Fishing Straight Braided Line

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what's up guys let's talk a little bit about braided line you know there are situations where braided line will outperform fluorocarbon and monofilament and i'm going to give you guys four situations where i make sure i have straight braided line both on power fishing and finesse fishing to help put the odds in your favor there are certain situations where the benefits of braid will outweigh the negatives and i'm giving you guys four situations here both power fishing and finesse let's start off with one of the most basic that pretty much everybody knows about and that's punching you know when you're punching heavy cover you absolutely want braided line you want to end that fight as soon as you can you want to get those fish out of that vegetation braided line will help saw that grass to be able to get that fish out of there that's a situation that you absolutely want braided line i'm typically 65 pound braided line ounce and a quarter to ounce and a half sinker you know that uh four alt super heavy cover cover super heavy cover hook by gamakatsu um and of course my beta choice is that missile baits d-bomb you know 7-4 heavy action extra fast tip saint croix legend extreme is of course my choice there or longer depending on what you're most comfortable with but of course when most of us know that but braid will absolutely benefit you especially when you're punching heavy cover like that so you know let's talk about a few more situations where braided line will absolutely benefit you you know in darker water especially you know we're about to you know our elite series season's about to kick off in south florida a lot of water in florida is very dark it's clear clean it looks clean but you can only see your bait down a few feet um if that i mean it's it's very in the visibility still low but the water is very dark that's where you can get away with braided line right here and i like to throw like this six and a half inch quiver by missile baits right here up very shallow you know there's a couple of different reasons i like braided line with this application right here when the fish are extremely shallow like that i throw this with a very small weight texas rigged you know either a 1 16 or an eighth ounce which is on here and that braided line will actually slow the rate of fall braided line remember floats rather than fluorocarbon sinks so this is a situation when the fish are very shallow especially when they're spawning i like to use straight braid in this application especially when the water's really dark um because you know the uh the line tends to vanish in that really dark water and i always take some take a marks a lot and i mark out a couple of feet above the line as well because it kind of disappears as it goes down into that dark water but you know weapon of choice is that of course legend extreme saint croix 7 1 medium heavy fast tip but especially when they're really shallow you can be very stealthy with this approach with that very small weight and that braided line will actually slow the rate of fall and you get an incredible hookup ratio right there so let's talk a little bit about the finesse effect you know when you're really finessing fish what i mean finesses small baits small profiles spinning tackle and there are certain situations where i'm going to want to use straight braided line to put the advantages in my favor let's talk about one and one of my favorite ways to catch fish and one of the ways that's put more money in my pocket in my career is of course that weightless wacky worm that missile baits 48 right there especially when you get down to places like florida where you have really dark water or the conditions are very dark real low light super cloudy especially early in the mornings late in the evenings that straight braid will actually shine because you know braid has no give to it you know you get a really good hook in that fish um and you're able to land most of that fish especially if you're going to eight pound fluorocarbon leader which i do sometimes in really clear water high bright skies situations but when i'm if those fish are super super shallow i like a really slow rate of fall which that braid is going to help you with but that little missile baits 48 on straight bait on straight braid especially when you have dark conditions can really shine but again i black out with a marker a couple of feet above it so it blends in and i like to stick to that high vis green because that is a line watching technique you need to be able to see that line when a fish grabs it your line will jump you'll know he's there and of course i use that size two gamakatsu g finesse stinger hook with the titanium weed guards right there that thing is absolute money seven one um saint cory rods or seven foot st core rod's medium power fast tip is absolutely the ticket there but high vis and i'm typically 15 to 20 pound fluorocarbon i meant i'm sorry 15 to 20 pound high vis braid straight to the worm great hook up ratio incredibly sensitivity incredible sensitivity especially with this setup this rod with that line and especially that hook right there is just absolute money so another finesse technique that you don't see a whole lot is especially when i'm in thick cover what i mean an isolated laydown a lot of laydowns that are getting a lot of pressure from tournament fishermen as i like to throw a straight braid drop shot a straight bait braid drop shot and this is this is especially for heavily pressured fish these is you know you're in a tournament your midday you know a stretch of lay downs or a stretch of trees have been hit 15 times in a day and you want to show them something different this is where i really like to throw a straight braid drop shot with that little four and a half inch missile baits quiver right there um it's something they have not seen you can put it in front of their face and i like to go up to either normally it's a 20 pound braided line still the high vis grain and i mark you know a couple of feet either side of the worm off with uh with the marks a lot that way you know it kind of blends in with the water there but it's giving those bait a present it's giving those fish um a presentation that they have not seen yet it's very subtle in action keep that braid on there and i know you think 15 or 20 pound braid you're worried about breaking but guys i can promise you 15 to 20 pound braid is extremely strong and once you put the hook in that fish i'm telling you this braid is strong enough to get them out of that cover and it's going to help you put more fish in your boat you know these are the situations where straight braid the advantages of straight braid can absolutely outweigh the cons of straight braid guys these are four situations that i go to that i have on my front deck almost any time of the year um but braid has a lot of advantages to it and it's just understanding when to use it and knowing why to use straight braid on your tackle to put the odds more in your favor to catch fish guys i hope this helps you put more fish in your boat if you have any questions shoot them in the comment i'll be glad to answer about rod selection line size hooks baits or whatever let me know and i hope i hope this you know helps you guys put more fish in your boat tight lines see you guys next time later
Channel: Derek Hudnall
Views: 2,464
Rating: 4.8571429 out of 5
Id: u3Tl9XYdkUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 42sec (462 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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