Fishing in Miami with NBA Basketball Players - 4K

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[Music] this morning I'm here in Miami with Quincy Acy Eppie Udo and Dewayne Dedmon if you can't tell their basketball players are huge compared to me and we're going offshore fishing for mahi and swordfish [Music] all right we got a sailfish on Quincy hooked up it's gonna jump you get a joke here we go there we go there we go oh yeah oh you're drunk oh no he's so nice in that room Oh Oh baby we gotta do this much we'll be over here no you get to get you get to good again daddy's here put this in your hip you're dead letting go like that there you go adapt in your single up and down get slow there just to keep that line tight getting stopped my tie to record a jump ring your area there is where these cool whoa normally we go quick where give you bait here we go just six time to take your time all right off we don't want to lose them we want to get the fishing a nice photo they come over over here come over here I feel like everything about his work force is real Bank oh don't worry man that's best fishing dude on the way out to the mahi grounds we saw a sailfish free jumping Nick pull the boat right up to it we casted a filter at it and then seconds we hoped it was insane there's another selfish with that we may hook another one right now this is this is by far the biggest fish your life right here no question I was being raised really come on there is oh yeah baby there's foxsports in the world oh yeah dude you selfish sometimes we have them get eaten by sharks you'll see the the shark come jumping on the water how to eat it nor with dark Makos you just what goes along no man keep rolling for oh yeah got let it roll your last fight Kristin army good about good so when that leader comes up I'm going to grab it go real gentle and trying crap that's fished by the bill I want you to just be ready and keep it but this state talk and I let go or the plates not over till I put like on the way over this are you tired dude these look at your Tigers I'm when I created this coming up we'll get them where you lower you hold a rods up the left you guys got stand up they pull the rod up high yeah there you go follow him over here he's in the back when he back to put up that's when you can read you can game in game line on them right there you go yep pull up slowly yep number deep down deep you got that big sale so he's like it's like one of a piece of plywood sometimes you know a little faster meat there you go if I keep active active exercise we're going to get it right now to eat where do we go he's done this fish is done you just just be down deep once again the surface it's over you're literally a pool is our look good yeah a number of them yep well let's have fish beat you dog here we go you guys print which we got these are very nice these legs I can get away to the whole boat you got him got it bill we got him all right here we go we got him oh boy yep remembered oh oh dang they open the belt amen we're done well Bonnie selfish baby well he's a little no I also Remora let's let him go let's let him go [Music] Quincy buddy first selfish ever I feel like that man I'm like lovely are you were pretty tired I'm tired I don't know if I got enough pretty participants or nothing oh yes you did come on you got it but it's all about the heart man you want it man true wanted to UM before your fight all right I like it man we're getting some more dude we get some money now all right that was pretty sick though I wasn't expecting that the music I didn't expect if you can have free jumping dude I was crazy I was here there's a little sore thing here is our gym and we get on the boat you never know ah he'll be good man up again look at the mahi did we got three birds right here feeding we're gonna put some live bait keep it some bio diesel ready see you see FishHawk tracks we're at Nikki see them I think you telling you Tommy I don't think so dude it's awful actually hey Don here we are Marnie our mahi on there we go no fish on we're in the mahi week everybody other side wake everybody up inside all he's jumping he's jumping there's more here behind the boat they're everywhere there's mommy everywhere away always jumpin each other oh my oh my he always jumping all over God all the got a fishhook Hey Dedmon look at fish hey ready watch ready Ollie got it there you go fish on Dedmon whoa got you got you got a real true yeah so called blue he is no.1 he'll watch pretty much he's gonna change colour suam hold and watch this blue right now you get a turn he's gonna turn green watch so he's turning green Lola look still he's turning green look at that isn't that cool all right got the ring right there well you gotta go to system ah he's in a distant second guys watching the second oh you're getting up get into a board get in now my boy right there here that good Michael once you keep your else away from up this well yeah girl right here just it's okay that's a good thing on our way out to the store prescribes we found some birds and a lot of these mount here here but they're shorts we're going to probably move on here and look for some bigger fish it's a hill swordfish will eat anything you drop down a twirl to eat it I mean anything [Music] now we're going to attach to swordfish lights ahead of the big tower up you go the first light I'll do to top 15 feet steps and then the second leg about another 25 feet up and these are pressure sensitive Liferay they activate with pressure rate water water Suez my wet hands the contacts cause them to light up there these lights can withstand enormous pressure because we would be dropping to be all the way to the bottom in 1,800 feet of water to attach the surface light to the line we have a snap swivel and a bridle then we'll do is we'll wrap the bridle band around our main line about eight to ten times and then back on to the snaps level and then it's not slow we'll get snapped around your main line this way we can reel the light all the way up to the tip and pop it off and pop it off correct and it will just slide up our main line there are ten pounds stick plant the time student we have a long line clip there's a spot on our main line that has a floss loop it's where we'll attach it not a hundred feet from our big ready to send our RJ boil break meal we're going to take a look and see how it swims and we'll send it to the bottom swimming rally nice yeah I think 30 man yeah please good to go he's going to eat it alright here we go 1,800 feet straight down that's the wind down leader it's going off right now and then we got all braids you need two braids because there's so much current out here you need to reduce the scoop you use mono here you'll never get the bottom if you point it off the bottom and there we go with this 80 pound break bottom has bottomed 2200 so right now we've hit my item and we're coming up another 100 revolutions or so and then we're searching there's a bill whack it would be that beyond real habitat bad dude [Music] there's no on there dude now you want to talk back down not hit bottom our guys are getting kind of hungry so we're gonna start heading back game we got the big sail we got some mahi unfortunately Hilda swordfish to take a lot of patience you gotta spend some time here to get a big swordfish but we'll be back over here we get to do some more swordfish videos we're going to head in so put some more mahi and then go back to the dock [Music] [Music] we're back here the dock we had a great day guys tell us how it was autumn from song Milo's big sailfish we got some mahi you guys cut your first fish ever right you just played for years so what was your first fish characters catfish always a little crumb little crappie W you where'd you get a goldfish at you would movie you need a medic common another fish tank oh no seriously goldfish is that it catfish hi so today was a big step up definitely is different for these two on the probe hit the pro on the actually cut the biggest fish right I'm sorry full small average here's selfish data does this with my first boo-boos first first he'll fish who do we were looking for another one another is swordfish but that was a pretty boring you guys even fell asleep while we're doing that you guys with a hot out here as you know I got to write you guys were literally passed out all of you inside completely passed out make sure you guys go and follow these guys on social media links are in the description also big shuttle to Wilmer Jackson from special sports management we're putting this all together his links are also in the description and huge shout out to double threat charters for hooking us up with this awesome boat and the day of fishing make sure you guys go follow them if you want to book a trip check them out hope you guys enjoyed this video and we'll see you next time black tip h fishing is brought to you by Shimano Rob tongs designed for you created for the outdoor and su decor nutrition [Music]
Channel: BlacktipH
Views: 2,378,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fishing, Miami, NBA, Basketball, Players, Saltwater, Ocean, Rod, Reel, Line, 4K, Offshore, Saltwater Fishing, Offshore Fishing, Quincy Acy, Dewayne Dedmon, Ekpe Udoh, Mahi, Dolphin, Swordfish, Dorado, Sailfish, Billfish, BlacktipH, National Basketball Association
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2017
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