FISHING, CLAMMING, &MUSHROOMING at Camp | Cooking it All Together

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this video is sponsored by mizin what's up guys welcome back to another episode of outdoor chef life i'm taku and if you guys have been following along on our journey throughout alaska uh we are actually on our way back down uh back home and we are now in washington i'm here with jordan from addicted fishing sorry i can't help myself but yeah look at him fish everywhere that's little that's little everybody little says hurry up and cast we're from addicted fishing and we're super happy to have him come meet up with us super excited to fish with you because anytime i need tips on fishing for salmon steelhead things like that these guys are the ones to watch on youtube well i must say too it's just a little compliment back dude you've been an inspiration to my cooking game i kind of bring my stuff we do a lot of catching cooks too but this is the man so i'm really happy to be out here and learn thanks man i've become a better chef let's do it brother let's do it oh yeah so almost see the dorsal fin sticking out of the water yeah it's super shallow right past us yeah yeah and i can't get it in there and not be stuck on bottom or in the brush fast enough oh i have uh i have stuff that you guys already sent me too some smaller stuff those might just work this is uh addicted fishing gear fishing gear they have a lot they have they sell them out in walmart even and they sent me some a few months ago so i already have some yeah we have all kinds of new awesome products coming out all the time barbless hooks here so you got pins to barb down make sure even if it's a barbed hook as long as you pinch it down with pliers and you can't feel anything going upwards it should be good so right now it's incoming tied you can see it's getting it's gotten a lot deeper uh we only got here 30 minutes ago it's already the water is coming up a lot so we're not going to have too much time to fish because we got to get out of here before the time tide comes up too high or else we'll be stuck out here but after this we're going to go oh my gosh that's all fish over there and he just saw him on the surface just blah blah all right let me cast over there towards them after this we're gonna go find somewhere to camp for the night and we're gonna be also looking for some mushrooms later too hopefully we can find some now this should be the time of year they should start popping up and let's see we also might try some climbing tomorrow uh yeah in washington parts of washington you can climb all year round look at them all there's so many of them fight it had one hit come on here we go here we go come on oh my god they were like running through my line it's just saying he's laying right on him come on all right so we're heading back up to our cars and uh this section of the river you're not allowed to fish but you can see there's so many fish in here just swimming up making their way up to spawn so that's what we're fishing down at the mouth back up [Music] right now we are looking for a little campsite or somewhere we can stay for the night and we can kind of hike around that area and look for mushrooms too we're on a forest service road right now so it's a bit bumpy uh it's all dirt roads gravel you know but the van's been handling that kind of terrain uh perfectly fine and uh yeah he rocks back and forth a lot but yeah it's it's uh it's holding up all right guys we are going to check this little area for some mushrooms a little dry but uh hopefully the ground's moist enough it's very cool that the whole forest floor is covered in moss where do you see this mushroom we found him everybody we're just coming through here we've really gone like 100 yards from the truck yeah we both knew this is exactly we both were driving by and i was driving slow and talking slowed down and i looked over and we just knew we had to come in here this is just such perfect habitat it's perfect little size too little little guys oh look at that chanterelle look at the veins underneath you can tell there's no gills it's just veins and this is solid like this is a nice fresh one all right let's get this other guy too um yeah yeah yeah i was putting it yeah breathing bags yeah let the spores out yeah i think i might yeah let's find some more all right justin where are they at whoa december this is little he's a good boy he's a good boy all right find some find some mushrooms okay wait hold on jordan's walking walking ahead too much we got a bigger one down here oh look at that it's a full meal deal let's see let's check him out yeah nice one there you go hey that's a beauty what do you think little good do you approve yeah it's a bit drier than uh i would like it if we're looking for mushrooms uh but obviously we got a couple of them so there are there are still some here but i bet you within the next next rain a few days after that this place will be loaded okay so i did find a mushroom not a chanterelle but it looks so sort of like a chanterelle check it out you can see that it has this like funnel shape like a chanterelle and the color is pretty close as well the only difference it's got gills these are gills and i think this is a jack-o'-lantern which is a look-alike to the chanterelle but uh poisonous so you don't want to eat that although there are a ton of wild edible mushrooms there are also kind of poisonous mushrooms as well and a lot of look-alikes uh the ones that look like the edible kind but actually they're poisonous so you gotta really be careful picking wild mushrooms make sure you know what you're doing and make sure you're 100 sure before you consume any wild mushroom well we have found ourselves at a nice little campsite here just off of the uh forest service road so it's free camping uh if you're on a forest service road by the way if you didn't know that yeah that's a great way to you know camp for free uh yeah so we got this little setup right here jocelyn's mosquito net got the bed and got the addicted truck over here so yeah we're just gonna hang out maybe go look for more mushrooms just chilling for now so jordan's gonna be fellaina sam in here but uh didn't actually catch it uh go go to addicted fishing channel uh links in the description below watch their video to find out how they got that i cut it with my bare hands but we're doing a little catching cook tonight so if you want to see the masters recipe you're gonna have to come over to our channel addictive fishing and check it out check it out [Music] all right guys we got dinner just a little seared salmon some wild mushrooms and pasta no big deal you know [Laughter] feel free to get more pasta and we have more salmon too we'll see you guys in the morning see ya [Music] well good morning guys we had a beautiful night a great night of sleep clear skies it's beautiful out and these guys just slept outside last night uh with the tarp over them pretty cool setup too you guys are all ready to go already got the waiters on i want clean clams i want clams so we're gonna try to get some clams shiny new rig let's get this thing dirty let's do it okay we're here at the climbing grounds beautiful mud flat really big there's some people out there already very low tide today get our clams so throughout washington there's parts you can clam currently and there's also parts you can't so you got to look up the regulations on their fish and game website and make sure that you have a state fishing license so we're in washington right now so we made sure we have our washington license we got ourselves a little keeper here nice little manila manila clam nice nice oh these are good jackpot right here we hit the clam jackpot i'm trying to oh yeah man this place is bountiful it is amazing so cool just walk out here pick up clams kind of all simulates the same part of the brain yeah i mean like you got to harvest you have to work for it yeah you have to find it oh good one this little harvest took probably about one minute jordan's raking and i'm just picking him up as he goes perfect teamwork so we're gonna actually um go backwards too let's go backwards and like fill our hole too yeah just make sure when you're clamming you've got to fill it fill your hole as i go [Applause] make sure there's no no big ones that i missed there's a ton of little ones here too it's so pebbly and they just kind of match the environment it's pretty cool how nature does that everything in nature kind of blends in to the environment and clams are doing the same exact thing we want to keep this environment exactly the same exactly the way we found it all flat not all bumpy so we're going to fill the holes back up and we have enough clams for our meal today uh we're not even taking anything close to our limit just a small layer of clams in the bucket and that's all we're taking today and just need enough for the for the lunch later and right now we're gonna go fishing let's get fishing all right we're back out at the same place as yesterday and uh we have a lower tie today so we should have a better chance we're kind of late yesterday so what i'm going to try is actually using the spinner right now and i'm just going to toss it in there it's super shallow it's only like 6 inches to 12 inches deep here so i'm just gonna put it in the current kind of swim it right in front of their face so if it's in the current it'll kind of stay in place so we'll try to make them bite like that get out get out of the water nice buck nice boat really nice back and they were just charging through there everybody it's crazy how they can hit that jig in such shallow water but i think it's just it's just got that that fall wow look at that thing so amazing [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] that's a good one [Music] i heard about this this area even from a random person on the side of the road a random addicted fan was like hey have you ever fished this just like the creator for that one that's awesome awesome fish oh that one's it ain't going right come on that's a good one that's a good one oh just just just came along nice mail nice mail thank you little a little think it up huh yeah look at this beautiful coho approved little you approve yeah you look at him yeah he's gonna be tasty huh all right we got one guys awesome all the male salmon they all get like this hooked jaw and it gets more hooked as they go up the river so right now it's kind of you can kind of see the start nice and chromed straight out of the salt water so here in washington you have to fill out a catch record card right away right after you catch it and if you don't they'll give you a ticket for it this is the most insane and weirdest type of fishing just this small river kind of streams that are that appear during low tide during high tide this is all covered so you can't even stand here right and all these fish these are mostly hatchery fish it's like literally like a video game you just watch them come by and just try to switch right in front of their face and some of them most of them won't take it but i've gotten just a couple to bite but jordan's really much better than me at it he's gotten a lot and look at all you see it's all in the mouth there what an epic day of doing a little fishing do a little clamming so fun being out here it's beautiful it's amazing the weather is perfect couldn't be better so now we're going to go find a nice little spot to do a little uh cook for these salmon and the clams chip in there yep do you mind if i take the snout go for it this is just some of them that have the chip yeah not all of them have it that's the one it's like a metal detector practically oh yeah it says like where it's been where it came from mostly and uh the age is what they get out of it and then i take the length already here's that back to you awesome thank you so much you're welcome all right guys now we are at this beautiful campsite where we will cook our salmon and the clams but before we do that a little word from our sponsor today mizin and today we're sponsored by this misen stainless steel skillet which is a amazing stainless steel pan it is great for everything let me tell you a little bit about mizen mizin offers premium kitchen tools at a very affordable price and they believe that better tools make for a better experience in the kitchen and i couldn't agree with that more i've been using it for the past couple months and love it and what makes it awesome is that it's a five layer stainless steel skillet it's got two outer layers of stainless steel and three layers in between so this pan has the perfect blend of stainless steel and aluminum so it's the outer layer of stainless steel with the aluminum core which makes the heat distribution in the pan very even and so everything cooks perfectly evenly every time and it's perfect for any kind of cooking even if you want to start on the fire put it in the oven it's safe in the oven up to 500 degrees fahrenheit so you can pop that baby right in there personally i've been doing a lot of searing with it searing a lot of fish different types of fish i've done tuna where i seared the outside of the tuna and just getting a nice crust on the outside and having that raw center and we're today we're gonna sear the salmon on here as well so let's get to it thank you mizin for sponsoring this video make sure to check out mizin and use the code outdoor chef live at checkout for 20 off your first purchase all right you can see the head is missing because uh one of the surveyors were there from um fish and wildlife and he took the chip out of there so get that beautiful color on that fish now i'm just going to trim off this piece so that's what i do there's so many ways to fillet fish and salmon especially so this is just the way i do it let's hold on to it and i just rub my knife all the way down and it just comes right off take that portion go one two three four so four sections from one fillet a couple different ways of portioning but we get the same amount four pieces here four pieces here this one we're going to sear these ones i freeze it and then we can use for sushi later it's easier to cut for sushi when it's portioned that way so i can just slice along just like that so i'm actually going to do two different recipes for the clams so if you guys want to see the second recipe make sure to check out uh addicted fishing it'll be on their channel all right let's cook the salmon first so let me show you guys how to cook a salmon or any kind of fish and make make the skin really really crispy this is the secret here you gotta get a couple rocks and i'm just gonna i grab them just from the river so i'm just gonna sanitize it on the fire so there's no germs on there and bacteria kill all that off first i'm going to heat up my pan as well olive oil let that pan heat up and this pan will heat up very evenly because it's got the five layers yeah i'm gonna season this first skin side just the skin side as well as some pepper [Applause] so nice and hot i'm gonna drop it in and normally the skin curls like that right so so to make the skin not curl you're just going to place that rock on there same thing with this one so what that does it's going to keep the skin nice and flat against the pan and that's going to give it that very very crispy skin that we all love so they do actually sell like a fish breast that's made for this it's just the weight that goes on the fish but why buy something when you got nature to give you the free version of it right so showing you guys this this is a hack right here and you can do this with all kinds of fish if you leave the skin on it and cook it you want that crispy skin okay the rocks can come off now after a minute they can come off this one got a little stuck it was a little hot so there you go and then now i'm going to season this side as well we also got these mushrooms from yesterday you guys remember that the fish is just about ready to flip toss these mushrooms in as well all right let's flip the fish look at that crispy skin it is so beautiful look at that that's what we want right there that crisp crisp and let's finish that off with a little bit of butter go ahead and baste that butter right on the fish [Music] perfectly cooked fish that's how you do it leave the mushrooms on top of there as well and we're going to go ahead and cook the clams in there so we've had these clams purging in water the whole time we were fishing so we're going to go ahead and make a little clam dish as well to go with that salmon i'm also going to crack open a beer because i'm really thirsty and let's give the clan some beer as well here they're already opening up look at that ready so they get a little bit of that salmon flavor that butter oil you know you can put garlic in there you can put onions in there a couple more pieces of butter look at them all opening up so quickly just a couple minutes that's all it needs all right guys we're going to plate this up put that salmon surround the salmon with clams and of course the butter sauce oh yeah oh wow look at that we're also going to add a little alaskan sea salt to everything and yeah that is done check that out we got the steamer clams with the coho salmon and the chanterelles from yesterday i love clams they are so good they're the perfect size that beer really gave it like a malty flavor yeah it's not just that wine like that kind of sour acidy taste it's a really malty nice flavor yeah oh that skin looks unreal i'm going to be like life unreal first bites the skin first bites the skin baby what an awesome day i feel so lucky to have found such a great spot on accident yeah you know that's amazing who would have thunk so i never been to that spot he's never been to that spot and i was like yeah i'm down to go wherever so yeah we just wanted to check it out and jordan say hey got this hunch let's get let's go to this spot and we looked off the bridge and there they were yeah it was amazing totally lucky totally blessed today yeah that was awesome so cool man shawn you want to try some come on sure yeah you can you can come and come into our video it's fine you can join if they don't let there in their videos here you go yeah try some clams we'll give you the smorgasbord bite sean this is sean addictive fishing camera man this is the magician behind the camera which is where all the magic happens so much flavor it is here's one yeah we'll make more anyways we'll make more behind the scenes yeah you know oh she had more mushrooms more mushrooms i know i know one more ring you got them really nice and crispy oh yeah that place go ahead sean get that go ahead go for it that place where we were at was insane habitat insane oh delicate i was gonna i'd have been cute hello would have been cute that was such a fun couple days man it was yeah well done you guys yeah thanks for your time yeah we really pulled it together good work in the middle of nowhere yeah all right well thank you guys for watching and thanks to mizin again for sponsoring this video you guys make sure to check out addictive fishing i'll leave a link in the description for both thanks for watching guys see you later peace you can try the ipa [Applause] [Music] salmon is phenomenal oh yeah [Music] you
Channel: Outdoor Chef Life
Views: 140,312
Rating: 4.9625244 out of 5
Keywords: catch and cook, mushroom foraging, catch clean cook, outdoor cooking, outdoor chef, salmon recipe, salmon catch and cook, forage and cook, clam dish, clam recipe, washington catch and cook, how to fillet salmon, how to cook fish, crispy skin salmon, addicted fishing, fishing for salmon, coho salmon, fishing catch and cook, catch n cook, foraging mushrooms, mushroom hunting, wild mushrooms, coastal foraging, catch & cook, mushroom gathering, PNW, pacific northwest
Id: BtcrEwdBLsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 15sec (1755 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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