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okay so this is where we are staying for the weekend check out our little cabin there it is got a table got like a heater thing there got one platform got this ladder and a loft up there and jocelyn and i will sleep up there super nice what's up guys welcome back to another episode of outdoor chef life i'm talking and now we are at this remote cabin on an island in alaska it's absolutely gorgeous out here there's a bit of rain today but we are here with matt and leah who are who run barnacle foods you guys might have heard of them before but yeah we've been in contact and here in alaska there's these remote cabins that people can rent out and it's quite beautiful and we are at one of them and there's no other cabins here it's just us on this beach and it's gorgeous and there's salmon jumping on the beach and there's crabbing opportunity right in front of here too so we're gonna enjoy this beautiful day we're probably gonna get oh there's a fish that just jumped right there let's get out there it's a bit rainy not too bad just probably pretty close to peak low tide here where are the fish we should see some jumping oh yeah yeah this tide is good dude i just got snagged did i i don't really want to break off yet it's a little too soon oh came off get something probably from that debris [Music] oh there's a fish nice there we go matt with the first fish what is it i want to see it alright guys this is matt from barnacle foods and we're out here together oh nice what is it what kind is that pink salmon pink salmon look at that nice first catch get pretty close huh how cool is this fishing from shore for salmon in alaska this is so cool i just need to get one not one oh no i didn't okay false alarm i think i was kelp i would have been perfect timing if i actually got one i think i'm just hitting the bottom there oh nope it just took it oh my god he just tasted it oh no it just took it oh my god he just kind of took a nibble at the about the lure and took off didn't get hooked all right we're gonna get one right now there's one there's one got one baby not too big oh it came off oh damn right when i was thinking about switching up the lure because nothing was committing to it i got a couple chases but nothing was committing but i just had that that guy on now so i'll keep it on for a few more casts oh shoot oh my god these guys are just jumping right in front of me just saying hello good morning these pink salmon bite pretty weird they bite and then they don't really take off so you don't really just feel kind of a weight at first got one got one yeah that was totally weird bite too whoa oh okay it doesn't really want to come in not that big but i think he's hooked pretty well this guy's got more energy nice oh wow wow wow i'm gonna tighten button down a little bit i only have 10 pound test leader so it's not very heavy this guy's about about a six pound fish no not even four pounds maybe all right let's land them male pink salmon right here all right i'm gonna let this guy go we could find a more silver one maybe a bigger one there he goes there he goes very nice all right we're gonna switch this up now we'll try a flying sea yep fish on i'm keeping down all right flying c second cast whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wants to run this is pretty fun it's decent 10 pound test oh you think it's critical oh yeah they are he's doing the death rolls huh silver salmon should we keep it yeah nice there we go got him on the flying sea it's slippery out here yeah that's a fun little fight there you go jocelyn got one let him run if he wants to run oh real but don't keep the keep the tension but if it's oh look at that he wants to oh he's going wild maybe it's a coho oh jeez he's going wild let me get over here there we go my gopro died mid-fight but jocelyn got it in good job there you go jocelyn with her first catch in alaska good job first salmon from shore this is pretty cool it's only my second salmon second salmon ever yeah i got this one it's also got this one both females i think and this one's a pink this one is a coho their faces are a little bit different they got a little more pattern the uh the pinks have a little more of those the wider dots on the back and the co-host not so much but we'll flame up later and then we're going to have some breakfast right now and we'll just go on to our next activity okay i'm going to fillet this fish now we just had a little breakfast delicious little smoked salmon and some kelp pickles on there and hot sauce and all of that good stuff if you guys want any of those kelp ingredients make sure to check out these guys barnacle foods gutted it and yep this one's a female so it's got a little bit of eggs in there just a little this one's a the coho that beautiful orange meat there nice go and we'll just leave these out for the bears one pro oh okay give me a try yeah fresh fresh we're gonna try jocelyn's uh pink salmon roll pops it's good it's not bad fresh flavor yeah very fresh very fresh you know a little pop to it not it's a very it's pretty mild flavor okay so we're on the big boat now you can see our cabin's over there that's the camera we're staying in and you see there's nobody else around got this whole little part of the island to ourselves now we're gonna head out on the big boat we're probably gonna do a little crabbing uh maybe a little fishing gonna grab some kelp uh and then maybe we'll try to find some wild strawberries too that'll be cool johnson's really looking forward to that one so you saw matt earlier from barnacle foods and then also we have leah here and yeah so they run barnacle and yeah they make some great products so they rented out that cabin for us and we're staying there together and yeah we are gonna go harvest some kelp right now so we can use that for our dish later looking forward to tonight we're gonna make a feast thanks guys thanks for having us thanks for coming along thanks for coming to alaska yeah what are we first some whales right now doing some well doing whale watching right now oh [Music] there it is there it is [Music] look at this guy just gliding along huge [Music] look at all the kelp all the bull whip kelp how can you tell if it's past the peak is the color yeah the color starts to get a little lighter brown oh yeah and that means they've dropped their reproductive story already [Music] harvesting kelp with the kelp people oh that's when they drop it huh that's their reproductive yep parts that they dropped the spots that are missing those holes are the sorry which hold all the spores yeah and so this time of year they're pretty well developed and so they'll drop that sorry when it floats down and shoots out billions of spores and seeds next year's help bed early summer they can put on a foot a day at least foot a day a foot a day yeah they grow up from 60 feet down sometimes and then they'll sometimes have fronds that go 50 to 60 feet out behind them so we grab it and we go down to where it starts to get about pencil width [Music] cut it hollow tube the stipe that goes to the pickles that goes to the pickles exactly yeah the hot sauce and then we got these gorgeous fronds that are delicate and dry up really nicely for all kinds of seasonings hirokake see how it tastes right now it's a little kaley tastes like kale oh yeah i get a cabbage yeah yeah this tastes good yeah it tastes good is there a lot of kelp farmers it's a brand new industry yeah um up here in alaska it's been around for many many years other places it doesn't require water yeah it doesn't require land doesn't require fertilizer so it's food food it's pretty amazing there's a few other foods that can boast all of those qualities and the nutritional and the flavor that kelp brings too we're stoked on bulk kelp yeah the stipe which is really unique to the bowl kelp which yeah you have to try as well yeah very crunchy and hearty it tastes or it has texture like an apple and so we chop that up and we use it in our hot sauce and our salsa pickles pickles you've made yeah you guys are making a lot of cool new products with kelp a lot of kelp recipes i think we'll be uh trying to make one of our own [Laughter] and if we can remove that carbon from the ocean well in the background then um we can remove it in a really renewable sustainable way so by farming seaweeds or by harvesting healthy wild kelp beds um in small amounts we're doing our coastlines a big favorite good favor so we gotta look for halibut next thing yep next activity next activity try to catch a holiday they're [Laughter] all right we are at our halibut spot now so we got a weight on there just with the leader 5 foot leader going to a herring we'll see if we can catch a halibut [Music] oh came off i think i don't think i have a 16 ounce weight so it's pretty heavy the weight itself but there's a fish on there all right turn the clicker off i was just about to put in the rod holder fish on guys first fish i don't think it's uh i don't know we'll see what it is i don't really know oh it's getting hit over there too [Music] oh it's a it's a whoa never caught that no god one of these guys look at that cool god that is a big god really gosh this is a good one yeah it tastes really good nice there it is first catch within three minutes of being in the water oh oh there we go oh here we go come on there it is there it is no hell of it yet dawson's bringing one up now let's see what this is oh rods are going off everywhere they run yeah yeah they don't they don't they dive straight down fish on oh no i jump right here no go ahead go ahead you take it take it no no no go ahead go go you got it you got him all right jocelyn's almost up he's almost up come on and see it and there's a halibut ah yeah you got a halibut all right oh yeah small yeah yeah oh this one's going off all right i'll take this one oh wait just leave it in the water jocelyn [Music] that's like borderline what we tend to keep but since we don't have any i think we should keep one little one [Music] the yeah that's a smaller one huh yeah definitely the chicken this is your classic chicken classic chicken maybe a pigeon chicken all right we're trying to decide if we should keep that or let it go and we'll see what leah's got on here she's got yeah she's got something nice on here exactly yeah it's coming up oh that's a halibut that's a halibut okay matt with the oh gap a babe it's it's good size it's a good eater thank you fish first talented good job i dropped it all the way back down and then brought it back up something small though [Music] oh another helmet another halibut yeah it's about the same size yeah we could let it go then yeah we'll i'll save my limit for a bigger one yeah yeah we'll let this guy go yeah we'll let him go see these these are pacific halibut and these are more diamond shaped than the ones we have in california which are california halibut more shape these guys little different species than what we catch and these guys get much bigger 100 plus pounds fishing in alaska is easy [Laughter] you just drop some bait downs not even that fresh and then you just eat everything oh yeah i was gonna use the salmon head we got yeah there it is that's yeah that's a nice one that's a good one yeah that's a good one i know you know when i saw when i saw you set the hook it looked like a good one it stayed down yeah you're doing a good job nice and slow here let's see what we're looking at oh yeah yeah oh yeah [Laughter] hold it up hold it up and yeah nice good work nice job yeah that's like that's a good size it's perfect perfect perfect eating sweet good job yeah so this is the coho salmon that i caught earlier and i'm gonna use this head as bait see if i could catch me a giant all right send it down oh oh yeah we'll play with this one sure there you go nice one sweet nice yeah all right guys we ended up getting four halibut and the pacific cod so successful fishing or on to the next thing we're gonna try to get some strawberries some wild strawberries okay so we left the boat over there took this little guy and now we are in bear country we're gonna go find some bears and some berries [Music] oh that's a big poop it's hacked pretty intact wow look at that oh yeah it's just gonna step on it cool that's big looks like he's eating grass you can see yeah it's very grassy yeah could you tell if it's a black or brown bear based on size um that looks to be a brown bear oh brother that's a big boy [Music] oh gosh strawberry all right let's see it done wild oh i found one let me try this one yeah i don't know why you brought the bags like they're all going well whoa if you let me have my leg oh that's great oh look at that more they have way more flavor than a store bought yeah for sure i say one goes in my mouth one goes in the bag but they're all going to enough good [Music] don't forget we're in bear country [Music] oh my god it's so sweet it's so good [Music] oh look at that epic strawberry picking yeah it's like the size of my head yeah i'm to eat all this at once oh my god just imagine the best strawberry flavor and multiply that times 10. and that's what these strawberries taste like holy okay we are back at the cabin we gotta collect some firewood start a fire try some dinner clean some fish let me know how i like to fillet my halibut if you haven't seen it so i'm gonna score all three sides here the tail and then the two the fins okay now go into that flush a little rain is starting oh heavy rain there we go now i'm at the spine go up the spine a little scrape the other side of the spine pull that fillet we're just going to peel away there's the halibut half of halibut once you get to this part it's really easy you just basically peel away at the fillet and just kind of carve away peel it just little by little there you go so matt and leah went to go see if they can find some firewood and also they went to drop a crab ring to see if they can pull up any dungeness crab really quick and but it's raining so hopefully we can cook on the fire [Music] she's making a drying apparatus for the kelp bushcraft [Music] then we are also going to make some paella but this is alaskan style paella just with the all the things we caught today we're not all of them but i think we're going to put some of the stuff in there [Music] and matt is back out on the zodiac and it sounds like he got a keeper so we got crab there we go he's got two keeper dungees nice so i was gonna put this uh halibut in the papaya but since he got the crab i actually chopped up chopped up this uh halibut and i'm going to add that into the coleslaw that should be really good i just did a taste test feel this halibut and gosh it's delicious it's so tasty it's super good great halibut straight halibut oh yeah that's good huh so good look at this crab running away making a run for it these are big dungys right here nice legal size was it legal sizes six and a half here six and a half yeah six and a half geez these are big seven eight eight and a half maybe oh my gosh that's a huge dungeon that is big this thing is freaking enormous oh my god look oh my god so much meat on that jeez so i just added some sea salt in there i'm also going to add some some of this right here and also the kelp that dehydrated kelp that they're making right now we're going to crush that up and add it in there mix it all up that'll be our uh the real coleslaw sort of like ceviche too because i put lemon juice in it and these guys these halibut is going to cook so it's more of a more of a coleslaw this is going to be awesome oh thank you all right here we go we're going to start the paella now got some sea salt some onions and garlic because why not this garlic is delicious tomato paste i added some tomatoes so some broccoli that we're putting in there and also the broccoli stems too because broccoli stem is the best part of the broccoli there we go all right we got the venison stock we're going to put that in now all right the stock is in i'm going to heat that up a little bit and add our main pie ingredient which is right here in my pocket which is a little bit of saffron this stuff is expensive but it'll be worth it it's so fragrant i'm just gonna yeah i'm gonna go for it put all of it in all right i'm going to add the rice you just add it directly to this and it absorbs all of the moisture so it's not going to be it looks like soup right now but when it's done there's not going to be any liquid and you don't want to stir it too much because you don't want to bring out the starch like risotto risotto you want to stir it a lot you want to bring out the starch but the paella is not like that there we go i think that should be enough rice nice yeah turn the heat up oh yeah oh yeah nice the crab legs we're gonna put that in there get the claw in there oh this is going to be so good all right that's pretty much all the crab that fits in there yeah i just took a sip of this and it tastes so good oh man that is awesome all right we're just gonna add this in oh there gosh there's good things happening in here all right go ahead cover it back up nice now we're just snacking on the dungeness crab and it's so good i don't know why this this is probably the best dungeness crab i've ever had right the texture is like it's different it's so good all right here we go i'm going to lift the uh lift the lid off see how look in here oh yes that looks amazing yeah that's going to be about done in one minute we're going to get the nice nice uh crisp on the bottom the socorrat and uh we'll be eating yeah there's a little bit of liquid left uh leah's gonna also add a little bit of kelp on top as well go ahead my specialty the kelp lady is kelp rings kill delivery delivery alaskan paella [Music] this one right in the middle yeah perfect [Music] okay guys it is time to eat cool i gotta check the bottom here oh yeah oh yeah perfectly smoky salt and we'll finish it off with some alaskan sea salt and perfect all right thank you for today guys it was awesome we caught so many things in such a short amount of time it was pretty crazy had enough time for berries berries will watch like i caught like four salmon in the morning you have to let them go i know i just let them go all right guys enjoy it's very good yeah i don't know why everything tastes fresher the water is cleaner this is glacier-fed water very true the freshest water you can have oh and and uh and the slaw is really good with the kelp it's a grilled kelp it's so good yeah smokey yeah mommy yeah this dungeness crab is it's pretty crazy how good it is and the dungeon crab back home is great amazing somehow this is even better all right guys we're gonna finish this up thanks for watching another episode what an amazing day if you guys haven't had any products from barnacle foods make sure to check them out i'll leave a link in the description they got pickled kelp they got hot sauce they they got kelp salsa and all kinds of kelp products that's you know they're actually like really delicious too so make sure to go go get one thanks for watching guys see you guys next time peace [Music] the campfire food yeah yeah you just like put whatever you think and it looks badass too it's good [Music]
Channel: Outdoor Chef Life
Views: 154,949
Rating: 4.9662495 out of 5
Keywords: Alaska, Alaska fishing, paella, catch and cook, catch n cook, catch cook clean, open fire cooking, outdoor cooking, Alaskan outdoor cooking, kelp, cooking kelp, How to use kelp for food, can you eat kelp, Salmon fishing from shore, Outdoor kitchen, taku, sushi chef, Asian guy cooking outdoors, outdoor cook, outdoor chef, chef life, paella recipe, island, remote island, catch and cook on island, paella recipe seafood, salmon fishing, cabin life, salmon catch and cook
Id: Ibmz5Et1Nnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 50sec (2390 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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