want people to approach they're they're they're dieting or they're moving through a lifestyle is that they wouldn't if they if they got near it near the bull's eye they would still get points so that's sort of the entire ideology behind target 100 is you know I asked you to kind of limit yourself to about a hundred grams of carbs a day and I always say about because if you got 93 I'd be fine and if you did 107 you'd be fine it's when you say like oh gosh I missed this perfect mark so I may as well just go and eat and drink everything off I'm the face of the planet so what drives unraveling this which is the most important thing for people to hear is that we are just a bundle of habit patterns 50% of what we do in a day is simply habit and habits are relegated to a back portion of the brain where honestly we aren't even present when we're doing them and we do that for a really important reason right because if I had to decide how to wash my hair every day that would that would be exhausting my decisions for later in the day so so we have to love our habits but if 50% of what we do in a day is have it then 50% of the decisions were making about how we feed ourselves you know when we do what are we eating in the car are we eating on the go are we you know what are we how are we feeling our bodies then 50% of that is just kind of not we're not even present for it and we're just being driven to these sort of old easy patterns so we don't have to think so in the book you break down the anatomy of a habit that was really cool walk people through quickly that are watching now that might have a tenuous or unhealthy relationship with food they have habits that aren't taking them where they want to go they may be blind to those habits how do they become aware and then more importantly how do they create that new pattern great so the anatomy of a habit is simple right habits are just very very simple they are made up of three distinct things that happen there is a trigger there are a cue of some sort that kicks that routine off that kicks the habit off that habit then gives you some sort of a reward so you may know that it would be best for you to have a healthy breakfast right and but your habit isn't that you don't know that perhaps having a healthy breakfast would be smart it's that your bad habit as you wake up and use the snooze bar three times in a row making you you know 15 to 20 minutes late every single day so you get up all the sudden you're running late you then skip breakfast altogether you're completely stressed out you get in the car you get to the office and there's a coffee cart with Donuts outside you say I'm just gonna get coffee but as humans anytime we see food smell food or talk about food were triggered to eat it so you see the donut you don't have any resolve at that moment because you've been eating the donut habitually for days but it also releases a big fat dose of serotonin so you are getting a real feel-good kind of thing we back it up and we say like so why is this happening okay let's take that alarm clock this trigger is this triggers bad this this lateness is triggering this this doughnut let's move this alarm clock across the room or stop using your phone as an alarm clock and get an actual alarm clock and put it across the room so you have to get out of bed and let's stop being late because that extra 10 15 20 minutes allows you to then go to the kitchen where we trigger other things right where I put post-it notes of like okay today's breakfast is X Y & Z so you don't have to think you just have to start to create this new pattern once you do something about three to five times it begins to become this new fledgling habit and it's not as painful I think in that anatomy of habits I think no one ever has talked about the emotional difficulty that ensues from changing a habit as well I just I like to tell people to be aware that there will be so many emotions when you try to change something that's so comfortable and you don't have to think about you will be mad you'll want to stomp your feet you'll feel angry you'll feel sad you'll feel you know all of this anxiety it's just that your body wants so badly to not have to think about these sort of less than important decisions that it feels very painful but if you will repeat those things as I say three to five times they become this fledgeling habit and you just need to sort of fan the flames of that habit soon enough that becomes the comfortable thing and all of a sudden breakfast is knocked out like all the sudden you're like oh gosh you've got the stuff in the house and eating breakfast every day I'm not getting over hungry I'm not eating the doughnut that starts to lead to actual weight loss that change of moving the alarm clock across the room one thing that I like that you talked about is refusing excuses so I can hear people they're hearing the story and it's like yeah I'm gonna move the alarm clock across room no problem and then something happens in they're up late and it's like I just need to you know snooze it a little bit and they allow themselves the excuse of breaking the habit which then immediately reverts them back to the way that they were behaving before how do you get people to because you said you can train this how do you get them to get better at refusing excuses yeah well I think probably as I said 50% of what we do in a day is is habit more importantly they estimate that 80% of the thoughts we've had we've had already it's recycled thought that goes around and around and around right and it's never positive we don't have like happy good thoughts that go round and round around right it's like this is never gonna work you know it's always the negative right so one of the things I think is really important is beginning and one of the pillars in the book is beginning to understand sort of stress relief and meditation to be able to sort of begin to clear those thoughts I was shocked that you said that meditation is your number one weight loss - yes yes most of the eating and / drinking in the society that we live in now is due to literally being so stressed out and not having control over those thoughts that you were talking about right and meditation allows us to be in the moment to take the action whereas when we're stuck in the 80% tornado we can't do anything I was always a person who would sneak eat right I didn't want anyone to see me eating it was a really bad habit and even when I got married like I would like you like a lot be right bring it right up honey and then end up in the pantry like sneaking some little bit of food because I didn't want them to see me eating right it's a bad pattern I've worked on it I've eradicated it - like 95 percent right but every once in a while I will just find myself in there because burned into my neural pathways is this old habit of behavior they never fade away completely they live there and that's ok it's ok if I can eradicate it you know 80 to 95 percent I'm really gonna be able to live at a healthy weight but when I understand that it's still there and it happens I don't need to feel guilty or shamed but I just need to immediately go back to right so if you hit that snooze button the one day you're it's not over you didn't do anything wrong you didn't do anything bad it's just that this pathway still lives there and you want to go over and reiterate the new pathway that you're working on I'd really like to hear your story because it's super powerful you open the book by saying I don't think anybody knew the words body-shaming back in my elementary school when I was growing up in the 80s I think it's really interesting that you've been able to unwind that you said that you were bullied mercilessly by weight and as a child of the 80s there weren't a lot of heavy kids and so when there was one they got targeted pretty fast yeah so what was that like and how on earth were you able to unwind the narrative about being somebody who is overweight yeah that that is such an important piece of this because you know whether we have been shamed like I was out by outside sources most of the people that I work with are shaming themselves worse than anyone outwardly has ever done I was just literally again habitually putting myself down based on what had been given to me externally but what I was also coming up with internally about me being less than and less worthy and and and ugly fat all the things that that that I came up with that became my identity that became just a running narrative right it was almost like if you had a radio on in the background and you just stopped noticing that you'd left it on that was just always going on and I didn't even realize it was on I started this book by giving you a program right that you could understand that you could stick to that starts with looking at your environment right starts with you being able to clear out your house and some of these foods and starts so once you once you just do these things in your environment level which it's really simple to kind of go through your environment say like wow those ice cream bars they got to go cuz I'm not gonna do well for me at Chardonnay you can't have Chardonnay in the house open bottle Chardonnay is not gonna make it through the night in my house that's a trigger for me so I clean up my environment and I start behaving differently right once you change the environment you begin to behave differently once you behave differently you start to actually feel like maybe you are capable of this you know as long as I don't have the Chardonnay wow I don't drink it so I'm capable of keeping it out of the house I and that that capability begins to make me believe in myself just a little bit and I go wow so I I believe I could lose this weight I believe I could be different once you believe in yourself the very final piece is the identity piece it's at the kind of the core of that that those levels of change once you get to that identity piece that's where the real work starts that's the unraveling and that for me came through you know learning to meditate learning to quiet my brain learning to understand the voices that I was telling myself and I lost weight so many times over the course of my life first it was 30 pounds about five different times and then that escalated to 50 then that escalated to 65 when I realized my entire identity was was a yo-yo dieter I could lose the weight but I couldn't keep it off as what I told myself and once I heard myself telling myself that then I could begin the work to say like okay what is it that's that I want to see happen now but until you do that sort of internal work journaling you know meditating talking to two friends who've known you for a very long time examining where you picked up these ideas about yourself this is going to persist that makes a lot of sense so going back to as you're beginning to build yourself out of this you talk about people having their urge to quit whether it's exercise or whether it's something more long-term how do we exercise that muscle how do we begin to push farther to not give in to that urge to quit and maybe most importantly how do we begin to earn that credibility that you talked about with ourselves well I'm a huge proponent of baby steps everything in my teaching and in my philosophy is about going you know just the tiniest bit further than you did and then literally cheering yourself on I think those two things are under rated in this process how do you cheer yourself on people ask me that question all the time and I think it's so yeah well I think it's this change over into one of the big principles additionally to kind of quieting guilt and shame is that we now know that gratitude and just the practice of gratitude in when we look again at the brain under an MRI scan gratitude releases serotonin and endorphins in the level of almost like a low level antidepressant and so learning to kind of practice gratitude and learning to be proud of yourself and grateful I make people laugh because it is always for me Chardonnay and you know there have been nice around like you know what I'm just it was New Year's Eve a couple years ago and I was like you know what I've had enough this has been a December to remember I need to like cap it tonight it's New Years Eve you know I'm just gonna wait at like 8:00 I'm gonna have a couple glasses of wine tonight but it's just gonna be it's gonna be a low-key night so friend invited us over for a brunch we literally knock on the door and she opens the door and she's holding mimosas at noon and I was like well this wasn't in the plan and you know I made the conscious decision that I was gonna enjoy the mimosa that she handed me number one I was aware of it I made the decision right I was there I enjoyed that and then I ended up drinking probably four more drinks throughout the rest of the day so I did not hit my target the old me when I opened my eyes that next morning the old me would have literally been berating how did you you said you weren't gonna do that you're a loser you're this you're that before I even open my eyes I feel like there's a forty hundred pound weight on my chest cuz I'm now just a bad person the new me literally I opened my eyes and I was like at least it was five drinks and not six love you girl you did good you drank some water too you're awesome waking up like versus waking up with that weight on you allowed me to then sort of skyrocket into that next day it's being it's so counterintuitive in the diet world it's all about beating yourself up and shaming yourself and you're not good enough and you didn't do well enough I want you to to literally be grateful and appreciative and and nourish every good choice that you make and let go of the bad ones because when we focus on that negative when we just keep berating ourselves we can't go anywhere we're stuck I think people are afraid to do that because they think I've got to kick the horse harder to make it run faster it's the absolute opposite so it isn't that you didn't know that this was a healthier me oh you got to the restaurant you're like I don't know cheeseburger or salad I'm not sure which one no but can you be like can you use these new skills of planning a little bit before you get there can you begin to understand that there will be urgent you were asking about this this urge to quit right urges they they happen for us all day long not just with food with all sorts of things what I think has happened in this really rough environment that we live in is we've stopped you know understanding how to reduce these urges towards food and I think another thing I would love for people to hear is that just as human beings every time we see food smell food or talk about food we are driven to eat it we have this sort of secondary hunger system that kicks in and when we see it even if we just ate a meal our bodies are going to make us actually feel hunger sickness symptoms mouth-watering stomach grumbling you know it's probably happened to every single person who's gone to a restaurant and overeating a little bit and said oh candy and another bite until they bring that dessert card around and all the sudden you're like I got a second stomach where'd I get the second stomach I love it so we are prehistoric in that when we see food smell food or talk about food we can eat more food so understanding that and understanding the environment we live in right so if you're gonna go now to any sort of clothing store they didn't used to sell food in clothing stores but they sell food in clothing stores now because they know that by making you walk through that maze as you wait to pay for your purchases and get more stressed out by your children asking you can I have can I have you're going to be driven to eat that food and they're going to make money off of you buying those foods at the checkout that they're not even making on the clothes the margins better on the food for them because that food can sit there till 2027 and the clothes are out of style in six months so they they know what they're doing if you can start to navigate this very dangerous environment that we live in and say like okay I understand that I'm staring at a candy bar so of course my mouth is gonna water that doesn't mean I have to eat it once you understand your physiology and your physical response to just the seeing of food you can begin to navigate and control those urges a little bit more I think urges as well the one place and the the chapter that it seems to really just blow people away is that my I'm a personal trainer I've you know spent years exercising I want you exercising because that's the one place where you finally practice day in and day out you practice pushing through the urge to quit because there will be a moment in your exercise where you're like there might be a moment before where you're putting on the shoes or like I don't have time you're gonna have all this mental junk come up at some point whether it's before during or after you're gonna have to deal with some sort of urge to not do what you're doing I love in the book how you talk about that exercise is really about exercising the mind even more than it is about exercising the body I think that's so astute and I think that people really miss that a lot and going back to the notion of earning credibility with yourself what does that process look like yeah we are all day making promises to other people right I have children and you know if I tell my child that we're going I'm gonna show up for them you have to believe I would literally walk across fire like I would walk across fire for that child but what I realized was I wasn't ever doing the same loving thing back to myself I had become completely disposable I was you know making a promise and then breaking that promise to myself which made me not trust or love myself because would you trust or love an external person who continually broke their promises to to you so establishing integrity with yourself becomes probably one of the greatest things you will ever do you're going to gain life skills that that make your work better and your family life better and your love life better because once you can look at yourself in the mirror and say I do what I say I'm going to do for me in that vein I think establishing integrity with self goes back to that baby steps principle right I think really saying okay I want to establish I'm going to exercise more this year I think that that's a giant statement that no one can even quantify right what does that mean I think you have to go to a very micro level with yourself and say like okay haven't exercised in two years I don't even have a gym membership I don't have shoes I don't know where I would go I think week one you don't set foot in the gym week one it's you the only promise you make is that you're going to spend 30 minutes to an hour calling your friends to say where do you go what do you like put it out on Facebook I don't know put it on Instagram I'm looking for ideas and whatever lands with you next week you have to book a class and get your clothes for the following week so it's just booking that class and getting the clothes week to so you can you can actually achieve this someone who just says I'm gonna work out and has to figure out where they're going buy shoes do this do they're never gonna do it's not realistic it's never gonna happen so back it up break it down into manageable chunks that you can keep the promise so as people are going down this road I know for a lot of people can be very overwhelming especially with diet what should I eat why shouldn't I eat you have a pretty simple straightforward way for people to begin to make good choices going back to that notion of it's better to be sort of directionally correct you're still getting some points rather than you know just throwing it all to the wind and I don't know what I'm doing and so you just don't make any effort how can people begin to plan out their meals yeah what I discovered after working with so many thousands of people is we basically eat the same thing over and over and over again and I have a worksheet in the nutrition chapter that literally is called the five five five worksheet and it's what I do with a client a private client I sit down on that first meeting and we go through like five healthy breakfasts that they like not that I like not that came from some other person but that they would actually eat you know maybe they hate eggs but I love eggs so we're not gonna put eggs on your meal plan so we go through and we designate five breakfast five lunches and five dinners and five snacks that we know are really good choices but they also really like so if you've designated these meals and you have things on hand that will you know get make making those meals easy you always know you're kind of set my program is meant to be the moderate loving gentle expandable program because I know about all of that junk that's gonna happen in their head I'm trying to get them to a place where it doesn't need to be so hard like I don't want to count for numbers 2/10 to get another number I think simplicity and understanding that were very habitual creatures understanding and leveraging the habit habit patterns that we were talking about leverage your hat don't don't hate your habits don't be mad at your haven't create new ones and leverage it so there's sort of a moat around your castle like you just kind of wake up and you make one of these great five healthy breakfasts and you don't even think about it anymore I always call it the beginning of your healthy meal repertoire because we're just gonna add to it right so your friend calls and says let's go out from executes and you're like oh god oh god what am I going to how am I gonna do this and you kind of do a little bit of research and you realize that I'm gonna get the fajitas I'm just gonna eat one tortilla and get the rest of it over salad I'm gonna try that see if it works right try on that hat see if it works it works great now I know every time I go to Mexican I've got this sort of go-to thing that's really yummy and I like it and it works with my program so it's like that understanding and doing things that are right for you in your life very important word that you used around that that I liked a lot was fluidity you talked about how part of what makes your program work so effectively is there's just a fluidity and you were saying that I've never seen anyone ever stick to a diet where they had to give up their favorite food yeah I thought that was pretty interesting how do you work with people to incorporate that when you know it's you have a slight number system but it's really pretty light very light very light you know coming out of the Weight Watchers world right which is a low-fat almost no fat diet and they started to really disagree with it about five years ago and I'm trying to help the Weight Watchers members who've been stuck in this mentality sort of gently teach them about moving into high-fat foods and not fearing them because you know I get to work with these people face-to-face this is real like people are stuck in the 80s I'm not kidding like they're stuck and they're like where are my snack Wells man like I'm like yeah you shouldn't be eating that like how do I move you so yeah this is a very gentle movement and fluidity and in eating the things you love and learning to manage the things you love is the key like that is like for me I drink wine like I drink wine and yes I've I've definitely fallen on my face with that literally more than you know I've had my issues learning to manage it but I came up with a personal system that really works right like I don't have it in the house before I can have a glass of wine I have to have a glass of seltzer in between every glass of wine I have to have a glass of seltzer that spreads out my drinks now that's habitual if pizza is your thing if you make it taboo over here it's now bad right what do we what happens when something's bad and we feel guilty or shameful overeating we're gonna highlight that reward system we're gonna go overboard with it so I'm trying to get people to say like okay I am gonna look at my week and on Friday night we are going out for pizza and I'm going to have it but I'm gonna have a salad first right I'm gonna do some behavior I'm going to shift some behavior around that food to see how that impacts me I may still fail not fail it's a terrible word but a stick I may still not do as well as I was hoping I would like my mimosa day but I learned something and I I'm gonna keep chipping away at this thing that has become something bigger than food right that is now bigger that pizza is now not just pizza it's like it means so much more so you've got to kind of chip away at that and try different behavior around it I love that you stopped yourself from saying the word fail yeah it was like oh that's so strong know that words matter they do talk a little bit about that like how do you help people begin to change the language of how they refer to themselves or how they think about food and how important that actual words are it's critical I mean I just think again like the way I would speak to my sister for example who I love dearly if she came to me and said like I did I went out for pizza and I wouldn't ever speak to her like there's such a failure why'd you do that you know so it's a best friend a sister even a child like how would I have this funny thing in the book of like you know as your kids learn to walk right they like kind of pull themselves up on a coffee table and they take a tenuous step that would be like me walking over and shoving that kid down and saying well you didn't walk across the room so down with you right that's that's the way we treat ourselves and this is the other thing every action that we take has a positive intention right so even a drug addict taking heroin is just doing it because they're they want to feel better right than they do at that moment same thing with food you know you're beating yourself up all day you're getting a pretty powerful hit of serotonin every time you eat so you're not you're not dumb you're pretty smart you're making yourself feel better when you can look at yourself from that lens and say like oh I'm so nice to me I love me oh I was all that time with those sixty-five pounds I was I was trying to make myself better I just was doing it in the wrong way that kind of language towards yourself is a total change you can actually progress from that spot of loving yourself enough to say like yeah I don't like the result that I was getting going down this road I think I want to try Kido great go ahead try it let's work let's work through Kido and see how that feels for you see if that works for you if it doesn't let's see what pieces you picked up like oh I can add avocado to absolutely everything and it's delicious so you're very clear in the book that there's no one-size-fits-all approach but you have a couple sort of broad-stroke things that you would say I think most people if not everybody would benefit from what are those sort of broad strokes so target 100 is based around the number 100 sort of a metaphor for you being you're 100% right like not mine yours as they say the book is filled with worksheets for you to kind of chisel down on a lot of what we've been talking about but it's built on six pillars so one would be nutrition number one would be that sort of looking at reducing carbohydrates and again it's a gentle movement away from processed foods into about a hundred grams of carbs a day which is by no means a low carb diet it's you know Atkins is 50 kilos 2025 like you're not low-carb but it's giving you just enough of a push to say let me look at this meal and see what I can do to judge it into higher protein a little bit more healthy fat and lots more vegetables I think the pillar that blows people's mind the most is that hydration I'm asking you to get a hundred ounces of water in in a day which to me is nothing at this point I'm like oh yeah I blow through that no problem most people 75% of America is walking around critically to hydrate it like critically to hydrate so none of their systems we're 65% water with our brain and our heart being up to 78% water your brain in your heart or your to metabolic powerhouses so if those are completely empty low on gas not functioning you're not going to feel your best you're gonna mistake thirst for hunger so hydration is a huge movement so I separate movement and exercise as two pillars people are often like I don't understand right I'm trying to get people to understand that we are hunter-gatherers we need regular just movement walking doing you know the dishes doing the laundry gardening those kinds of things are essential for our bodies so I'm trying to get people to add a hundred minutes of movement to their week so that could be you know five 20-minute walks with friends walk breaks I often counsel clients to get a headset and when they have calls I have them trigger themselves to stand up until it becomes a habit where every time the phone rings they stand up and they pace during their calls because we need to not be in this position for so many hours a day we have restricted blood flow to the legs we have a lower heart rate things that don't help us so movement exercise is just a hundred minutes of exercise again I'm coming from a gentle move from maybe no exercise into a hundred minutes in a week now that could be just three thirty thirty five minute sessions during the week of you know getting that heart rate pumping and starting to stress the muscle you know skeletal system you know gently starting that and then pressing further with that once that becomes your habit and stress so a hundred minutes of stress relieving exercises so that could be learning to meditate for 10 you know 10 15 minutes a day that could be getting massaged that could be even yoga some restorative yoga that relieves stress it could be reading or knitting people just don't understand the stress response in our body and we are in horrible environment at this point right they they estimate even just the lighting in most of the large you know big-box stores is so stressful to our system that we are in a huge fight you go into Costco fight or flight the entire time like though just that particular type of lighting so in the fight-or-flight scenario very simply your body is grabbing a tiny bit of fat to power your run away from whatever danger is coming your way once your body grabs that tiny little bit of fat your entire system says all boy we're losing our body fat we got to make her hungrier so she eats more so we can restore that body fat so that we're safe if the nuclear winter comes right so your entire system if we don't learn to kind of quell the stress response we're gonna keep being driven to overeat driven to overeat driven towards high-fat high-salt high sugar foods because those are the ones that release the serotonin and get the stress down so stress is a big piece and sleep which I think is again another place that most people especially you know working one-to-one with people we're like a mess and that is when we detox that is when our bodies kind of restore and get ready and renew and if you miss sleep you're going to be hungrier you're gonna have about a 30% gap between this ghrelin and leptin right so ghrelin tells you to go eat leptin tells you to stop eat we got a big gap there and ghrelin is winning when you haven't had enough sleep so those are the pillars that I'm really trying to get people to think about I was trying to expand the conversation right so all the other diet companies are really just talking food that's all you hear here's your here's your food system like oh my god like that's like one little tiny piece kind of really interesting that you're also super involved in like wearables and Technology and stuff like that what are things you think people should be tracking what are wearables or I know you've got this really interesting scale that you got involved with which is fascinating like what are some of the the cutting-edge technology things that people would do to further themselves in this journey yeah I've become really passionate about technology because when you're trying to break habits technology can be that great trigger right your phone can trigger new habits so I you know at the very smallest level you don't have to buy anything your phone is tracking your steps for you as long as you have it on you I think tracking your steps even for a short amount of time is so important right so we go back to that movement pillar the majority of people are walking between three and five thousand steps in a day which is unbelievably low unbelievably low right that's just like almost not moving at all and I give like a whole outline of a woman in the in the book of like her day and she was like no I'm so busy I'm oh my god no I'm on my feet all day when we really attract it she was on her feet for like 12 minutes cuz she's in look yes she's busy she doesn't have five minutes to herself but she's jumping from one thing to the Train she sits on the train then she goes to the office then she sits at the office and she comes home when she drives her kids for two and a half hours so people are busy but they're not moving so I think understanding that you're not moving even though you think you are what's the number of steps you think give us a day in four we aim for 10,000 secretly I'd love 12 I mean we are Moo we're meant to be moving and there's so many as I say little ways that you can get this in but again creating habits around it you know I have so many people who just you know they're it's just their habit to jump in the car and drive to the train even though the trains only 0.5 of a mile and so we you know kind of working on like that baby steps right we kind of start to leave the house 10 minutes early you know like getting you to think like okay this is a non-negotiable I'm gonna do this or I'm gonna get out one train stop early or whatever it is so secretly about 12,000 I think tracking your sleep is fascinating it's really important because I think again people like now I'm good and then they realize like that these little things are getting in their way you know they're getting on their phone right before they go to bed and they're getting wrapped up in social media and then they're getting stressed out because she's doing better than me at work and I'm falling apart oh my god and then they don't fall asleep or the quality of their sleep isn't good so understanding that and changing I would say like the two biggest places I work with people are their nighttime and their morning time habits right so we we look at that and say we leave that phone downstairs at 10:00 and we go upstairs and there's just no more getting on to social media or something like that can be like this very impactful thing again I didn't talk to you about food we just moved your phone you know like and that impacted the way you ate the next day so tracking that I think really interestingly I think you know tracking your exercise and some of these new these new programs that are emerging things like an orange theory where they're helping you to understand and tracking you know how many times you're showing up there you know what is your heart rate and what is your max heart rate and they're helping you in a really user-friendly way to understand things like peloton I mean changing the world to be able to gamify and make a community in your own home I mean this is what I saw worked at Weight Watchers this is this is community support and accountability I think food tracking is completely unnecessary and is not realistic I you know I came from 12 years at Weight Watchers where their number one thing is you have to track your food it wasn't one person like barely like one person did that because it's simply just not realistic it's very difficult it's very you know you're like oh how much how many beans were in that salad I'm not sure see there's a lot of guesstimating and I think guesstimating throws people off and makes them feel like they're not doing a good job so they quit it anyway but just knowing what you're eating and looking at portions and changing your plate size for me way more impactful than ever counting your calories and in some way shape or form so I would say don't don't worry about that I encourage people to weigh themselves on a scale that's tracking more than just your weight so body fat lean mass inflammation any you know scale that will you some more metrics so that as you're losing weight because it will become moments where the skill goes nowhere but you're dropping body fat right as we add exercise and things like that I used to see this at Weight Watchers all the time someone would come in and they'd say so excited I added exercise this week I'm gonna really lose weight and they would not lose weight because they're inflamed of course and that would throw them so badly that they would then quit because they're like wow so I I do everything right plus at an exercise I guess this doesn't work I need people to understand their physiological body a little bit better and that you know when you add exercise you're in in an injury State and your body will rush fluid around those injuries and you will appear to have gained weight on a traditional scale but you will see begin to see okay oh the inflammation or the water content in my body is high right now but my lean mass is getting higher so I'm doing something right so you start to see new ways of just a scale is a really poor tool I have people weigh in I'll do like a 30-day weigh-in challenge and we track that weight because I want them to see that you know you can do everything right in a week but during the course of the week you're gonna be all over the place we hope that by the end of the week we're somewhere in a downward trajectory seeing a new low at some point during the week it could be on Tuesday it could be on Thursday don't know right so you need to be understanding that day in and day out fluctuations can't be your reason that this isn't working because this is a very complex machine so really getting to know it so I press people to to get to know it really really well how does your body lose weight pretty much everyone I've ever worked with they have their own pattern I have one woman she is awesome and she's just killing it she's doing all these great behaviors and she's really do it and she just holds tight and then all of a sudden like two weeks later she'll drop like four pounds out of nowhere but that's her pattern that's the way her body lets go of weight so everyone really has different patterns and styles in which their body becomes feeling safe enough to let go of some weight you mentioned the scale it's called the shape of scale and I been consulting for them because they have a scale that's the that doesn't have any numbers you never see a number because those numbers as I said before can throw people so now when you step on the scale you simply are given a color in a gradation to let you know if you're moving in the right direction or if you're not moving in the right direction and you're giving a chronological age to let you know like what your health and it's reading seven different indicators when you step on so you you can get over your fear of the scale and get into the habit of stepping on something every morning because what we now know is just the act of stepping on a square on the floor in it actually informs your behavior for the rest of the day how crazy is that it's because you said to yourself I care enough to just to just do this for me and I think that that says well why don't I have a good breakfast I got on the scale why don't I have a good breakfast so if those numbers make you crazy this scale I think is a really lovely and gentle way to get into the habit of stepping on something and then you have the opportunity to kind of flip over and see those numbers if you become ready you'll see your entire history and you'll be able to kind of like loving gentle again loving and gentle move into this place that has a much better dialogue technology is gonna be that thing that turns the tide on this the between you know take a peloton type technology where you're creating community and you can do this right from your home you can meet people across the world you can see your stats you can have all of this recorded between that and you know now then you if you want to you can have your groceries delivered online so you don't have to go to the grocery store and get tempted by all the things in the aisles and you just have it you know all delivered to you technology is gonna be a great a great game-changer as we continue to go forward and begin to kind of collate it into one place right now it's very disparate I think but there's gonna become this moment where it all comes together and that's where I want to be so yeah I totally agree yeah all right before I ask my last question tell these guys where they can find you online yes so you can find me at Liz Joseph's burg on all social platforms and we have a great website for target 100 as well where you know my goal with target 100 was not to keep this a secret that's why the entire formula is on the cover of this book my goal in life is to help people so I have a website designated where all of the rules the program are there with videos from me and some of the worksheets are there where you can just kind of like go and check this out and see what it's all about so target 100 program comm Liz Joseph's burg on all of the social channels as well love it all right my last question what's one change that people could make that would have the biggest impact on their health hydration yeah if you just said I'm gonna start drinking more water today the impact on your health would be incredible as they say that's the one that blows people's minds you will feel better you will have more energy your skin hair nails everything will be better so I would say trigger the behavior though right it's not gonna happen from you listening to this podcast it's not gonna happen you're going to have to intentionally set those triggers up and have that become a new habit for you alright guys I think that last answer really sums up what I think is so magical about her everything she's coming from a very simplistic very doable day-in and day-out approach that's gonna have that impact on your health you're looking for I was refreshed in a thousand different ways with how accessible her information is how relatable her story is and how much she's really looking at what works so whether it's approaching things mentally instead of just talking about food over and over and you get that sense of history that she's been through it that she's gone in her own weight loss journey either started when she was a kid and really didn't talk about this but starting as a receptionist at Weight Watchers and working her way all the way up to being an executive in the company being a spokesperson it's really pretty extraordinary she worked in every element of that and stepped out on her own based on the things that she learned to really create something that has that breadth and just reading the people on the back of the book our vow Qing forward to some pretty extraordinary people saying some amazing things about her and the program so if you have any interest in a new way of approaching weight loss as as much to do with the mind as it does to do with the body I highly recommend this if you haven't already be sure to subscribe and until next time my friends B and legendary take care you so much hey everyone I hope you loved that episode now I want to take a quick second to share about our awesome friends at butcher box butcher box delivers 100% grass-fed and grass-finished beef free-range organic chicken and heritage breed pork straight to your door every month when it comes to cooking it is really hard to find high quality meat that you can actually trust and with what Lisa's gone through I've realized just how important it is that the food you eat is raised and sourced properly and that's why Lisa and I are so passionate about butcher box every box comes with at least nine to 11 pounds of meat and that's enough for 24 individual size meals and the ship for free nationwide except for Alaska and Hawaii sorry guys we have an awesome offer for you right now to give butcher box a try get $20 off your order by using the link in the description below that's $20 off enjoy and be legendary thank you guys so much for watching and being a part of this community if you haven't already be sure to subscribe you're going to get weekly videos on building a growth mindset cultivating grit and unlocking your full potential
Channel: Tom Bilyeu
Views: 1,339,114
Rating: 4.8156962 out of 5
Keywords: Tom Bilyeu, Impact Theory, ImpactTheory, TomBilyeu, Inside Quest, InsideQuest, Tom Bilyou, Theory Impact, motivation, inspiration, talk show, interview, motivational speech, liz josefsberg, habits, habit patterns, anatomy of habits, why we do what we do, butcherbox, weight loss, how to lose weight, weight watchers, nutritionist, nutrition, health, health show, health theory, melt away fat, weight loss secrets, weight loss tips
Id: YuR51ktq1k8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 3sec (3303 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 21 2019
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